Unspoken Words[COMPLETE]

By silentsuga

6.4K 257 65

"It's not the words you did say, it's about the words you didn't". *Unedited* More

Unspoken Words
//29// ****


81 2 1
By silentsuga

I froze. Unable to move. I starred blankly at the note in my hand; My best friend killed himself. he actually killed himself. Louis always seemed so happy and let back, why would he kill himself!

"Harry!" Zayn said pulling me back to reality. "Earth to Harry!" I couldn't speak so I cried. I bend onto the floor and cried. It felt good to cry, it's what i've wanted to do for awhile.

I needed to get away. I need an escape. The only think holding me back from jumping off the bridge that night was Kaelin, I could of been that for Louis. Maybe them he wouldn't of drowned himself in the damn bathtub!

I'm so fucking stupid! All I do is screw things up! I could of saved Louis! I'm so fucked up right now! I could of saved him goddammit! I wanna kill myself right now, but I know it wont help bring Louis back. Ugh! I need to get out of here! Without thinking I quickly got up and ran. I didn't know where I was going but I knew I wasn't gunna stop.


<Kaelin's POV>

"Liam, where's Harry?" I asked, sipping on the tea Liam had brought me earlier.

"He went off with Zayn to check up on Louis, he should be back soon." I nodded as the front door opened and Zayn walked in.

"We have a problem." Zayn said. "Harry ran away and Louis killed himself."

"What!" Liam and I shouted at the same time.

"No time to explain, common!" Zayn said waving us out the door to Harry's truck. We all piled in, me in the middle of course, and sped off to find Harry. "He left like thirty minutes ago so he couldn't of got far."

"Where did he run to?" Liam asked.

"He just got up an took off running down the rode, towards Bradford." Dammit Harry, looks like you've got me worried all over again.


"We've looked everywhere Zayn, he's not here or in Holmes Chapel." I cried. "Where else could of he gone?"

"Doncaster?" Liam asked pointing to the map we had pulled out.

"Why would he go there?" Zayn asked.

"His dad moved there after his mum and him got divorced, but his dad was here earlier in the week so I don't know." Liam sighed.

"Worth a shot, Liam give Zayn direction and let's go!" Liam nodded giving Zayn directions and we sped off.

"It's about an hour drive so kick back and relax." Liam said as I pulled out my phones and popped in m earphones. I quickly searched threw my music until I found my favorite song Skinny Love by Birdy and flipped it to replay.


I sat up as we got closer to Harry's Dad's house. I was eager to see where his dad lived and to see if my boyfriend was hidden inside the house.

Quickly we rolled to a stop in front of an older house. It was huge and Victorian style, which I really adored. We all piled out of the car and ran to the door, quickly Liam knocked and we waited.

"Hello?" A deep voice called after he opened the door. I knew it was Harry's dad, they had the same piercing green eyes and marble like jaws. Oh and dimples.

"Hello Mr. Styles, it's me Liam, is Harry home?" Liam asked standing up straighter.

"Liam you damn well know Harry lives with Anne, now why are you really here?" He asked, his Cheshire accent was heavy.

"Harry ran away from Louis's house when Zayn was there with him and he's not in Holmes Chapel or Bradford so we thought we'd check here." Liam spoke.

"Harry ran away!" We nodded. "Shit."

"What?" I asked.

"Harry has.... has been know to disappear for months on end and he wont tell anyone where he is, but one day he just comes home like as if nothing happened." Mr.Styles sighed. "He did this after him and that Kaelin girl broke up, he was gone for a year, came home for a month and was gone another three years." I sighed.

"I made Harry run?" I whispered hoping no one would hear but Harry's dad did.

"Wait you Kaelin? Kaelin Jones?" I nodded. "Oh, I should of guessed."

"I need to go." I turned around my eyes filling with tears, but I couldn't see where I was going so I ran. I hear Liam and Zayn calling for me but I didn't stop, just like Harry. I was gunna disappear.


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