The mane six watches death battle. ch 7 Zitz VS Leonardo

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Zitz VS Leonardo

The next day everyone met back up in the ballroom determine not to let last episode to ruin the fun that they were having and to not let it keep their moods down.

"All right girls! are you ready to give this show another chance?" asked Twilight as she got everything set up for another marathon of death battle.

"YEAH!" was the group agreement of her friends.

With no further delay and with the encouragement of her friends, Twilight quickly hit play and sat back with her friends to enjoy the show.

(*Cues: Invader - Jim Johnston*)

Boomstick: Last time on Death Battle, the Ninja Turtles battled to find the deadliest of the team, and good old Leo used cunning strategy and swordplay to come out on top.

"But the cost was too great," muttered everyone.

Wiz: But the fight isn't over yet. Leonardo must face his most powerful imitator, Zitz, the leader of the mighty Battletoads.

"Now that's an odd name," commented Spike.

"Though not as crazy as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," countered Twilight. Getting a nod from her dragon assistant.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a death battle.


(*Cues: Battletoads & Double Dragon - Main Title*)

Wiz: Zitz was computer engineered as one of three ultimate amphibian warriors in a gladitorial video game reality show called Battletoads. This accidentally opened a dimensional gateway to another galaxy. Every time the game began, the galaxy became the battletoad arena for their superhero war against the Dark Queen and they...

"I'm getting confused," Pinkie said while holding her head in her hooves.

"Same here, sugarcube," Applejack said getting a bit of a headache from the explanation.

Boomstick: Whoa, whoa, whoa, what?

"Even I'm confused," Twilight said, not fully understanding what Wiz said.

Wiz: Three nerds made a video game, got sucked through it into another galaxy, and became toad superheroes.

"Ok that's easier to understand," Rarity said, now understanding the story.

Boomstick: Yeah, got it!

"Me too!" Agreed Pinkie Pie.

Wiz: Zitz was originally colored yellow, to differentiate him from Rash, but he is now officially a blue-green hue. He leads the Battletoad team with a laid back yet strategic attitude.

Real Name: Morgan Ziegier
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 196 lbs.
Leader & Strategist
Superhuman Strength
Was originally yellow, but is now blue-green

"Why change his colors?" Rainbow asked, not seeing anything wrong with being yellow.

"Who knows? I'm wondering how he can lead a team as a strategist with a lazy attitude," Spike wondered.

Boomstick: He chooses to go with my personal favorite battle strategy:

"Boomstick has a battle strategy?" questioned a surprised Twilight along with an equally stunned group.

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