All That Matters

By angelofmusic36

20.6K 1K 279

This is the sequel to Through It All. If you haven't read that yet, I suggest you do. It's one hell of a ride... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
RIH Rosey
I'm So Sorry!
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 20

388 28 4
By angelofmusic36

October 30, 2017
Tampa, FL
Anoa'i House

Joe and I went to his appointment today and he's still not cleared so he's been bummed out all day. He's not even watching Raw.

I put the invitations out for her party on November 18th.  And THANK GOD there are no house shows that weekend so everyone is off to get ready for Survivor Series. And I spoke to the orphanage so Mark is coming in the Friday before. I'm really happy they cleared him to come and they're letting him stay for a week for the house visit, which means he'll be with us for Thanksgiving. He won't be with us for Survivor Series just so he can spend time with Galina while we're gone so he can get used to her.

I walk into the bedroom and get my things ready for bed.

"I'm sorry." Joe says from the bed.

"For what?"

"I ruined Halloween." I shoot around.

"You can't ruin a holiday."

"You bought our costumes back in August and this is the second year in a row we can't go trick or treating with Anjali."

"You know what, tomorrow why don't I buy some candy and I'll hide it around the house and the girls can come to the house in their costumes and look for it."

"It won't be the same..."

"What the fuck do you want me to do Joe? You're sick and there's nothing you can do about it right now. I'm really trying here." I grab my clothes and go into the bathroom to take a shower. I finish what I have to do and I go back into the bedroom.

"I'm sorry babe. I'm just—"

"Frustrated? I get it Joe. You don't think that I do?" I climb onto the bed. "Babe I get how frustrated you are. I finally moved up in my career. I am managing one of the best groups in WWE history and for God knows what reason, He infected you with a random ass virus to knock us both down. We can do this babe. The girls will come over tomorrow and we'll have a good time."

"What about me being sick?"

"It might take a while, but I'll find a surgical mask for you." 

"Seriously?" I nod.

"Seriously." I lay down on the bed with my phone. Tonight after Raw, they're dropping a Shield Table for 3 Episode tonight and I'm watching the clip.

"Oh hell no Joseph..."


"I'm finna slap all the taste out your mouth."

"What did I do?" I show him the clip.

"What is this?" I ask.

"I don't get it..."

"Why are you eating like you don't get fed at home. I mean damn babe."

"What? The food was good." He says sheepishly. I roll my eyes.

"Fat ass. If I could kiss you right now I would, but saliva is a spreading factor." He takes my hand.

"I'm sorry if I've made you feel bad in anyway." I squeeze it.

"It's ok baby. We're all a little stressed around here. That's why I think seeing the girls tomorrow will be good for us."


October 31, 2017
Tampa, FL

"Ok the candy is hidden all over the house," I hand him his mask. "Put this on." He puts on the mask and I check the time. "Ok, they should be here in about 5 minutes. You ready?"

"Yeah." He says through the mask. "Why are we so nervous? It's just our little girls."

"I don't know. It's weird. I don't even know what she's going to be for Halloween. Galina picked her costume. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time." The doorbell rings. "Ah! They're here!" I race over to the door and open it.

"Trick or treat!" The girls say.

"Oh my God what did you do to my daughter?"

"You don't like it?" Galina asks.

"I love it!" I cover my mouth with my hands. "Come in, come in Wonder Woman." Joelle jumps into the house and poses. "You look great!"

"Mama!" Anjali screams and runs into my arms.

"I missed you so much baby!" I pull away and look at my daughter's outfit. "You look so cute I can't stand it! Joe! Come look!" Joe comes into the room.

"Look at my Princesses!" he says.

"Daddy!" Joelle and Anjali go running to their father.

"I missed you both so much."

"We missed you too." Joelle says.

"I gotta get pictures!" I grab my phone and start snapping left and right of both girls. "Anjali can you say Mike Wazowski?"

"Mike Wazowski!" She repeats and throws up her Sully doll.

@WWEIndira: "Daddy may be sick but that won't stop the girls from dressing up."

Of course I send pictures of the girls to Dean and Colby and immediately on Instagram, Colby tags me in a post:

@WWERollins: "My little Wonder Woman."

"Alright ladies, there's candy hidden all over the house so on the count of three, you gotta go look for it. Anjali give me Sully." She hands me the doll. "Ready, one... two... three!" The two girls run all over the house while the three of us sit on the couch. "Thank you so much G. You're really helping us out."

"It's no problem. How's everything going with the party?"

"Good. I sent out the invitations this morning and Dean's check should be here by tomorrow so I can drop that off and we'll be all set."

"And the house? Have you narrowed it down yet?" I shake my head.

"We haven't had a chance to check them out. But with Joe out, we may be able to do it this weekend so we can all look together."

"Mommy! Look at all this candy!" The girls come running into the room with their baskets full.

"Wow." Galina says. "You really went all out Laika."

"It was on sale." I shrug.

"You girls ready to go trick or treating now?" Galina asks.

"No." Anjali says. "I stay wif Daddy."

"Yeah. Me too. I have enough candy." Joelle says. Anjali climbs onto her daddy's lap and Joelle sits next to him and Joe wraps his arm around her. "Can we sleep over Mommy? Pleeeaaase?"

"Alright. I'll pick you both up tomorrow." She stands.

"At least stay for one movie." I say.

"You sure?"

"Stay. Please." Joe says. She sits back down and the 5 of us watch movies and eat candy.

Throw Mark into the mix and I could get very used to this... Having us all in one house together.


November 4, 2017
Tampa, FL

Today was a really full day. We visited all 8 houses and we finally were able to narrow it down to 5.

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Option 5:

So hopefully we'll have a decision around Anjali's birthday so we can put the down payment on the house immediately. I just really hope that we get it in time.

"Don't worry." Joe says. "We'll figure this out."

"Oh I have something for you." I jump off the couch and run into the bedroom and bring it back down.

"What is it?"

"Close your eyes."


"Close. Them." He groans and closes his eyes and I hand it to him. "Open."

"Babe." He laughs. "What the hell?"

"I had to order a replica online." It's a replica of the mask The Shield used to wear.

"This is too cute. I love it. Thanks babe."

"You're welcome." I smile. "I'm glad you like it. I didn't want to deck out a surgical mask. I thought you would want something more familiar until your appointment on Monday."

"I hope everything goes well..." he has worry in his voice.

"It will. Don't worry. So what about the houses?" I ask.

"Ugh. I loved them all. I can't choose... Joelle loved the pools too." he says.

"And the man caves?" I ask.

"Amazing. You really know how to pick houses babe."

"Meh. I try."


November 6, 2017
Tampa, FL

"Joe, your leg is shaking." I say in the doctor's office.

"I'm just nervous."

"I know you are. I am too but everything will be fine." The door opens and the doctor walks in.

"Good new Joe. You're all clear."

"Are you serious?" I ask and he nods. "WHOO HOO!"

"Shh Laika." Joe says.

"Sorry. I'm just really happy."

"I've already sent the results to your job." He says.

"Thank you." Joe says.

"Does that mean I can kiss him now?"

"Sure." The doctor chuckles.

"Sorry Doc, it's been a while." Joe pulls me into his arms and presses a kiss to my lips and Joe groans.

"Good God I've missed those lips." Joe says when we pull away. "You know what else I missed?"

"I was thinking the same damn thing." I say.

"Let's go get our baby girl."

"Wait what?" I say. "That's not what I was thinking."

"What were you thinking about?" He asks.

"Your dick." He laughs.

"I'm kidding. I was thinking about sex too. Let's go home."


After we finish our 5th round, we would have gone a 6th but Joe ran out of condoms, Joe's phone rings.

"Hello?" Joe answers. "Hey Carrano. No I'm good. Just a little out of breath." I snicker. "Yeah. I uh just finished a little work out."

"Yes you did." I whisper.

"Did you get the results? Great. Next week? That's great. We'll see you then." He hangs up the phone.

"So we're back." He kisses me.

"We're back." He climbs out the bed and immediately falls on the floor. "Son of a bitch!"

"What happened?!"

"Fucking leg cramp." I giggle. "I think I'm just gonna lay here for a little bit." He sighs. "That was really uncomfortable."

"I bet. Can you stand now?"

"Yeah." He groans as he gets off the floor and lies down on the bed. "Thank you babe. You've been a real trooper these past couple of weeks."

"I know. I'm awesome." I say proudly. "How's the cramp?"

"It's better. Can we go get our baby now?"

"Sure. After one more round."

"But I ran out of condoms..." Joe says.

"You know I always keep a spare." I reach into my nightstand.

"I love you."

"I know."


Joe's POV:

My girls are here, I'm not sick anymore, I'm cleared for work and life couldn't be better right now.

"Dinner's ready!" Galina calls out. Seeing Galina and Malaika working so smoothly together really warms my heart. They have really worked things out and with the next baby, Mark and living together, this could really work.

"Hey." My wife comes over to me. "You ok?"

"Great. I'm just... thinking."


"The future. Come on, food's getting cold."

"So what time is Mark's flight?" Galina asks while we eat.

"He's landing at 10:30." Malaika answers. "I'm really excited."

"I'm nervous for when he stays with me." Galina says.

"You can do it." I say. "We wouldn't let you if we didn't think that you could." Malaika's phone rings.

"Oh Carrano." She gets up from the table to answer it.

"I'm excited for Mark too." Joelle says. "Now we can spend some time together."

"Do you really like him?" I ask. She nods frantically.

"He's really easy to get along with and besides I like being the oldest." She says proudly.

"AH!" Malaika screams and she comes racing into the dining room.

"What happened?" I ask.

"So I'm not on the women's team."

"I'm sorry Laika." Galina says.

"Oh I don't care about that. Carrano called to tell me that your match against the New Day will be a handicap match and guess who's the final member? That's right! Your girl Indira."

"Seriously?" Joelle says and Malaika nods.

"My first handicap match with men! I'm so excited." I lean over and kiss my wife.

"I'm so happy for you baby. We're going to kill this."

"Kill? Oh no honey. We're gonna slay this."


November 13, 2017
Atlanta, GA
Monday Night Raw

Joe pulls the rental car into the arena and parks the car. Joe gets out of his seat and helps me out the car.

"Thank you baby." He goes to the trunk and I go to the trunk.

"Wake up momma." I tap Anjali's leg.

"Hm..." her eyes slowly open.

"We're here Buttercup." I take her out of her seat and close the door.

"You want the stroller?" Joe asks from the trunk.

"Nah." He shuts the trunk and locks the door. We go through security and head further into the arena and drop our stuff in the locker rooms.

"You wanna go see the ring Anjali?" she nods. The three of us go check out the ring and Joe and Anjali go inside of it.

"I thought I heard giggling from in here."

"Hi Colby." Anjali stops to wave and he waves back.

"It's good to be home." I say.

"It's good to have you back. Both of you."

"I'm sorry about the titles."

"Are you really?" I chuckle.

"Well I'm kind of biased since Cesaro is kind of dating my sister."

"How's that going?"

"I guess it's alright." Joe approaches the ropes.

"What's going on bro?" The two fist bump.

"Good to see you alive man. The way Malaika was freaking out, she made it sound like you had a terminal disease."

"I wasn't freaking out." I roll my eyes.

"Shall I show you your messages from the group chat?"

"No need. Thanks." I smile sarcastically. "But I'm still pretty pissed about how the match will turn out."

"Yeah me too man." Joe says. "You guys versus the Usos would have been a great match."

"And with the new match," I say. "I'm not as biased anymore which is great. I mean don't get me wrong, I love Sheamus and Cesaro, but you two would have been so much cooler."

"I know." Colby says proudly.

"Look at this bitch." I turn around.

"Get the fuck out. This fucking British hoe leaves for months on end and has the nerve to call me a bitch? Oh no. This calls for a fight."

"Bring it mummy." The two of us have a heartfelt hug. "That God for that baby. Your ass is huge now." She smacks it.

"I know right?" Joe says from the ring.

"Come on, I want you to meet someone." I say. I pull Paige to the ring. "Anjali come here." I pull her out of the ring. "Anjali, this is Paige. Can you say hi?"

"Hi." She waves.

"Mommy and Paige had a match together at Wrestlemania. And do you know where you were?" She shakes her head. "You were in Mommy's tummy."

"Yeah I kept you and your mum safe." I give her to Colby and the two join Joe in the ring. "I still can't believe it." She says, looking at Anjali.

"Dude you're telling me. She's gonna be 2 in 2 weeks. My baby is growing up."

"I'm just glad to see that you're ok." I smile.

"I'm glad you're here."


The infamous music hits and Dean and Seth step out first. Joe and I wait a couple seconds before we come out and the crowd goes crazy. It feels so good to be back here again. We make our way down the steps and into the ring.

Stephanie talks her trash and then asks Joe where he's been and I take the mic from Dean.

"First of all... bitch. Yes I said bitch. MAYBE if you had been here, then MAYBE you could have put a lid on that little disease before it hit him, then MAYBE we would have been here the past couple of weeks. But it's in the past and all that matters is that we're back."

Joe asks where she's been and then that leads to the good part: The Shield versus the New Day at Survivor Series, which leads to my big moment.

"You know, I am hurt that I was not chosen for the triple threat match for the last spot for the Raw women's team, and I swear to goodness if you make one single comment about that Steph I will cuss you all the way out, but I am looking for opportunities elsewhere. And with this women's revolution and stuff I am officially putting my name into the match for The Shield vs. The New Day."

"Well Indira, I—uh—well—I—I don't—"

"Uh buh, buh, buh oh now you can't speak English? Well it doesn't even matter because I wasn't talking to you anyway. I was talking to my General Manager." I turn to Kurt.

"You got it. The Shield vs. The New Day will be a handicap match."

"And come Sunday, we will kick—no we will destroy The New Day and make them regret EVER messing with Team Red."


"I'm really worried about this handicap match."

"Mom, It's fine. Baba (father) tell her not worry."

"Your daughter can handle it. She's strong."

"Shukriyaa (thank you). You talk to Lativa?"

"Yesterday." My mom answers. "So what's really going on with her and Claudio?" I groan.

"Mom... I'm not the one you should be asking..."

"But your sister won't tell me."

"Because her business. When she's ready, she'll tell you."

"Well does he talk to you?"

"Nope. Because it's his business."

"We are glad that you're back." My dad says.

"It feels great. Joe can't stop smiling."

"Is everything all set for Friday and Saturday?" My mom asks.

"Yep. Everything's good. You don't have to do anything, especially cook. Don't cook."

"I'm not."

"But you were thinking about it."

"Was not."

"Was too." my dad calls out from the background. I chuckle and roll my eyes.

"I'll see you both Saturday." I say. We hang up the phone and I check my Twitter feed.

@WWEBigE: But I was raised not to hit a woman... unless...

I raise my eyebrow.

@WWEIndira: Oh so you're questioning my womanhood? That's a BIG no no. Now I have another reason to kick your ass all up and down the ring. But if you don't want to fight me because I'm a woman, that's fine. Easy win for us. But speaking of women, where's yours?

I put my phone down as Joe comes over with Anjali.

"You need me to say something about that?" I shake my head.

"I got this."


After the match, that the guys won, of course, we get backstage and I stop abruptly.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm fighting men on Sunday... Oh shit. What the hell did I just agree to? I can't do this." I start hyperventilating.

"Babe, babe calm down or you're gonna have a panic attack."

"A little late for that. I'm losing oxygen." Joe grabs my arms, forcing me to face him.

"You can do this. You are making history on Sunday. You will be the first woman in a group to compete in an all male handicap match."

"Yep. Not helping. Not helping at all."

"You have been waiting for a moment like this since you first debuted. You took down all those men to break into the main roster, you did it then you can do it now. No gunshot, no benching, no baby will stop you from doing this." I start to calm down. "You're not alone. The three of us are with you. If you can't handle it, tag us in. You're not alone. We got you baby girl. Ok?" I nod.

"I got this."

"You got this."


ATTENTION ALL: I really need you all to rack up your votes for the houses!

Just comment which ones you want and the final decision will be made in the next chapter.

I'm sorry if this chapter is boring, it just mainly focuses on the housing choices and Joe's return. The next one will be full with the party, Survivor Series and the house results.

The Survivor Series male team: We're gonna win. End of discussion.

Jason Jordan can leave. There's no need for him at this point. When it comes to the hate, he's the new Roman.

Speaking of Roman, my Samoan Thor looks so good and well rested. He may have been sick, but he needed that time off.

When they announced that John Cena will be on Smackdown's team, I rolled my eyes so hard, I got a headache.

Sheasaro v. The Usos should be amazing seeing how well they perform against The New Day

AJ v. Brock should be interesting... But I would have liked to see him against Jinder as well.

On a side note: My Gotham story is up for anyone who wants to read it. And it has a pretty good amount of views, in my opinion because I expected so much less. But if I don't get as much reception with that book as I do this one, I really don't care. I'm having so much fun writing it.

Coming soon: Anjali's party, the house is chosen, Survivor Series, Thanksgiving and Mark.

Until next time: THOR RAGNAROK WAS SO FUCKING AMAZING. EVERYONE NEEDS TO GO SEE IT. Mark Ruffalo is a treasure we must protect him. And Hulk's butt cheeks and Loki in an all black suit are my new aesthetics.

Gif of the Chapter:

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