Addicted [Norminah] DISCONTI...

By norminahskordei

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Normani can't live without Dinah Dinah can't function without Normani They're ADDICTED to one another.... Din... More



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By norminahskordei

Sorry for any errors

The timeline is all fucked up in this story😅 but.....3 months later

Dinah lays sprawled out on the floor, barely conscious as she sees light through her hooded eyes. She couldn't move and she could barely see, but she did hear multiple voices fading in and out.

"Oh my gosh, Dinah!" She was sure that was Normani's voice.

"I'm alright baby."  Dinah wanted to respond back to her girlfriend, but of course she couldn't due to the condition she was in.

"Dinah, toughen up and wake up!" That was clearly her father's words.

The loudest voice in the room surely belonged to her mother. "Get off the floor Matai Tae! (Shit face). Your daughter was just born and you wanna play around!"

Those were the last words Dinah heard before she passed out completely.

Two nurses then rushed over to her side and try to bring her back to consciousness. Normani tries to control her sobs as her father rubs her shoulder as he gives her hand a squeeze to remind her that everything will be okay.

Andrea leans down to whisper in her ear. "It'll be okay Mani baby. Your father did the same when you were born." She said before she placed a small kiss to her sweaty forehead. "Everything will be okay, I promise."

Normani nodded, trusting her mother's words. She looked down at her unconscious girlfriend lying on the floor next to her as the nurse tried to aid her back to consciousness. 

The other nurse then came up to her, with her new born baby girl wrapped in a soft blanket. The baby was whimpering at all of the noise and bright lights in the room.

The lady handed their baby to Normani and Andrea softly cooed at the sight of her granddaughter in her daughter's arms.

She was so beautiful...she looked just like Dinah Jane, but with a little bit of Normani's skin tone, her nose and those precious big brown eyes.

"Hi, baby girl...mama's got you." Normani softly spoke to her daughter in her arms as she calmed her down.

27 hours earlier

Dinah pulled up to the airport and waited outside for Normani's parents to meet her there.

Their doctor told them that their baby girl was to arrive exactly a week before the set due date, so Andrea and Derrick made sure to come before then.

They almost didn't make it, but Dinah and Normani were both glad that they were here because the younger girl still had work and she didn't want to leave her pregnant girlfriend at home by herself.

Their friends sometimes came by to visit and keep Normani company, but lately she has been getting irritated easily and she didn't wanna take her anger out on them, so she just had Dinah tell them that she wasn't up for visitors.

Tomorrow was Dinah's last day at work and she was so excited about coming home to spend time with Normani. Soon she would get to meet her daughter Victoria Sialè Hamilton-Hansen.

Siale is Tongan for a flower bush.

Flowering bushes are beautiful shrubs that bloom from spring throughout fall. They carry scents of spring and have a year round beauty that only increases within each day. The flowers, the leaves and possible fruits that they produce spreads beauty in this ugly world that we live in. When you hold a piece of this flower bush, such as a beautiful colored flower, it's a welcoming sight that only brightens your mood.

That's how everyone will see my great granddaughter  as she spreads happiness through every touch, through every smile, and through every single blink of an eye.

Dinah and Normani let Babs  name their first child, and after hearing how she described their unborn child so beautifully, they knew that it was a good choice.

But back to the current topic, Dinah finally saw Derrick carrying a duffel bag over his shoulder as he rolled a suitcase behind him. Andrea was walking beside him as she talked on the phone.

The tall blonde got out of the car and helped Derrick put their bags in the trunk. After they were all set and ready to go, she made her way to the house.

Once they got to the house, they found that Normani was asleep in their bedroom. Her parents decided to leave her be and went to the guests room to unpack.

Dinah made sure her girlfriend was okay before she started getting ready for work.

Andrea made breakfast for everyone, but Dinah left before it was finished, so she didn't get any.


Normani woke up about two hours ago and now she was grumpy because she was hungry and didn't feel like going downstairs to make her anything.

She huffed remembering that her girlfriend was currently at work until 3 pm today, so she couldn't shout out her name and demand that she gave her food.

But then she also remembered that her family was visiting for the week, so she shouted one of their names instead.

"Mama!" Normani shouted. She waited for her mother to shout back, but when she heard nothing,  she yelled again. "Mamaaa!"

"I'm coming child!" Andrea yelled out as she quickly made her way up the stairs.


"Now that you're all fed and in a better mood...tell me what's been going on. What has the doctor been saying?" Derrick asked.

Normani shrugged and sat back against the couch, rubbing her shirtless stomach with her cool hands in hope of trying to cool the baby down as well. "He just said that the baby could come in any minute. She's healthy and everything, so that's good."

Derrick nodded his head in understanding.
"Does Dinah's family know that she could come at any minute now?"

Andrea rolled her eyes and spoke up before Normani could even get a chance to answer her father's question. "Of course they do. Dinah Jane tells them everything."

"Well, Drea there's nothing wrong with that." Derrick said, shooting a small smile and a wink at his daughter before turning back to his wife's glare.

Normani grinned a little bit at his actions.

"Whatever Derrick." She said to him before picking up phone to dial Normani's grandmother's number.

"Hey baby, where's my other baby?" The woman asked over the phone.

Normani then stuck her face into the camera and her grandmother smiled widely. "I'm right here Babs."

"Ohh, you look 'bout ready to pop! I wish I was there." The grey haired woman pouted.

Normani put on a pout that was most definitely identical to her grandmother's. "I know me too, I miss you. Why didn't you come this time?"

"I tried, but my doctor told me that I wasn't able to get on a plane for another two months because I just had surgery a few weeks ago." Her grandmother said sadly, but ahe quickly put on a masking smile to hide her true emotions. "I guess you'll just have to send me lots of pictures and videos until I can come visit."

"Of course Babs. I can't wait until she gets old enough to travel as well. We would gladly come and see you guys in Houston, for sure." Normani responded.

Andrea smiled over at her husband and he returned it, already imagining the beautiful sight of his daughter experiencing parenthood.

They both couldn't wait until their very first granddaughter was born.

And apparently they didn't have to because 4 hours later, Normani's water broke and everyone went into panicking mode.

"We're on our way now! Just make sure you meet us at St. Joseph's Hospital!" Andrea said into the phone as she carefully tied to lead her daughter out to the car. "I have to go now, bye."

After she hung up, she placed Normani in the backseat and ran back into the house to gather some of her and the baby's things.

Derrick rushed around the house, searching every room from top to bottom for their car keys. "Son of a bitch!" He hissed when he tripped over a big brown box that appeared out of nowhere. Luckily for him though,  the keys lie on the floor in front of him.

He hurriedly stood to his feet and picked up the keys and ran outside to start the car.

He winced as Normani groaned out in pain and clutched her lower stomach in pain. "Uh...Andrea I think you'd better hurry!" He warned her.

"Okay, I'm ready!" The older woman exclaimed as she closed and locked the door before climbing into the backseat with her daughter.


"What?!" Dinah Jane exclaimed. "Right now?! ....which hospital? ...alright I'm on my way!" She said finally and dropped the paper she had in her hand and rushed through the park to find someone, anyone of her co workers to tell them the news.

After what felt like 20 minutes of running non stop, and occasionally bumping into people who came to see the animals, she finally reached a manager and told them that she had to leave no layer than yesterday.

"Today is your last day. You need to finish it out Ms. Hansen." The asshole of a person and boss grumbled to the tall blonde.

She shook her head and clasped her sweaty hands. "Allen, I'm begging you to get someone else to cover the rest of my shift. My girlfriend might be going into labor right now."

"Then you might wanna get back to work then." He said finally and turned around to walk away.

Dinah glared at him, but ran passed him towards the parking lot anyways. There was no way that she was about to miss the birth of her first child.

She got into her car and buckled her seatbelt before hurriedly pulling out her cell phone.

She dialed a number a waited for her father to pick up. "Hello? Dad?"

" No, it's me Dinah." Molina said into the phone.

"It doesn't matter honestly, I just wanted to call you and tell you that Mani's water just broke."

"Oh my god, Dinah!" She exclaimed into the phone, making the blonde move her phone away from her ear for a few seconds.

"Meet us at St. Joseph's hospital. Call me when you get there so I can come out an update you guys." Dinah said and her mother agreed before hanging up the phone.

Dinah then took a moment to think about what was happening. She smiled widely and said to herself, "She's coming. ", and drove out of the parking lot on her way to the hospital, making sure to call their friends once she got there.


13 hours later

"Okay ma'am it's finally time to push. " One of the nurses informed Normani.

Dinah's eyes got wide and she looked over to their parents for confirmation of what she just heard.

Not too many hospitals allowed more than two people to be in here at a time like th is, but this one only allowed the grandparents.

Dinah was brought back to reality when she felt her girlfriend squeeze her hand for the millionth time tonight. She hissed in pain as Normani tried to squirm in the bed next to her.

"It's gonna be alright Mani. It'll be over soon." Dinah said to her calmly.

"Shut up, Dinah. You aren't the one in pain right now." Normani said to her sharply, wincing again as she felt another sharp pain in her lower back and in her entire stomach.

"Actually I am." Dinah whimpered again.

The nurse lifted Normani legs up and positioned them correctly so they could get started. Everyone watched as she moved to the side as the doctor came into place.

The man placed on his gloves and leaned down to check if everything's good to go. He nodded and sat down in the chair in front of the bed that Normani was laying on. "Alright, Ms. Hamilton tell me how you're feeling." He said, trying to distract her from the pain.

"Its hurts really fucking bad. I feel like punching a brick wall." Normani responded to the tall dark haired man. She was all sweaty and she didn't have on any make up. She was grumpy because she was in pain, hungry and she didn't feel so pretty at the moment. She just wanted this to all be over.

"That's normal okay?" He said looking over to Dinah and the parents. "I'm just gonna go in there and check if I see the head or not. The only thing I need you to do is make sure she stays calm for the baby, got it?"

Dinah frantically nodded as she nervously shuffled her feet and squeezed her own sweaty hand. Her nails digging into her own skin didn't hurt nearly as bad as when Normnai did it.

"She's ready to push." The doctor said and motioned for the two nurses to come closer. "I'm gonna need you to start pushing now, Normani."

"On the count of three, push as hard as you can okay?" The red headed nurse asked and Normani nodded.  "Okay, one...two...three. Pushhh!"

Normani screamed as she pushed, and cried as she didn't feel any better. She didn't feel like the baby moved at all.

"That was good, Normani. So good!" The doctor said. He could see a little bit of the baby's head, but he needed to give mani a break to catch her breath before he made her push again.

After seeing that Normani began to cry and her breaths were uneven, Dinah moved closer to the bed and leaned down to her ear.

"It's okay, Manz we'll get through this. Just breathe and push. " The blonde whispered and the dark haired girl nodded frantically.

"Alright, one....two...three. Pushhh!" The nurse encouraged again.

Normani screamed and squeezed Dinah's hand harder than before and the taller girl was sure that her blood circulation was cut off for about 10 seconds.

"You can't stop now! I have the head in my hands and she's almost out, now pushhh!"

Hearing the baby's first cries, Dinah made the mistake of taking a peak to see her daughter's head, excited to see her.
Once she saw the head full of curls, mixed with blood, she automatically felt dizzy and her hand slipped out of Normani's as she stumbled back.

She shook her head trying to regain her normal vision back, but that was also a mistake when she saw her baby completely fresh out of the womb.

That's when her body hit the floor and she could no longer hear, see or feel priperly.

"Oh my gosh, Dinah!" Normani exclaimed with tears in her eyes as she looked down to the floor at her halfway conscious girlfriend.

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