The Nerd's Best Friend

By ashlyn0304

74.9K 2.5K 226

Raelynn is your typical nerd. Straight A's and an art student. And to add to it, thick rimmed glasses and bra... More

The Nerd's Best Friend


2.5K 94 18
By ashlyn0304

I heard the annoying sound of my favorite song going off. Only now was it annoying. I groaned, slamming my arm and my side table in attempt to make Shawn Mendes shut up. When I finally succeeded, I smiled, sighing. I slowly climbed from bed, heading to my closet. Today, is day two. Day everyone still judges, but is less strict. Let's say, high waisted shorts with.... oversized shirt and.... converse.

I grabbed the things from my closet, heading to my bathroom. I applied some powder and mascara, along with a thin line of eye liner to go along with the look, and some chapstick. I pulled my hair into a ponytail, and made it slightly frizzy. I went back to my room and put on my clothes. I was wearing some high waisted dark denim shorts that had patches on them, along with an oversized band t-shirt tucked in. I slipped in my converse and grabbed my phone and bag, heading down stairs.

"Good morning sugar plum." My dad greeted me.

"Morning dad." I grinned, grabbing a water bottle. I also grabbed a granola bar for breakfast.

"How did you sleep?" He asked, sipping his coffee. I heard Marcus' frantic horn honking as I headed to the door.

"Good. Thanks. Bye!" I called. I heard him chuckle, before I left. I went to Marcus's passenger side and opened the door to reveal Haley and Marcus making out in the driver seat.

"Oh god!!!" I screeched, shielding my eyes. I heard a frustrated groan from Haley as Mar us pushed her off into her seat once again.

"Sorry Lynnie. Get in the back." Marcus instructed me. I rolled my eyes, getting in the back.

"Good morning to you too Marcus." I muttered.

"I still don't get why we had to pick her up!" Haley whined. I rolled my eyes, waiting for Marcus's response.

"Because She is still my best friend." He justified. I nodded, sticking my head in between the seats.

"Yup. Now shut your mouth Barbie." I spit at her, leaning back in my seat.

"Marky! Are you going to let her talk to me like that?" She whined to Marcus.

"Be nice to Haley Lynnie. Please." Marcus said, glancing at me through the rear view mirror. Haley smirked at me, as I stared at Marcus.

"You've got to be joking me." I huffed.

"Raelynn." He said with a stern tone. He knew how much I hated when he called me by my full name. At least it wasn't- "Prudence McKnight." my whole name. Spoke too soon.

  We finally pulled up at the school, as I climbed out and rushed into the building. Marcus was really getting on my nerves. I pushed open the large doors to see a bunch of cheerleaders crowding the athletic hallway. I ignored it, heading to art early, when I heard someone call my name. My mom?

  "Raelynn!" They shouted again. I turned around to see my mom standing at the front of the group of adoring cheerleaders.

  I forgot! My mom was coming to help coach the cheer teams first practice!

  "Mom." I said, grinning. All the girls stared at me confused.

  "Girls, this is my daughter, Raelynn. Y'all may know her." My mom smiled at them. I begged her to not say what she just said, because she would not like the reply.

  "That nerd is your daughter!! How devastating!!" The Head Cheerleader, Malani jeered. I rolled my eyes, trying to walk away.

  "Excuse me!! I will like to speak to you right now!!" My mom shouted at her has I made my hiatus to art. I slipped into class where Mr. Arce was on his computer.

  "Good morning Rae. I saw your mother this morning." He grinned. I sighed, sitting at my seat.

  "You too? Why must everyone know I'm her daughter?" I sighed. He looked at me with his eyebrows knitted.

  "Now, what does that mean?" He asked, coming over to my table and sitting on it.

  "Well, the thing is, she was captain of the cheer squad and valedictorian of her class. My dad made football history and his jersey is retired. No one knew we were related until now. And they put together that the nerd is related to the head cheerleader and possibly the football star. Not the best reputation for me wouldn't you think?" I explained in one breath. He stared at me, as I pulled out my sketch book which I finished last night.

I had drawn a circle and drew a bunch of pictures around the circle with the words "color outside of the lines" printed on it in neat handwriting.

  "But it's still your mom. Plus, wouldn't that help your social standings?" He asked, heading to the bird for his daily doodle. I shook my head, opening to the first page.

  "No, not really. Because then I'm expected to reach her expectations." I sighed, drawing what ever I wanted.

  Mr. Arce finally dismissed the topic, so I could focus on my drawing.

  The bell rang as everyone filed into class. I put my pencil down, ready to see what my brain decided to draw today. A beach. It was a beautiful beach with waves crashing on the sand and the sun setting on the horizon. I noticed, how in the far right, I drew a couple. It looked like the ones from the movies, the girl had long curly hair with a loose dress flowing behind her. The guy had his jeans rolled up and they were holding hands. I grinned, closing my sketch book, as Naomi sat next to em and Mr. Arce began class.

"Today, you will be creating you portfolio covers, assuming all of you have finished your sketch books. I will pass them up then y'all can begin." He grinned at us. I nodded, as he handed me a portfolio. Another one of my favorite parts of a new school year. A new blank canvas.

I wrote my name in large print, putting designs inside each letter. I decided to do a water color top, so I got the water colors, and began painting over my portfolio. I turned out looking like a rainbow that faded into each other, with my name on top. I put it on the drying rack, as our AP came in.

"Mr. Arce. Can I please see, Raelynn?" She asked him. He looked at me as I grinned, heading to the hall with our AP.

"Yes ma'am?" I asked politely.

"Raelynn. I was wondering if you were interested in Peer Buddies again this year?" She asked me with anticipation in her voice.

Peer Buddies. A program I've been in since my Freshman year. A program where you get to hang out with the life skills students. Marcus and I did it, as a way to make others happy. We found out that we loved it, and have done it together since. Naomi never did it, because she just didn't really feel like she would enjoying as much as we did.

"Of course!" I smiled. She exhaled, writing something down on her clip board.

"Thank you so much Raelynn." She thanked me. I nodded, heading back to class

"No problem. I love doing it." I assured her, entering class. I kept my head down, going to my seat. I sighed, leaning back in my chair as I heard my phone buzz. I pulled it out to see that Marcus has posted on Instagram.

With the caption, "Hacked by @haley.22 His supe" and then it stopped. I assumed that she was going to say super hot girlfriend, but Marcus got his phone back a dns he posted it. I rolled my eyes, placing my phone on the table.

Naomi took my phone, frowning at the post.

"You good?" She asks me. I nod, continuing my sketch which I decided to start.

"You sure?" She asks again, pushing me. I sigh, placing my pencil down facing her.

"I don't like him anymore." I explained, turning to my sketchbook.

Yes, I liked Marcus. In like sixth grade, when we were all hormonal messes. Ever since, Naomi checks on me every once in a while. I haven't seen anything more in him than my best friend for several years now, and it will stay that way.

  School is finally over, as I head to my locker to put away my books. I look up form my phone which I was texting Claire on to see Marcus and Haley making out in front of my locker. I groan, stepping up to it. I smirk, banging the locker with my fist as loud as I can. Marcus jumps off of Haley holding his chest as Haley's face is as red as a tomato. I smirk, putti g in my combo. 4-31-15

"What the hell Raelynn!" Marcus shouts at me. I frown at the mention of my full name from his mouth. Twice today.

  "I'm sorry I didn't want to see porn in the middle of the hall!" I exclaim.

  "Language!" Shouts a teacher. I roll my eyes, slamming my locker shut. I look at Marcus and Haley who are practically on top of each other and sigh.

  "I'll just ride with Nay. Bye Marcus." I snarl at him, walking away. I hear him shout my name, but I ignore it, going to Naomi's traditional spot for after school. Sure enough, I find her under the trees, sketching. I plunk my things in the ground next to her and sit with her. I pull out my sketch book, opening it.

  "What happened with Marc?" She asks without looking up.

  "Haley happened." I groaned. She gave me a side glance, smirking and I rolled my eyes.

  "Don't you dare." I said, beginning my drawing.

  "Fine." She said, going back to her drawing.

  After we finished our drawings we packed up. I ended up drawing a close up of two faces a mere inch from each other as they were about to kiss. I hiked my bag over my shoulder, following Naomi to her car.

We pulled up to her house, as I climbed out of her car. We walked in and immediately, a little four year old came running towards us. I grinned, as Naomi's dad came towards us as well.

"Up! Up!" Shouted the little boy. I chuckled, as Naomi picked up her little brother, Wyatt.

"How was school girls?" Her dad asked us.

"Good." Naomi responded, heading to the living room.

Naomi's family is a special one. Naomi lives with her dad during the week and with her mom on the weekends. Naomi claims to always have had a nice, simple family. Up until her eighth grade year. Her dad had been booking up with other woman, and coming home late. Around this time, her mom was having problems with alcohol and drugs. Naomi would come to school daily, in tears. It became so custom, we met up in the theater department bathrooms, where no one was, so I could comfort her and help with her makeup. One day, she never showed up. I went on with my day, and afterwards, I went to her house. I found her in her bathroom, with beer bottles everywhere. She was in the fetal position in her bathtub. I ran up to my beat friend who was in tears and obviously drunk. She wouldn't let me call anyone, so I sat there with her. Finally, her dad came in, with a disappointed face. When he saw his fourteen year old daughter in this condition, everything changed. She was taken to a hospital, where they did lots of things with her body because of the alcohol. This was also when they found out her mom was arrested for a DUI and that she was going to have a step-brother and her parents were getting divorced. Once she was out of the hospital, her parents decided to school influenced her to drink, and Home schooled her.

Now, her mom is released, and actually has a husband with a little girl that's six. Naomi, hates living under the same roof as her parents, because she hates what they did to her childhood and their family.

"Rae. We should do our homework." Naomi said, snapping me from my thoughts. I nodded, getting my Cal homework.

  Being a senior already sucks, and it's only the second day.


Word Count: 2073

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