Caffery (The Drug Lord's Wife...

By awesomegal15

3.7M 125K 10K

Twenty-four-year-old Jennifer Faust is fresh out of college and excited to start living her life. She has it... More

Well it is Missouri...
The First Chance You Get...
Money Problems
Thank God for YouTube Tutorials
Seriously Now You're Going to Try and Be a Gentleman
Main House
Give Me Sanctuary
Well, Well, Well..
The Executioner's Office...
Thank God for Mississippi
So No Nudes..
Whole Lotta Woman
Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda.
Now We Can Talk
Good Morning
I Am
I was a Beyoncé song
My Word is My Bond
I'm Not Some Damsel-in-Distress
Always Here
O no
He Better Be Your Sugerdaddy
Beauty and Brians
Let Me Do This
How Dose That Work
The Call
I'm Sorry
Give Me a Break!
Are You Sure?
Never Enough, Until It Is
To Have and To Hold
It's Not Over


65K 2.2K 501
By awesomegal15

Chapter 34


We didn't make it back to 404 House until early the next morning. My phone had died long ago. Nate parked the car in front of the house and we hopped over the fence and walked into Brandon's house. We were both extremely tired. Nobody was here.

Weird, I thought Kairi would be excited for Christmas.

"Do you think he would care if I slept on the couch?" Nate asked.

"No, I don't think so." Not needing to be told again he quickly threw himself on the couch and tried to sleep. As I walked to Brandon's office I tore off the wig and took out the colored contacts tossing them in the trash. I made my way down to Brandon's office but didn't find him. I went through the wall hoping he would be at Main House. God, I wanted to get out of this dress it was pretty but it was kind of heavy. I opened the bookshelf door and saw everyone in Adam's office. Celine and Rodger sat with Kairi in front of the fireplace watching her open presents. Michael and Brandon sat on one of the couches and were messing with a tablet.

Did Brandon have a black eye?

Thomas was standing guard by the door and Adam sat at his desk. As soon as they heard the door open everyone's eyes turned to me. Adam was the first to reach me he pulled me into his arms and kissed me like he needed me as much as air. The kiss was deep, slow and rhythmic. He left no part of my mouth unexplored. So when he pulled away I was a bit dizzy.

He yelled, "What the hell were you thinking!" I had never seen Adam this upset before. To say he was upset was putting it mildly he was 1000% pissed. But, he didn't let me go so maybe not that pissed." Do you think you're invincible! You think you know better than me! You could have died tonight!" I leaned to the side of him and looked over to Brandon and said," Traitor" dryly.

Adam took my chin in his hand and led my head back to face his." Don't look at him! Look at. Me."

It has been a long night and I was not going to let him bully me after everything I had just gone through. I did look at him but I pushed him away too. I walked over to Brandon to give him the rubber ducky flash drive.

"Holy shit, you got it?" Brandon said.


Needing no more confirmation he all but skipped past me, to the bookshelf heading back to 404 House. I started to follow him but Adam grabbed my arm and said, "You're not going anywhere! Until you tell me what the fuck you were thinking. How could you be so reckless?"

"Hey, show the lady some respect" Rodger chimed in," She took care of business, show some gratitude".

Not liking that Adams head quickly turned to Rodger and said, "You don't get to tell me how to treat my fiancé. When I've seen you beat mom within an inch of her life. So stay out of my business."

Celine flinched; she was uncomfortable with the conversation. She picked Kairi up and walked out of the room.

Rodger threw his hands in the air and walked out.

Poor Celine. 

All she wanted was a normal family Christmas and she got this.

"What are you going to try and do? Beat me into submission? East St. Louis runs in my veins and I won't go down easy. I will bash your head in before I let you lay a finger on me in rage" I promised.

"No, I would never! I'm not him."

Tightly and frustrated I said, "I saw an opportunity I took advantage of it. I don't understand why you're getting so bent out of shape. I did this for you! Because seeing you stressed and hurt over what Sliske was doing to you hurt me. I'm trying to help you!"

He yelled back at me, "I don't need your help, if it means putting you self in danger."

"I'm FINE! I'm standing right here in front of you. Why can't you see that?"I shouted back.

"Because I love you." He said softly.

Not expecting that I said, "What?"

"I love you", he stated simply.

I was trying to rationalize what he just said."You don't even really know me. I've known you for like a week or so.

At that moment Michael cleared his throat and stood up stretching," Well, I see I'm invisible here sssssooooo, I'm just going to leave." And with that he left.

I crossed my arms and looked at Adam," You like keeping me, telling me when and where to go, determining who I'm going to hang out with and being in control of me. That's not love. I care about you and I know I could be falling for you. But I'm not at love yet."

He stayed silent.

"How would we even work? I would stay at home and be a housewife? A baby maker? I have so much more planned for myself. I didn't go through four years of college to just give it all up. I told you I wanted a partner in life, are you willing to be that? True partners and equals."

"I could be" he said in a small voice.

"Not could be, will be?"

Silence again on his part.

"You won't even tell me about your past just you don't want to think about it. You say you know everything about me, but do you really? My dreams my hopes? I can't say that about you." I turned to walk out the door, he let me, and I went to find Celine.

I grabbed her gift from under the tree and found Celine with Kairi on the balcony. I knocked on the door behind her lettering her know it was me. Kairi was playing out of earshot, "Merry Christmas" I said holding up the present. Celine sat in one of the chairs that lined the balcony, wrapped in her shawl. "Merry Christmas", she said with a sad smile. I came and sat next to her. We sat and stared at Kairi in silence for a moment.

Breaking the silence I said," Does Rogers still...?"

Sternly she said, "No, I swear. I told him if it ever happened again, once the boys were grown, I would leave him. He has never raised a hand to me since."

"I understand."

"Do you?"

"I've seen abuse, not in my house but I did do volunteer work at a women's shelter so I can empathize. I've heard the stories, I've heard excuses defending the abuse and blaming it on themselves, and everyone has a reason for staying. I'm guessing you had three."

"The boys don't understand and it's not their job to. I'm their mother I take care of them not the other way around. I know the boys think I'm weak." Her voice started to break," I didn't even think they knew. Ten years ago was the last time." She couldn't talk anymore like she was wrapped up in a bad memory.

"You are strong, and you are a survivor. You are stronger than all of them" I said.

"I can see the wheels turning in your head. You're thinking why did she stay? anything would be better right? I stayed because I've never worked in my life. Who would hire me at 30 with no work experience, no high school diploma and pregnant with my second child. I was raised not to believe in divorce no matter the cost. I stayed because I wanted my kids to go to private school and have the best of everything. I stayed so my children would have a father and not grow up in a broken home. But look where that got me. Broken, broken, broken."

I didn't know what to say to that. It was heartbreaking it was real.

"I forgave Rodger many years ago we've moved past it and we have grown into better people."

"The sacrifices you've made shouldn't go unnoticed. They're grown men now. You don't have to protect them anymore."

"I'll always protect them, when you have children you'll understand. I love my children; I love my husband, my granddaughter and now my daughter-in-law." She gave my shoulder a little squeeze and said," Is that for me?"

Wiping away the beginning of tears I said, "Yes, Merry Christmas, again."

She opened the box and found a pearl necklace with matching earrings. She looks like I just gave her the Hope Diamond.

"My Dad always told me you get the women in your life pearls for special occasions. I don't know if that's a southern thing or just our family thing. But, I wanted to share that with you."

"Thank you, I'll have to wear them tomorrow." She gave me a small smile as I left. 

I went back into the living room and got Kairi present and gave it to her. She quickly tore the paper and found the Santa girl costume and glow-in-the dark shoes for dance. Looking very excited she said, "Let's wear them, please! Please!" I wasn't going to deny her on Christmas so we changed into the Santa girl outfits and her heart almost burst out of her chest with excitement. I got Michael's and Roger's gift next. I found Michael and in his room lying on his bed playing on his phone.

"Knock, Knock", I said before entering his room.

"What's up? Did you break my brother?" Rolling my eyes I threw him his gift and started to walk out the door. When I had reached the door he said," You know I don't think he's ever said those words. Just FYI. If he says it he means it."

"My word is my bond" I said.

"Yeah, you're getting it! What did you get me anyway, little thing? Or should I say Naughty Misses Claus."

"I don't know, Michael open it."

Michael tore into the box like Kairi did unable to control his happiness. He opened the box to find the letter first that said 'Play a real game!' With a copy of all of The Uncharted games and pack of white shirts.

"I get the game why the shirts?" Michael asked.

"Because every time I see you in the morning you're naked put on a shirt!"

"Don't be silly, little thing, you know you like it."He winked at me and blew me a kiss."Merry Christmas Michael." I walked out in search of Rodger.

I found Rodger sitting in the study smoking a cigar drinking whiskey and watching the fire. I held up his present and said," Do you deserve this?" I sat in the chair next to him.

He stayed silent.

"I talked to Celine" that got his attention and he turned to face me. "She said it was in the past, that she's forgiven you and you've moved past it as a couple. Is that true?"


I handed him the gift to him, but as he reached to take it I pulled it back saying, "If I ever find out, you abuse her again Ill cut your fucking balls off in your sleep and watch you slowly bleed out. Understand?" He gave me a wet laugh and said," You and all my other kids. Your starting to grow on me kid. Tough as nail." I gave him the gift. He found a New England Patriots Jersey with Tom Brady's number. "Thank you, this is one of the best presents I gotten in years, besides Celine's."

"Merry Christmas, Rodger." I said.

"Merry Christmas, kid." He said.

I turned and walked back to the living room and got Thomas's, Brandon's and Adam's gift. Thomas had left early with it being Christmas, so I put his back under the tree. Not wanting to face Adam I walked to 404 House using the front door.

I found Nate passed out on the couch sleeping.

You have earned it, bitch.

I walked down to Brandon's office and found him blasting No Limit by G-Easy.

"Hey! Merry Christmas!" He couldn't hear me; the music was going to blow out my ear drums. I went over to his music stand and unplugged it.

He looked up from his desk, "Hey, I'm making art over here!"

"Ok Rembrandt, I got you this." I put the present on a near tray, "Did Adam punch you?"

"Yep" he yelled "He went to your room and found Kairi in your makeup and she told him you were going to a party. He put two and two together and knocked me out."

"I'm sorry", I said.

"Don't be, he did it"

He ran down the stairs with so must energy jumping off the last few stairs. "The best thing you could have given me is this." He said holding up the USB drive.

"Well, I tried", I said. He opened his gift and found a new dark grey leather jacket. He looked at me dryly. "I saw you only had one leather jacket so now you have two". His expression changed. "Thank you, but I like my jacket. Mira got it for me."

Adams girlfriend?

"Who is Mira?"

"My girlfriend or she was until she died" He said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know I--"

"Don't be, she was the best thing in my life until Kairi. Every day I get to see her in my daughter."

"That's beautiful".

"Yeah, but do you want to see something really beautiful."

"Sure", He led me up the stairs to his desk and showed me his computer with pictures of people, mug shots. 

"What am I looking at?

"All of the people you helped bust. Message sent; don't fuck with the Caffery house." There had to be at least 30 pictures up "and that was just in a few hours, I've got all day".

"What about Kairi?"

"We opened gifts at midnight she has been up for hours she will end up falling asleep by three", He went back to his hacking thing and I went through the wall back to Main House. When I got to the other side, Adams office was empty. I went to the kitchen and got a bottle of wine and two glasses.

Yup, you're going to need this.

I went to his bedroom empty. I tried the basement and found him in the car park cleaning one of his McLaren. He stopped when he saw me.

"Hey" I said holding out the gift, "I got this for you and this so we can talk openly" holding out the wine bottle.

"I think I was as open as I can be." He said taking the gift.

I put the glasses on the ground and poured some wine in them handing it to him pleading. "Peace offering then?"

He took it and turned back to his car leaning against it, putting the gift on the roof of the McLaren. "Since you went first, let me say I care about you more that any man in my life right now, expect my Dad he gave me life so , I'm getting off track. I want to love you, but I want to know you more. Really, know you. Like when you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up? And what's your go to junk food? What makes you smiles when you're having a bad day? Do you like kids or want kids? Fears? Simple things like that. I guess what I'm trying to say is I would like to date you in a consensual, monogamous, relationship built on trust and mutual respect".

Stupid shut up. Let him talk

"Again, I'm getting off topic. No one's ever asked me out and I've ever asked anyone out. Nate doesn't count. I'm super nervous, about what you're going to say and I'm going to shut up now."

Smiling he slowly started to walk to me, "When I was six I wanted to be a Power Ranger the red one. My go to junk food is McDonald's French Fries. Right now, you are the only thing that makes a bad day good but before you FIFA. As far as kids go Kairi is the only one I've been around and I adore her. Do I want kids right now? No, but I have a feeling that will change." He reached me and pulled me close." I was living a nightmare fueled on fear last night when I found out you had left for Sliske's."

"I'm sorry, I scared you but I'm not sorry I did it."

"I know and I love you for it. If anything that's the best Christmas gift anyone could have ever gotten me. Subpoenas to all of my enemy's. They'll all start backstabbing each other soon enough, thanks to you."

"It was a team effort" I said.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a diamond ring. It was beautiful with a swirling double infinity band covered in diamonds and in the center a 10 carat round diamond ring.

He knelt down and while putting the ring on my wedding finger said," Jennifer Renee Faust, will you do me the honor of dating me?"

Smiling and lightly hopping I said, "Yes!"

He stood and I all but tackled him to the ground he spun me around and then put me safely back on the ground. "This will be new, I don't normally date women." He said admittedly.

"Me too" I said.

He gave me sly look," You sure about that? Because, I saw you with Emily, love. It was hot."

"Ok, I'm going to go crawl in a corner and be embarrassed."I tried to walk away but he kept my hips close to him "How did you know?"

"Brandon's necklace, but it died shortly after that."

"Of course it did", and then I remembered why I even came down here, "Open your gift". He started to unzip my Santa girl costume. "Hey!"

"What?" He said innocently "You said open your gift."

"Hahaha, I'm not the gift".

"If you say so" he went to the car and picked up the box. He unwrapped it and saw a sliver Omega watch with 'Never enough, until it is' engraved on the inside. He took off the watch he was wearing and put it on. "Do you like it?" I asked.

"I love it, I've never bought Omega. Isn't it the James Bond watch?"

"That may have been the key selling point" I said.

He laughed and leant his forehead against mine. I stood on my tip toes to kiss him. I could have sworn I heard a growl. He kissed me with his soft lips, his hand running feverishly down my back side. I ran my hands over his chest. Then he picked me up and set me on the front of his car roughly. He quickly took off my panties. I started to undo his belt I can feel his erection begging to get through.


"You've got to be fucking kidding me", he said throwing his head back in disbelief.


"It's ok", I said snapping out of my own lust.


"No, it's not", He said pulling his phone out.

"Hey, Mom", Adam said.

"Darling, send Jennifer up and go to Brandon's for the night." That was Celine. She's becoming a cock blocker.

"Uummm why? I like my house, that's why I got it why would I want to stay at Brandon's?"

"Because it's the decent thing to do the night before the wedding. Don't worry you'll see her tomorrow at the altar it's just for one night. Please do this for your mommy."

Not happy Adam said," Fine" and hung up the phone.

"It doesn't matter if you're 6 or 66 you still have to listen to your mother." I said teasing him.

"You know she said she wanted me to leave she never said I couldn't take something with me." He said as he bent down and picked up my panties.

"Give me those you perv."

"Make me", he said.


He picked up the phone again, "Ok, ok, I'm leaving" then hung up again.

"I'll see you at the wedding; I'll be the one in all white. Bye" I said.

He kissed me on my cheek and said "Sweet dreams, love". He walked out of the garage and towards 404 House.

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