The mane six watches death battle. ch 25 He-man vs. Lion-O.

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He-man vs. Lion-O.

As Celestia's sun rose over the horizon, Applejack yawned as she pulled herself out of bed and made her way towards the orchard. Since it was Big Mac's turn to make breakfast she decided to get a few minutes of apple-bucking in, it always helped her work up an appetite.

Getting a running start, she galloped towards the nearest tree and turned around, giving it a hard buck, she took a moment to watch the fruits fall... only they weren't the fruits she was expecting.

"What in the hay?!" She shouted as pears rained down from the tree. Looking around, she realised that every single tree around her had pears instead of apples. "How in tarnation-"


"-EYOOW!" The farmpony yelped as she felt something smack her rear. Turning around, she realized that somepony had placed a pear sticker over both her cutie marks!

"Alright! Who's the wise-guy who's dumb enough tah-WOAH!!" She shouted as a certain rainbow-colored blur tackled her before she could react...

[an hour later.]

"Wait, where's Applejack?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow smirked deviously. "Oh, she'll be along shortly..."

As if on cue, Applejack stormed into the room with a less-than-pleased look on her face. And it was easy to see why; she was wearing a giant pear costume that only allowed her head, legs, and tail to poke out.

Everyone in the room could only stare in shock while Rainbow, Spike and Pinkie burst out laughing. "So, like the new theme I picked for you... Pearjack?" Rainbow managed to say as she held Pinkie for support.

Applejack glared at the cyan pegasus in rage. "SHUT. UP. RAINBOW. DASH."

"Aw, don't be so sour. Pearjack." Pinkie giggled. "It's just a prank!"

"Don't call me that!!" Applejack snapped before giving Rainbow Dash a dark glare. "Now give me the key!"

Starlight gasped as she composed herself. "W-What key?"

Applejack pointed to the back of her costume, which had some sort of lock embedded into it. "The reason Ah can't take it off it's because that stupid lock keeps it stuck on!"

"Well... ok I'll fork over that key..." said Rainbow dash with a shrug.

"Good-" the farm mare was about to say.

"AFTER the battle!" stated Rainbow Dash with a grin

"WHAT?!" the farm pony yelled.

(thank ya Alphamon_Ouryuken)

"Well... i guess we should start the next episode then," commented Twilight as she pressed play.


(*Cues: Invader - Jim Johnston*)

Wiz: Ahh, the glorious 80's. That odd era of big hair, keytars, and goofy muscular heroes of questionable sexual preference.

"Oh~?" questioned Rarity with small blush dusting her cheeks after hearing the last part of Wiz's speech.

Boomstick: He-Man, master of the universe...

"Those muscles," muttered Applejack, trying to hide her blush.

Wiz: And Lion-O, Lord of the Thundercats.

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