The main six watch Death Batt...

By Deadmanx513

1.3M 3.8K 12.5K

Twilight finds some strange items in her castle one day with only a note that tells her to enjoy watching bat... More

The main six watch Death Battle, prologue.
The mane six watches death battle. CH 1 Samus Aran VS. Boba Fett.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 2, Akuma VS Shang tsung
The mane six watches death battle. ch 3, Rogue VS Wonder Woman.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 4, Goomba VS Koopa.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 5, Haggar VS Zangief.
The mane six watches death battle. ch6, TMNT Battle Royale .
The mane six watches death battle. ch 7 Zitz VS Leonardo
The mane six watches death battle. ch 8 Yoshi VS Riptor.
The mane six watches death battle ch 9 Felicia VS Taokaka
The mane six watches death battle. ch 10 Kratos VS Spawn.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 11 Bomberman VS Dig Dug.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 12 Vegeta VS Shadow.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 13 Mario VS Sonic
The mane six watches death battle. ch 14 Luke Skywalker VS Harry Potter.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 15 Chun-Li VS Mai Shiranui.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 16 Starscream VS Rainbow Dash.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 17 Master Chief VS Doomguy.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 18 Eggman VS Wily.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 19 Zelda VS Peach.
The mane six watches death battle. 20 Thor VS Raiden.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 21 Link VS Cloud.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 22 Batman VS Spider-Man.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 23 Pikachu VS Blanka.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 24 Goku vs Superman.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 25 He-man vs. Lion-O.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 26 Shao Kahn vs. M. Bison.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 27 Ryu Hayabusa vs Strider Hiryu.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 28 Ivy vs Orchid.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 29 Fox McCloud vs Bucky O'Hare
The mane six watches death battle. ch Part 30 Terminator vs Robocop.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 31 Luigi VS Tails.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 32 Pokemon Battle royale.
The mane six watches death battle. 33 Fulgore vs Sektor.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 34 Godzilla VS Gamera.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 35 Batman VS Captain America
The mane six watches death battle. ch 36 Tigerzord VS Gundam Epyon
The mane six watches death battle. ch 37 Ryu VS Scorpion
The mane six watches death battle. ch 38 Deadpool VS Deathstroke.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 39 Kirby VS Majin Buu
The mane six watches death battle. ch 40 Ragna VS Sol Badguy.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 42 Boba Fett VS Samus Aran Remastered
The mane six watches death battle. ch 43 Chuck Norris VS Segata Sanshiro
The mane six watches death battle. ch 44 Guts Vs Nightmare
The mane six watches death battle. CH 45 Iron Man VS Lex Luthor.
The mane six watches death battle. Part 46 Beast VS Goliath.
The mane six watches death battle. chapter 47. Solid Snake VS Sam Fisher
The main Six Watch Death Battle part 48 Darth Vader vs Doctor Doom
The main Six Watch Death Battle part 49 Goku Vs Superman.
The mane six watches Death Battle CH 50 . Donkey Kong VS Knuckles
The mane six watches death battle. ch 51. Wolverine Vs Raiden
The mane six watches death battle. ch 52. Hercule Satan VS Dan Hibiki
The mane six watches death battle. ch 53. Yang VS Tifa.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 54
The mane six watches death battle. ch 55
The mane six watches death battle. Ch 56
The mane six watches death battle. Ch 57
The mane six watches death battle. Ch 58
The mane six watches death battle. Ch 59
The mane six watches death battle. Ch 60
The mane six watches death battle. Ch 61
The mane six Watches Death Battle CH62
The main six watches Death Battle Part 63
The mane six watches Death Battle Part 64
The mane six watches Death Battle Part 65
The mane six watches Death Battle Part 66

The mane six watches death battle. ch Part 41 Gaara vs Toph.

31.7K 55 88
By Deadmanx513

Gaara vs Toph.

We find our group of heroes back in the rec room to enjoy another great episode of Death Battle. But it seems we have some unexpected guest today.... Well unless you've been reading the comments then you know who's appearing this chapter.

"So Pinkie... if i may ask, why are your sisters here?" asked Twilight as she look at the Pie sisters all sitting on a extra couch that Twilight had bought for when guest came over to watch Death Battle.

The pink party pony was about to answer her bookworm friend until she was interrupted by her more tempermental sister.

"well EGGHEAD if you MUST know, Maud said all three of us should visit Pinkie Pie," snarked Limestone Pie, much to her older sister Maud's silent charging.

And it seems she wasn't the only one who wasn't amused by the the middle child of the Pie Family if the flat look the Twilight was giving was any hint at her annoyance

"You know i can send you to the Moon for that attitude right?".said Twilight with a flat tone.

And while everyone (minus Maud and Pinkie) were getting a little nervous from the tense atmosphere, Limestone simply gave the princess of Friendship a smirk.

"Heh you got a backbone on ya you're Highness, I like that." said Limestone with a nod of respect.

Pinkie being the ever energetic Pony she was couldn't help but bounce in her seat in barely restrained happiness. "YAY! My sis made another friend!" she cheered.

"Ah think you might be exaggerating things a little bit sugar cube," muttered Applejack, to the farm pony all she could see was a fight about to happen.

"That's just how Limestone makes friends..." said Maud in her usual monotone voice as her younger sister Marble nodding shyly in agreement.

"Well let's start the show before this two become any friendlier" muttered Spike as he pressed play.


(*Cues: Invader - Jim Johnston*)

Wiz: Throughout Death Battle, we've seen all manner of weapons and abilities, but these two combatants command the Very Earth around them.

Limestone smirked. "This should be interesting..."

Boomstick: Gaara of the Desert.

"I wonder what he did to get that title?" wondered Rainbow Dash, thinking it would be awesome having a title like "Rainbow Dash of the clouds"

Wiz: And Toph Beifong, the Blind Bandit.

"I wonder if the dear is really blind?" worried for the fighter if they really did have such a huge disadvantage.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

(*Cues: Akatsuki - Naruto Shippuden*)

Wiz: Gaara of the Desert is a short, skinny, pale, stick of a kid, but he's also one of the deadliest shinobi in the world.

Boomstick: He looks like a member of Green Day.

"Pretty pasty for someone who lived in the desert his whole life..." Rainbow added. "Though he does have that eerie feel, like he could kill you by just glaring at you..."

"Meh, living with Maud has taught me that anyone can be deadly even if they look like they are someone who would rather read a book," said Limestone while giving her older sister a side glance.

"Mm-hmm!" agreed Marble. Knowing how strong her older sister was and how deadly she can be if angered.... That poor Dragon who thought it was a good idea to steal the gems in their rock mines.

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Wiz: Gaara is the son of the Fourth Kazekage, leader of the village hidden in the sand. Born prematurely at the cost of his mother's life, Gaara was destined for a childhood of depression and loneliness from the get-go.

"That poor boy..." Fluttershy whimpered as Rainbow wrapped her wing around her.

"Life just not fair," muttered Applejack as she tilted her hat foward to hide the tears welling up.

Boomstick: Not even a minute old and already has a kill under his belt.

"Boomstick! Not. Cool!" yelled Spike in anger.

Boomstick: Though, technically he had a little help. Because... You see...

(*Cues: Eerie - Naruto*)

Boomstick: As he was being born, his father was like, "Hey! You know what would be awesome? Using ninja magic to seal a horrible monster in my son's belly to turn him into an ultimate weapon!"

Gaara: *screams in pain and agony*

"What kind of a shit-stain father does that to his kid?!" Limestone snapped.

"..... A monster." said Maud.

"Whoa Maud! Calm down," said Pinkie Pie trying to calm down her sister who was ready to blow her top.

Wiz: The process was successful and Gaara became a jinchūriki: human beings who have powerful tailed beasts trapped within them. Gaara's beast was Shukaku, a giant tanuki with power over sand.

"Tanukis are sooo cute!" squee Fluttershy.

Boomstick: Aww, I want a tanuki as a pet. They're so fluffy and adorable, you just wanna hu-- (Shukaku appears) HOLY SHIT, WHAT IS THAT!?

"Dear CELESTIA!" screamed Rarity as she saw one the nine Biju.

".... still cute," said Fluttershy with a slight daze.

Age: 19
Full title: Gaara of the Sand Waterfall
Birthdate: January 19th
Bloodtype: AB
Son of the Fourth Kazekage
Host of Shukaku
Brother of Temari & Kankuro
Fifth Kazekage

(*Cues: Akatsuki - Naruto Shippuden)

Wiz: Shukaku loathed humanity and at first, Gaara had difficulties controlling the monster's rage, accidentally hurting others. As such, he was shunned by his own people, forced to live a secluded life.

Boomstick: Well, yeah, I mean, he's got a goddamn tummy monster. It's not like Pepto-Bismol's solving that.

"Not the time for jokes Boomstick," growled Rarity.

(*Cues: Loneliness Theme - Naruto*)

Wiz: Convinced his only option was to fight and care for only himself, Gaara became a ruthless killing machine.

"No pony should live that life," whispered Marble in one of her rare moments of speaking.

Boomstick: But it's not all bad. Having a digestive desert demon gives him control over all things sand.

"That reminds me of the legend of the first Saddle Arabian king," said Twilight with a smile. "It was once said he defended his Kingdom from dragons by wiping up sandstorms,"

"That's so cool!" cheered Rainbow Dash with stars in her eyes.

"Whatever happen to the king?" asked Maud with a surprising interest.

Twilight had to think for a bit before answering. "Well legend says that he gave his throne to his younger brother before going on a journey to hunt down a earth pony bandit that could control earth was always challenging the king, but that's all that the legend says," said Twilight with a shrug.

"Hmmm..." hummed Maud.

(*Cues: Gaara's Theme - Naruto*)

Boomstick: He can wield it as a weapon using his mind to trap and crush his foes, Oh and he can also use it to freaking fly, how the hell does that work?

"Same way a unicorn can fly on a carpet or any other object, by standing on it as they make it flout," said Starlight with a matter of fact tone.

Wiz: He can mentally adjust the density of his sand, whether it needs to be lighter than air or stronger than steel, He can even use it to stop bombs powerful enough to wipe out an entire village. He can control any sand in his vicinity using his Chakra, a spiritual energy Shinobi access for Superhuman abilities, such as walking up a tree.

"Wait, i've seen Pinkie walk up tree's! Does that make her a ninja too..." wondered Rainbow Dash.

"Hahahaha! I'm a ninja! Fear my ninja-tude!" laughed the pink Party Pony.

"That's not a real word," muttered a annoyed Twilight.

Boomstick: This guy's like the ultimate emo kid, but I'm not gonna give him too much crap, because he can use existing sand to crush the ground around him for even more sand, so he's never without easy access to ammo. Despite this, he still carries a gigantic gourd of sand on his back.

Wiz: It's huge! You'd think that'd be hard on his spine. Interestingly enough, its unique shape and size is a reference to how in Japanese folklore, Tanuki's were considered to be so well endowed they'd have to sling their testicles over their shoulders...

"WAIT, WHAT!?" yelled most of the group.

"EWW!!" said Rarity.

"MY EYES!! CANNOT UNSEE!!" Spike screamed.

"That's just disgusting." Maud said, her eye slightly twitching.

Boomstick: Awesome...

"Dude! Not awesome," said a green face Spike.

Wiz: But the thing is, Gaara's gourd is not carrying any ordinary testicles, I mean sand!

A small portion of the group cracked up at this.

Wiz: Gaara has infused his own Chakra into the gourd sand.

Boomstick: This directly links it to Gaara, making it much easier for him to control. He's so skilled with it, he can even forge weapons from it, bury people underground or send it into another person's bloodstream and control them like some sort of puppet, talk about an itch you're not gonna scratch.

"That's some scary power right there," muttered Limestone while everyone else agreed.

(*Cues: Akatsuki - Naruto Shippuden)

Wiz: Also, Gaara eventually battled and defeated his own father who happened to be a zombie at the time, His father used a Magnetic Release ability to control gold dust, much like Gaara does sand.

"Huh. i guess it makes sense that they would share a similar fighting style," said Rainbow Dash with a shrug.

Boomstick: Even though he can't do the Zombie Dad Magnet thing, Gaara added Gold Dust to his gourd sand anyway, giving him more control over it's weight.

Wiz: But wait, there's more, with her dying breath, Gaara's mother somehow imparted her own power into this sand. It became living sand, an extension of her will determined to follow and protect Gaara. It will spring from the gourd to defend him from any danger, regardless of risk and without command.

"Nothings stronger than a mother's love," said Spike while giving Twilight a smile who returned it while also giving him a hug.

"And don't forget father's too!" cheered Rainbow Dash with everyone else agreeing.

Sand Gourd
Johyo rope dart
Gold Dust
Sealing Tag

Boomstick: This absolute defensive technique is called... The Absolute Defense, pretty good name really, Gaara sand is so dense and fast, only someone who can move nearly the speed of sound can pass it.

"That would take somepony like Rainbow Dash with her speed to get passed it!" gasped Rarity as everyone else were amazed at such a powerful defence.

"No wonder he's so powerful, his Defence is like the saddle arabian king i talked about!" said Twilight in awe.

Wiz: Gaara can also use everyday sand to create defences such as his Sand Armor, which encases him in a shell to soften blows, unlike his automatic Absolute Defense, the Sand Armor is self-created, and requires a large amount of his Chakra to maintain.

"Sounds like the magic skin layer that the Royal Guard uses to protect themselves," said Twilight while marveling at Gaara's powerful defence.

"Huh so that's how they're able to take so much punishment when a bad guy shows up," said Applejack.

"Yep! Celestia charges some of her magic into the gems in their chest plate and it cast the spell when they wear the armor," said Twilight. Happy to teach pony in any subject.

Armor of Sand
Shield of Sand
Third Eye
Desert Wave
Sand Binding Coffin
Sand Binding Prison
Sand Clone
Sand Hail
Sand Shuriken

Boomstick: Gaara's skill with sand is only limited by how much Chakra he's got left in his system, After running low, he could tag out and give Shukaku a turn fighting, until a group of crazy people literally pulled the sand monster from his body for good, that must've hurt, it's gotta be like twice as bad than that night after Chipotle.

Wiz: He died...

This shocked the rest of the group and also angered them that someone would do something like that to someone who's suffered like Gaara.

Boomstick: Oh... the same then.

"Not cool Boomstick," hissed out Spike.

(*Cues: Gaara's Theme - Naruto)

Wiz: Turns out losing Shukaku was actually a blessing in disguise (*Cues Gaara's theme again*), after being resurrected, Gaara spent some time re-evaluating his emotional roller coaster of a life, inspired by Naruto Uzumaki, he began to truly understand compassion, his attitude changed, his people began supporting him, he even commanded the Allied Shinobi Forces during the Fourth Great Shinobi War, and like his late father, Gaara also became...

Boomstick/Pinkie Pie: A ZOMBIE?!

Wiz: Kazekage...

Boomstick: DAMN! Well, even non-zombie and missing Shukaku, Gaara still retained his powerful Chakra and skill over sand.

Feats & Strengths
Achieved Kazekage rank at 15
Protected Sunagakure from Deidara's C3 bomb
Sand is faster than the eye can see
Held up a falling meteor
Defeated Rock Lee & Sasuke
Defeated his father, Rasa
Regimental Commander of the Allied Shinobi Forces

Wiz: In their fight, Gaara was so powerful, his father mistook him for Shukaku itself, despite the sand monster being long gone.

"That's saying something if you're compared to a creature that looks like celestia might not even win in a straight fight." muttered Limestone.

Boomstick: Gaara is stronger and smarter than ever, all thanks to his mother's love... I miss Mama Boomstick...

"Even somepony like Boomstick has a soft spot for his mother," said Rarity with a small hint of respect.

Wiz: Few can withstand the overwhelming power of this sand shinobi... or Mama Boomstick's cooking.

Boomstick: HEY! You're uninvited to Thanksgiving.

"I agree that was quite rude Mr.Wiz," said Fluttershy.

Wiz: I never was!

Boomstick: Exactly...

A person running from Gaara's sand is caught and is pulled back into the dark hallway, screams loudly as Naruto and Shikamaru looked on paralyzed in place, Gaara then silently approaches them from behind and walks past them.

"..... I think i peed a little," muttered Rainbow Dash.


(*Cues: A:TLA - Panda Lily*)

Wiz: As the only child of the wealthy Beifong family, Toph was kept a secret from the rest of the world. Hidden away, she was pampered and guarded like a fragile child. Her parents were hopeful she could someday become a noble respected member of Earth Kingdom society.

"Pfft! Bor~ing!" said Rainbow Dash. rolling her eyes.

Boomstick: But their hopes were pretty much dashed from the moment she popped out. See those faded whites? Yeah, Toph's completely blind.

"Poor thing," said Fluttershy on the verge of tears

Lao Beifong: My daughter is blind. She is blind and tiny and helpless and fragile!

"She wouldn't be on this show if she was buster," snarked Applejack.

Boomstick: Still, "fragile" is the last word that I would want to use to describe this chick.

Age: 12 (Avatar)/88 (Korra)
Full name: Toph Beifong
Daughter of a prestigious family
Extremely acute senses beside sight
Former police chief
Stage name: The blind bandit
Eventually retired to the swamp as a hermit

"So she's a hermit as well? Maybe she'd get along with Zecora," Twilight said, thinking about her rhyming friend.

(*Cues: A:TLA - The Seven Chakras*)

Wiz: Frustrated by her parents' stubborn coddling, Toph ran away from home at the age of six and ended up losing her way in a cave, until she was rescued by some giant Badgermoles. Yes, they're badgers and they are moles.

"Thank harmony our parents aren't like that," Limestone said, leaning back into the couch.

"Mmhmm," Marble hummed from her spot.

"Really? It seemed like they were pretty strict to me," Applejack said, looking at Pinkie's sisters.

"With work and chores, yeah. Other than that, our parents are pretty supportive of us. How else do you think our parents let Pinkie be a party pony or let Maud go to college," Limestone said, waving her hoof nonchalantly.

"Our parents want to make sure we're safe, but they know we can take care of ourselves," Marble said, hiding behind her mane.

"Besides our father threw wilder parties than Pinkie back in his day," Maud said, taking her eyes off the screen.

"Really?" Applejack asked, not believing what she heard. From what she saw, the old stallion seemed to be a stick in the mud to her.

"I'm still trying to figure out how Pa got an elephant into the church," Pinkie said, scratching her head. Hearing that, Applejack wisely turned back to the screen and decided to forget what she heard.

Boomstick: Imagine one of those things burrowing into your home. What kind of pest control do you even call for that? Oh wait, I know. FIRE.

"Boomstick no!" screamed Fluttershy.

Wiz: Like Toph, Badgermoles are blind. So they took a liking to her.

Boomstick: Well, how the hell would they know?

Wiz: And as the original artists of the craft, the Badgermoles began her training in the art of earthbending.

Toph Practices Earthbending a small rock, and succeeds.

"Those critters are some good teachers," Applejack said as they rest of the group were stunned.

(*Cues: A:TLA - Invading the Palace*)

Boomstick: These giant varmints taught Toph how to manipulate rock and stone using movements similar to the chu-gar praying mantis martial art, Toph can telekinetically throw, grow, shrink, and alter earth in any conceivable way, making for some pretty down to earth attacks and defenses.

"She really "rocks"!" joked Pinkie Pie while everyone else let out a groan.

"Dammit Pinkie," muttered an irritated Limestone.

Wiz: The Badgermoles also taught Toph how to see.

Boomstick: Wait, these ridiculous creatures are also masters of LASIK surgery?!

"No you mouth breather," muttered Rarity.

Wiz: No, Toph does not use her eyes to see, of course, her other senses are extremely accurate, and as a master earthbender, Toph can sense the location of earth anywhere. Even more impressive though, the Badgermoles navigate their tunnels using an earthbending technique known as the Seismic Sense". And Toph quickly picked up on this talent. It's kind of like sonar. It works by detecting the exact location and movement of a person or object through their interaction with the ground.

Toph: I feel the vibrations in the earth, and I can see where everything is, you, that tree, even those ants.

"WOW... that's impressive fer a blind girl... and so young too..." Applejack smiled, proud to see the girl accomplish such a feat.

(*Cues: A:TLA - Yuyen*)

Wiz: She feels every movement, every footstep, every heartbeat, so precisely, she can even tell if a person's lying.

"She'd make a pretty good detective... or even a Royal Guard!" Spike smiled, imagining how easy it would be to fight crime with such abilities.

"Would be pretty useful get farmin' too..." Applejack added.

"She could take care of everything at home easily," Maud said, nodding to what her cousin said.

Bending Arts
Seismic Toss
Earth compression

"These bending skill sound very useful," Starlight said, wondering what other kinds of bending there are.

"I wanna learn mudbending," Pinkie said, hoping on the couch.

Maud slowly turned to look at her pink furred sister and said, "No."

Boomstick: A woman who can always tell when i'm lying? No thank you! Toph is so good at this that even her closest friends sometimes forget she's blind.

Sokka: *Drops Toph's championship belt to her, but it hits her head and she falls over*

Toph: Ow!

Sokka: Sorry.

"HA!" laughed Rainbow and Limestone.

Boomstick: But don't worry, they're reminded.

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Boomstick: In only six years, Toph had completely mastered Earthbending. She even won the Earth Rumble VI tournament multiple times under her stage name, "The Blind Bandit".

"Huh that was the title of the Bandit that the king had a rivalry with," said Twilight in astonishment.

Wiz: But Toph didn't stop her training with just earthbending. At first, softer earth proved difficult for her seismic sense.

Toph: I feel the vibrations in the ground with my feet, but this sand is so loose and shifty, it makes everything look fuzzy.

"That most of caused them some real trouble." commented Starlight.

Wiz: But she has since demonstrated her mastery in both sandbending and mudbending, she can also change the density of earth from sand to stone and back, and before you start making any density or hardening innuendos, she's twelve.

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Boomstick: I...okay...

"Well, at least he has SOME standards....." Rarity growled.

Boomstick: But her greatest achievement is the discovery of an all-new bending art, one thought to be impossible: Metalbending.

"Aw ya now that sounds like something i could get behind," cheered Limestone with a hoof pump.

(*Cues: A:TLA - Yuyen again*)

Wiz: By manipulating the earthly composition within, Toph can bend nearly any type of metal just as well as stone, the exception being highly purified metals such as platinum.

Boomstick: Toph quickly mastered metalbending, and went on to teach it to others.

Wiz: She eventually even founded and led a metalbending police force.

"Now that's more like it!" Limestone smirked. "An entire police force that can metalbend? This girl gets shit DONE!"

Boomstick: And that's after conquering Earth Rumble IV, holding up a building the size of a castle, defeating an entire army almost single handedly, and dueling King Bumi to a standstill, and that guy's conquered an entire hostile city by himself.

"Ok, now I wanna know more about this "Bumi" fellow... sounds like a cool guy!" Pinkie said, thinking the old man looked fun.

Feats & Strengths
Reigning champ of Earth Rumble
Invented Metalbending
Dueled Bumi to a draw
Held up Wan Shi Tong's library
Trained the Avatar in Earthbending
Destroyed several Fire Nation Blimps
Created the Metalbending Police Force

Wiz: Even in her old age, Toph was capable of going one on one with the new Avatar, and her Seismic Sense could locate people across the world.

"But.... how..... What?" Twilight began to ask, her hair starting to stick out.

Spike rubbed her back and said, "Shhh. Calm down, Twilight." The act did the trick as Twilight let out a sigh and her mane went back to normal.

Boomstick: She knows when I've lied AND where I've been? Women should not have these powers.

"Oh i disagree Mr. Boomstick," giggled out Rarity.

Toph: I am the greatest earthbender in the world! Don't you two dunderheads ever forget it!

"Booya!" cheered Rainbow Dash.


The gang were thinking over who they should pick. After much debate, Twilight, Spike, and Fluttershy chose Gaara for his feats of protecting and leading a village. Starlight, Rainbow Applejack and Rarity went with Toph because they felt her accomplishments were more amazing like creating a new art.

The Pie sisters didn't pick and stayed neutral. For some reason it felt wrong to pick between the two combatants.


Death Battle
(*Cues: Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3 - Leaf Forest*)

Gaara is shown standing alone is a rocky battlefield. At the other end of the battlefield, a building made of rock rises out of the ground. It opens up, and Toph walks out.

Toph: Whew, talk about a rough ride.

Gaara: You do not belong here. This is sacred ground. Leave.

Toph: Pfft. Oh yeah, tough guy? Make me.

"She should respect someplace sacred," muttered Twilight.

"Gaara's is kind of in the right in this fight," agreed Applejack.

(*Cues: Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3 - Forest at Night*)


Toph stomps the ground, making a boulder rise up. Toph punches it toward Gaara. She stomps the ground again, summoning two boulders that she hurls at Gaara. Toph punches the ground creating four more boulders and throws them at Gaara. Gaara's sand arises from his gourd and destroys the first three, before creating a shield to protect him from the rest of the boulders. The sand shield shoots Sand Bullets at Toph, who creates a rock to protect herself from the attack. She then punches her stone shield, which flies towards Gaara's position, just before his sand comes down and destroys it in slow motion.

"Oh damn! look at that!" yelled Rainbow Dash.

"Talk about dishing out dirt," said Maud, causing most of the group to laugh and Pinkie Pie to Pout.

"How was that funner then my puns," muttered the pink party pony.

Gaara: Interesting. She commands stone as fluently as I control sand.

Toph: By the way, I can tell you're using your sand to smash up the ground underneath us for more ammo. Pretty smart for a Sandbender.

"Not a sand bender," corrected Spike.

"He's a ninja!" cheered Pinkie Pie.

As Toph talks to Gaara, the camera shows Gaara's sand flowing. Toph then enters a fighting stance.

Toph: Too bad I'm gonna kick your butt before you can use any of it!

"Go blind Bandit!" cheered Rainbow Dash.

"Don't lose Gaara!" yelled Twilight.

Toph uses her Earthbending abilities to create sharp rocks to impale Gaara. Gaara dodges and leaps into the air.

Gaara: *groans* I can't underestimate her.

Gaara uses the Body Flicker Technique to teleport away.

Toph stomps the ground to create a large rock. She jumps up and stands on top of the rock, and then commands the rock to move forward. She brings out her steel rope to strike Gaara. Gaara appears after using his jutsu and stands up.

Gaara: I need time.

Gaara creates a sphere of sand around him. The whip attaches itself to the shield of sand, unable to penetrate it.

"Smart. He can protect himself and come up with a plan," Starlight said, finding the tactic to be the best at the moment.

Toph: Huh?

The shield creates spikes on the side the steel rope is connected to.

Toph: Woah!

Toph jumps off the rock and lets go of the steel rope. The rock slams into the shield and breaks.

Toph: Whew. Sorry, grumpy. I'm not ready to be a shish kebab just yet!

"I'm getting kind of hungry for some kebabs,"muttered Spike while rubbing his stomach.

"We'll get some after this," Twilight and Starlight said, feeling hungry as well.

Toph creates a sand pillar to flatten Gaara's sand shield. It hits it, but the pillar breaks.

Toph: Come on! Are you really that scared of a little blind girl? I'm touched.

"Wow this girls feisty," said Limestone with a grin. "I like it!"

She runs at Gaara's sand shield and grabs hold of one of Gaara's spikes. She changes the spike's density to make it much harder, spins it around in her hand, and then slams it into the sand sphere, piercing straight through. Gaara flies out of the back. When he stands up once more, Gaara is wearing his sand armor, and it begins to crack.

Gaara: Your eyes. Those are not the eyes of loneliness, like mine. They are... blank.

Toph: Impressive insight, "Gloomsville". I'm digging the whole "wearing sand" thing though. That's new!

"You know if they weren't fighting to the death i beat they would get along," said Fluttershy.

Limestone gave the yellow pegasus a weird look before going back to watching t.v. "i don't see it."

(*Cues: Hidden Leaf Village Riverside Theme - Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3*)

Gaara flies into the air on a cloud of sand, and begins firing sand bullets at Toph. She summons a rock in front of her and holds it up like a shield. Gaara's sand bullets begin to pummel the rock. However, the rock shatters after receiving too many hits, and she is hit by a barrage of sand. Gaara then uses sand to pick up Toph and restrain her.

Toph: Hey! No fair!

Gaara: You need your arms to control the Earth. I will remove them!

"Cold and straight for the most brutal and efficient strategy," muttered Starlight.

"Just like a true military leader," stated Twilight.

Toph lowers the sand's density from inside, and is able to stick her arm out. She then punches the sand and it transforms into stone. She then shatters it, and is released from Gaara's grip. The stone falls to the ground.

Toph: Dream on, creep! It will take a lot more sand than that to take me down!

Gaara: That's the plan!

Gaara uses sand wave to overwhelm Toph. An enormous amount of sand begins rushing towards Toph.

"That might be a problem for the girl," Rarity said as she saw the large sand wave.

"Not good," Maud said, not showing any reaction.

Toph: Oh, crud...

"Oh crud indeed," muttered Applejack.

Toph creates two stone pillars to protect herself, and before the sand can reach her, she begins wrapping her steel rope around her body. The enormous wave of sand hits. When it clears, a hole opens up in the ground, and Toph rises up on top of a boulder out of the hole, completely covered in solid steel armor.

Gaara: Sand coffin!

He traps Toph in a giant coffin of sand.

Gaara: Sand Burial!

The sand constricts tightly around Toph. No sounds can be heard coming from inside. Gaara spins around to face away from her.

Gaara: It is done.

"It's never that easy," Starlight said, thinking about the fight she had with Twilight in Cloudsdale.

The ground begins to tremble. Toph leaps out of the sand, and her steel armor shatters and falls to the ground in mid-air.

Toph: Jeez! I almost felt that.

Gaara: That's Impossible!

Toph: Are you kidding? Pay attention, Sandy. I'm about to school you!

"Kick his ass," cheered the rainbow themed Pegasus.

(*Cues: Sansukumi - Naruto: Gekitō Ninja Taisen! 4)

Toph assumes a horse stance and begins to yell as if she is powering up. A barrage of boulders begin to rapidly rise up out of the ground. Toph launches them all at Gaara. He uses sand to stop them all. Behind him, Toph rises out of the ground on top of a massive earth column. Six more earth columns rise up out of the ground next to her, surrounding Gaara. Gaara attempts to attack Toph with his sand. Just as it is about to hit her, time slows, and Toph reaches out and redirects the sand so it misses her. The sand loops around the pillars, then turns and starts to rush back towards Toph again. The six earth pillars bend down in front of Toph, protecting her, and the sand slams into them harmlessly. Gaara attempts to recover, but Toph appears behind him on another rock pillar, grabbing Gaara by the neck. He struggles, but he can't break free.

Toph: Gotcha...

Toph uses sandbending to compress Gaara's sand armor down into his body, crushing him within his own armor. As he lets out one last scream and dies, the camera moves upwards as blood comes out from under the screen. The scene then fades back to Toph, who throws Gaara's sand armor down at the ground. As it hits the ground, it makes the sound of porcelain/glass shattering.

Toph: That's how it's done!

"He's not getting up from that," Maud said, still stoned faced.


(*Cues: A:TLA - Season 3 Main Theme*)

Boomstick: Aww, oh (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) god-damn (bleep) son of a (bleep) (bleep) weasel! Why did another anime character have to lose?!

"Oh wow Boomy's taking this lost very hard," said a wide eyed Pinkie Pie.

Wiz: Yeah... but, here's why... Gaara's sand is monstrous and its speed and power could easily obliterate most foes, but with Toph, it's another story.

Boomstick: Really? She's freaking blind for God's sake, and he can fly!

Wiz: Ohoho! In the OFFICIAL "Behind The Scenes extras" of the Avatar: Book 2 DVD we found this...

A small caption on the screen says "Did you know? Toph can feel the Earth even if it isn't connected to the ground?"

"SERIOUSLY!?" Rainbow shouted, her jaw close to hitting the floor.

Wiz: Toph can feel the Earth, even if it isn't connected to the ground.

Boomstick: Toph is tough, but her real strength lies in her precision and technique, and with her Earthbending and Seismic Sense, she could see Gaara's attacks coming the instant they began, regardless of if he was in the air.

"But unless she can move at the speed of sound or at least close to that she shouldn't be able to dodge it," said Twilight as she tried to understand the logic behind this outcome.

Wiz: And while Gaara's chakra-infused sand is controlled by his late mother, it's still sand. Just like in an Earthbending duel, Toph was able to influence it long enough to misdirect or block attacks. Also remember, Gaara added his father's Gold Dust to the mix, giving Toph two different bending options, just in case. Unlike Platinum, Gold contains traces of Iron and Copper,and can be metal-bent.

"So by that logic, Gaara hindered himself in this fight." Rainbow mused to herself.

Boomstick: To top this off, Gaara keeps himself covered in his Sand Armor, so Toph could always sense where he was.

"Kinda like in Kratos vs Spawn where he was able to feed of Kratos' sins since he was covered in them..." Applejack added.

Wiz: And it's specifically stated that the Sand Armor uses up large amount of Gaara's own Chakra, not his Mother Sand, so when he ran low on Chakra, it became difficult to maintain. Thus, Toph had no problem turning Gaara's greatest defense into his worst weakness.

Boomstick: Gaara couldn't sand up to Toph, Ahaha! I know you're floored, I really ground that one in, didn't I? What can I say, It's my Earthly Delight.

"HA GOOD ON BOOMY!" laughed Pinkie Pie.

Wiz: Ugh... The winner is Toph Beifong.

Boomstick: No need to gravel about it, can't we just bury the hatchet? I'm out.

"the puns.... they hurt." said Maud.


Boomstick: Next time on Death Battle!

The preview cuts to a scene in space with an orange space ship.

"Doesn't that ship look familiar?" Applejack asked, squinting at the ship. The others, besides the other Pie sisters and Starlight, looked at the ship in interest.

The next scene showed another familiar ship behind the orange one. It then cuts to an armored being falling from the sky, onto the ground in a kneeling position. The being slowly looked up, showing a familiar visor.

"Wait is that....," Spike said, watching the preview unfold.


The group saw a slow shot of a jetpack with a scarf flapping in the wind. Then it showed the opponent's armor and gun as the groups eyes widened

Vs Bounty Hunter

The following scene showed the opponent and the girls, and dragon, were shocked at who it was.

"Boba Fett!!!" Rainbow yelled, flying into the air in shock.

They watched as they saw Samus and Boba shooting at each other with explosions going off in the background. Samus gets up from a huge blast as her armor falls off, revealing a skin tight blue suit underneath it.

Samus VS Boba Fett!


The main group was left speechless before they broke out in wild cheers.


"That was interesting," Maud said flatly, looking at her younger sisters.

"You're damn right that was. Gotta give it to the blind girl, She can really dish out the punishment," Limestone said, jumping off the couch and landing on the floor.

"Hmm," Marble mumbled, watching Pinkie and the others walking to a glowing box.

Limestone saw where the girls were going and asked, "What're you doing by that box?"

"We're going to the box cause it gives us a lot of free stuff after each episode and we're going see what's inside. C'MON," Pinkie said, hopping towards the box. The sisters of the pink party pony started to walk towards the box as Pinkie hopped towards it and opened it.

"What did we receive, darling?" Rarity asked, trying to look into the box. Luckily she wasn't close as Pinkie popped out of the box and landed next to the fashionista. Not phased by tis, Rarity calmly asked, "Did you find anything?"

"I found comics," Pinkie said, throwing a bunch to everyone. "Oh there were a few other things," Pinkie said, jumping back into the box.

"What is is? Manuals on earthbending?" Twilight asked excitedly.

"Scrolls on ninja jutsus?" Rainbow asked, equally as excited as Twilight.

"A tanuki?" Fluttershy asked causing everyone to shiver.

"Nope. It's some stuff for my favorite sisters in the whole wide world," Pinkie said, jumping out of the box with a small sack on her back.

"There's something for us?" Maud asked, showing the very tiniest bit of confusion on her face.

"Really? What is it?" Limestone asked, walking to the sack and opening it. Inside the sack was a book, a bag, four thin black bands and a note. "What's this?" Limestone asked, taking the note and looking at it.

"What does it say, Limey?" Pinkie asked, trying to look over Limestone's shoulder.

"Dear Pie Sisters. In this bag there's one meteor bracelet for each of you, even you Pinkie. The book is for Maud and it's the earth pony king's diary. There's a note in the book for you so read it. And finale for the tough pony reading this note, the bag holds some special rocks and soil from Sunagakure. Hope you enjoy the stuff. Crazy Love, Deadman," Limestone said, her sisters putting on their bracelets.

Maud picks up the book and looks at it as Twilight slowly walks forward and says, "Boooook."

Maud boops the princess on the nose and says, "Bad princess." That stopped the lavender princess as the rest of the group started to giggle or in Rainbow's case, fall over laughing.

"We might as well get going," Maud said, getting ready to go. Her sisters were above to walk out the door when Pinkie landed in front of them.

"WAIT! You said we would all go to the lake to swim and hang out!" cried Pinkie Pie as she gave her sisters a pout.

"Damn i hope you would of forgot," muttered Limestone.

"To late we might as well go..." said Maud, much to pinkie's joy and lime's annoyance.

''''''''''''''''''''''''''(later at the lake)''''''''''''''''''''''''''

We find the group at the lake enjoying the sun and taking a nice dip in the lake.

Well most of the group was, Maud simply sat under the beach umbrella that Spike was kind enough to provide her as she read her new book. Like the note suggested she went to the last page.

"After giving my throne to my younger brother, I went to search of my rival, the blind bandit, to end our rivalry once and for all. Of course she was at her usual spot, where she trained, and we started our fight. It was a fight I knew would end in her favor, but I decided to put everything into a trump card so to say. I would end our rivalry with one simple question."

(15o0 years ago.)

"Would you marry me?" asked a pale colored equine with a red mane and wearing brown robes fit for a king.

"Wha? What did you say Gloomsville?" said a grey earth pony with a black mane as she stared at the equine with her milky colored eyes. The boulder next to her fell to the ground, creating a sizable crater.

(back to the present.)

Maud had an amused Smile as she continued to read.

"I'll never forget the look on her face and the blush she had. She began to sputter while calling me a fool for asking such a question during battle. I told her i didn't care and wanted an answer even if i had to defeat her to get it."

"She agreed after going on how it was out of pity because in her words "a gloomy guy like me would never have a chance with a girl otherwise." We agreed to leave my old kingdom behind and head to the new kingdom of equestria where we would settle down. I hear Rock farming was a good option for earth Ponies."

Maud stared at the last page for a moment before closing it and putting it in her saddle bags. With nothing else to do, she saw a few small rocks near her and had an interesting thought. Maud held out her hoof towards the rocks and they started to float and then turn into turn into sand.

"Hmm." hummed Maud in thought before she heard her sister Limestone's foul mouth cursing from the Lake. with a sigh she got up to see what happen and on her way she could only wonder why Limestone had to inherit their great (add in a few more greats) grandmother Toph's foul temper.


CHAPTER END! NEXT TIME Boba Fett VS Samus Aran Remastered.

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