
By HelloWorld1996

44.6K 574 64

Mainly Scott and Malia after season 6B but with a few other characters πŸ™‚ More

Arriving home
Return of Isaac
Would you like to come with me?
Alpha issue/arriving in Paris
I love you
Faux Pouvoir
Thanks for staying
Flashbacks 2
I don't want to lose you
The trip
The trip 2
The battle
Time for college
Settling in
Rain check
Flashbacks 3, part 1
Flashbacks, 3 part 2
Scott's suprise
Will you marry me?
My sincere gratitude

The airport

2.7K 36 0
By HelloWorld1996

For the next few days Malia started to stress about what to pack and what not to pack, it reached the point where she was actually considering on not going at all. Scott just lightly laughed and she sat down beside him. 'Just pack whatever you want. Whatever you normally wear just bring it.' She looked at him for a minute and wondered how she could ever get anyone so wonderful in her life. She spent the afternoon throwing clothes and shoes in her suitcase until it was completely full. She smiled happily once it was finally complete. Malia and Scott both started to go to the airport where their friends were seeing them off.

Pretty much the entire pack was there with the exception of Kira. It was a good time for all of them. 'See you when you come back' Stiles said hugging Scott. 'Also use protection.' He whispered so Malia couldn't hear and judging by the fact she wasn't using her super hearing she probably didn't hear. Scott just pulled back and started blushing violently and Stiles just laughed. 'You're going to be the alpha when I'm gone Liam, you got this' Scott said to Liam with an encouraging smile. The rest of the pack gave Scott various goodbyes with Lydia listing all the places they had to go.

Lydia hugged me tightly and said goodbye to me, 'you know you being in France I think you should get some romantic 'action' with Scott.' Malia stared at her wondering if she was actually serious. She then turned away with a smile. Stiles hugged her next, 'you know you should get Scott a gift whilst your in Paris. I swear if you don't I'll never forgive you.' She laughed but started running through options but came up with nothing. She stood there slightly panicking at how she didn't even know what to get her boyfriend as a gift until Hayden came and gave her a quick hug. The rest of the pack said their goodbyes to them before driving off.

Once they got in the airport they were greeted by Derek and Peter who had Malia's passport. Scott went and hugged Derek, over the course of all these years Derek had become more than just a mentor to him, he had become a best friend. He remembered the first time he saw him when he scared the **** out of him then threw him his inhaler. He smiled at how far they had gotten. 'I'm glad about the newest member of the family' Peter said sarcastically to Scott 'but we need to go soon.' Scott turned to Peter and stood there awkwardly before exchanging a handshake for Malia's sake.

Malia went and said goodbye to Derek before facing Peter. 'Umm... Thanks for the plane flight... bye?' She said slightly confused.
'You know I never wanted 'him' to come .' He said nodding to Scott. 'Well, tough he's my boyfriend and he had to come with me.' He stared somewhat disdainfully at Scott before sighing and turning away with Derek in tow.

Scott knew that Malia was new to the 'airport situation' but to say she was impatient was an understatement. She groaned and whines about how long it was taking before they had even started waiting for their plane. Once they were in the waiting room Malia sat impatiently and she was considering returning home after 20 minutes. The only thing that kept her somewhat stable was Scott's hand that was always present on her hair as she leaned onto his shoulder. Scott found this version of Malia somewhat adorable as she was so childish and desperate and laughed slightly every time she asks 'how long until the plane's here?' Malia playfully flicked him and said 'you know I hate you right?' And he laughed and replied with
'No you don't, you love me with all your heart.' she had to agree that he was right, she did love him with all her heart.

When the plane finally arrived and Malia stopped tormenting Scott with the 'how long' questions they stood in the line waiting to board the plane. In this time Malia wrote on her private diary on her phone. Scott had asked continuously if he could read it and every time she just blushed slightly and smiled and said 'it's private for a reason.' He nodded and already he started conjuring plans in his mind about how to get her phone.

When they boarded the plane they were thankful that Peter had actually brought them decent seats so the two of them could sit together and have leg space. She curled into Scott as she closed her eyes and went to sleep on his shoulder. And told him to wake her when they were about to take off.

Scott realized this as the perfect time to check her diary. He knew deep down that this was technically morally wrong but curiously got the better of him. He entered Malia's password 'ScottMC1' smiling slightly at her password. He went to her notes where he found dozens of diary entries with a title. He was for some unknown reason attracted to the title that said 'OMG I KISSED SCOTT!!!!' He clicked on it and read it with Malia in his arms.

Dear Diary
OMG, OMFG. I kissed Scott finally😀😀😀. I mean the actual day started quite miserably with us forming a plan to storm the armory that in all fairness was pretty terrible. The only upside was that she was with Scott all the time. The day went kind've worse when we were trapped in a room with motion sensors that would make it so we would die. Awful right? Then by some miracle of the universe I ended up on Scott as he pulled me down to avoid a sensor. I remember how adorable he was as he asked slightly embarrassed if I was uncomfortable. It took all my self resolve to not smile intensely at him and to kiss him then and there. Instead we almost died but I was 'dying' in Scott's arms as I let out all the things that I wanted to do, all the things I needed to do. Like kiss Scott. We were saved by Lydia and Argent luckily enough and so we all spent that night at Scott's house. In his room I finally made a decision. I then started to think

more deeply. 'What if he doesn't like me?' 'What if he doesn't kiss back?' 'What if I get rejected?' I stood boldly and then moved my lips to Scott's. God he was a good kisser. I mean like really, really good. The way he moved his tongue against hers would make any girl weak on her knees. And I mean just to recap I kissed Scott! I f****** kissed Scott!

Scott smiled at his girlfriend that was still asleep as he put away her phone back in her bag.

PS: sorry if it's slightly too long. Also I know that the scene ended with the pack being shot at but in this version of the story it didn't happen.
Bye xx

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