The Nerd's Best Friend

By ashlyn0304

75K 2.5K 226

Raelynn is your typical nerd. Straight A's and an art student. And to add to it, thick rimmed glasses and bra... More

The Nerd's Best Friend


3.1K 97 6
By ashlyn0304

  I climbed from my bed, groaning in annoyance. I enjoyed school, but not waking up. I walked to my bathroom, looking at my appearance. My hair was falling outbid the bun I put it in last night, and my face looked like a was zombie. I pulled out my limited amount of makeup, applying my powder with mascara, blush, and chapstick. I brushed my hair, wincing at each knot.

  Once I was ready, I slipped on my booties, and clipped on my black suspenders. I grabbed my light blue backpack, slinging it over my shoulder. I was about to leave, when I realized I forgot my phone.

"Good morning Senior!" My mom grinned, handing me some eggs and bacon. I grinned, taking it.

"Morning. Thanks." I said, taking a bite. I finished my breakfast, putting away the dishes.

"When's Marc going to be here?" My mom asked, as my dad came in, getting some coffee. Just then, Marcus honked his car horn.

"Right now." I smirked. She laughed, as I grabbed my backpack and phone, heading out.

"Bye sweetie. Have a good day!!" My dad called after me.

"Bye dad, mom, love y'all!" I called back, slamming the door. I raced to Marcus's car, climbing in.

"Hey Lynnie." Marcus smiled. I grinned, buckling up.

"Morning Marc." I said, leaning back.

"Ready for senior year?" He asked backing out. I stared at him, shaking my head.

"Of all the people, you should know." I sighed. He chuckled, pulling up to our high school, Westpoint High. I climbed out of the car, going into the school with Marcus right by my side.  I entered the building, and there were thousands of students hustling around. I walked down the main hall, right by the trophy cases. I ran my fingers along the glass, looking at the famous jersey. My dads jersey. My dads retired jersey.

  McKnight. 22. Below it was his helmet. Brody. 22. Beside those was a description of what he did. Made Westpoint High football history. Longest pass was made with 86 yards. Longest running touchdown was 74 yards.

"He was a great player." Marcus said beside me. I nodded, glancing at him.

"I'll never meet those expectations. Heck! Some people don't even know we're related!!" I exclaimed. He chuckled, as I saw Naomi making her way towards us.

"Nay!!!" I exclaimed, putting my arms up. She ran into my arms wrapping her arms around me.

"Rae!!!!" She exclaimed.

I've known Naomi since seventh grade. It started when we had almost every class together. In eighth grade, her parents decided to Home school her. Freshman year, she came back, and we re-kindled our friendship.

"How was your summer?" Naomi asked me as we walked down the hall to get our schedule.

"Good. Claire left for college yesterday." I sighed. Naomi frowned at me, putting her arm around me:

"You have me." She grinned. I laughed, nodding.

"That I do." I said. We entered the cafeteria to see a majority of our student body hustling around. You could easily depict the seniors and the freshman. The seniors just were in a group of people, walking around. The freshman were by themselves, running around like a chicken with their head cut off.

"Lynnie!" Marcus called. I shook my head, getting rid of my thoughts, going over to Naomi and Marcus.

"Name." The woman ordered.

"Raelynn McKnight." I said. She shuffled through some pages, grabbing my schedule.

"Are you by any chance related to Zoey and Brody McKnight?" The woman asked me. I slowly nodded, taking my schedule.

"They're my parents." I said. Her face lit up, as she looked me over.

"Oh goodness! Zoey and I were best friends in high school!! I guess we just lost touch." She exclaimed. I grinned, nodding.

"Whats your name?" I asked, skidding my schedule into my back pocket.

"Maria. Maria Clark. You may have me for your history class." She grinned. I nodded, beginning to walk away.

"Thanks! I'll tell my parents!" I waved, heading to Naomi and Marcus waiting for me. We all took each other's schedules, looking them over.

7-Technical Theater:Henderson

5-Home Ec:Lawrence

1-Technical Theater:Henderson
2-Home Ec:Lawrence

  "Okay. So we all have history together and that's it." Naomi sighed. I nodded, putting it back in my pocket. The earring bell rang, and we all looked at each other.

  "See y'all in third." Marcus said, going towards the theater department. Naomi and I waved bye as we headed to the art department.

  "Good morning Mr. Arce." I greeted my art teacher as I sat at my desk.

  "Good morning Rae." He grinned. "Naomi." He grinned as she sat down next to me.

  "Arce." She smiled. The bell rang, and Mr.Arce began passing out sketch books. When he placed mine in front of me, I grinned, imagining everything I could do to make it mine.

"Okay students!!" Mr. Arce announced, pulling me from my thoughts. "Welcome, and I know that all of your teachers are going to have a get to know me, so I'll do something a bit different. Since I am your art teacher..." He said, but I had heard this speech several times before, as I zoned out.

I began thinking about what I would do on my sketchbook. One year, I drew a butterfly, with the quote "just because my path is different, doesn't mean I'm lost." Another year, I drew a girl and in her thought bubble was the quote "no one defines me. I make my own definition."

"Well, hello there." Mr. Arce's voice cut me out of my thoughts as I looked towards the door to see one of the most beautiful guys in our school.

"Sorry man. I'm new. The names Luke." He smirked.

"Well then Luke, take a seat." Mr. Arce said, heading back to his seat. Luke scanned the class, doing what every boy who knows he hot does. Smirks as the Barbie's and winks and the girls swooning over him. And finally, gives a devilish smirk to the nerds because they're imagining... actually, you don't want to know. Let's just say that when Marcus explained it, I almost threw up, especially since I'm a nerd.

He grinned, heading over to the table of poor souls who only are here because they need a fine arts credit. I heard them giggle, as Mr. Arce gave the assignment. Design your sketch book cover. I grinned, placing my pencil on paper, letting it take over.

"You're always so good at the cover assignment." Naomi gushed as we walked down the halls. Luckily, the gym and math department are near each other.

"I just don't think about it to much. Simple." I shrugged, as we reached the math department. We parted ways, as o headed to my most dreaded class. Gym.

After being able to do nothing all gym, I was off to history. I walked through the halls, avoiding the worried freshman. I went to the history department, finding my class. I walked in, and there he was. Marcus with his new girl, Haley. I smirked, sitting at the desk in the left center. Marcus was talking with a group of jocks and Haley was on his arm. He glanced back at me, before doing a double take. He smiled, leaving his little group, and Haley pouting.

"Hey Lynnie!" He grinned, hitting my back. I laughed, nodding.

"Marc." I laughed.

"Um excuse me. But this is my boyfriend." Haley said as she cane up and laced hands with Marcus again.

"Sure sweetie." I mumbled. I saw her smirk, as she puffed out her chest.

"Want to tell me something nerd?" She snickered. It didn't bother me. I was used to it. Plus this always happens. 3. 2. 1.

"What did you call her!!!" Marcus roared. Yep. Called it. Haley's eyes grew big, as she stepped back. I smirked, as Marcus took my side.

  "A... a... nerd...." Haley stuttered. Marcus chuckled, shaking his head.

  "That's it. Only three periods and you've already proven yourself as a true dumb blonde." He chuckled, taking his rightful place next to me. I grinned, as he put his arm around  shoulders.

  "Thanks Marc. But it honestly doesn't bother me." I sighed, leaning in to him. He sighed, kissing my head.

  "But it bothers me. You're my best friend Lynnie." He said. I smiled, as the bell rang. Naomi came rushing in, taking her seat behind us.

  "Why are you late?" I asked. She frowned, shaking her head.

  "Don't ask. I couldn't find the class." She explained. I slowly nodded, turning to the front.

  "Okay class. Welcome to your first day of school. I'm Mrs. Clark, and I will be your history teacher." She announced. She scanned the class, grinning when her eyes landed on me, but continued through out the seats.

  "Here is a quick get to know me page, and you may all begin." She said, a grin in her face as she passed out the pages. I took mine, scanning through it. I grinned, beginning to answer the questions.

Raelynn Prudence McKnight
April 2
Harry Potter
One older sister
Reading or with my friends or family
I don't do sports, but football

I looked up and saw Marcus turning in his page. Mrs.  Clark smiled at him, as he made his way back.

  "How'd you finish so fast?" I questioned. He chuckled, shaking his head.

  "Simple. Know yourself." He said. I huffed, leaning back.

Losing my sister
Stranger things
Art and science
Prom and homecoming
My two best friends are also in this class

I grinned, getting up, heading to Mrs. Clark's desk.

"Thank you Raelynn." She grinned. I nodded, smiling.

  "You can call me Rae." I said politely. She grinned, nodding.

  "Will do. Thank you." She said, as I turned around to head back to my seat.

I left the building, with Naomi by my side, as we headed towards Marcus' truck.

"Want to come by my house later? I'm going to be bored with my mom at work and my dad, doing what ever he does." I asked. Naomi faced me, grinning.

"Sure. I have nothing today." She smiled. I smiled, as I heard a giggle along with a familiar chuckle. I turned to face Marcus and Haley making their way towards us with the new kid, Luke.

"Hey Lynnie. Ready to go?" He asked me, Haley glaring at me. I nodded, sending a quick smirk to Haley.

"Yep. I'm ready." I said, climbing into his truck.

"I got to go babe." I heard him say to her. I rolled my eyes, as I leaned on my seat.

"But." She whined Before I heard a loud thud. I heard a soft moan, and I almost gagged. I rolled down the window, ready to scare them.

"Get a room!!" I shouted.

"Oh my ******* god!!!" I heard. I laughed, as I rolled up the window. A few seconds later, Marcus climbed in the truck, smirking. I looked out my window and there was Haley giving me the bird. I chuckled, as Marcus pulled out.

"How was your day?" He asked, taking the route to my house.

"Good. And I'm assuming yours was good too based on the very intimate session you just had with miss bratty." I said, disgust in my voice. He chuckled, his entire body vibrating.

"Yeah. It was AWESOME!!" He shouted. I winced, plugging my ears.

"Okay mr big shots." I sighed, pulling up to my house. He chuckled, letting me get out of hs car. "Bye Marc." I waved, opening my door.

  "Bye Lynnie!" He calles as I shut my front door. I exhaled as I threw my bag on the ground, heading to the kitchen. No one was Home, as I figured. I opened our pantry and grabbed a granola bar. I headed to the living room, sitting in the couch and turning on Stranger Things.

  Not ten minutes later, Naomi burst through the front door.

  "I'm here!!" She exclaimed. I laughed, as she made herself comfy on the couch with me.

  "Did you see Luke!!! He's so hot!!" Naomi exclaimed, as we talked about boys while the end credits rolled on the screen.

  "Yes!! Wait!! Do you like him??" I teased Naomi. She blushed slightly, shaking her head.

  "Nooo..." she strung out. I laughed, putting my arm around her.

  "Okay Nay." I smirked, grabbing my phone which was buzzing like crazy.

Mom-I'm on my way home.
Mom-dad has something to tell u
Mom-Rae, r i alive
Mom-Raelynn. Answer me
Mom-before I send the police

Dad-answer your mother

Me-I'm alive. Okay. I'm here with Nay

I sighed, looking at Naomi.

  "My dad has som thing to tell me. I always hate this." I groaned. Ever since I was little, my dad would leave for deployment. Sometimes it would be months, and sometimes years.

When he first got deployed, he was gone for three years, and when he came back, he proposed to my mom.

  "I should leave then. Good luck." Naomi told me. I weakly grinned, hugging her.

  "Bye Nay." I said as she left.

  A few minutes later, my parents walked in.

  "Hey sweetie. How was school?" My mom asked. I nodded, scooting over as her and my dad sat down with me.

  "As good as senior year could get I guess." I said. They nodded, looking at each other. "I know. Dads getting deployed again." I sighed. He frowned at me, hugging me.

  "Sugar plum, I'm so sorry. I know you hate it when I leave, but it's what I'm required to do. I'm leaving in a week. We wanted to prepare you." He sighed. I nodded, hugging him.

  "I know you have to do it. I just hate it when you leave." I explained. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest.

  "I love you." He whispered.

  "I love you too dad." I grinned.

An interesting start to my senior year.


Word Count: 2402

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