Oushitsu kyoushi haine onesho...

By erosisgone

55.4K 1.3K 525

lol I probs won't write much in here these days but like I'll post when I want More

Heine x princess! reader
Kai x shy! Reader
Litch x Leonard(fluff)
Father!Viktor x Mother!Reader
Heine x orphan! Reader
Leo x reader - childish love
Bruno x Reader - Books and cinnamon rolls
~Scenario! Cuddling together
Modern AU- Heine X Viktor
Scenario!~ first kiss ~
Heine x reader - Neko costume
Scenario~ You walk in on him in the shower/bath
Scenario! You get sick
Bruno X Reader - Please come back!
Happy Anniversary!- Heine x wife! Reader
Part 2- Bruno X reader - Please come back!
Heine X reader - ice skating (in an alternate universe sorta)
Kai X Reader- Snow
A•U! Poetry inspired fanfiction about Heine
Talented but lazy- Princess!Reader x Heine. PART ONE
Talented, but lazy- Princess!reader X Heine PART TWO
Talented, but lazy - Heine X Princess! Reader PART THREE [END]
Scenario! Dancing
Heine X reader
Licht x Reader x Bruno [a rose]
Kai x blind! reader
Scenario: You have an argument
(Lime?) kai x reader ig lol

Licht x Female! Reader

807 26 2
By erosisgone

Your POV

The sound of your boots clapping against the cobblestone roads could be heard as you were running down the streets of Granzreich to your work place, cafe Mitter Meyer, which you were obviously late for your shift.

'oh crud! I'm late, I'm late, I'm lateeeee!'

You thought the day couldn't get any worse. But boy were you wrong! Unfortunately for you, the rain decided to visit. The raindrops were cold and heavy, soaking you. By the time you arrived at cafe Mitter Meyer, you were a panting, soaked mess. 'Richard' (I'm pretty sure that's Licht's waiter disguise name) greeted you.

"Y/N. You're a bit late, are you okay?" He asked whilst looking at your current state and appearance. Your face was red whilst you were panting for breath, your clothing was soaked, and your hair had frizzed due to the rain.

"Hey Richard. I had to find a babysitter for my sister, and I'm so stressed today because everything seems to get worse and worse."

"Ah! Y/N! So you've finally arrived. Please go get changed for work." Your boss, the cafe owner, called out to you.
You simply nod and head to the staff room, only to find your uniform not in place. Katherine walked up to you and said "My uniform had a rip in it and you weren't here, so I just took yours. Hope you don't mind, toodles. I'm off to see Richie!"

Ugh, how you really did NOT like Katherine.
She would flirt with Richard instead of working, and she would take stuff without asking.

Katherine walked back into the staff room "Oh hey Y/N. I need to ask you something. Do you have a belt I could use, your uniform is way to baggy, probably because you weigh more than me. Haha." Not funny, Katherine.

"Excuse me, Katherine, but I think you'll find that your uniform is bigger than mine for one, and second of all you were the one who ripped your uniform, and your quite obviously doing that to mine as well." You usually were a timid and quiet person, but Katherine really cannot emotionally abuse you. You turned to head to the boss, only to see Richard (Licht) and the boss standing at the doorway listening to your conversation with Katherine.

At that moment you froze. You could be fired.

"Y/N. Please follow me, we need to discuss something in my office." Your face went pale, and Katherine had a smug smirk on her face.
The boss went into his office and took a seat. You followed.

"Y/N, this is the 7th time you've been late over the past four months. Not to mention that your performance has been lacking lately, and just when I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt, I caught you saying nasty things to a coworker. I'm sorry to do this, but I have to let you go.
You're fired Y/N L/N."

Tears rolled down your face as you realised your only source of income for you and your sister had been lost. Not to mention the bills were due in and you weren't getting paid.

What can I do? I'm over... no employer takes a single young woman supporting their sister often in this town... I'm screwed...

"O-Okay sir. I-I understand. I'll pack my things."

You didn't let the tears fall until you left the office. You ran back home, slamming the door.

"What am I going to do..?" You asked yourself, utterly clueless.

And just as quick as you were fired, a glimmer of sunlight came through the window, and a ray of hope sparked in you. You had survived with a younger sister off of a small income in a somewhat trashy house, if anyone could do this, it was you. Swallowing your pride, you wiped the tears off your cheeks, put your coat and shoes back on and headed to the employment agency. And just like that you got an even better job at a restaurant with better pay and flexible hours.


Licht was devastated when you left, you were funny, sweet and a good person. In truth, Licht wasn't too fond of Katherine, what she did put the cherry on top.
He had seen you on the way to your new shift before, you had walked past the cafe window, a huge smile on your face. Oh, how Licht adored that smile...

It was a a clear evening, the moon was out, the stars were shining and anything was possible. You were at work, getting ready to serve customers, and Licht was in the palace getting ready for a family meal at the same restaurant you worked at.

Licht wore a suit with a fresh, expensive cologne, and you were wearing your uniform with a cheap, but still nice, body mist.

"Y/N, you're serving table 17." Your manager told you, as you walked over only to see the royal family.

"Richie?" You asked.


"Ah, so you're the girl who's name he's been calling in his sleep?" Leonard commented. You blushed, handing out menus.


The night went by smoothly, and now you were seeing table 17 off to their carriage.

"Please, follow me. We called your carriage, I'll escort you." You said, slightly dusting your uniform.

You walked outside, the family following you until you arrived at the fancy carriage. Everyone except Licht made their way into the carriage.

"Y/N... it's been so long."

"Richie, you silly! It's only been two weeks ahah!"

"At least you're doing okay? Right?"

"Of course... and you're doing well too?"

"Yeah... Y/N I need to tell you something before I leave."

You smiled and looked into his beautiful eyes.

"Y/N... I like you... no... I love you. And- well... I'm not Richard. I'm actually Prince Licht, but please keep it secret..."

His confession took you by surprise.

"You actually like me back?!"

Licht smiled, realising that the pair of your were star crossed lovers, ready to embrace the world and each other. His soft lips collided with yours, and just like that, shooting stars crossed paths, crashing into each other and making a supernova of passion.

"I love you."



I don't know what this is, don't ask questions.
Love you guys bye.

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