Vanished || l.h. au

Por MandyVera

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"Tick tock Your clock is almost out That's bad for you, but good for me Because two can keep a secret, if one... Mais

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five


696 30 27
Por MandyVera

Hopefully this chapter will answer some of your questions (or hopes) lol enjoy :)


"Can't I sue you or something for giving me false information? This isn't funny!" She yelled, breaking into hysterics after long moments of silence. I watched her carefully, analyzing the way she squeezed her eyes shut as if it would all go away, the way she pulled at her hair and shook her head back and forth. She was in denial as the cops stared in silence.

I was in denial.

"Beth, they have to be lying. Look, I'm right here! I'm not dead." I said, but immediately wanted to take back my words. She couldn't see me. She couldn't hear me. I was of no comfort to her. I couldn't actually be dead, could I? Aside from the fact that I was virtually invisible to everyone, I didn't feel dead. If I was actually dead, I would know right? I couldn't possibly be a ghost.

She pressed her palms to her face, wiping away the tears.

"Can I see him?" She asked, her voice low. My head perked up at her request. My body was here?

The cop who had delivered Beth the news nodded his head, grabbing a pair of keys from his desk.

"Right this way, Ms. Laude."he said, walking towards the main doors of the station to exit.

"Where are we going?" She asked, following after him.

"To the hospital. His body is currently being stored there. We're going to send his body over to the coroner's office in the morning to perform an autopsy if we're given permission to." The officer explained. She studied the back of his head, her eyes examining him. I could see her analyze the black waves of his hair and the broadness of his shoulders. As they approached his car, he walked over to the passenger door and opened for her.

"I hope you're prepared for what you're about to see." He told her, then flashed her a smile that seemed to brighten his blue eyes but confuse Beth. I rolled my eyes. Why are all these pretty face boys suddenly appearing when I'm gone?

"He's not torn apart is he?" She asked worriedly, finally sitting in the passenger seat. I looked down at my body and patted myself. I was in one piece. If my ghost version of a self is, my physical body would be too right?

"No, just the exact opposite actually." He said, closing the car door and walking over to the driver seat. Once again I slipped into the backseat, greeted with a caged divider in front of me instead. Well this is a new experience. My mother would kill me if I was in this position in actuality.

Guess its a good thing I'm apparently already dead.


"I never got your name." I told the officer, looking up at him as we waited for the elevator that would take us down to the morgue.

"Holden Brooks." He replied, flashing me another smile. My goodness this Officer was cute. I scrunched my eyebrows as I really took in his features. He looked 21 at most. A little young for a cop.

"What's your position? At the station." I asked, clarifying myself.

"I'm just a novice cop. Your boyfriend's case was actually my first assignment." He said, as the elevator doors opened and we stepped in.

"Well, don't expect all your cases to be like this. This is the first time I've seen something like this happen in my lifetime. I just wish..." I paused to take a breath. Images of Luke flashed through my mind, becoming emotionally overbearing at the moment. I didn't want to really believe I was on my way down to the morgue to identify his body. "I just wish it didn't have to happen to Luke." I finished.

Holden placed a comforting hand on my shoulder but said nothing. Sometimes words aren't needed.

"So how come I haven't seen you around before?" I asked, clearing my throat as I changed the topic. "It's a pretty small town."

He scratched the back of his neck as he moved something on the ground apparently invisible to my eye with his foot.

"Oh, yeah I just moved back here after I finished my degree up at Oklahoma University." He answered. I nodded my head taking in his information. So I was right about him probably being 21.

"So what was your major?" I asked, as the elevator dinged signaling we were at the floor level containing the morgue.

"Criminology." Holden responded, unlocking the door that led to the boy that had mysteriously vanished from my life.


"Is he under there?" I asked, as Holden led us over to one of the many tables of bodies with white sheets placed over them.

"That's for you to tell me, but I believe it is." Holden said, giving me a sympathetic look. With the tips of his fingers he grabbed the top edge of the sheet and started slowly peeling it back. All I needed to see was the tips of his blonde quiffed hair and I already knew who it was. But I let him continue to pull it back, to reveal his pale face, closed eyelids, and faded rose lips. I stifled back a sob as I turned my head away, clasping a hand over my mouth.

"It's him." I choked out, as I felt my world around me crashing. It was different having him missing; there was hope that he would return. It was different being told that he was dead, because they could have had the wrong body. There was always hope. But this... Seeing his body right before my eyes... Puts a death to all hope.

"He's really gone." I whispered, turning back to look at Luke.

"I'll give you a few minutes alone to say your personal goodbyes." Holden said, laying down the sheet at Luke's chest, before leaving me alone in the morgue.

I walked over to Luke's side, staring down at him for a moment, not knowing what to do first. My mouth couldn't form words at the current moment, so instead I reached my hand down to run my fingers through his hair.

"Soft as always." I whispered, then trailed the back of my hand down the side of his face, caressing it one last time.

"Why?" I sobbed, turning away for a moment. "We were perfect. Everything was going perfectly for us. I was happy. You seemed happy. I-I don't know if it was love yet, but I really liked you, Luke. I cared for you so much my world practically revolved around you. I'm lost, Luke. I'm lost without you and I don't know what to do. My world is gone; you're gone. How could t-this man come in to the picture and just murder you." I rambled, the tears freely streaming down my face.

And then it clicked. I turned back to face Luke. "Murdered." I mouthed, realizing the importance of my words. I analyzed his face and noticed the wound from the rock was gone. I took a chance and pulled back the sheet all the way, noticing that there was not one single mark on him. No evidence of a struggle.
"If you were murdered... Where's your wound? How? This doesn't make sense." I said aloud, my thoughts everywhere. I had a feeling he wasn't poisoned either, the man seemed too angry to do something as subtle as poisoning him. "Something's not right here."

"Are you ready?" Holden asked, entering the morgue again. My head flicked over to the door and I saw him take in the white sheet that now laid on the floor.

I bent down grabbing the white sheet from the floor and replacing it over Luke.

"Yeah." I said, walking over to him, but not before turning back to look at Luke one last time. The cops may have closed the case, but I knew my business with it was long from over.


I watched as Beth left the morgue. Typically I would follow after her, but she was on to something.

It's weird, seeing yourself out of the context of your body. It's even weirder seeing your own dead body.

I looked at the spot where the wound for the rock should have been; but the spot was blemish free.

"Someone healed me after I fell. Or they're covering up their tracks." I concluded. There was still the ever present thought at the back of my mind. I didn't feel dead. There was no tunnel that leads to a bright light here for me. So that meant that either my business here on Earth isn't done... or I'm not dead.

I leaned my head down on my chest, hovering over the location of where my heart is.

"C'mon... C'mon..." I muttered, hoping for the one thing I wanted to hear at the moment.

And there it was... It was slow, it was low, but nevertheless it was there: a heartbeat.

I was alive.

"So perhaps it's both."


"Ms. Hemmings, there's something I need to tell you." I said as soon as Luke's mom opened the door.

"I already know, dear." She said, wiping away some fresh tears.

"No, no not that. I think there's something else going on here." I told her as I walked through the front door. She closed it and turned around to face me.

"What do you mean?" She asked, confused. I ran my hands through my hair as I tried to figure out how to explain this.

"The Officer took me down to morgue to identify Luke since I was also present the night everything happened--"

"You saw Luke?" She gasped, coming closer to me, grabbing me by my shoulders gently.

"Yes, and--"

"How hurt was he? Is he still in one piece? Did the murderer-"

"That's the thing, Ms. Hemmings." I said, interrupting her this time. "He didn't have a single scratch on him. Not even the wound from the rock that had his blood on it when I went back to look for him. A wound like that doesn't heal that fast naturally." I explained to her. I could see the wheels turning in her head as she processed all this overwhelming information. "Something else is going on here. The cops are going to call you, asking permission about the autopsy. Tell them no. Tell them that you just want to give him a proper funeral and let him rest in peace."

"Why wouldn't I want him to go through an autopsy? I want to know what happened to my son and how this- this monster murdered him and almost you, too." She argued, her voice faltering as her tears started to regenerate.

I sighed, not wanting to tell her what I was thinking in case it was only false hope, but this was his mother. She had to know.

"Ms. Hemmings, I don't think Luke's really dead."

Okay well that felt a lot longer when I was writing it lol
Seems like Beth is starting to finally put the pieces together
Comment and vote for the next chapter please!!! Barely takes a second to vote, thank you :)

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