The main six watch Death Batt...

Deadmanx513 által

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Twilight finds some strange items in her castle one day with only a note that tells her to enjoy watching bat... Több

The main six watch Death Battle, prologue.
The mane six watches death battle. CH 1 Samus Aran VS. Boba Fett.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 2, Akuma VS Shang tsung
The mane six watches death battle. ch 3, Rogue VS Wonder Woman.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 4, Goomba VS Koopa.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 5, Haggar VS Zangief.
The mane six watches death battle. ch6, TMNT Battle Royale .
The mane six watches death battle. ch 7 Zitz VS Leonardo
The mane six watches death battle. ch 8 Yoshi VS Riptor.
The mane six watches death battle ch 9 Felicia VS Taokaka
The mane six watches death battle. ch 10 Kratos VS Spawn.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 11 Bomberman VS Dig Dug.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 12 Vegeta VS Shadow.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 13 Mario VS Sonic
The mane six watches death battle. ch 14 Luke Skywalker VS Harry Potter.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 15 Chun-Li VS Mai Shiranui.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 16 Starscream VS Rainbow Dash.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 17 Master Chief VS Doomguy.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 18 Eggman VS Wily.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 19 Zelda VS Peach.
The mane six watches death battle. 20 Thor VS Raiden.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 21 Link VS Cloud.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 22 Batman VS Spider-Man.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 23 Pikachu VS Blanka.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 24 Goku vs Superman.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 26 Shao Kahn vs. M. Bison.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 27 Ryu Hayabusa vs Strider Hiryu.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 28 Ivy vs Orchid.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 29 Fox McCloud vs Bucky O'Hare
The mane six watches death battle. ch Part 30 Terminator vs Robocop.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 31 Luigi VS Tails.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 32 Pokemon Battle royale.
The mane six watches death battle. 33 Fulgore vs Sektor.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 34 Godzilla VS Gamera.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 35 Batman VS Captain America
The mane six watches death battle. ch 36 Tigerzord VS Gundam Epyon
The mane six watches death battle. ch 37 Ryu VS Scorpion
The mane six watches death battle. ch 38 Deadpool VS Deathstroke.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 39 Kirby VS Majin Buu
The mane six watches death battle. ch 40 Ragna VS Sol Badguy.
The mane six watches death battle. ch Part 41 Gaara vs Toph.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 42 Boba Fett VS Samus Aran Remastered
The mane six watches death battle. ch 43 Chuck Norris VS Segata Sanshiro
The mane six watches death battle. ch 44 Guts Vs Nightmare
The mane six watches death battle. CH 45 Iron Man VS Lex Luthor.
The mane six watches death battle. Part 46 Beast VS Goliath.
The mane six watches death battle. chapter 47. Solid Snake VS Sam Fisher
The main Six Watch Death Battle part 48 Darth Vader vs Doctor Doom
The main Six Watch Death Battle part 49 Goku Vs Superman.
The mane six watches Death Battle CH 50 . Donkey Kong VS Knuckles
The mane six watches death battle. ch 51. Wolverine Vs Raiden
The mane six watches death battle. ch 52. Hercule Satan VS Dan Hibiki
The mane six watches death battle. ch 53. Yang VS Tifa.
The mane six watches death battle. ch 54
The mane six watches death battle. ch 55
The mane six watches death battle. Ch 56
The mane six watches death battle. Ch 57
The mane six watches death battle. Ch 58
The mane six watches death battle. Ch 59
The mane six watches death battle. Ch 60
The mane six watches death battle. Ch 61
The mane six Watches Death Battle CH62
The main six watches Death Battle Part 63
The mane six watches Death Battle Part 64
The mane six watches Death Battle Part 65
The mane six watches Death Battle Part 66

The mane six watches death battle. ch 25 He-man vs. Lion-O.

17.4K 50 165
Deadmanx513 által

He-man vs. Lion-O.

As Celestia's sun rose over the horizon, Applejack yawned as she pulled herself out of bed and made her way towards the orchard. Since it was Big Mac's turn to make breakfast she decided to get a few minutes of apple-bucking in, it always helped her work up an appetite.

Getting a running start, she galloped towards the nearest tree and turned around, giving it a hard buck, she took a moment to watch the fruits fall... only they weren't the fruits she was expecting.

"What in the hay?!" She shouted as pears rained down from the tree. Looking around, she realised that every single tree around her had pears instead of apples. "How in tarnation-"


"-EYOOW!" The farmpony yelped as she felt something smack her rear. Turning around, she realized that somepony had placed a pear sticker over both her cutie marks!

"Alright! Who's the wise-guy who's dumb enough tah-WOAH!!" She shouted as a certain rainbow-colored blur tackled her before she could react...

[an hour later.]

"Wait, where's Applejack?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow smirked deviously. "Oh, she'll be along shortly..."

As if on cue, Applejack stormed into the room with a less-than-pleased look on her face. And it was easy to see why; she was wearing a giant pear costume that only allowed her head, legs, and tail to poke out.

Everyone in the room could only stare in shock while Rainbow, Spike and Pinkie burst out laughing. "So, like the new theme I picked for you... Pearjack?" Rainbow managed to say as she held Pinkie for support.

Applejack glared at the cyan pegasus in rage. "SHUT. UP. RAINBOW. DASH."

"Aw, don't be so sour. Pearjack." Pinkie giggled. "It's just a prank!"

"Don't call me that!!" Applejack snapped before giving Rainbow Dash a dark glare. "Now give me the key!"

Starlight gasped as she composed herself. "W-What key?"

Applejack pointed to the back of her costume, which had some sort of lock embedded into it. "The reason Ah can't take it off it's because that stupid lock keeps it stuck on!"

"Well... ok I'll fork over that key..." said Rainbow dash with a shrug.

"Good-" the farm mare was about to say.

"AFTER the battle!" stated Rainbow Dash with a grin

"WHAT?!" the farm pony yelled.

(thank ya Alphamon_Ouryuken)

"Well... i guess we should start the next episode then," commented Twilight as she pressed play.


(*Cues: Invader - Jim Johnston*)

Wiz: Ahh, the glorious 80's. That odd era of big hair, keytars, and goofy muscular heroes of questionable sexual preference.

"Oh~?" questioned Rarity with small blush dusting her cheeks after hearing the last part of Wiz's speech.

Boomstick: He-Man, master of the universe...

"Those muscles," muttered Applejack, trying to hide her blush.

Wiz: And Lion-O, Lord of the Thundercats.

"A kitty lord?" asked Fluttershy, looking at the screen in interest.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.



Prince Adam: Let's go, Cringer! He-Man and Battlecat are about to make an appearance.


"Did anyone else hear that?" asked a spooked Starlight.

(*Cues: He-Man - Main Theme (Instrumental)*)

Wiz: Prince Adam is the pathetic, bumbling son to the royal family of Eternia.

(*He-Man runs into a lamp and crashes*)

Boomstick/Rainbow Dash: Ha-ha, dumbass.

Wiz: Then one day, a bird-clad sorceress gave him the secret powers of Castle Grayskull, transforming him into He-Man, the most powerful chip-n-dale in the universe.

"What the hay is a Chip-n-Dale?" asked Applejack.

Prince Adam: Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic sword and said, "By the power of Grayskull..."


He-Man: "I have the power!"

The ponies and dragon watch as the young Prince Adam turn into the more powerful looking He-man. They almost didn't recognize him if it wasn't for them seeing the transformation and the hair.

Alter ego: Prince Adam
Height: 2.1 m / 6'11"
Weight: 145 kg / 320 Ibs
Descendent of King Grayskull
Leader of the Heroic Warriors
Trained by Man-At-Arms & Teela
An excellent singer?

Boomstick: Wait, wait, that's his origin story? He just thrust his sword up and down and yelled some random shit until he turned into a near-naked superhero?

Wiz: Well, more like a cheap action figure.

"I can see it." commented Spike.

"But what kind of a superhero name is He-Man?" Twilight asked in confusion. "It's like if somepony went around calling herself 'Equine-Pony', seems kinda redundant."

Boomstick: He-Man possesses herculean strength, speed, durability, and a super breath which can blow over most foes, and probably a few other things if you know what I'm saying.

The girls blush knowing exactly what boomstick meant.

Herculean strength
Super durability
Super speed
Super breath
Can create a tornado

(*Cues: He-Man & She-Ra Orchestral Melody - He-Man*)

Wiz: The indestructible Power Sword is the conduit for his immutability, and has some unique powers of its own.

Boomstick: Like any good sword, it deflects lasers and can also do a bunch of other random stuff, like magnetize special rings...

"I need a sword like that..." Spike mumbled to himself. Imagining how cool he'd look wielding such a blade.

Boomstick: ...or tie people up with magic S&M.

"Oh, the things I'd do to Sunburst with that..." Starlight whispered to herself with a smile.

"What?" Twilight asked.

"Nothing!" Starlight yelled with a strained smile

Twilight casually moved away from her student.

Wiz: And while he is skilled enough to throw his sword like a boomerang, he occasionally uses ranged gear, such as a grappling hook and bolas, to battle the evil of Skeletor.

Boomstick: But I don't know where he's keeping those things. I mean he's practically much na-WOAH-HO-HO-HOA!

Everyone in the room gawked upon seeing He-Man pull the bolas out of his... small, spandex shorts.

"MY EYES!" Spike screamed as he covered his face while Applejack quickly covered Fluttershy's eyes.

"Oh... wow..." Twilight and Rarity blushed.

"Oh my~ I wonder what else he keeps in there~" Starlight giggled while Rainbow and Pinkie tried their best to keep a straight face.

Boomstick: You'd think he'd keep it in his battle harness made of Korodite, which, by the way, further multiplies his already insane strength by 10.

"Wouldn't mind having something like that," said Applejack.

He-Man: That's what the sorceress fashioned this harness from. It helps add to my power.

Power Sword
Boomerang throw
Deflects destructive rays
Merged with Sword of the Ancients
Other magical properties
Grappling Hook
Korodite battle harness
Multiplies his strength by 10

(*Cues: He-Man - Orko's Theme*)

Wiz: Prince Adam is not the only one getting a power-up. He has an adopted cat, whom he saved from the jungle at a young age.

"Awwww~!" said everyone as they saw a young Cringer.

Boomstick: He named him Cringer 'cause... well... he's a little bitch. But whenever He-Man transforms, he zaps the little pussy, turning him into the ferocious Battle Cat.

(*Battle Cat roar*)

"AWESOME!" cheered Rainbow Dash.

Wiz: Despite Cringer's reluctance and downright refusal to do so.

Boomstick: He's kinda like the Michael Vick of cartoon heroes.

Cringer: Oh no. My mother didn't raise any foolish children.

That got a few laughs from the group.

(*Cues: He-Man - Snake Mountain Theme*)

Wiz: Granted, Battle Cat is a tremendous asset. He's so vicious it's implied that if he doesn't transform back into Cringer, he could go on an unstoppable rampage. After all, he is half tiger, half dragon.

"Wait, WHAT?!" Starlight and Twilight exclaimed in shock. Fluttershy smiled, loving the possibility of such a hybrid existing. Maybe she could befriend it?

"That is so cool!!" Spike and Rainbow shouted in awe.

Boomstick & Pinkie(bouncing up and down): Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme!

Battle Cat
Alter ego: Cringer
Height: 1.5 m / 5' (on all fours)
Weight: 226.8 kg / 500 Ibs
Tiger/Dragon mixed breed
Vicious & volatile
He-Man-like abilities
Super strength
Super speed
Roar can cause earthquakes

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Wiz: He-Man has moved mountains, reversed a tornado, ran in circles fast enough to create a vacuum...

Boomstick and Starlight: The fuck?

Rainbow sighed. "Because EVERY superhero needs super-speed now..."

"Like your boy-" Rarity began, only to notice the pegasus pull out a notebook. "...nevermind." She quickly corrected herself, prompting Rainbow to put the book away without writing anything.

Wiz: And dug to the center of the planet with nothing but a broken stalactite.

Boomstick, Starlight, and Twilight: The DOUBLE fuck?!

(*Cues Instrumental He-Man theme again*)

Wiz: He even shattered Photanium, the strongest metal in his universe, when even his closest friends believed it would be too much for him.

That really impressed the group, being able to break something that was considered impossible.

Boomstick: And he traded blows with Superman... you know, that one guy who can lift entire planets and maybe killed your favorite person ever? That one.

"Poor Goku...." muttered Fluttershy.

"Still mighty impressive that He-man is able to stand his own with superman," said Applejack getting a few nods from her friends in agreement.

Moved a mountain
Lifted the city of Arcadia
Reversed a tornado
Can break photanium
Has battled Superman
Pushed a moon
And many other seemingly impossible things

Wiz: Well, he's not that strong, but he did manage to push a moon once... or twice.

For a moment everyone could've sworn they heard Princess Luna scream out 'blasphemy!' in the distance.

Wiz: But despite his miraculous strength, he is not invincible. Enough raw force can revert him back to the far more vulnerable state of Prince Adam. He also despises violence, preferring to outsmart opponents, and thus has much less physical combat experience than you'd think.

"Well at least he's a thinker and not just all brawn," commented Twilight.

May revert back to Adam from extreme force
Power of Grayskull can be relinquished
Lacks deadly ranged weaponry
Limited experience with violence

Boomstick: Still, he's pretty good at beating the everliving crap out of people, no matter what planet or series he's on.

"Agreed." said Spike.

Wiz: That's right. The 1990s New Adventures of He-Man is technically the same He-Man we all know, giving him much more experience...

Boomstick: Wait, wait, wait, what was that?

(*Pauses footage*)

Wiz: Shh, this is vital...

Boomstick: No, no, no! Go back! Go back! Right there!

"Whats got Boomy all ruffled up?" asked a confused Pinkie Pie.

(*Rewinds back*) (*He-Man fixes broken chain... somehow*)

He-Man: There you go, fella. Good as new.

(*Cues: Run Orko - He-Man*)

Boomstick: Whu-? Okay, so it's broken, I guess I'll just magic it back together!

Wiz: The magic of the '80s, Boomstick. The magic of the '80s.

"The 80's sound wired..." muttered Rainbow Dash.

Boomstick: Magic of lazy writing.

"Sounds like what a few ponies say about this story," snickered Pinkie Pie.

....Screw you.

(*Grappling hook pulls down door*)

He-Man: Next time, you might try knocking first.



The group had to admit that no matter how... colorful He-Man was he had the best chances at winning so far.


(*Cues: ThunderCats - Main Theme (Instrumental)*)


Lion-O: Let's get this show on the road.

Wiz: As a child, Lion-O barely escaped the destruction of his home planet Thundara. His father sent him to 3rd Earth with five Thundarian nobles to uphold the royal lineage.

Starlight blinked. "Wait, that kinda sounds like..."

"Superman!?" yelled everyone instantly seeing the similarities.

Boomstick: You know, I'm really gettin' tired of people ripping off Superman.

"Ugh, I know right?" Pinkie scoffed.

Wiz: But the Kryptonian comparison stops there, as on route to 3rd Earth, a suspension capsule malfunctioned... or something, it's not really explained, caused his body to age ten years.

Tygra: During that time, he grew in size, but he did not grow up.

"He lost ten years of his life," muttered Fluttershy feeling sad for the thunder cat.

Lion-O: What's going on?

(*bumps head on capsule door*)

Boomstick: Aww, we missed the cute kitty stage! Shut up! Kittens are adorable!

"I didn't know Boomstick had a soft spot for cute things," commented a surprised Rarity.

(*Cues: ThunderCats - Orchestra Theme Medley*)

Wiz: As the newly crowned Lord of the Thundercats, Lion-O is the leader of the group and commands all of cat-kind.

Age: 13 years, physically 23
Height: 1.9 m / 6'4"
Weight: 102.5 kg / 225 Ibs
Species: Thunderian
Lord of the ThunderCats
Trained by ThunderCat nobles
Has command over all cats

Snarf: Lion-O has power over all cats!

(*Cues: ThunderCats - ThunderTank*)

Wiz: Against the evil forces of Mumm-ra, Lion-O was forced to mature on the battlefield. He is a quick learner, helped by his cat-like abilities and attributes.

Boomstick: Which means he's got superhuman agility and senses.

"That fits his cat heritage quit nicely," said Rarity knowing a few things about cats from being an owner of one.

Wiz: Right. For example, while a human's nose has five million odor-sensitive cells, a cat's has over 200 million. Cats can hear five times better, have panoramic vision, and use their whiskers like antenna to scan for trouble, meaning it's actually very unlikely for curiosity to kill a cat... unless they're distracted by bright shiny things.

"(giggle) cats are so cute when they play with things," giggled out Fluttershy.

(*Cues: ThunderCats - Panthro*)

Boomstick: Lion-O wears a manly sports bra and wrestling shorts and doesn't seem to own anything else. Guess someone forgot to pack, oh, you know, CLOTHES for the interplanetary trip!

Rarity almost fainted at the thought of just wearing one piece of clothing and nothing else.

(*Cheetara roar*)

(*Cues: ThunderCats - Orchestra Theme Medley*)

Boomstick: Wardrobe aside, he wields the Sword of Omens, a pocket-sized dagger, which transforms into an epic blade after the most badass battle cry ever.

Lion-O: Thunder! Thunder! Thunder! Thundercats, ho!

The group had to agree that was one of the coolest things they have ever heard, right up thier with the Kamehameha.

(*Cues: ThunderCats - Tygra*)

Boomstick: It's an extremely durable, double-edged blade that cuts through stone and steel with ease. He can fly, make force fields, and shoot over fifteen different kinds of beams. Lightning bolts, fire blasts, and even a tractor beam, which Lion-O can guide things with, which is great for when you're on the couch. (*Lion-O impression*) Sword of Omens... bring me snacks beyond snacks... and a beer!

"Sigh... only boomstick would use an artifact like that for something so stupid..." muttered Twilight.

"Sword of Omens... bring me gems beyond gems!" Spike called out in a mock Lion O voice.

"And a cupcake!" Pinkie giggled.

"Ok maybe not just him," she admitted.

"Oh like you wouldn't try the same thing." Starlight smirked before styling her mane to match Twilight's. "Sword of Omens... bring me books beyond books... and Celestia's diary!"

This earned a laugh from everyone while Twilight rolled her eyes and chuckled a bit.

Sword of Omens
Cuts through most material
Extends immeasurably
Can be summoned from a distance
Casts force fields
Sword Beams
Lightning, fire, or varied temperatures
Laser + "guiding" beam
Scattered explosive beams
Many, many more

(*Cues: ThunderCats - Orchestral Theme Medley*)

Wiz: The sword's power stems from the gem housed in its hilt, the Eye of Thundera, a legendary jewel with limitless magical power, which its wielder can call upon even from a great distance, such as inside a black hole.

"B-but a black hole's gravitational pull is too strong for ANYTHING to escape, even light!" cried Twilight as she tried to fathom something being that powerful.

Lion-O: Sword of Omens... come to my hand!

Wiz: It is powerful enough to hold an entire planet together and can spy on people and events across space and time.

Lion-O: Sword of Omens... give me sight beyond sight!

"I can see Rainbow using it too," Spike said, snickering.

"And why would I use that?" Rainbow asked curiously.

"To see your favorite hedgehog~," Spike said as everyone chuckled.

Rainbow pulled out her notebook and wrote in it furiously as Applejack said, "You know you walked into that one right sugarcube?"

"Worth it," Spike said, shrugging his shoulder before turning his attention back to the screen.

The Eye of Thundera
A separate, living entity
Limitless magical power
Grants super strength
Alerts of relevant danger
Source of ThunderCat life
Surveys events across space & time
Visual & audible
Cosmic & magnetic fields can interfere

"(whistle) I have a feeling that gem puts the elements to shame," commented Starlight as she marveled at the powerful jewel.

"I wonder what I'd taste like?" Spike mused to himself. "Probably very spicy..."

(*Cues: ThunderCats - Main Theme (Casual)*)

Boomstick: He wears the Claw Shield, an extremely durable claw... glove thing, with which in his first outing he effortlessly punched down a tree. Hey, that's just like how I catch squirrels for supper!

"Not the cute squirrels!" cried Fluttershy.

Wiz: The Claw Shield may be small, but it's proven effective against blades, blows, and lasers. As a bonus, it has four grappling hooks, a smoke screen, and functions as a neat little scabbard for the Sword of Omens.

"Ah~ I love seeing something that is both functional and fashionable," cooed Rarity as she admired the multi purpose tool.

Boomstick: But the Claw Shield can't protect him from everything.

"But it get's the job done," Stated AppleJack with a firm nod.

Claw Shield
Extremely durable shield
4 grappling hooks
Highly reflective surface
Claws can pierce stone
Small, portable size
Sheathes the Sword of Omens

(*Cues: ThunderCats - Thundera*)

Wiz: While Lion-O is certainly quite sophisticated for an oversized thirteen-year old man-kitten, he is still somewhat immature and hot-blooded. Also, both Lion-O and the Eye of Thundera share a common weakness to a glowing red rock called Thundrainium. Okay, I lied, there was one more Superman rip-off (Pinkie:YOU LIED TO ME!). While the Eye is one of the most powerful weapons ever conceived, it may also be his greatest weakness. Turns out it's the source of life for all Thundercats, so if it's destroyed, so is Lion-O... and his entire race.

The group was shocked such a deadly weakness. Not only would having the gem destroyed kill Lion-O but also his own People would die as well!

Boomstick: I know! I'll bring it into constant danger and get disarmed a lot!

"Then he needs a new weapon!" yelled Spike.

Very reliant on Eye
Minimal education
Somewhat immature & hot-blooded
The Eye is the source of his life

(*Cues: Thundercats - Orchestral Theme Medley*)

Wiz: Still, Lion-O is stronger, smarter, and faster than any other Thundercat. He can pull down a spaceship attempting escape velocity and won a foot race against Cheetara, who can run 120 miles per hour.

"Well at least he's not that fast..." muttered Rainbow Dash. happy to see one fighter she could out race.

Boomstick: Oh, and look... he fought Superman too.

"How many heroes have fought the man of steel?" asked a confused Spike.

"More than you think but less than what you hoped," stated Pinkie Pie while wearing a weird looking gasmask.

Wiz: He's tough enough to survive boiling water, the molten core of the planet, and even the... vacuum of space?

Boomsticks: '80s magic, Wiz. '80s lazy-writin' magic.

"Insert 80's joke here," said Pinkie Pie while in a fit of giggles.

Lifted & threw an Ancient Spirit of Evil
Beat Panthro in strength
Beat Cheetara in a 5 mile sprint
Pulled an escaping starship down
Survived the planet's core
Survived the vacuum of space
Held together a broken planet

Lion-O: Sword of Omens... give me power beyond power! Ho!

Wiz: Alright the combatants are set. Let's end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It's time for a Death Battle!


The team was kind of torn on who to root for this time. Both fighter were goofy but also very endearing in their own way.


Death Battle
(*Cues: Royal Family - He-Man and the Masters of the Universe*)

In a forest, Prince Adam is talking to Cringer, who is hiding in a bush.

Prince Adam: Okay, Cringer. Let's try this again. This time, no whining, okay?

Cringer: Oh no. Not again.

"Poor Cringer," muttered Fluttershy, feeling bad for the dragon/cat hybrid.

Prince Adam then takes out the Power Sword and transforms into He-Man.

(*Cues: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe - Main Theme*)

Prince Adam: By the power of Grayskull...


He-Man: I have the power!

"Unlimited POWER!" cackled Pinkie Pie while wearing a black cloak.

"Pinkie, did you take that cloak from my closet?" Rarity asked, glaring at her hyperactive friend.

"Nope," Pinkie said cheerfully.

He-Man then uses his sword on the bush without looking, beginning Cringer's transformation.

Cringer: The pain...

(*Battle Cat roar which also sounds like he's in pain.*)

(*Cues: Mumm-Ra The Ever Living - ThunderCats*)

Elsewhere in that same forest, Lion-O hears Battle Cat's pained roar, then takes the Sword of Omens out of the Claw Shield, preparing to transform the blade.

(*Cues: ThunderCats - Sword of Omens*)

Lion-O: That sounds like trouble. Thunder! Thunder! Thunder! Thundercats, ho!

Lion-O then looks over at the Eye of Thundera to find out about the disturbance.

Lion-O: Sword of Omens... give me sight beyond sight!

(*Cues: Royal Family - He-Man and the Masters of the Universe*)

He-Man then jumps onto the fully transformed Battle Cat.

He-Man: Alright Battle Cat... let's go do something normally perceived as impossible.

"And drive twilight crazy in the process," snickered Spike.

Lion-O: Stop right there!

(*Cues ThunderCats (Instrumental)*)

Lion-O then jumps out in front of He-Man and Battle Cat.

Lion-O: You would mound that poor pussy like some kind of mule? You muscular fiend! Noble tiger, turn on your master!

"I.... i have now words for that," muttered Pinkie Pie.

(HA! *whack!* OW DAMMIT HARMONY!")

(*Cues: ThunderCats - Danger Approaching*)

He-Man is suddenly booted off by Battle Cat.

He-Man: He must have control over animals.

"He's got some skill over cats like Fluttershy has with all animals," stated Applejack causing said mare to blush from the sudden attention.

He-Man then proceeds to punch Battle Cat high into the air.

"Kitty NO!" cried Fluttershy as she saw Battle cat fly out of view.

He-Man: That should keep you busy for a while.

Lion-O: I am Lion-O, Lord of the Thundercats... and you will pay for your animal cruelty.

"Oh god it's like Goku vs Superman all over again," muttered Twilight as she saw another fight start because of another misunderstanding.

He-Man then takes out his sword.

He-Man: I am He-Man. Back off, feline. You are clearly not equipped to...

Lion-O then proceeds to take out the Sword of Omens which then extends to a longer blade.

He-Man: Ohhhh~.

"...did he really just...?" Rainbow gawked.

"Mmmmhmhmhmhm...." Pinkie giggled perversely. "This is gonna be fun..."


(*Cues: ThunderCats - Intro Theme (METAL)*)

Lion-O fires a lightning blast at He-Man, who deflects it with his sword back at Lion-O, who blocks it. He-Man then picks up a boulder and throws it at Lion-O, who leaps at it and slashes through it with his blade, then clashes with He-Man's sword. He-Man knocks Lion-O away, then leaps towards him as the two begin to duel. Lion-O tries using fast side-swipe slashes on He-Man, but he blocks all of them, with the last move knocking the Sword of Omens away from Lion-O.

"The big guy gots some fancy moves!" commented a impressed Rainbow Dash.

He-Man: Surrender. You are defenseless.

Lion-O: I've got plenty of tricks left.

Lion-O then uses his Claw Shield's smoke screen, allowing him to escape.

"Clever girl..." muttered Pinkie Pie while wearing a hunter's hat.

(*Cues: ThunderCats - Curiosity*)

He-Man: *coughs* Have to... clear this. *exhales*

He-Man uses his super breath to clear away the smoke screen.

He-Man: There... now where did he go?

Lion-O hides from He-Man behind a tree.

Lion-O *whisper*: Sword of Omens... come to me.

He-Man: I heard that.

"Ok that's creepy," said Spike.

(*Cues: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Theme again*)

He-Man then runs up to the tree and obliterates it with a single punch.

"DANG! I know he has super strength but it's still crazy seeing somepony obliterate a tree with one punch," said an amazed AppleJack.


The Sword of Omens then flies past He-Man and returns to Lion-O, who then proceeds to fire more lightning.

Lion-O: Ho!

He-Man once again deflects the blasts with his sword, then throws his sword towards Lion-O, who ducks it, and sees that it is about to return to He-Man.

(*Cues: Mumm-Ra The Ever Living - ThunderCats*)

Lion-O: Not so fast...

Lion-O uses the tractor beam to plunge the Power Sword into the ground, then uses his Claw Shield to fire his four ropes at He-Man, ensnaring him.

(*Cues: Imminent Danger - ThunderCats*)

Lion-O: Want to keep going? Looks like you're a bit tied up at the moment.

"Ohhh," Twilight groaned.

He-Man: *groans* Sorry, cat man, but you won't string me along that easily.

"He really said that?" Starlight asked, massaging her head.

He-Man then breaks through the ropes by flexing his muscle.

"Mmm~ momma likes," purred out Rarity as she admired the gun show that He-man was freely showing off.


(*Cues: ThunderCats - Mutants Battle*)

Lion-O fires more lightning at He-Man, who avoids all of the blasts.

He-Man: A whirlwind should blow him off course.

"Boo!" booed Rainbow Dash as she found that pun really cheesy.

He-Man then runs around in a circle multiple times, creating a tornado that quickly moves towards Lion-O, who is sucked into it.

Lion-O: I... think... I've... got a... hairball. (*groans*)

"... ew" muttered everyone.

Lion-O is eventually thrown out of the tornado and then lunges towards He-Man, who runs towards his sword. Just after He-Man had retrieved the Power Sword, he is slashed by Lion-O, who then runs back towards him.

Lion-O: Feel the power of Thundera!

Lion-O then uses his sword to blast He-Man with a beam, which knocks him far back.

Lion-O: Now to finish you off! Wait... where did you go?

Lion-O looks back at the Eye of Thundera for the answer.

Lion-O: Sword of Omens... give me sight beyond sight.

"Oh boy! The crazy things i would do with that power," said Pinkie Pie getting a shudder from her friends.

(*Cues: ThunderCats - The Eye of Thundera*)

He is suddenly shown a faraway mountain.

Lion-O: Hmm... a mountain? Why show me this?

Suddenly, the mountain is shown to be lifted upward.

"That... is... AWESOME!" cheered Rainbow Dash.

Lion-O: Wait a minute... that's... impossible...

"Not for He-man!" cheered Pinkie Pie.

(*Cues: Masters of the Universe - Orchestral Redux*)

Without warning, the entire mountain is flung up into the air towards Lion-O.


(*Cues: Thundercats - Orchestral Theme Medley*)

Lion-O: By Thundera! Sword of Omens... give me power beyond power!

With this, Lion-O fires a beam from the Sword of Omens at the incoming mountain, causing it to disintegrate. Afterward, He-Man comes running towards Lion-O, then punches him.

"Hiss! Ooooh~!" hiss out the group at seeing He-man sucker punch Lion-O.

(*Cues: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Theme again*)


Lion-O is somewhat dazed by this punch as He-Man runs by and punches him again, also dazing him. He-Man then comes lunging with his sword, but Lion-O erects a shield around him, which He-Man breaks after a few swings of his sword, shattering the shield. Lion-O then makes the Sword of Omen's blade extend, stabbing He-Man.

(*Cues: He-Man Theme Instrumental*)

Lion-O: Time for the climactic finale!

"OK, now they're just doing that on purpose!" Twilight groaned.

The rest of the group couldn't help but laugh at their friend's frustration.

He-Man then punches the Sword of Omens, which, in slow motion, shows the bending of the sword traveling towards the handle, completely shattering it and leaving the Eye of Thundera to fall onto the ground. Lion-O stands with his hand over his face, completely blown away by what has happened.

"Holy cow! Yelled a surprised Spike as he saw He-man effortlessly destroy the sword of omen.

Lion-O: That's not possible!

"It's kind of his thing to do the impossible," Rainbow Dash commented dryly.

He-Man then leaps down at Lion-O, greatly wounding him.

The group winced at the sudden but brutal defeat that Lion-O was dealt with.

He-Man: Ha-ha! You are finished!

Lion-O: (*groans in pain*)

He-Man then notices the Eye of Thundera floating upward.

"Uhhhh..." muttered out Starlight as the left of the group was wondering wha

He-Man: That gem... it's looking at me...

"It's kind of creepy..." muttered Pinkie Pie.

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Without warning, the Eye of Thundera fires a large beam of energy, which even He-Man can barely withstand, as he slowly moves towards the gem and then manages to grab it with both hands.

He-Man: Grayskull... give me the strength of the castle's secrets!

"But will it be enough?" muttered Fluttershy.

And with that, He-Man shatters the Eye of Thundera, killing Lion-O. He then crouches down towards Lion-O.

He-Man: Well... looks like curiosity killed this cat.

"... not cool," muttered Rainbow Dash.

Suddenly, Battle Cat finally falls back down. He-Man simply laughs.

"Dang! That boy was in the air for like 4 minutes!" marveld AppleJack.


He-Man then continues laughing while Battle Cat chews on Lion-O.

(*Cues: Masters of the Universe - Orchestral Redux*)

Boomstick: What a crushing defeat.

Wiz: While He-Man had little trouble overpowering Lion-O's physique, the Eye of Thundara is easily the most dangerous weapon He-Man has ever faced; more than capable of obliterating him if given the chance.

Boomstick: Not only can the Power Sword deflect all Lion-O's main attacks, it's obvious He-Man is strong enough to break the Sword of Omens, just like how the super-strong and... horribly named Tug Mug broke it in the ThunderCats show.

Wiz: A moon was approximately 70 quintillion metric tons. The highest official amount a human being has ever lifted without support is over 260 kilograms. Even after excluding the Kordite battle harness, He-Man is 10 quadrillion times stronger than the strongest man on Earth.

"Not as strong as superman but still impressive," complemented Starlight impressed.

Boomstick: See, and you guys all thought you'd never see He-Man pound a pussy.

"Damn it Boomstick!" screamed Rarity with blazing red cheeks.

"HA!" laughed Pinkie Pie.

Wiz: The winner is He-Man.


He-Man: Remember kids, it is very important to always get your pets spayed and neutered... otherwise it may lead to unstable behavior and unauthorized breeding.

Battle Cat: Rawr, I miss my balls.

"Poor Cringer..." whimpered Fluttershy.


"Quick, to the box," Spike said, jumping onto Twilight's back. Rolling her eyes but smiling slightly, Twilight walked over to glowing box as Pinkie opened it.

"What did we get this time, Pinkie?" Twilight asked as her pink friend dived into the box. A moment later, Pinkie stuck her head out and said, "We got toys this time" while pulling out a few action figures.

"Sweet," Spike said, getting off Twilight's back and running towards the box.

"Is there anything else?" Rainbow and Rarity asked at the same time.

Pinkie's head goes back into the box but reemerges a second later and says, "Nope. Just toys."

The rest of the girls accepted it and took a couple of them as everypony left the castle. Rainbow flew to the nearest cloud and began to relax, thinking about the next Death Battle and many more to come. It didn't take her long to get comfortable enough to fall asleep there as she dreamed of running with a few of the speediest characters from Death Battle. She was just about to catch up to her favorite blue hedgehog when something hit.

Waking up from her dream, Rainbow looked around to see that she was near Sweet Apple Acres and that Applejack was throwing apples at her. Flying to her farmer friend, Rainbow landed in front her and asked, "What's the big idea, AJ?"

"All right, the battle is over. You've had your fun, know give me the darn key!" Applejack demanded.

Rainbow giggled. "Sure thing, just look under your hat!"

And with that she flew off.

Applejack's eye twitched as she slowly took off her hat... and taped to the inside was none other than the key to the lock.

She stared at the inside of her hat for a full minute, complete and utter rage building up within her to the point where she didn't even notice for a little sister approaching her.

"Hey sis! We finally got all the pears down!" Applebloom smiled, only to notice her sister's enraged look. "Uh... sis? What's wrong-"


(Two hours of angry swearing later)

"So... can y'all tell me what all those words meant?" Applebloom asked her big brother as they ate dinner.

"Eeenope." Big Mac replied firmly.

"Aww..." whined the little filly.

"And have yah learned yer lesson about watching yer mouth in front of yer little sister?" Granny Smith asked angrily.

In the corner of the room was Applejack, who was sitting on a stool with a sign hanging on the wall next to her that read "timeout corner"... with a bar of soap in her mouth.

"MmmHmm..." She grumbled.

(And so ends another day with our Heroes, but while they go about their day something else was happening of great importance and that could decide the fate of the world...)

"Ow!ow!ow!ow!ow!ow! FUCKING OW BITCH!" screamed Deadman as Harmony was on his back, bending his legs backwards.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" Harmony yelled, twisting Deadman's ankles.

"AHHHHH! Trepp, Discord help!" screamed Deadman but as soon as he looked towards his fellow chaos gods for help all he saw was the two looking at something in great interest.

"Play the one with the keyboard again," Trepp said said to Discord, with his back turned as the two were on a laptop.

"What are you guys... WAIT YOU TWO ARE WATCHING CAT VIDEOS AGAIN AREN'T YOU!?" screamed the fiery god in anger, but only got a deadpanned look from Trepp as his answer.

"... Just play the video, he's just gonna yell at us anyways," Trepp said, getting a nod from Discord who played another video of a cat playing the keyboard.

"SON OF A BITCH!" screamed deadman in pain as Harmony continued his punishment.

"Ok, I think that enough Harmony," said a voice. Everyone turned to see a knight in black and gold armor with white trimming and a cape just standing there.

"Hello Alpha," Trepp said respectfully.

"Hello Trepp, Discord, Harmony and Deadman," the now named Alpha said, floating towards the group.

"So what are you doing here?" asked the Goddess as she put more pressure onto Deadman's legs getting a scream from said mad god as a result.

"It was voted that I should make sure that you don't destroy Deadman here," Alpha said, getting between the two of them.

"You're defending him?" Harmony asked in disbelief.

"OH THANK YOU," Deadman said, trying to get up despite the pain he was feeling.

Alpha shook his head and said, "I'm not defending him. I'm just here to make sure that nothing upsets the order of the universe."

"But this moron has already done that," Harmony said, pointing at the chaos god.

"That maybe true but he's still doing his job to bring change to the world and not upset the balance. Like a certain chaos god we know," Alpha said, glancing at the innocently whistling draconius.

"But... But," Harmony tried to say.

"But nothing, Harmony. He's still doing his job and you can only punish him if he goes out of his way to destroy your world," Alpha said, not backing down.

Harmony stared at the knight for a moment before sighing and said, "Very well Alpha."

"Now then, I believe we should all discuss on what to do next," declared Alpha as the rest of the godly group gathered to discuss on what to do next.



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