Unspoken Words[COMPLETE]

By silentsuga

6.4K 257 65

"It's not the words you did say, it's about the words you didn't". *Unedited* More

Unspoken Words
//29// ****


70 2 3
By silentsuga



Harry seems.... extra clingy to me. Like if he thinks I'm gunna leave him or something. "Harry, are you alright?" I asked.

"I'm fine babe, why'd you ask?" I sighed, I knew I was just being paranoid.

"Nothing." I said smiling. "How are you doing? I mean with all the loss." He sighed.

"I guess I'm okay, I wrote a journal entry to Louis yesterday." I smiled.

"Can you read it to me?" He nodded reaching to the coffee table where his brown leather journal sat. He quickly opened it to a page an began reading.

"Dear Louis, I went to your funeral today. It was an array of black, well with the exception of Kaelin and Bree, who were in red. Everyone seemed so sad, mostly me, the guys, the girls, and your family. I saw your brother there, man he's gotten so big now! I'm really sad your gone man, I really am. We all miss you so much Lou. Well I guess I should go now. I love ya brother. Love, Harry." He silently shut his journal and placed it back on the table.

"That was beautiful Harry." I smiled placing a kiss on his nose. "If Louis could read it, he'd be in tears." Harry stayed silent. "Harry?"

"I-I-." He quickly shot up and ran outside. I went to go after him but Liam cut in.

"He just needs to cool off a bit." I nodded sitting back down. "So, anything new happening?" I nodded showing him my ring. "Finally!" Liam exclaimed.

"Hah, I bet that's what everyone's thinking." Liam smiled.

"I'm gunna go call Bree." He said.

"Treat her good or I will kill you Liam." He chuckled walking off.


I decided to go home after Liam left, I didn't really wanna be at Harry's anymore. Once I was at home I dialed up Makayla. "Hello?" She said.

"Hey Makayla! It's Kaelin!" I said smiling.

"Oh hey! How are you?" I giggled.

"I'm good, you?"

"Great actually."

"Hey since I've got you on the phone, would you and Luke like to come over and hang out?" She sighed.

"Luke has his friends over right now." I chuckled.

"They can come too silly!" She laughed.

"Okay I'm warning you, they are crazy, all of them!" I smiled,

"If I can deal with Harry, Atticus, Liam, Zayn and Niall all day I'm sure I'm fine." She sighed.

"Okay. Text me your address and we'll be there." I chuckled and hung up shooting her a text containing my address them threw my phone on the couch. Since I had some time to myself I decided to look threw my music on my laptop.

I was looking threw my playlists when I noticed one titled 'Mine and Harry's'. I quickly clicked on it and looked threw the songs. These were a mix of mine and Harry's favorite songs. I noticed one at the top retitled as 'Our song k.j & h.s' so I clicked on it and a guitar strumming started to play. I immediately recognized the song- our song. It was 'This by Ed Sheeran' this was the song that was gunna play at our wedding when we had our dance, it kinda fits. Our song playing while we had our dance.

I nearly fell into tears, and I'm pretty sure I would of but a knock at the door prevented me. I switched off the song and ran to the door. I opened it and saw Makayla and Luke, with three other boys behind them. "Hey- are you okay?" Luke asked.

"Yeah I was listing so emotional songs, I'm good." The blue haired boy gave out a loud laugh. "Is there something funny?" I snapped.

"Yah, who listens to emotional songs?" He said between laughter.

"Maybe a girl who has these." I said showing him my scars which shut him up.

"Sorry." He said.

"It's fine." Hah lied. "Come on in." Makayla smiled as she pulled Luke in and the other filling in behind him.

"Okay, so this is Michael, Ashton and Calum." The blue haired boy was Michael, Ashton had a caramel color and then Calum, his hair was black.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kaelin."

"Pleasures all ours." Ashton said, with a wink.

"Ashton." Luke growled. I giggled at his protective ness.

"You act like she's your sister." Calum joked.

"I'd like the think of he as that." Luke snapped which made me smile.

"Thanks Luke." He nodded. "Would you guys like some tea?" Calum laughed.

"You Brits and your tea." I gave him a puzzles look. "We're Aussies, we don't drink tea."

"Speak for yourself, I'd love a cup." Ashton said.

"Peppermint or caramel?" He smiled.

"Surprise me." I nodded walking into the kitchen, not noticing Makayla followed.

"So, can I have tea of was that a welcomer to the boys?" I chuckled.

"Caramel or Peppermint?" She smiled.


"Good choice." She nodded. "So, anything new with you and Luke?"

"Naw, just the usual, you and your man?"

"Harry, and we're actually engaged." Her face lit up.

"Kaelin I'm so happy for you!" I smiled.

"Thanks." She continue to ask me questions about Harry and my life. Which I kindly answered while we waited for the kettle to boil.

"So, where did you and Harry meet?" I smiled.

"At a coffee shop actually. It was pouring rain and so we both ran to the coffee shop and kinda went on from there." I smiled, the memory seemed so long ago but I remembered it like it was yesterday.

Quickly I added the peppermint t-bags grabbing mine and Ashton's cup (Makayla already had her's) and walked back to the living room. The boys were on the couch watching TV. I handed Ashton his cup receiving a 'thank you' then went and sat by Makayla.

"Why to British people drink tea?" Calum asked.

"It tastes good? I don't know." I said.

"Tastes like rubbish." He mumbles.

"British word! An Aussie used a British word!" I said making Calum blush. "Not so Aussie now, huh?"

"Okay, you caught me, now can we watch the movie?" He asked slipping in a movie. 'New friends,' I thought as the movie began to play.

_________________________________________________Haha, Calum and his British word usings.

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