Malec | One Shots

By FanFic_etc

7.9K 252 4

I was a big Malec Fan from the books but the 'Shadowhunter' series instilled my fangirl even further for thes... More

A Gift for Magnus
Date Night: Bike Ride
1. My Demon
2. Letting the demons go!
Spaaring contest!
Date Night: Arcade
Learning to Dance
Will you.... move in with me?
Kiss and Date
Malec in AU
Announcement: Edits awaiting
Letting the Walls Down (Alec)
Letting the Walls Down (Magnus)
First Meeting (Magnus)
First Meeting (Alec)
A Date in Tokyo (Magnus)
A Date in Tokyo (Alec)

I missed you!

335 10 0
By FanFic_etc

Clary, Jace, Izzy and Simon were staying over at Magnus' place since three days now, fourth if you count today. Magnus looked around the room at his friends and sighed in content and frustration.

They were lounging around watching mundane football matches. Magnus missed Alec, who was currently out with Luke, doing a little recon for the werewolves.

He walked over to the balcony, flopped on the couch and zoomed a book out of the shelves. It hit Simon and Jace over the head on the way, who groaned as the girls laughed.

After about an hour, a knock on the door pulled him out of his lost state. He swished it open as Clary screamed.

"Alec." Clary cried and Magnus literally flew to the door as he saw Alec's eyes roll back in his head. He was at the door before any of them. A demon stood behind Alec's fallen body!

While Jace threw his steele at the demon, Magnus swirled his hand engulfing it in fire destroying it completely.

In another swift motion, Magnus picked Alec's body and took him to his bedroom. Jace was stumped at Magnus' strength but stayed silent.

"Alexander." Through the closed eyes the shadowhunter smiled.

"Magnus." He whispered barely audible. Everybody sighed but Jace. He could feel Alec's pain but gritted his teeth to be quite. Magnus rushed everybody out of the room but not before Jace told him the exact situation. Magnus went about performing spells on his boyfriend.

About half and hour later, Magnus collapsed on a chair, exhauated as Alec opened his eyes. Magnus missed being close to his blue eyed boy. Alec wasn't comfortable with PDA but it's been too long this time, even for Alec. Alec's mind flashed to the worried expression he had seen on his boyfriend's face before going unconsious.

As Magnus closed his eyes, Alec touched the warlock's hand. At the same time, Jace walked in to check on his parabati. Even though the pain was gone, he could feel a little sadness through the bond.

Alec pulled back and Magnus' eyes flew open. Magnus looked at Jace, sighed and closed them back.

"You ok?" Jace asked and Alec nodded.

Later that day, Clary dragged Magnus out of his books and into the hall to play a game of charades. Even the little things made them both sad.

Jace teamed up with Alec while Magnus got Izzy. Obviously it was Clary and Simon.

"I love you." Simon wispered in Magnus' ears and Magnus playfully gqve him a weird look. Simon rolled his eyes.

Magnus looked at Izzy, looked past her at Alec pointedly and showed him a heart in the air.

Alec blushed but didn't look away this time, instead he steadily looked at Magnus. He wanted to touch his boyfriend. At the least, kiss him. He looked at Magnus' lips hungrily.

Alec sighed. "I love you." Izzy guessed immediately and jumped in excitement.

Izzy high-fived Magnus and Magnus looked away. The game moved on.

It was evening and more than anything the couples wanted was to stay in each other's embrace. Alec offered to make dinner. Being this close to Magnus and still not being able to touch him felt physically painful. Alec felt a little frustrated.

As the couples driffted to their guest rooms, Magnus got up to find his Alec. He planned to reprimand him and kiss him silly. He almost lost his fragile lover this morning, or so he thought. The image of a fainting Alec would never leave him, ever. Someday, he may not be able to bring Alec back. The thought made Magnus shiver.

A sudden knock on the door made Magnus grit his teeth. A mundane couple had come for business: sumon a minor god that can fullfill all their wishes. The stubborn couple wouldn't take a 'no'. He had turned them away many times.

"I have been condemed by gods and can only summon demons." Screaming in frustration he shut the door in their face. Sighing he went to the main room.

A pan in the kitchen clanked to the floor and Magnus' mood lifted as he turned towards the kitchen. He went to the kitchen to sneek up on Alec but Izzy was already there!

"Should I help?" Alec stood straight and rolled his eyes at his sister. A little surprised to see Magnus there, he didn't let it show. Magnus sighed and drifted to back to the main room. Izzy followed.

Late in the night, just like every other day, Alec, Izzy, Clary and Jace went on their way to do their jobs.

At the door, Alec was the last to leave hoping to get his favourite Magnus kiss. But at the last moment Simon wooshed passed saying, "I'll be back in an hour."

Magnus smiled at Alec, "Be safe." Alec bent a little and Magnus smiled knowingly. As Alec's lips hovered a fee inches away, Jace walked back.

"Not in front of me, guys." Alec said.

"Let them carry on," Clary said, passing as she pushed the door open.

Alec blushed and stood straighter. "What happened?" He asked.

"Not much to do. Some of us were called off again." Alec nodded at them, smiled at Magnus and turned around. Alec sighed and walked away.

Magnus shut the door and glared at the back of Jace's head. Izzy and Alec were on the mission and Simon had accompanied them. They missed each other. Alec couldn't focus on his mission that night. Twice the vampire saved his back and he didn't like it pone bit.

"What's up with you?" Izzy finally asked. Alec shook his head.

On the other hand, Magnus toosed and turned. Three straight nights! Well, three days straight, as well. Magnus thought back to the days when Alec did night shifts at the institute. Magnus could still have his boyfriend for complete days atleast. This was worse. Having Alec within hand's reach and not being able to reach out and touch him.

"Tomorrow, maybe." Magnus sighed and turned one last time.

The next morning Alec walked in, tired from last night's demon battle. He knew it was too much to hope for Magnus to be up at this hour. Truely, Magnus was asleep. Alec sighed, undressed and snuggled up to his love. Magnus sighed audibly and smiled.

"Sleep love." Alec whispered to Magnus and Magnus whispered something back, inaudiably.

The next morning, Magnus opened his eyes to his alarm and snuggled back into Alec. Sighing he removed the sheets and got out of bed to attend an early customer this morning. It was only an hour's affair and Magnus promised a sleeping Alec to be back as soon as it was done.

Alec woke up to an empty bed. He knew, he has been coming late and leaving early for the past few days but having to leave Magnus every morning compared nothing to waking up to an empty bed. His stomach dipped sadly knowing Magnus has to face this too much for his liking. His hands roamed the sheets longingly. He missed Magnus too much. He looked around for something and decided to leave a note, going straight to the institute to wrap things up.

Within an hour Magnus rushed back only to find a note addressed to himself.

"Love you." It said. Magnus smiled and a sinking feeling settled into his heart. He sank to the floor and put his head on the bedside, closing his eyes. His heart felt heavy, his throat swelled up and his eyes watered. Magnus smiled at his own weakness and shook his head.

Magnus had never thought that he would fall this hard for someone. He shook his head once more and stood up pocketing the small piece of paper.

By that evening, Magnus had worked up his usual good mood though his heart still sank a little at the smallest movement, memory or door bell.

The doorbell rang just like always in the late evening.

"Who dare disturb the High Warlock of Brooklyn?"

"Alec." A lovely sound hit his ears. Magnus' heart swelled with happiness but immediately sank in disappointment looking around the room. He walked to the door and opened it himself.

"What took you so long?" Jace asked, lounging on the couch lazily.

"You will be out of my hair today!" Alec said standing in the open doorway.

"Thank the angel. Wait, thank the demon. Wait, thank the renovation for getting done." Magnus said into the air.

Clary laughed at Jace's playfully hurt expression.

"But, we grew up together." Jace pouted. Alec only laughed and looked at Magnus, yearning for the dark eyed warlock to look at him just once. Alec found Magnus beautiful with his dusky poreclin skin, magical eye. Magnus had a relived smile on his face.

"We will be out of your hair asap." Izzy smirked. Everyone in the room was aware of the tension between Alec and Magnus but no one said anything.

"Why, thank you." Magnus bowed a little, smirked and swished his hand in the air. Opene luggages rushed out in thr open followed by everyone's belongings and shut themselves neatly. Magnus could have done it quicker but he made a show on purpose. Drama was important afterall.

"Hey." A simultaneous cry broke from the others. Simon only looked impressed while Alec laughed. With the next few minutes they had all thanked Magnus and cleared out. Alec was still standing at the door waving to his friends who passed through the portal. As Magnus looked at the tall shadowhunter, he now had him all to himself.

He tip toed to Alec's ear and whispered, "I missed you." Alec eye fluttered close for a second as his nerves awoke. He snaked an arm around Magnus' waist and hoisted him up.

With another swift motion, they were both inside as Alec closed the open door, they were still standing besides, pushing Magnus against it.

"I missed you so much." Saying Alec took Magnus' lips with a surprise and instantly grazed his teeth against his lips making Magnus shiver in anticipation.

All the insecurities and hurt vanished as they felt whole in that moment. "Missed you too."

Saying Magnus wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and hoisted himself around Alec's waist and deepend the kiss.

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