G/T YouTubers (One Shots and...

By PlatonicSeptiplier

65.7K 1.4K 848

Requests: Closed Due to college some pieces may be sporadically shorter, or just incomplete/ditched, be it te... More

Suggestions? Maybe?
Nature Walk (Jack and Signe)
Borrowing a Borrower (Mark and Amy) (Part 1)
The Space Voyage (Jack and Mark) (TEASER)
Borrowing a Borrower (Mark and Amy) (Part 2)
Spiders and Borrowers (Mat and Nate+Mark)
Spiders and Borrowers (Mat and Nate+Mark) (Part 2)
Think Before You Act (Mark and Jack)
Hug a Giant Day (Jack and Mark)
Winter Cuddles (Jack and Mark)
Misplaced (Jack and Mark) (Contest Entry)
Misplaced (Jack and Mark) (Part 2)
Hug a Tiny Day (Jack and Mark)
Stone Rules (Tyler and Ethan+Mark) Part One(?)
Dark Nights (Mark and Jack) Part 1
A Freaky Friday (Jack and Mark)
Dark Nights (Mark and Jack) Part 2
Fables (Jack and Ethan+Mat)
Good Spoops 🎃 (Jack? and Mark) (Halloween Special)
Snowstorm (Jack and Mark) (Part 1)
Snowstorm (Jack and Mark) (Part 2)
Old Man Winter (Jack and Mark) (Part 1?)
Pocket Pal (Mark and Jack)
Pocket Pal (Mark and Jack) (Part 2)
Pocket Pal (Mark and Jack) (Part 3)
Blind Spot (Jack and Mark) (Part 1)
Blind Spot (Jack and Mark) (Part 2)
Blind Spot (Jack and Mark) (Part 3)
Roadblock (Mark and Jack) ( "TEASER" )
A/N that will be deleted within a day (or not)
A Relic of the Past (Jack and Mark) (Part 1)
Thunder (Mark and Jack) (TEASER)
A Relic of the Past (Jack and Mark) (Part 2)
Phantoms of Hope (Nate and Mat+Steph) (Part 1)
Happy Fourth of July! (Mark and Jack)
Phantoms of Hope (Nate and Mat+Steph) (Part 2)
Phantoms of Hope (Nate and Mat+Steph) (Part 3)
Phantoms of Hope (Nate and Mat+Steph) (Part 4)
Exiled (Jack and Mark) (Part 1)
The Song of Rain (Mark and Amy) (Part 1)
The Song of Rain (Mark and Amy) (Part 2...)
Soup (?̷̻̆ͣ̑?̆͑̄?̻̫͔͔̘͋͆ͧ̉ͫ̐̚͘ ̻͉̂͒̌̎͐̀̎́)
Time For Revenge 🎃 (Jack and Mark) (Halloween special) (Part One)
Exiled (Mark and Jack) (Part 2)
Serendipitous Rescue (Part 1) (Mark and Jack)
Emergency Room (Mark and Amy) (Part 1?)
Not So Different (Mark and Jack)
Tagged once more (not a one shot)
Lost and Found ( ?̷̻̆ͣ̑?̆͑̄?̻̫͔͔̘͋͆ͧ̉ͫ̐̚͘ and Y/N) (Part One)
Lost and Found (?̷̻̆ͣ̑?̆͑̄?̻̫͔͔̘͋͆ͧ̉ͫ̐̚͘ ̻͉̂͒̌̎͐̀̎́ and Y/N) (Part Two)
Exiled (Mark and Jack) (Part 3)
Exiled (Mark and Jack) (Part 4)
Exiled (Mark and Jack) (Part 5 v1)
Exiled (Mark and Jack) (Part 5 v2)
Refuge (Mark and Jack)
Isolated (Mark+Amy and Jack) (Part 1)
Loss (Mark and Jack)
Invasive Evasion (Mark and Jack)
Mouse Trap (Jack and Mark)
Taking a Break (Jack and Mark)
A Big Fan (Mat and Nate)
Tiny Footsteps (Mark, Mat and Jack, Nate) (Part 1?)
Serendipitous Rescue (Mark & Jack) (Part 2)
Serendipitous Rescue (Mark & Jack) (Part 3)
Snow Mobilizing (Jack & Mark)
Tiny Footsteps (Mark, Mat and Jack, Nate) (Part 2)
Natural Disaster (Mark+Amy and Jack)
Borrowed Exigency (Mark and Jack)
Space Voy AU Meeting (Jack+Felix & Mark) (Part 1)
Space Voy AU Meeting (Jack+Felix & Mark) (Part 2)
A Thief's Remorse (Mark & Jack) (Part 1?)
Hooked (Jack and Mark)

Lost Boy (Mark and Jack) Part 1

1.2K 30 10
By PlatonicSeptiplier

"Felix?" Jack's cry startled some birds out of a tree. The Irishman looked around, and then cupped his hands over his mouth and shouted again. "Ethan? Anyone!?" He looked around. I knew taking that shortcut would be a bad idea. Now I'm really lost!

Jack stopped walking and listened for any reply to his yelling. But only the sounds of the forests enveloped him. He sighed. "Where the fuck am I?" He kept walking and calling out for his friends. The sun was already going down, which meant it was going to get a lot colder soon. He put his hands in his pockets and shivered. The crisp clear smell of rain was on the wind; it would be a long, cold, wet night if he didn't find shelter soon. He needed to find the others, and fast.

Jack drew in another breath to shout, but the words stuck in his throat because a distant roar interrupted him, shocking the Irishman. What was that!? Jack listened and heard another growl. He followed the sound through the thick forest, hearing the ground scrape as the strange animal growled and groaned. Jack stopped behind a tree, puzzled. That sounds like someone's hurt! He reached the edge of the forest and stepped out of the trees. His eyes flew wide open, and he gasped.

He was standing on the edge of a large clearing, with flowers speckling the huge meadow. It gave away to rocky cliffs, where a waterfall poured from high above and cascaded into a shimmering pool. But it was what was beside the pool that caught Jack's attention. The long gargantuan bulk of a giant creature shifted in the grass, letting out humanly groans and scratching the ground. Fascinated, and concerned, Jack slowly came closer. He was enthralled. It was huge! What is that?

He stopped near the creature and was shocked when the sun hit the monster at just the right angle. It was a giant man with tan skin and black wavy hair; bangs hung in his face; his shirt was a little threadbare, and so were the pants. But what caught Jack's attention was the giant's arm. It was covered in scratches and blood, and there was something shiny wrapped around it, and something sticking out of the skin. That's a whaling harpoon! What's it doing here?

As Jack stared at the giant's arm, the giant suddenly opened his eyes and sniffed. Jack looked up to see huge almond brown eyes focused on him, and he blanched. A wave of fear creeped down his spine and sent a tremor through his breast. The eyes narrowed, and the giant roared at him. Jack yelped and ran away a few paces, but the giant groaned and slumped against the ground again. Jack stopped and looked at him. Aww, he's hurt. Jack stood there, unsure what to do. I gotta get home, and fast, but this big guy's in a lot of pain. Maybe if I just...

Jack swallowed and walked back to his spot. The giant growled at him and bared his teeth, but his countenance betrayed him; he was hurt and scared. Jack smiled nervously and put his hands up, shaking. "H-hey buddy," he spoke softly. The giant tensed and growled at him again. Jack took a few slow, wary steps forward. "It's ok, I just wanna help," he murmured. He flinched when the giant's hand came flying, and it smashed the ground right in front of him. Jack coughed and waved the dust away, and he looked up to see the giant staring at him incredulously. He looked like he expected Jack to run away again.

"You're hurt," Jack said. He pointed at the harpoon. "That could get worse if you don't take it out." The giant scratched at his injury and whined. The whimper cut Jack's heart in two. "P-please." Jack stepped closer. "Can I help you?" He stared into the giant's eyes. They were a deep, glossy brown, smooth and shiny like river stones with a gold gleam. The giant quivered, then ducked his head and looked away. Jack took this as a yes and walked closer. He held his breath as he entered the giant's shadow. The gargantuan man took up his entire vision, but Jack focused on his arm. He walked up to it and touched it; the skin was red and irritated.

"The rope's rubbing your skin, cutting into it and irritating," Jack said to himself. A worried rumble vibrated in the giant's broad chest. Jack stepped back and studied the arm, fully aware of the giant's eyes resting on him. "You just need to relax," Jack suggested. He grabbed the end of the rope and looked up at the giant. He had his head tilted, and his bangs were covering his eye.

"Listen to me," Jack urged, "You need to calm down, ok? I know it hurts, but I need yer help to get it out, all right?" The giant looked at him for a few seconds, and then exhaled a warm breeze that washed over Jack comfortingly. Jack smiled. "Ok. Now you need to help me by getting this rope unwound. I'll walk you through it." Jack kept well back and helped the giant untangle himself. The rope was wrapped around real good, and the giant kept twitching with pain, but eventually they managed to expose the raw wounds. All that remained now was the harpoon.

Jack called the giant down to put his arm out, and the giant obeyed. Jack climbed up the giant's upper arm and then walked down to his forearm. He did his best to avoid the irritated areas, and the giant did his best to not move. Finally, Jack stopped beside the harpoon and examined it. He looked up at the giant with a regretful glance.

"This is going to hurt, dude." The giant growled and squeezed his eyes shut. Jack gripped the top of the harpoon, sucked in a deep breath, and then pulled with all his might. The harpoon slid out, and the giant roared in pain and thrashed. Jack yelled as he was thrown from his perch and slammed painfully against the ground, and darkness crashed down over him.

It was dark, but not cold. Every one of Jack's bones felt like they were broken, but somehow the Irishman managed to open his eyes and sit up. The full moon's cold light shined around him, but he was shrouded In darkness, and warm. Jack shivered as warm air hit him, and he looked up to see the giant watching him. His large brown eyes widened, and he rumbled in relief and nuzzled Jack. Stunned, Jack didn't do anything for a few seconds. Then he reached up and rubbed the giant's nose.

"F-feel-feel better?" He asked hoarsely. The giant whimpered and rubbed his cheek against Jack. Jack winced. "Ow, easy big guy," he laughed. "I'm glad you feel better. Just make sure to wash those cuts, ok? We wouldn't want it getting infected." The giant rumbled in agreement and nuzzled him again. Jack smiled, but then he groaned and clutched his arm.

"O-ow..." The giant whined and tried to examine him, but Jack put his hand up. "I'll-I'll be ok." A weak smile spread over his lips. "I just need to rest..." Jack looked around and saw that he was sitting in the giant's hand. The huge man was only on his knees, but it was still a long way down; too long, if you asked Jack.

Meanwhile, the giant frowned at the tiny Irishman and touched his arm. Pain radiated in Jack's shoulder, and his smile quickly dropped as he gasped and gripped his arm. "Ow!" He yelped. The giant winced and took his hand away. He rumbled remorsefully. "It's ok." Jack studied his arm and noticed that his shoulder looked weird. "Actually," he said, looking up at the giant again, "I could use yer help." The giant blinked. "First," Jack continued, putting his hand up. "You'll tell me yer name." The giant thought about this for a few seconds, and then he nodded and started writing in the ground. Jack watched as he carved out the letters, and when he was done he squinted in the darkness and read out loud.

"Mark?" The giant nodded. Jack smiled and looked up at Mark. "Well, nice to meet ya dude. I'm Jack." He put his good arm out, and Mark looked at him for a few seconds before understanding. He carefully pinched Jack's arms between two fingers, and they shook hands. "Ok." Jack grinned. Now that he didn't feel scared anymore, he was utterly thrilled about his discovery of Mark.

"Now, Mark, can ye help me fix my arm? I'm pretty sure it got knocked out of place when we got that harpoon out." Mark guiltily looked at Jack, and then held him closer and studied his arm. A rumble rose from deep in his chest as he looked at Jack and nodded. Jack nodded back, and he held his arm out the best he could. Mark pinched it and, not giving Jack a chance to prepare himself, pulled. Jack screamed as his arm popped back into its socket, and he cursed loud and colourfully.

"Son of a bitch!" He rubbed his arm. "That hurt!" Mark growled apologetically as Jack examined his arm. "It doesn't hurt anymore!" Relief sprung up in Jack. He smiled up at Mark. "You fixed it! Thanks buddy." The he shivered, seeming to have finally realized how cold it was getting; there was a cold front coming, carrying wind and rain. Mark whined and held Jack against his chest. Jack yawned. "You make a very nice heater," he mumbled. The giant purred, to Jack's surprise, and rubbed the little Irishman's back. Against his will, Jack's eyes slowly closed, and he drifted off into comfortable sleep before he could even realize how tired he was.

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