Unspoken Words[COMPLETE]

By silentsuga

6.4K 257 65

"It's not the words you did say, it's about the words you didn't". *Unedited* More

Unspoken Words
//29// ****


88 3 1
By silentsuga

I woke up at eleven but the worst part was I was; alone, now I know why Kaelin hates when I leave her. I got up rather quickly which gave me a slight head ache so I sat at the edge of my bed until it cleared. Once the pounding was gone I jumped up an walked into the living room.

"Good morning sleepy head!" Bree chirped.

"Morning to you too Bree." I said looking for Kaelin.

"She's in the shower, I'm kinda worried she's been in there for like a hour now." I sighed and walked to the bathroom.

"Kaelin, babe, are you okay?" Silence answered my question. "Kaelin?"

I heard footsteps walk closer to me until a voice spoke. "Is she in there?" Bree asked. I shrugged. "Is it unlocked?" I chuckled as the door flew open.

Quickly I looked around and saw Kaelin in the shower, fully clothed for some reason but she wasn't surround by clear water it was soaked with her blood, which was oozing from her wrists.

"Kaelin!" Me and Bree shouted at the same time rushing to her side. I scooped her up from the water and placed her on the floor while Bree turned off the water.

"Kaelin babe, can you hear me?" I asked shaking her a little but not too much. "Bree, go get Liam. Hurry."


"I've waited three hours Liam! I'm taking her to the damn hospital!" I protested.

"No! She needs to stay here! If she wakes up in a strange place again it'll damage her even more! You care about her, right?"

"Liam don't be stupid. "I stated. "Of course I care about her."

"Then leave her here." I sighed bit then nodded letting Liam do his thing.

I walked back out of my room to the living room where Zayn, Niall, and Bree waited patiently for answers on Kaelin.

"Liam says she needs to stay here or she'll be damaged even more from waking up in a strange place again."

"I've only been gone for three days and she's already gone hurting herself." Zayn states.

"I think she needs counseling." Bree blurted. "My sister used to be like Kaelin, then she went to counseling and was better."

"There's no way in hell I'm sending her to a shrink." I snapped.

"It was just an idea mate." Niall said attempting to calm me.

"I'm fine Niall, I don't need you to calm me." I snapped again.

"Harold!" Bree stated. "Just because Kaelin's hurt doesn't give you the right to be an ass!" I rolled my eyes.

"Bree I think you should go." She gasped. Out. Now." She sighed and grabbed her bags then was out the door.

"Whoa, dick move Harry." Niall added.

"Not you too Nialler." He sighed and decided to stop talking.

"Have you guys heard from Louis lately?" Zayn asked, looking at his phone.

"No, Harry saw him last." Niall said.

"Yeah but since then, nothing. Why?" I asked sitting down by them.

"He hasn't been answering any one's calls or anything." Zayn stated. "I think we need to go check on him."

"I'm sure he's fine." I said setting my feet on the coffee table.

"Harry, Louis is your best mate, so drop whatever grudge you have on him and get up." I sighed and got up.

"Liam me and Zayn are going to Louis's I check on him, watch Kaelin." Liam chuckled.

"With my life mate." I nodded and walked out the door with Zayn. We quickly got into my truck and started off to Louis's.


We have been at Lou's for ten minutes knocking over and over again and still he hasn't answered.

"Is it unlocked?" Zayn asked as I twisted the doorknob, which surprisingly sung open. "Louis?"

"Louis- Ew gross!" Zayn said. I walked into the bathroom where Zayn was and saw my best friend; Dead. "Look, here's a note." I quickly picked up the note and read aloud;

Dear Anyone,

I've decided my time on earth needed to come to an end. I've done some pretty shady things but this one was too hard, so I took my life. I want you all to know I didn't go in pain, I went quick an easily. I also want Harry, Zayn, Liam and Niall to know, you guys were the best friends I could of ever asked for. Please don't miss me too much! But remember, I'm in a better place now, and I'm always watching. Harry in talking about you! I'm watching the other boys too but I wanna see how you and Kaelin work threw the kinks!


Louis Xx


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