The Nerd's Best Friend

By ashlyn0304

75K 2.5K 226

Raelynn is your typical nerd. Straight A's and an art student. And to add to it, thick rimmed glasses and bra... More

The Nerd's Best Friend


3.7K 104 23
By ashlyn0304

"Are you ready to go sweetie?" My mom asked Claire, as she packed her Jeep to the brim. Claire turned around, her jet black hair swinging. She smiled, her perfect white teeth showing. Her brown eyes sparkled as she nodded.

"Yes mom, I'm positive." She reassured my mom. I stood back as my mom sighed, wrapping her arms around my sister. Her light brown hair, a mess from the stress that has been put upon her from Claire leaving, tied into a bun. She pulled away, as my dad, hugged her as well, lifting her off the ground. She gripped my dads dark brown hair, as she squealed.

"Daddy!" She exclaimed. He chuckled, kissing her head.

"I love you sugar plum." He smiled. Ah grinned, hugging him again.

"I love you too daddy." She said. Once they pulled back, she looked at me. She stepped towards me, grabbing my shoulders. Her eyes stared into my hazel ones as she sighed, hugging me. I froze at the sudden contact, before hugging her back. She ran her fingers through my curly dark brown hair, as she pulled away.

"You'll be Okay." She assured me. I nodded, taking her hands.

"I know. I'm just going to miss you." I sighed. She grinned, letting go.

"I'll only be a six hour car drive away." She joked. I laughed, as she held out her hand for our secret hand shake. I took it, doing the motions, while chanting, "Maybe not by blood, but by heart, we are sisters. Nothing or no one can pull us apart, as we are bonded with something greater. Love." We said in unison. She smiled at me, hugging me once more before climbing into her jeep.

"Bye!!!" She exclaimed, driving off. We all waved, as she drove off, to begin a new life somewhere else.

I'm Raelynn. Raelynn Prudence McKnight to be exact. I'm seventeen, and that was my older sister, Claire Melanie McKnight. She was adopted when my parents found out they couldn't have their own kids. When she was three, a miracle happened. I was born. I was born prematurely, with under developed lungs. I was in the NICU for several weeks before being able to go home. Claire graduated three years ago, but hasn't gone to college yet, because of a relationship she was in. Her and her boyfriend were very serious, and when they graduated, he didn't want to leave, so neither did she. She then found out he was cheating on her and broke up with him. She is now off to UT. I now must suffer through Senior year with My best friend, Marcus, which I have known since birth and our other best friend, Naomi, or Nay. And did I mention, I'm the nerd at school and Marcus is the popular boy? I didn't? Oops.

"Rae. Are you ready for school tomorrow?" My dad asked me, as we got inside the house again. I nodded, pushing my glasses higher up on my nose.

"I forgot to tell you Rae. Baley and Nick are coming for dinner tonight." My mom told me, getting on the couch.

"With Marcus and Elliot?" I asked, my mood lifting. She nodded, turning on tv. I grinned, heading to my room.

I had everything ready for my first day of senior year, except my first day outfit. I lied back on my bed, getting on my phone. I texted my best friend, Naomi, asking for help.

Nay-try a skirt with a graphic tee and maybe suspenders

Rae-ok. I'll see what I got

I climbed from my bed, scanning my closet. I pulled out my favorite skirt which was a simple black skater skirt, along with a cute graphic tee that had a bunny on it with glasses.

I grinned, placing it on my desk for tomorrow. I also pulled out some black booties. I went to my bathroom and looked at my appearance. I had large thick rimmed glasses that shielded my hazel eyes. My long dark brown hair was in its natural curly state and pulled into a ponytail. I was wearing an oversized sweater with some skinny jeans bad mix matched socks. The doorbell rang and I ran downstairs to meet my best friend and hi family.

"Marc!!" I screeched, attacking him.

"Lynnie!!!" He exclaimed hugging me back.

Meet Marcus. My all time best friend. I've known him since we were born because our parents were best friends since birth as well. He has an older brother that's eight years older than him. He was born Baley's first year at college, making him twenty five. Elliot is married and has a daughter as well. Marcus is the caption of the varsity football team and also is known for his insane amounts of girlfriends. I should know. They all hate me.

We pulled away and there stood Elliot. He was a tall guy with decent sized muscles. He pulled me into a hug, nearly killing me.

"Hey. El." I coughed. "Where is Ann and Marcy?" I asked once he let me go.

"They decided to have a girls night." He sighed. I laughed, as Baley and Nick hugged me.

We were sitting on the couch after dinner, with Marcus' head on my lap while I played with his shaggy blonde hair.

"Who you planning on hooking up with this year?" I asked Marcus. He smirked, looking into my eyes with his ocean blue eyes. No wonder every girl in ants to be his. Those eyes could take anyone down to their knees.

"I'm thinking Haley Cumpet." He smirked. I chuckled, slapping him slightly.

Okay, to explain, every year, Marcus chooses a girl to go out with for a few weeks, to get her hopes up, then smashes her heart into a million pieces. It kind of sets his reputation for the year in a way. And Haley Cumpet is a cheerleader. Also known as the hard cheerleader's minion. He's done the head cheerleader, know for her minion I guess.

"I'm going to throw a football at her during practice, saying go out with me, then I'll walk up to her with flowers." He explained his plan.

And he does it as a grand gesture to make it seem realistic. Let's say he takes his reputation very seriously.

"Oh that poor girl." I sigh, leaning back.

"Have you spoke to Logan recently?" He asked, sitting up.

Logan Marks. My ex boyfriend. A semi nerd in school. He got great grades but was also well known and liked by the school. We went out for a good five months before he broke my heart.

"Nope. Done with him." I said popping the p.

  I climbed from the shower, wrapping myself in a fuzzy towel. I put on my glasses, looking in the mirror. I out my hair up, drying off. I put on some nike shorts and an oversized shirt, leaving my room with my phone. I went downstairs to find my parents watching a movie.

"What's this?" I asked, sitting down with them, eating some popcorn.

"Titanic." My mom responded. I nodded, looking at my phone. I was playing a game when Marcus texted me.

Marc-ill be there at 6:50

Rae-got it

Marc-nite lynnie.😘

Rae-nite marc🤪

I closed my phone, checking the time. Only 9:57.

"I'm still not used to Claire not being here." I sighed, eating some more popcorn. My dad nodded, taking my hand.

"It'll bet easier." He sighed. I grinned, getting up. I decided to go to my room to try to go to bed early.

I got into my bed, pulling my comforter over me. I closed my eyes, as I imagined my first day.

My first day of senior year.


Word Count: 1294

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