Ups and Downs: Can't Run From...

By desoo1

120K 3.6K 508

When Kayla's mom gets fed up with her dad's abusing, and cheating she escapes his traps with 2 children on he... More



2.3K 78 15
By desoo1

2 years later...


"And this is the clip" I say pointing to it. "You did good." Jerry says smiling wide. I smile back. We in the living room. And he's been teaching us a lot these past 2 years. I know about a lot of stuff, that's gang related; especially protection.

"Now take it apart" he demands handing me the gun. I start taking it apart as fast as I can. "Damn that was fast" he mumbles looking at the pieces laid out on the couch. I smile putting it back together.

"You think you so good, I can do the shit with my eyes closed" he says grabbing the gun. He closes his eyes taking it apart. He opens them. "Oh whatever" I say laughing.

"Jack" I call. He comes running from the back. "Hey boy" I say petting behind his ears. Jerry trained Jack to be a violent dog but I'm okay with it as long as he nice to me. He buff now, like buff to where his arms stick out.

Ken walks through the door. "Hey Kayla" he says. "Jerry. You can rap for a minute?" Ken says growing serious. "Yea" Jerry says hopping up and walking to the back with Jack following them.

I see Kaylee walk through the door with Joseph. "Hey Kay" I say waving and smiling. "Kayla, we saw boom" She says running into my arms. "Huh?" I say looking at her. "Don't tell Auntie" Joseph says in a serious tone while rushing to the back. "It's not like she would care anyways.." I say shrugging my shoulders.

They all came back into the living room. "We gotta borrow Jack for a minute" Jerry says grabbing the gun off the table. "Stay in touch" he says throwing a $12 dollar Walmart phone at me. I nod my head.

I grab Kaylee and go upstairs. "Hi mom" I say since her door is wide open. She looks at me then back at the tv. I walk into her room. "Can I go to the Movies and Mall with Grace?" I ask. "Don't care. Take Kaylee with you." She says not taking her eyes off the tv. I nod walking out.

Me and Grace are walking around the mall at the moment with Kaylee in the stroller on her tablet that Jerry bought her. "Kayla" Grace says. "I think I'm pregnant" she says. I reluctantly stop. "What?" I ask.

She nods. "I've just been sick lately and stuff. Im not gonna tell my mom though" she says shaking her head as a tear falls. "Girl you are in the ninth grade you way too young for a child right now! You a child yourself!" I fuss. "Kayla I need you to be my friend right now, not my mom" she says back.

I take a deep breath. I nod. I take a seat at one of the tables. She sits across from me. I position Kaylee's stroller to where it's facing me. She so into that movie. I put a kid friendly movie up on there from Netflix.

"The first question is Are you keeping it?" I ask. She slowly nods her head. "Yea" she says nervously. "Second question is who's the daddy?" I ask. "Don't get mad at me but it's your brother" she says. My heart drops.

I blink out a few tears as my mouth drops. I try to reach to wipe my tears, but my hands are shaking too bad. I think I'm in state of shock. I feel like my body wants to move and I can't respond how I want too.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I did it a while back, and I didn't want you to think that I was hoe. Cause I hear how bad you talk about the girls that he has sex with. I'm so sorry. I swear I am!" She cries. I slap her out of nowhere making her fall out her seat.

"I didn't mean to do that" I say helping her up. "I-I deserved it" She says getting up, holding her face. "I'm so sorry" I say sitting back down and putting my head on the table. My brother is in the eleventh grade with a child by my best friend. Jesus why me?

"Are you mad at me?" She sniffles. "I'm disappointed in you" I say shaking my head. "I'm so sorry" she says again. "What are you going to tell your mom?" I ask.

"I don't even know." She signs. "Can you help me out?" She asks. I shake my head no. "I done been helping you duck and doge ever since seventh grade. You spreaded your legs, you suffer the consequences this time." I tell her.

"What? Why?!" She semi-yells. "Because Grace. Ever since I helped you in seventh grade, you've did fast and fucked up shit and turned to me expecting me to clean up your dirty work so you don't get caught. I thought me helping you would help you learn your lesson but I guess not, so here ya go..lesson learned" I say. She looks down crying hard.

"Are you going to tell him?" I ask raising my eyebrow. She nods her head. "I can't believe you were this irresponsible" I say shaking my head, with my arms crossed across my chest.

I just wanna ice her the cold truth for once. "I know" She sniffles. "Damn!" I mumble sitting back biting on my finger nail. I look at Kaylee as she slowly falls asleep. I slowly take the tablet out her small hands and put it in the bag behind the stroller.

We are headed home in silence. "Was the movie good?" Ms.Grace asks lighting my mood by her warm voice. "Yea it was great we're just..sleepy" I say. She nods.

I get out the car as she stops in front of the yard. I grab Kaylee and her stuff and go into the house. "Jerry who's car is that?" I ask referring to that gray Lexus RX 350 in the drive way as he sits on the couch smiling with Ken and Joesph.

"Yours" he says tossing me the keys. My mouth drops. I sprint out the door. "Your lying" I scream smiling. I unlock the doors and hop in it as they walk out. "You like it? It's all yours" he says laughing. "Yes I love it! Thank you!" I say getting out and hugging him. "You welcome" he says laughing.

I'm in the house right now watching Jack and Kaylee play. He lays down and she gets on his back and start rubbing him. While mumbling something.

I look out my window and see it's dark outside. Ken walks in my room. "When you gone give yo new truck a drive?" He asks sitting on the bed. "What do you want? You never come in here" I say narrowing my eyes at him.

"Nothing. But when you get ready to drive it lemme now I wanna see how smooth it rides" he says standing up. "Doesn't matter of it rides smooth or not. Cause your not riding it" I say looking at him. He walks over to the door and leaves out. I hear the downstairs door close.

He comes back in. "Jerry just left." He says coming back in and closing the door. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Look listen to me close. I think Jerry got feelings for you." He says growing serious. "What? Shut up. Look I know it's hard for you to adjust to Jerry and all, but Jerry liking me is far from what is going on." I snap.

"Look just watch out aight. I'm boutta go run a train ona bitch I'll be back shortly." He says. I sign. "Okay" I say nodding. "Keep your door locked" he says before walking out and closing it. Ken is out his mind. He think just because Jerry let him and Joseph join his gang.

Yup, Jerry got a gang and that's where he gets all this money from. But I'm boutta write in this journal and get Kaylee to sleep then I'm going to sleep myself because Monday is tomorrow. And I have school.

"Kayla wake up!" Jerry yells shaking me. "What?" I yell jumping up out my sleep. "A girl called and said that Ken spent the night with her lastnight and said he didn't wake up when she was shaking him this morning. They at the hospital come on!" He says running out the room.

I hop up and pull some joggers over my sleeping pants and put a oversized t-shirt on and run out the room. I run down the stairs and see my mom at the door like nothing is happening.

We're in the waiting room waiting on someone to tell us something. We don't know if he's dead or alive, nor do we know if he's in surgery or not. A doctor comes out. "Ken Watson" The doctor calls. We all stand as me and Jerry rush to him. Where is Joseph?

"He didn't exactly make it, he had no pulse nor heartbeat." The doctor says. "What?" I scream in tears. He has a baby on the way and he didn't even know. "You mean this whole time it took that long to figure out he ain't have no pulse nigga!" Jerry yells.

"Sir, we wanted to give you an explanation of why he died. Cause we know at such young age it didn't make since to die of natural causes, so we saw what was going on. And one of the nurses mentioned him coming to her for one appointment. And it turned out he had incurable aids" The doctor says. "So you telling me he died from aids?" My mom asks as she lightly pushes Kaylee out the way as she tries to climb onto her.

The doctor nods. My mom shakes her head. "Told his hoe ass to stop fucking around" She says shaking her head and rolling her eyes.

"What you mean you told him!? You don't talk to us anymore! All you do is sit in your room and watch tv or go on dates with Jerry! He talk to us more than you do! I can't believe you just said that about your own dead son! Your just like daddy except you don't beat us!" I yell before grabbing Kaylee and leaving out with tears roaming all over my face.

Now I have no brother, and Grace is going to have to raise my niece/nephew alone because Ken is dead.

When we got to the house my mom beat the crap out of me, but I didn't care. I didn't wanna write in my journal, I didn't wanna go anywhere, I didn't wanna play or talk to Kaylee or Jack. I just wanted to be alone.

My brother wasn't always the most caring person, but I still loved him. And now he's gone. I feel hurt. Real bad!

Nothing good ever happens for me. I why can't I just have a happy life. I have my moments but they don't last long. I just wanna lay down and die.

Luv you, bye❤️

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