
By HelloWorld1996

44.6K 574 64

Mainly Scott and Malia after season 6B but with a few other characters 🙂 More

Arriving home
Return of Isaac
Would you like to come with me?
The airport
Alpha issue/arriving in Paris
I love you
Faux Pouvoir
Thanks for staying
Flashbacks 2
I don't want to lose you
The trip 2
The battle
Time for college
Settling in
Rain check
Flashbacks 3, part 1
Flashbacks, 3 part 2
Scott's suprise
Will you marry me?
My sincere gratitude

The trip

1.1K 16 2
By HelloWorld1996

Stiles looked at Scott for a second before announcing 'we should all go on a trip.' Stiles said to the silent pack. They all looked at him one by one and they nodded one by one except Scott. 'Why, we're so close to capturing the Faux Pouvoir?' He said. Stiles just said
'look at yourself man, you're tense enough to burst and you haven't slept in about 3 days.' 'Two days' he mumbled but nodded never the less. 'It's a good idea, it'll help us take our mind off some things.' Lydia said.
'When are we going?' Isaac asked.
'Hmm... tomorrow.' Stiles said.
'Guys I can't come, I'm going to see Hayden and I don't want to miss that.' Liam said. Everyone nodded and said goodbye to Liam as he got ready to go see Hayden.

'So where are we going?' Lydia asked.
'Umm... I haven't thought that far ahead.' Stiles confessed. 'I know a place in the forest from when I was a coyote.' Malia offered.
'Sure, we'll go there.' Scott said with a slight smile as everyone else agreed. Everyone left until just Scott and Malia we're still there. 'Scott, Stiles has a point. You need to relax a bit.' She said gently. Scott sighed a bit and stood up. 'It's just I've been stressed recently, we've not seen this thing for 7 days, how powerful has it gotten since we last saw it?' He said shaking his head. 'What if i-' she cut him off by kissing him. 'Jeez, stop worrying about it.' She said and kissed him again.

'Is everyone ready to go?' Stiles asked. He had appointed himself the leader of this endeavor unsurprisingly. 'Yep' Scott said. He chucked his bag in the Jeep before getting on his bike. Malia did the same and got on behind him. She wrapped her arms around his chest as he started the motorcycle. Lydia was riding alone and Isaac and Stiles were in the Jeep. 'Let's go.' Malia said and Scott sped away. 'Next left.' She told him as he passed a turn. They were both laughing by the end of the journey whilst Stiles and Isaac watched the couple in amusement from the Jeep.

'Have you noticed how cute those two are together?' Stiles said to Isaac.
'Yes, you've already asked me like 50 times.' Isaac said flatly. 'Hey! I'm the one driving you, if you could actually drive then I would be with Lydia right now in her car.' Stiles complained. Isaac smirked and said 'they've got great chemistry' he said as he watched Malia flicking Scott in the arm which seemed quite perilous. 'Well duh, they love each other.' Stiles said.

When they stopped everyone got behind Malia as she led them to the place. After about 15 minutes of walking everyone was complaining. 'How far is it.' Stiles asked as he gasped for air. 'My designer boots are ruined' Lydia moaned.
'Guys calm down! 2 minutes tops' Malia said and indeed 2 minutes later they came to a clearing. The trees simply separated and in the center was a small lake. Everyone looked in awe. 'Wow this place is great.' Isaac said.
'It's not changed since I last saw it.' Scott said. Stiles looked at him 'you've been here before?'
'Yeah, Malia took me here a few times, that's why I wasn't complaining on the way here.' Stiles nodded and then said to Malia 'Wait why didn't you tell us about this place?' Malia rolled her eyes at him. 'Because you'd probably die of exertion just from walking here.' She said as Stiles looked embarrassed. 'Come on, lets put the tents up.' Lydia said.

It was decided Scott and Malia would have a tent, Stiles and Lydia, then Isaac on his own. 'How does it feel to be alone?' Stiles asked Isaac. 'How does it feel knowing the first time you saw Lydia naked you passed out?' He replied. Malia immediately looked up and tried not to laugh. 'You passed out.?' She asked.
'Yep, He was just amazed by Lydia's body.' S it said from behind Stiles. He looked at him and said 'dude, what the hell?' As Malia started laughing. 'What are you laughing about?' Lydia said as she walked to them. 'Nothing.' Isaac said.

They built a fire near there tents and then sat around it. It was calm and relaxed, exactly what everyone needed in there life. 'Whose the strongest out of you?' Lydia asked randomly. It occurred to everyone that that was a very good question which had never been answered. 'I think I am.' Scott said to which Malia said.' Hmm... debatable.'
'I could be.' Isaac said.
'We should have a competition.' Stiles said as he got up and went to find the thickest tree possible. 'You know I'm stronger.' Scott whispered to Malia. 'Not in bed.' She said with a smirk. 'We'll see he said to himself.'

They had the competition and it turned out Scott was the strongest, shortly followed by Malia then Isaac. 'Alright guys, we should go to sleep.' Scott said.
'Yeah, I swear I actually can't stay up any longer.' They all said goodnight and went to their own tent. As soon as Scott and Malia got in their tent they zipped the door shut and waited until everyone stopped moving around them. Then Malia attacked Scott with her lips.

He ran his hands down her back before lifting her shirt off. She pulled off his own shirt and discarded it somewhere in the tent. They both grinned at each other as they stripped each other of their clothing. He reached down and touched her which elicited a moan from her. She was about to do the same to him when he flipped her under him. She tried to flip him back over but couldn't. She ran his tongue against her neck down to her collarbone and onto her breast. 'Now whose stronger in bed.' He asked her. She moaned as he licked her breast. 'OK, you're stronger.' She said laughing slightly. He grinned at her as she still tried to squirm from underneath him. He was about to enter her when they heard Stiles say. 'Scott! Some of us are tired so we would appreciate it if you and Malia were a bit more quiet.' They looked at each other for a second before carrying on but this time quieter and more passionate. She moaned as he entered her and she wrapped her hands around his neck. When they finished both lay their gasping. 'Were we quiet enough?' She asked him.
'I think we were' He said jokingly.
'I love you' she said.
'I love you too.' He replied

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