Promise | Glake

By GucciGlake

28.5K 1.8K 2.6K

"Promise me?" "I promise." More

❝ Mine ❞
❝ Thirdwheel ❞
❝ you look bad ❞
❝ Team Glake™ ❞
❝ Hickeys ❞
❝ Pinky Promises ❞
❝ I promised ❞
❝ Revenge ❞
❝ You're Okay, I'm Okay, We're Okay ❞
❝ Five Days ❞
❝ Blame ❞
❝ Someday ❞
❝ you're okay baby ❞
❝Songs for Blake❞
❝ nightmares ❞
❝ reminiscence ❞
❝ Richardson-Smith ❞
❝ trust ❞
❝ insecurity ❞
❝ partner in crime ❞
❝ Winnie ❞
❝break up❞
❝ Vance ❞
❝ Star Gazed Talks ❞
❝ Breakfast ❞
❝ Blake's Girlfriend ❞
❝ nothing ❞
❝ Without you ❞
❝ Code Blue ❞
❝ GSGS & BER ❞
❝ It will always be only you ❞
❝ first love❞
❝ Laurel ❞
❝ my boy ❞
❝ Song About You ❞
❝ closure ❞
❝ Sad Songs ❞
❝ Unsupportive ❞
❝ Zeke ❞
❝ worries ❞

❝ 7 minutes in heaven ❞

2.4K 73 238
By GucciGlake

The party we were going to was something I did not want to do.

It wasn't me or George's friend group, it was Reece's.

I knew who some of them were, but none personally other than Austin Meyer cause he's a dick.

Austin drooled over Abbie, but Abbie doesn't settle for trash.

The other ones of the group, I could vaguely describe from what Reece said.

"So there's the twins, Becks and Rye. Or if you wanna call them by their actual name Rebecca and Ryan. You'd fancy Becks, she's a fit gal always on the pull, so if you ever just wanna have sex, she's your girl."

"R-reece, I'm not like that, I'm not needy unlike you." I chuckled hitting his arm playfully.

"Yeah I know, but sometimes you just want to, like it's a need. She's the one you'd want because she's damn good at everything, Ri-"

"I really do not want to know Reece."

"Okay Okay, Moving on. Ryan's the type of brother that would basically kill you if you hurt Becks and he'd make it look like a bloody accident. So if ever feelings step in, be careful for him. Don't wanna hurt little Becca, which is why I ... Tried to never have feelings for her."

"Reece you get feelings for everyone."

"I object." He chuckled hitting my arm. I laughed with him as he thought of who else to say. "Oh Noah, Noah him. He's a sweetheart. You two would get along greatly. He's a super down to earth guy and super positive all the time. A bit like you, but, Noah." He chuckled. "There's Noelle too, which is thing two. Becks is thing one. Alpha bitches, But Noelle is a little different than Becks, she wants feelings too, not just the sex. She's hot and has nice lips so, your choice B. Blane, Which is the calm guy that doesn't fuck with anybody. He's often quiet but when he speaks up, he says what he thinks and sometimes this boy can say some mean shit, so watch out with him." He laughs. "Lastly, the latest addition to the group, Cherie. Her, she's absolutely nothing like Noe & Becks. She's an angel, doesn't look for drama, don't look for fights, down to earth, basically opposite of Noe & Becks. George you'd like her." Reece giggled looking to George as he walked out of the bathroom.

"Huh?" He asked confused walking over to us.

"Cherie, she's gonna be one of the girls at the party tonight, you'd like her."

"I don't like nobody." George chuckles sitting on the chair.

"You like us." I laugh taking a sip of my drink.

"I don't even want to go to this party Reece." George said looking us.

"You're getting free alcohol."

"True, but it's with a bunch of people both me nor Blake know."

"Get to know people you anti-social pieces of shit." Reece laughs.

"We're not anti-social pieces of shit." George whines hitting Reece's arm as I looked away giggling while watching the tv.

Reece laughed standing up walking into the bathroom as George took his spot immediately after.

"Happy to see Austin again?" He laughs nudging me.

"Ugh not at all. I don't even want to go to this party of his."

"It'll be fun Blakey, you might fuck a bitch who knows." He laughed hitting my arm.

"Oh God no, I'm an innocent little boy, I don't do those things."

"Yeah okay liar. Innocent my ass." He giggled taking a sip of my drink.

"Excuse me, ask next time, rude ass."

"Okay I'll ask next time." He chuckled taking another sip.

"Stop it!" I shouted trying to take my cup back but he moved his arm even further. "Give it back you fucking bitch." I giggled reaching for it, but I noticed I was over him, trying to get my glass of water.

"It's just water. Fucking bitch." He mocked.

"MY water." I laughed looking to his blue eyes.

"Your name's not written on it." He smiled.

"It's still my water, give it." I said leaning in a little too much, falling onto him, the cup falling to the ground as I hit his arm.

"Great job now both of us are thirsty." He laughed under me.

"We wouldn't have been if you would've gotten your own glass."

" But I like your wa- Never mind that was gonna sound wrong." He giggled looking to me.

Why was I still over him.
And why didn't I want to move?
Why was I enjoying this?

"I'm gonna punch you for taking my water."

"Do something else."

"What do you have in mind Smith?" I smirked.

"This." He said bringing his lips to mine. I somehow, preferred this a whole lot more.

It wasn't the first time me and George kissed, we used to kiss often but we dialed it down a little. Now it never really happens, but when it does, it's for stupid reasons like this.

He was a good kisser. And the way his hands were around my neck, and - just everything was - he's your best friend Blake.

I thought of that and removed my lips from his, still keeping him close.

"S-Sorry." He chuckled pushing me off.

"Y-yeah. It's all good." I said shyly sitting on the other side of the couch away from him. I felt my cheeks flush bright red as I noticed him looking at me. "W-What?" I asked with a stutter.

"Nothing, just you didn't push me away when I kissed you."

"I couldn't push you."

"Am I that irresistible?" He laughed.

"N-No. You're resistible."

"Am I now Richardson?"

"Yeah. I can resist myself around you." I nodded looking to him as he smirked.

"We'll see about that Blakey." He chuckled standing up, pinching my cheek as he walked by.

Excuse me what the fuck does that mean?

And for the rest of the day, That's all I had in mind; " We'll see about that Blakey "

What the hell did this asshole mean?
He confuses me.

It was now 7pm and the party started in an hour.

"What shirt do I wear?" George asked walking into the bathroom with one of my shirts and his yellow jumper.

"My shirt looks nice on you." I answered looking to my blue button up.

"Blue makes my eyes pop." He chuckles putting the shirt on next to me, looking at himself in the mirror then I notice his eyes wander to me. I just got out of the shower, still in just a towel, my hair still dripping. I pass my hand through my hair awkwardly as I caught his stare.

"I'll go get dressed." I smiled walking by him, taking in a good sniff of his cologne. That scent was perfect. He put it on MY shirt. MY shirt will smell like him.

I took my black and white striped shirt with black pants and a belt out. I shuffled into a new pair of Calvin's and slid into my pants.

"Wait not that shirt." George said taking my shirt out of my hands.

"Why not?" I asked confused.

"This one is easier to take off." He whispered, loud enough for me to hear.

"Excuse me?" I chuckled.

"This one is prettier to look at." He smiled taking my black & white shirt.

"No what did you say the first time?" I chuckled taking my shirt out of his hands as he looked up to me with a smirk.

"Say what? What did I say Richardson? Repeat it to me, I can't remember." He giggled.

"Fucking Dory, you know exactly what you said." I laugh putting the shirt on as he hugged me right before I was going to button it up.

"I know what I said." He smiled leaning his head on my chest with his arms around my waist.

"What did you say Smith?" I laugh taking his chin in my hand pushing it up towards me. His arms still wrapped around my naked chest, his little smirk as he stared at me, biting his bottom lip not wanting to repeat.

"I-I said, It is easier to take off." He said between giggles. I was slightly shocked from his words, but it was no surprise.

Me and George always had this flirtly friendship going on. One of us would always create this tension and it would always end up with a make out.

"How would you know Smith?" I chuckled. "You never took my shirt off."

"Oh but I will." He smirked looking at himself in the mirror.

"You're such a slut." I laughed rolling my eyes fixing my hair in the mirror, his eyes still wandering to me.

"Thought you knew that by now." He smirked sitting on the bed, still staring at me.

"I did, didn't think you were that much of a slut for me though." I chuckle turning around to look at him as I started buttoning up my shirt.

"I am your slut." He giggled laying down.

I walked over to the bed, layind down next to him. " You've been my slut for a while yet we've never done anything but make out."

"Cause you never made it seem as if you wanted to do anything more with me." George sighed looking to me.


"Exactly." George said sitting up.

" Boys, Uber's there." Reece said from the door frame.

"Be there in a second." George said as I sat up. I got off the bed, began walking but George took my hand, turning me around and pinning me to the wall. I stared down at his blue eyes, which seemed much darker than the usual color of eyes I would stare at.

"Little Blakey" he smiled pinching my cheek. "We'll see if you can resist yourself" he said walking away as I stood there leaning on the wall, confused.

I started walking behind him. "W-what do you mean?" I questioned looking to him.

"Guess we'll find out huh?" he smirked his eyes locked with mine.

"Stop this suspense Smith, what do you fucking mean?"

" Too fucking bad for you huh Richardson?" He giggled walking out. "I'm not telling you what I meant, You'll have to find out Blakey."

I continued walking with him. His words going over and over in my mind confused as hell. He always did that, confused me. I knew George was like that, he liked to play me. Liked to fuck with my emotions and feelings. Not that I ever had feelings for him, because I knew I was straight. I knew he was a little gay from the way he was with me. Which it wouldn't bother me if he was gay, as long as he's happy, so am I.

We walked into the uber, I sat in back with George and Reece sat in front.

The dude was quite fun to talk to, we all had a lot in common. We was a cool lad.

Chitchatting with Reece about CATB, he seemed to fanboy over them. They fanboyed together in front while me and George weren't really speaking. I was still far too confused to even ask him what he meant, and I'm pretty sure he was just going to tell me " You'll see Blakey." So I didn't bother.

We got to Austin's about a half hour later, the party seemed to have already started with all the lights in there with the music playing loudly. Me and George walked up the pathway as Reece tagged along after paying.

"Blakeyboy, My buddy." Austin smiled opening the door hugging me.

"Yeah, I dont think so mate." George said pushing him off.

"Don't get jealous Smith, I know he hates me." Austin chuckled pinching my cheeks.

"And you wonder why dickhead" George smirked rolling his eyes.

"I never wondered, it's cause I'm better than him."

" You're not, jackass." George giggled at his stupidity.

" Whatever Smith, you boys coming in or?" Austin smiled moving aside. I looked to Reece as he walked in, me and George following him inside. We all walked to the living room, filled with other teens of about our age.

Reece didn't sit down as me and George did. He stood in the middle of the room pointing at the different teens.

"Okay Blake And George, that's Rye, that's Becks, Blane, Noah, Noelle and that's the beautiful, most stunning little bitch I've ever seen, Cherie." Reece giggled sitting next to Cherie as she playfully punched his arm.

Noah stood up from the other couch and walked over to mine leaning in to give me a hug. "Oh I've heard so much about you, You seem like such a great guy, I'm Noah" He smiled politely sitting next to me.

"Blake." I respond smiling back. I couldn't really say much, I was shy and awkward and did not want to be here, but oh well.

"Xan?" Austin asked to me, or Noah, I wasn't sure.

"No thanks." Noah smiled.

"And you wonder why I won't let you anywhere near my sister?" I said looking up at him. " No fucking thank you." I rolled my eyes pushing the pills away. He moved his arm to George, George just stared at me for some sort of answer.

" If you fucking take one George I will fucking beat you, and tell your mum, and your dogs."

" Oh no, not the dogs." He giggled acting ashamed. "No Austin, I'll be fine without them, thanks for the offer though."

Noelle walked over to us, sitting between me and Noah.

" I'm Noelle - Noe? Xan? - No baby I'll be fine - "

" - You finally stopped being a drugwhore? Or are you just trying to look good?" Cherie laughed leaning on Reece.

" Oh Cherie honey, If you ran like you run your little bitch mouth, you'd be in shape." Noelle replied rolling her eyes cuddling to me. I was a little uneasy with the cuddle, but okay I guess.

" Bite me Bitch." Cherie answered sitting up slightly as Reece pulled her back down.

"Don't fucking start." Reece whispered.

" Excuse me this fucking slutatious whore nugget started."

" Slutatious whore nugget " George yelled bursting into laughter.

" Shut up Blondie." Noelle said to George rolling her eyes.

" Noelle shut your little mouth now." Blane said from his little corner.

" Blane sweetheart, why don't you stay fucking quiet? It's better that way."

" Agreed." Rebecca said sitting in front of me.

"I'm not the one looking for fights here, just trying to get you two bitches not to. These poor lads are here for a good time and you sluts are gonna ruin it for them, so stop." He said hand gesturing me, George & Reece.

" I'm not a fucking slut you dickhead!" Cherie said throwing her shoe at him.

" You know I wasn't talking about you angel, talking about thing one and thing two." Blane replied giving her a slight smirk.

" Ugh why do everyone call us that." Becks sighed leaning her head on my lap. Why are all the chicks on me? Like Reece is there, go see Reece, you know him, not me, please back off.

"Because you both look like thing one and thing two - and your moans sound like them too." Cherie mumbled.

So far, I liked Cherie, Noah and Blane.
Cherie wasn't much like how Reece described her, she did search for that fight with Noelle. But she's kinda badass, so I like that about her. She tends to put people in their place, something that's needed around here.

Noah was sweet, couldn't say much else about him, but he was really sweet, and I appreciated his presence.

Blane's a badass. I like that dude.

" Cherie would you s-" Becks started but was interrupted by her brother.

"becks stop it."

" Ugh Fine." She rolled her eyes, looking to me now. "You have a nice face" she said taking my cheeks in her hands as I was looking down at her.

"Uh, thanks?" I giggled awkwardly looking away.

" Let's play a sweet game of truth or dare?" Austin smiled widely standing on the table. They all cheered in agreement, so I basically was dragged into this game. Yay. "I'll start - Hmmmm - Blake!" He said full of energy. As if he was gonna pick someone other than me. "Truth or dare sweetheart?"

" T-truth." I answer.

"Pft pussy." Blane mumbled from his corner.

" Blane stay quiet, you fucker." Austin said looking to him, then back at me. "If you could play 7 minutes in heaven with one person, who would you pick?" He chuckled, his tongue going between his teeth. As if I was gonna pick him. What a fucking idiot.

I looked at the faces around me, I wasn't gonna name a boy, because I wasn't attracted to any of them.

"No-noelle" I said awkwardly looking to her as she smiled.

" Good, good. Rye, you go." Austin smiled looking to his best friend, I'm sure he was gay for.

" Becks, truth or dare." Rye smiled to his sister.

"Dare." She smirked looking to me.

" Kiss the Blondie." He said pointing at George.

"Pft, piece of cake" she giggled moving from my legs, leaning up kissing him so passionately. Uhm excuse me bitch he's my slut not yours. George seemed to enjoy the kiss, kissing her back, his fingers tangling in her blonde locks.

"Okay Okay, that's enough." Cherie said pushing becks down. Becks just sighed and leaned back onto my legs like she was before making out with my slut.

"Noah bud, your turn."

"Rye, uh, truth or dare?"


"Who tops? You or Austin?" He chuckled looking to the floor. The faces both boys had, did not seem to happy with Noah, I don't think he was supposed to admit that. Austin walked over to Noah, pulling him by his shirt, pushing him to the corner. He was yelling in his face, I felt bad for that boy.

" Oh sweet Noah, sweet little fucking Noah Jones." Poor boy looked terrified. "What happens when we tell secrets that aren't supposed to be told?" Noah visibly gulped. "You get an asswhooping." He whispered closer to Noah's ear. "Lucky for you, it's your first time, and it never really happens, so it's not too bad." He said moving away, but turning back half a second later, his fist right on Noah's jaw. Noah fell to the ground, holding his jaw in his hand.

"Another reason why I wouldn't let you be with my sister." I said looking to him as he turned to look at me. "You're a violent piece of shit that thinks he's king, guess what bitch, you're not. Sit the fuck down." I told him as everyone looked to me. I'm a little mad no one else reacted but me. Is everyone under his control?

" I top." rye answered as Austin sat down staring at me.

"Blake, truth or dare" Austin asked before giving anyone else a chance to speak.

"Dare." George looked to me, definitely shocked on my answer.

" 7 minutes in heaven."

I looked to Noelle as he started laughing.

"You really thought I was going to let you pick? Funny little Blakey." He looked around, humming to himself. " you're doing that with whoever I tell you to." I sighed, knowing I was screwed, he was gonna put me wi- "Smith." GEORGE. No no no, no. NO. He's my best friend I am not going in that closet with him. Hell no.

George looked to me, a little smirk on his lips. "Come on Blakey."

"Are you for fucking serious right now?" I asked a little shocked.

"Yeah, why the fuck not?"he shrugged his shoulders. I sighed, looking to Austin and back at George as he bit his bottom lip.

"Fine." I said pushing Becks' head off my lap and walking off with George following me.

We walked to the closet, I walked in after him. It was awkward. We both stood there looking at each other with both very different expressions.

I looked back at him, and he pinned me to the wall, kissing me.

"G-george." I said on his lips.

"This is what I meant. Resist yourself Blakey." He smiled, kissing along my jaw, leaving a hickey on my neck while unbuttoning my shirt.

"George, are you -"

"Shut up would you." He smiled kissing me, pulling my shirt off. He continued kissing me, going down my chest until he was on his knees at my hips. He smiled at me, the little grin he always did. I pulled him back up, kissing him again.

"George please."

"Please what?"

"Are you sure about what you're doing?"

"It's something on my bucket list anyways."

"To suck a dick?"I questioned with a giggle.

"To suck your dick." He grinned. Who even has that on their bucket list? Whatever, I wanted this as much as he did.

"Better get back on your knees then." I teased kissing him as he got back on his knees not long after.

He unbuckled my belt and pulled my pants down along with my Calvin's leaving them at my ankles. He smiled widely looking up at me.

"Well you're massive." He grinned putting one hand around the base, bringing his mouth to the tip while his other hand held my hips. I bit my bottom lip as he started sucking, going pretty deep. I left my hands in his hair, gripping his hair a few times.

"F-fuck George." I moaned throwing my head back as he deepthroated, taking me all in. My fingers tightened in his hair, causing him to moan slightly, which felt fucking good.

"Fuck my mouth." George stopped, looking up at me while licking the tip.

"W-what?" I questioned, still a little out of breath.

" You heard me Richardson, fuck my mouth."

"Well if you're asking for it." I said talking his hair in both hands, thrusting into his mouth. His moans were making it really hard for me not to come. "Smith, fuck, I'm not. - fuck. I'm not going to last long." I repeated, my thrust getting slow and sloppy. George took my wrist pinning them to the wall along with my whole body. He hollowed his cheeks, sucking much harder than before. I pulled his hair after every second. " George, fuck - I'm gonna c-" I was interrupted by my own little chain of moans as I came down his throat. He smiled pumping me a few more times before removing my dick from his mouth.

"Well that was amusing." He smirked standing up. My head leaned back, eyes closed, still trying to come back to earth after being on a whole new level of 'Cloud 9'.

"Y-yeah." I said through a panting breath.

"I think it's been seven minutes." He smiled kissing my collarbone.

"P-probably." I said opening my eyes, seeing him again. He brought his lips to mine, passing me back my shirt.

"Told you it was easier to take off." He grinned against my lips.

"Idiot."I giggled pushing him off putting my shirt back on, pulling my pants and Calvin's back up. I buttoned the first few buttons, walking out of the closet following George back to the living room. "My turn bitch." I said sitting back next to Noah, noticing he has returned to that spot.

"Oh and what are you going to do Blakey?"

"Don't call him that asshole." George said getting slightly defensive.

"Fine, Blake. What are you gonna make me do."

"7 minutes in heaven. With Rye." The two friends looked at each other and shrugged.

"Not the first time." They chuckled walking off.

Noelle & Becks were nowhere to be seen, which is great, I didn't like them much. Blane was still there in his corner silently. Cherie was still sitting - on Reece now, okay then. Sure reece, "george you'd like her" Reece mate, seems like you like her a lot more than he ever will.

"You okay buddy?" Noah asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What about - oh, that doesn't look to good." I said looking to his bruised jaw.

"It's nothing Blake, I'm used to it."

"Does he hit you often?"

"They all do. Except Blane and Cherie."

" and you call them your friends? My friends don't hit me unless we're play fighting."

" I - I don't have anyone else."

"You have me now, me George and Reece." I smiled pulling him in for a hug. "Yeah Boys, I'm leaving. I don't want to be here anymore." I said standing up, Noah, Reece & Cherie following me. "George?" I questioned looking to him.

"I'll stay."

"Don't be fucking stupid you ass. Get up. You're coming with us."

"Fine. Let me give Becks a proper goodbye." He smirked standing up walking down the hallway.

"I'll go start the car." Noah smiled walking off as we all followed him. I sat in back with Reece, Cherie sitting in front. I stared at the door for a few minutes before getting a text message.

Smith x
You can leave, I'll stay the night.

Excuse me??

Smith x
I'm staying here tonight. I'll meet you boys back at the hotel tomorrow.

You're so fucking dumb you piece of shit.

Smith x
What? are you jealous I'm sleeping with Becks and not you?


I was indeed very jealous.
He was mine.
And I didn't like to share.

| 🌸 BibbyFtGlake 🌸 |

Fun fact, I felt like I wasn't living up to my @ until I had a glake fic, so here y'all go. A Glake Fic.

Your fave hoe
- Jess

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