Impossible love- a harry styl...

By Joharrisx

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Molly Boulton is a normal girl, living in Cheshire, England. Her life is as normal as anyone else's. That is... More

Chapter 1- mr styles
Chapter 2- private tutoring
Chapter 3- dreaming
Chapter 4- hiding
Chapter 5- reality
Chapter 6- not so secret admirers
Chapter 7- breaking
Chapter 8- more than friends
Chapter 9- goodnight kisses
Chapter 10- grandmas house
Chapter 11- harry and freddie
Chapter 12- christmas day
Chapter 13- boxing day
Chapter 14- regretting
Chapter 15- waking up
Chapter 16- niall's escape
Chapter 17- harry and molly
Chapter 18- free again!
Chapter 19- back to school
Chapter 20- love potion
Chapter 21- the truth
Chapter 22- love songs
Chapter 23- harry or finn?
Chapter 24- its not the potion...
Chapter 25- harry's songs
Chapter 26- visions
Chapter 27- going into town
Chapter 28- finn's question
Chapter 29- days before the disco
Chapter 30- does he know?
Chapter 31- the disco
Chpter 32- running away
Chapter 33- harry picks us up
Chapter 34- dan
Chapter 35- silence
Chapter 36- finding harry
Chapter 37- harry finds out
Chapter 38- the party
Chapter 39- the bridge
Chapter 40- the river
Chapter 42- saving harry

Chapter 41- back in time

42 1 0
By Joharrisx

Harry's POV

Monday 11th november

My stomach is bursting with butterflies as I wake up on the morning of my new job as a teacher at a new school. I hop out of bed with a smile on my face as I am doing this job as a student teacher, so I get a year to have a little go I guess of filling in for the other chemistry teacher, mrs holt while she goes on maternity leave.

I wouldn't have been giving this opportunity if it wasn't for the fact that I used to know one of the biology teachers here. She's the one that got me the job here, even though I'm only 18. She's called Laura briggs and she used to babysit me when I was tiny. I never liked her much, she always thought me as a bit if a troublemaker, however, after my traumatic past, she looked past my behaviour. After all, she was really close with my dad before he passed away.

I straighten up my tie in the mirror and comb my hair, letting it fall across my eyes in deep curls. I huff, setting it straight with some hairspray. I've found it sometimes helps keep it out, but sometimes it just makes it sticky.

I check my watch: 7:30am

I really need to get going! Otherwise I'll be late! It takes at least an hour to get all the way across to the Wirral! I clamber into my car and turn on the gas. Soon I am out of the driveway and one my way up to my new job.


I'm nearly here now and the butterflies are raving furiously in my stomach, threatening to lash out any moment and kill me. I'm excited and incredibly nervous as I pull into the school- a big red brick building with a few flowers and pretty trees. There is a huge field at the front of it.

I hastily get out of my car. It's 8:30am so I have around twenty minutes to see where I'm going first. Grabbing my briefcase out of the boot and slamming it shut, I call in at reception and the lady at the desk buzzes me in.

I go to the desk and the lady gives me directions to the staff room- just along the corridor. I thank her and pick up my leather bag, heading off down the long, white corridor with a few pictures down it. I notice there are no students down this passage. I wonder why?

I knock on the staff room door and a small lady with Jet black hair and a bright yellow pencil skirt answers the door. I look down at her, as I am quite tall and tower over almost everybody.

"Hello, who are you?" She asks me in a squeaky voice and I clear my throat.

"I am Harry styles- I'm here for the new job?" I imply and the lady smiles at me, stepping aside so I can get through.

"You'd better come in then, Harry" she says and I come in slowly, making sure that the door shuts quietly behind me. There are about ten different people in sort of a circle around a coffee table, each one holding some sort of hot beverage in their hands. I scan the room for Laura until I spot her, legs crossed on the couch next to a dark haired man with blue eyes. I catch her glance and she stops convosation, coming over to me.

"Hello, Harry!" She smiles, raising her eyebrows. "It's been a long time since I saw you last! You've grown so much!" I roll my eyes. Embarrassing much?

Giving out a small chuckle, Laura grabs another teacher from off of another chair. This man is bald and is wearing a white shirt and black trousers, relatively smart. I, however, am wearing blazer, bow tie and all- I feel incredibly overdressed!

"This is mr alport" Laura tells me, patting the man on the shoulder. "He's the only other male teacher in the science department. He's a nice guy and I'm sure he'll help get you up and running! Ask him or me if you need anything!" And with that she turns around and engages in another conversation with the woman who showed me in earlier.

Mr alport or 'frank' as he insisted i call him, showed me to my lab, b15 and told me how to use everything, even though I already know how to use it- otherwise why would I become a science teacher?? He told me I'm teaching chemistry and biology, which is good because I was never any good at physics- I just simply had no interest for it. After a while he leaves and I can hear the bell go in the school, signifying the start of the day. At the moment I don't have a form, so I sit in the classroom alone, reading a book from inside my briefcase.

I look at what class I have first- 9Y. Hmmm... I wonder what they'll be like?

after a while, the second bell goes and i can hear a hustle coming towards me down the corridor. i look at my lesson plan and grab a pen, getting up and beginning to write something on the board. suddenly, the dorr opens and a large class comes barging into the lab. many of them see me and open their mouths. maybe they thought theyd still have miss holt? anyway, i keep my back turned and try to be as neat as possible writing when i hear a voice.

"em, excuse me, sir?" i hear a confident voice behind me and a tap on my shoulder. i stop and jolt round, seeing a blonde girl, chewing gum behind me. I frown. Not another slut?! I roll my eyes and I ask her what she wants.

"Are you our new teacher for this year?" She asks me and I glare at her.

"Yes! Now go sit down" I say, dismissing her but she presses on.

"Wait, what's your name?" She asks again. I hate questions of any kind.

"Mr styles now go and sit down!" I say angrilly, clenching my fists.

"How do you spell it?"

"I will tell you in a second if you can please just go and sit down!" I demand, pointing over to a spare chair. She starts walking away finally. "Oh, and put that gum in the bin! No food in the lab!"

She struts away and I sigh. If everyone is going to act like this then I might as well quit now before anything else happens!

"You can sit down" I tell the class, and the sit. Well, everyone sits apart form one blonde girl, who seems to be staring off into space somewhere. I follow her eyes and realise that she's looking at me. Is there anything so special about me?

"You can sit down!" I say louder and the girl hears me this time, coming out of her little trance. The form laughs and I can't help but feel bad for her. Poor girl. Something about the way she moves reminds me of someone, the way she acts, how she holds herself. I can't place who though... Who?

"Hello, everyone" I introduce myself and everyone stares at me like a normal class would, faces blank and uninterested. Everyone, however, apart from that blonde girl from before, and the one that didn't sit down. They are staring at me like I've saved their life! Mrs holt must have been pretty strict I guess! "I am mr styles" I write it down on the board just for that girl's sake and slam the pen back on the table. This class is getting me annoyed already and I haven't even been here an hour yet!

Before I can start speaking again, the girl sitting next to the blonde girl who didn't sit down ( I don't know what else to call her ) holds up her neighbour's book. It has something written one but I can't read it. The whole form seems to be laughing now. Is that... A heart?

Soon I am over her desk and reding what she's written on her book. Ah, Molly... Boulton.... I read and I can see her tippexing her book out. I read it:

Mr 'lyles

It says and I can't help but chuckle. Does she really think I'm that gorgeous?! I can't believe this! I have to stop myself from laughing as I turn around and 'what does the fox say' can be heard throughout the whole room! I hold in my little grin and turn around. I know that was Molly. I can see her little red cheeks blushing as red as Emma's hair. Wait. That's it! That's who this girl reminds me of! I have to stop the look if shock as I turn around to face her and see her little hands fumbling over the buttons to turn off her phone. I don't say anything, but look away for a second, my eyes focussing on the periodic table at the back of the old lab.

I go and sit down again, opening my folder and grabbing an old, battered Polaroid picture from out of it and staring at it, leaning down and kissing it momentarily. Emma never really knew, I guess, how much she meant to me.

Suddenly I hear a splash and a burst of laughter from the whole class. I roll my eyes. It can't be anybody else In the world apart from Molly. I look up and sure enough, there she is, covered from head to toe in water. Well and truly drenched. As well as this, her book is completely ruined, another job I'll have to take care of. However, all my anger drowns away when I look into her hazel eyes, the morning sun reflecting off of them, creating the most wonderful orangey glow inside of her. I can't help but smile.

"Right, miss Boulton" I tell her, standing up straight and tall. I think I see her mutter something under her breath but I can't catch it clearly enough. "I think you should spend some time with me at break" I don't know if she's done enough to deserve a detention but the truth is I really want to find out more about this girl- about who she really is. Is she really as much of an angel as my Emma was? I go and sit down again and she looks at me, smiling, even though I just gave her a detention. What a funny girl.

"Right class, grab some goggles and join me around this table! We're going to see how acids react with different chemicals" I say and Molly's eyes light up- just like Emma's. I shake the thought away. Emma died. Molly is a student. Why am I still tangled up in this mess when I should've moved on years ago, I mean I did move on years ago... Didn't i? The memories still haunt me at night though, seeping into my dreams and causing havoc and nightmares. Do I still believe Emma to be the one that saved me?? When she caused all this, although I guess this isn't her fault... At all really.

"So you mix the hydrochloric acid with the water... Um could you pass me the hydrochloric acid from behind you?" I lean over to grab the acid off The girl and accidentally brush against Molly's arm. I carry on with the experiment but soon enough I see laughing and pointing and Molly is there, with her eyes closed, meditating??? In my lesson?

"Molly, are you okay?" I ask her. Now I really am concerned. Is she always like this? "You're acting a bit strange today?" She opens her eyes and blushes as red as a rose as I laugh internally. I can hear whispers of 'I think she fancies him' and 'what the hell' going on but I ignore them. It is kind of obvious. She scowls at them and turns back to me. I finish the experiment.

After a while, the bell goes and the class file out of the room, the classroom going silent. Oh how peaceful. I relax. No class until fourth period, then it's biology with the sixth form, but they'll be okay, they're more mature, smaller classes, and, overall, just less rowdy.

I sigh and pick up my favourite book from the side of the desk- wuthering heights. I flick open the first page, starting this book again for what must have been at least the twentieth time.

Siting comfortably in silence, I can't help but let the thoughts of Emma and that mysterious new girl, Molly, swim through my head. What was it about her? she looks nothing like Emma, well what was it then?

I place my book down on the side, bringing out my folder once again, and taking out the picture of my lovely Emma. It makes my heart beat faster ever time I look at her, even though it's been a long time and her hair still looks the fiery red it always was, although from years and years of taking it out and folding it etc, the picture seems to have somewhat faded, making her hair look more of a pinky orange.

I sigh, letting another worthless tear drop onto the already half ruined picture. Crying isn't going to bring Emma back, although I sure as hell wish it did. My heart still aches so much in the spot Emma used to lay her head when we would talk, and I'd close my eyes and think that one day I'd have the guts to tell her I loved her, an we'd end up married with a little daughter in a big house. I didn't imagine this. When Emma died I was heartbroken, and started to dig this deep, dark hole, pushing everyone away from me until I couldn't take it anymore. I needed a distraction- and that's why I came here.

This is only going to make things worse though, I think, as the memories just keep flooding back whenever I see that girl's face. I came here to forget Emma, not bring her back. I don't want to make this hole any deeper because it's already feeling like I can't climb out. And I know I can never be with a girl like that, especially as I am her teacher. I can't be with her like I was with Emma. Why is it every girl I want, I cant have? I look over at Emma, scowling hard. This life has been too unfair to me. I don't care if I can't have her, I'm going to get Molly.

Suddenly my computer buzzes and an email from one of the teachers pops up in the screen. I abandon my thoughts and hurry to read it, seeing it's from an IT teacher called mr spence.

Mr styles

I am just in a lesson with a student named Molly Boulton who I believe was in your last lesson.

My heart skips a beat even at the mention of this girls name and I know I'm not going to be able to stay away. However, I keep reading.

I was just about to give her a detention for not listening in class... Until she told me you had already given her a detention. I was going to give her a break detention because I am running a club at lunch and can't do detention, but soon a she's got two detentions, she might as well spend the lunchtime with you, mr styles, as that probably counts for about two lunchtime breaks. If that's okay with you, of course. Reply to tell me if it's okay.

Dave spence

My heart increases speed as I start to imagine what would happen if me and Molly spent the lunch together.. maybe this could become a thing? okay, maybe not. As I already told myself I am not here to make mine or the innocent school girl's life any harder. Getting close to her definitely isn't going to do anything for any of us. Yes, it will remind me more of Emma, but for Molly it will only end up in me probably getting prosecuted for it and her getting hurt, and I definitely don't want that.

I type back a reply.

Mr spence

Yes, it will be fine if Molly spends lunch with me because I have nothing on and I could go over today's lesson with her again because she didn't seem to understand. Thank you.

Harry styles

I turn off my laptop and shut it, putting my hands behind my head and leaning back in my chair. I wonder if I'll ever manage to get close to molly? find out if she's the same rare kind as Emma was, the one that listened to me when no one would. It's only been about an hour since I saw her, but hell, I could feel the connection from the moment she walked into the damn room.

The picture is still laid out in front of me as I compare it to that of Molly's, who's face is still fresh in my mind. Their faces look none alike, but I could see the same spark in molly's hazel eyes as I did in Emma's sea green ones. Not the same coloured eyes, same shape or size, but that familiar, rare spark is there, and I'm the one who can ignite it.

Soon the bell rings throughout the whole school, and the corridor slowly becomes more and more packed with students as they make their way to the canteen underneath this classroom and many others along this corridor. I decide to take a walk around the school to familiarise myself with the surroundings, because I won't always just be in the science department, I might have to go to english, you never know.

Once the crowd has died down, I emerge from my lab, ambling down the corridor and down the stairs, out of the small door on the right.

It's very busy and I get a few whispers and stares as I trudge down the hallway, and out of a little door on the right that leads outside. I stroll around, making my way over to the English block and taking a look at the tech block opposite. This is quite a big school actually.

My eyes dart around until finally coming to rest on a certain blonde head a few metres away. I freeze, my heart racing instantly as I try to calm myself down. I tune into their conversation, just catching the words mr styles and a small chuckle escapes my lips.

"I heard my name and came to have a look" I say jokingly, nervously approaching Molly and the other two, brunettes. They stare at me, eyes wide while Molly looks a little bit panicked as her face turns a deep shade of purple. I grin "I hope it wasn't anything bad!"

Molly stops looking at me for a second and they all turn around, giving me my queue to leave. Well... that was awkward! I do wonder what they were talking about though. I hope it was a good thing, in fact, looking at the colour of Molly's face, it was kinda obvious that it was.

I go back inside the building, taking out my map to look for directions as to how to get back to b15. I amble down the geography corridor, almost crashing into a few students who are absent mindedly stood in the middle of my path on their phones! I make my way back to my lab and slump into my spinning, teacher chair which I have to admit, I love.

The next hour is spent catching up with an old friend on Skype, because I have no marking to do and I wanted to talk to him again. His names dean- he was Emma's brother... for some reason I'm still very good friends with that family. Dean is two years younger than me, but we still chat like best mates. When Emma died, dean was so heart broken and we became friends just after I found out. We had so much we could relate to that it was insane. Now it's almost like he's one of my brothers.

The next lesson goes by in a flash, mainly because the sixth formers didn't even really need teaching because they were studying for a big exam anyway. I was just sitting there the whole lesson checking out all my classes in the school system. 9y, obviously I have to have a lot of classes in, which, coincidentally, means I get to see Molly a lot. I grin at the computer screen widely, and I few eyes wander from their work, probably wondering what I'm doing.

I flick through tonnes and tonnes of files piled on my desk by mrs holt as the bell rings and I am alone in this darkened lab again, the only sound being the clock ticking and my short, anticipated breaths as I nervously wait for Molly to arrive.

Late of course, I catch a glimpse of the blonde girl strolling down the corridor, taking a look through the window and seeing me at my desk, piles of papers in front of me. I breathe in and out slowly. By seeing her it's almost like seeing Emma again... same feeling? I can't remember, but the definite pull towards her is there. Nothing can deny that now as she takes a seat at the back of the classroom. What is she doing? if I had it my way she would be sitting next to me on this desk!

I look up after finishing writing some notes on the paperwork and my eyes come to rest on the small figure at the back with her pencil case out and her eyes focused on me. I flinch.

"Oh, molly, I didn't see you there" I lie, my skin becoming clammy and sweaty as I feel to he heat rise into my cheeks. "Come sit t the front so I can see you properly"

She takes hold of her things and moves to the front, hazel eyes never leaving me, watching my every move. She sighs as she sits down, a wistful gaze as she looks at me in awe and I can't help but chuckle. Is this what I do to her?

Suddenly I hear a farting noise and I realise it's molly! I try to keep a straight face, I really do, but the situation is just too much when we both burst out laughing, my fist accidentally banging on the old lab table. I make a face. I hope it doesn't shatter under me!

I walk over to molly, who is meant to be copying up, to try and get her to start doing the experiment with me, instead I find the words 'Harry and Molly forever' on there. I recognise my name immediately and raise my eyebrows, looking at the terrified girl in front of me, hunched over her book and trying to keep me from looking at it. The look of embarrassment on her face is just priceless and I could swear her cheeks would explode if they got any redder than that.

"Who's Harry?" I ask, secretly hoping it's me. I'm kind of guessing it is because of the look on Molly's face but you can never be sure, especially not with this girl- she's full of surprises. I have hardly known her half a day yet but I can already see some definite traits of my late lover.

"well, he's my auntys sons cousins best friends uncles daughters boyfriends dads granddads friends grandsons cousins best friends son" I think I got all of that? I don't know what the hell she's going on about but it doesn't make sense. I'll just take that as a 'yes, that was you harry, my teacher, and I have found out your name cause I've been stalking you'. That's probably what she's been doing, anyway.

"I think you need some help with the experiment, molly" I suggest, saving her the embarrassment of the topic just brought up. "Do you want me to help you?" I cant hide the undeniable glow building up inside of me and the hesitance in my movements as I realise that maybe the ghost of my only love is here in front of me. I shake my head, ridding myself of the thought. Instead, I grab some equipment out of the draws at the side of the desk and place them in front of me. Molly doesn't move.

"Will you grab some goggles, please?" I ask the girl and she nods, disappearing off to the cupboard by the door and coming back with two pairs of goggles, one she hands to me and another she puts over those mysterious eyes of hers.

I grab the hydrochloric acid and slowly pour it into a boiling tube. I grab a spatula of sodium carbonate and chuck it in, asking for Molly to pass me the stopper as soon as it does. I place it on and shove the delivery tube in, securing it in. However, what I don't notice is the fact that the sodium has started to fizz more than I expected and is leaking all over my new trousers.

I roll my eyes, hastily giving the boiling tube to my student as I realise that the acidic substance is all over my trousers, looking like I've wet myself.

I run over to the door, gesturing to Molly I'll only be a minute. She watches me out of the window, a curious frown on her face, and I am forced to look away as attention is drawn to me and I remember that I have a suspicious looking wet patch on my trousers.

Running down the corridor, I finally find a door that seems to read 'staff toilet', and I quickly rush inside, suddenly realising I have no change of clothes except the jeans and t-shirt that I brought but left in the staff room. I curse under my breath, banging my fist on the wall and preparing myself for the humiliation when I emerge from the safety of this door.

Frantically hurrying down the corridor while trying to cover up the patch on your trousers, I've found, is an extremely difficult and in fact infuriating thing to do as I get a lot of stares and a few whispers from the students I pass. I know in a few hours I'll be the talk of the school.

Fortunately, the route from the toilet to the staff room isn't very long and I burst in through the door, earning a chuckle from the small teacher from this morning and a few wandering eyes watching me. I try to ignore them and run over to the lockers, where I grab my bag, covering up the wetness.

"What you all staring at?" I growl, stomping out of the room. As you can probably tell, at this moment in time I am not at my happiest. I slam the door, almost crashing into mrs Duffy, who stops me in my tracks.

"Oh, good afternoon, Harold" she smiles daintily, almost as if her face would break if she tried any harder. I give a forced smile back, trying to keep my cool.

"Em, it's Harry, ma'am, but yes, good afternoon " I try to walk past the small lady but she stops me.

"Where are you running off to in such a hurry?" she asks with a little chuckle "I was just about to ask you how your day was going"

"It's very good, ma'am, thank you" I try to shove past again now but she stops me for a second time.

"Your very skittish today, Harry, well, I was wondering... would you like to come as join some of the other teachers and I tonight for drinks? it would help you settle in..." I shake my head, dismissing her completely. "Make a few friends....?" she raises her eyebrows at me, waiting for an answer. I roll my eyes, turning around and giving her a fake smile.

"I would love to, Alison" I lie, cursing under my breath. Why do I agree to these things?

"Great! see you at 7pm at the wro" she grins. Where's the wro? in fact, what is the wro? I'll find out later but for now I can eventually rush off to the toilets to change. I bet Molly has left this has taken so long!

I change as fast as I possibly can, jumping into my jeans and slinging the plain tee over my head, shaking my curls afterwards. I run out of the toilets, knowing I look unprofessional but I honestly can't help it because I have nothing else.

I finally make it back to b15, trying to clear my head as I observe Molly gawking at me from where she's standing, still holding the acid as I had asked. I never actually meant literally, her hands must be burning!

I write down the method for this onto the whiteboard at the front, trying to remember what happens as I explain

"the lime water goes cloudy when co2 is produced. This means that when you mix hydrochloric acid and metal carbonate together it produces co2" I don't explain it very well because my head is messed up but I think she understands because she starts scribbling away at light-speed.

I settle in my chair, spinning around once or twice before realising that this is not my home, and anyone could be looking in through those windows and falsely assume I'm having a ball not doing anything. I open the laptop on the desk, where a spreadsheet appears on the screen. I groan quietly, I'm already sick of spreadsheets and it's only been the first day.

I close it again, pulling out my book and grinning at the cover, opening it at the page were I was last reading. My heart suddenly sinks, as I realise the thing marking the page was my picture of Emma.... I must have forgotten to put it back. I an still see the tear mark from this morning and I begin to get angry at myself for ruining the only thing that I have left of the only person who really mattered to me in this world.

Just as I start to feel upset again, I start to hear a familiar tune coming from somewhere close by. I keep my head down, wiping my eyes but before I know it I am smiling again because this is my favourite song. I look up instantly. The song stops.

"Hey, is that free falling you were humming?" I ask, in awe that Molly would know this song. It was Emma's favourite... therefore it is mine. I wipe the thought away. "That's my favourite song"

"Really?!" Molly sands up enthusiastically before realising that she's being a bit weird and sits down again. "It's mine too" she shouts and I grin at her. There seems to be more and more in common with us, the more I get to know of her, the more alike we become. I am still thinking as Molly goes back to her notes and I unnoticeably begin humming the exact same song the blonde was. I forget anyone else is in the room and Hear someone start to sing, the way I would to Emma when the stars came out and I pleaded her not to go. I try not to let the tears fall. It sounds so like Emma singing, she had a beautiful voice like an angel.

"she's a good girl, loves her momma...." She begins and I am instantly transported back to those days where everything was perfect, even though every possible thing was seeming to go wrong, I never thought about it, because she made it all go away.

"Loves Jesus and America too" she continues and I breathe sharply, trying not to get emotional as I decide to join in.

"She's a good girl, crazy 'bout elvis" I smile while I sing, letting the far too familiar words that I have tried to get out of my mind for so long, finally engulf me the way they used to, and After so long, these words actually seem to have meaning.

"Loves horses, and her boyfriend too" I carry on, wen though she's stopped singing for this line, just looking at me with a massive grin on her face. I stand up without thinking, and begin making my way towards this girl as we keep on singing and she joins in again as we draw nearer. I knew there was something here that couldn't be kept down. I knew she was like my Emma, the one who believed in me. Why, oh why out of all to the people Molly could be to me, she's my student and I would do anything to have another chance, but that will never be, because this isn't possible, and I feel more connected than ever as I dance on the table with this stranger at my side and it's almost as if, when I close my eyes, I am back in time having the time of my life, and the world stops for a minute. I am lost for a moment, until I am brought back from wonderland and my soul is returned.

When I come back, Molly is looking at me and we both chuckle, before I am told that Laura is marching up the corridor and I am immediately brought back to my senses.

I gasp and literally fly back to my seat, pretending I haven't just been dancing on the table as y old babysitter comes stomping into the room. One thing I've guessed is that she doesn't look very happy.

"I was just with my GCSE class, studying, when I heard some horrendous music. I don't know if you'd happen to know anything about this?" She raises he eyebrows, especially looking at me when I glance over as Molly and she looks back, biting her lip. I decide that I'll do the talking.

"I don't know, laura" I try to improvise, putting on my convincing voice and trying to charm her with my good looks. "You must have been imagining cause we didn't hear a thing did we molly?" I raise my eyebrows gesturingly at Molly and she seems to get the gist

"Um, no, none at all, mrs briggs" she says hesitantly and I try to make up for the fact that it sounded like she was lying. Do I seriously have to do all to he work around here?

"well, I don't think I was because my whole class heard it and Even dr freeman heard as well. The only classroom near here that isn't empty is this one and you're in it, so don't you lie to me, Harry" I rolls my eyes, giving Molly a look for help but she can't really do anything to be honest so I don't know why I'm bothering. I'll have to make something up.

"okay, okay, my phone might have gone off but it's nothing to worry about, Laura" I lie, as soon as I say It I instantly feel a tinge of regret. Seriously, that must be one loud phone to be able to hear it a few classrooms down. She doesn't seems to buy it, but thankfully leaves us, however, not before scowling at me, obvious doubt in her eyes.

As soon as her body can no longer be seen out of the window, Molly an I burst into unstoppable laughter and I have to hold onto something to top me from falling over.

As soon as we are about to pack up, the bell rings and Molly sighs. Class again, poor her, good for me I have no classes today, I guess it's a quiet day for me!

She grabs her stuff and he's for the door. However, I stop her, deciding I can't keep this formal between us, because we could never be anything less than friends.

"Thanks, mr styles, that detention was... well, fun" she grins at me warmly and I cat resist that urge to smile back.

"Please, call me Harry" I shoot in the question and she thinks for a minute before making up her mind that Harry may not be that bad a name to all me.

Okay mr- I mean, harry" she chuckles and I close the door behind her and literally collapse into my chair, shaking my head with wonder. Why does this happen with me? and why is it molly? why not that other lady teacher who works in this department, why not some girl from that shop on my road. No, my pupil, my own pupil. I hate myself, even if these raging tingles in my soul take over because I can't get it out of my head that we were meant or each other. Like cookies and cream or something... like me and Emma were I guess... supposed to be.

Okay guys so I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long, I guess I had a lot on and forgot about this. However, I'm going to be updating more regularly now and it won't be so long in between each update. It's been like three moths or something! anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter 😊

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