Dominating The Troublemaker

By DangerouslyShady

1M 31.8K 6.2K

"Troublemaker" : a person who causes difficulties, distress, worry, etc., for others, especially one who does... More

When The Controlling Heartbreaker Meets The Uncontrollable Troublemaker
Kissing The Troublemaker, A Mistake That Tasted So Good
The "1 Week" Behavior Gift
Date Night, And Early Morning Encounter
Dark Desires Suddenly Surfacing
The Locked Box Of Dark-Secrets
He Even Controls Me In My Dreams
Almost Is Never Enough
Bad-Girl Meet's Bad-Boy
My Guilty Pleasure
Being Claimed By His Box
Wanting What You Can't Have
The Troublemakers Making A Slow Comeback
Dinner With The Greys
One Step Forward, Two Steps Backwards
Ticking Time Bomb
Visiting The Family
The Letter
First Date, Feeling Like A Teenage Boy In Love
Stress Kills
Taken By Adonis
Where Is Roxanne?
Déjà Vu And The Ultimate Betrayal
Unexpected Visitors
Mirror, Mirror, On His Wall...Who Is The Ugliest Of Them All?
Unexpected Assistance
Troublemaker's Back, Safe and Sound
Announcements And Confessions
The Truth Can Be A Bitch
Jailhouse Blues
A Sad Ending, But New Beginning
Here We Go Again
An Old Problem, Suddenly Begins A New One
The Video
Missed Call
Unexpected Visitor
The Emotional Decision
Goodbye My Love
Letting Go
Not The One
Last Wishes
Through The Eyes Of Young Boy

Heart Shaped Necklace

24.7K 644 148
By DangerouslyShady

~TROUBLEMAKER (Roxanne Grey)~

Christmas vacation, I both love and hate it. Two weeks off from school is magical, not seeing the students who annoy everyday makes me feel amazing. However, this is the only time in the year dad takes off a week and when dad takes time off work, it's father-daughter time twenty-four seven.

Although I love my dad, I'm not to interested in watching childish reruns and baking cookies for a man in red who does not exist. 

Okay, okay, okay you caught me the real reason I'm not enjoying the vacation to it's fullest is because of Damien. Whencouples separate for a long period of time, they start to think, and thinking is never good. I've realized that there is so much I don't know about him, when I'm around him he never talks about himself. It's always about me.

Obviously there is a past between Donna that slut, whore---bitch and Damien. Even though I can tell Damien doesn't want her, I want to figure out how their relationship started and better yet why? Yes, she is over-the-top gorgeous with an amazing body, but Damien doesn't look like the type of guy to continue seeing someone he doesn't want to be with, even if they are Victoria Secret model material—

"Hey Roxy!" Dad interrupted my thoughts, barging through my bedroom door.

Snapping out of my thoughts I looked up to see the white version of Bill Cosby. "Yeah?"

"I've decided," Uh--oh that was never good. "that you should invite your new friends to our house tomorrow for a Christmas party."

My eyebrows flew up. "Uh..."

"Oh, and why don't you invite Damien..." When did he start calling him by his first name? "...he doesn't look like he'd be doing much during the vacation."

My lips twitched. "Can I ask why the sudden idea to throw a party?"

"Well," He sat next to me. "Tessa and Savannah are coming over tomorrow, I just thought I'd be nice to throw a celebration."

Things got way more interesting, Savannah is my cousin and Tessa is her mother. I love them both more than anything, they're the coolest people ever!

Aunt Tessa is extremely corky and humorous, is the best cook to ever live on this planet and gave birth to the most badass girl alive.

Savannah Stone, the pure definition of a Bad Girl, she's worse than me and I fucking love it! She does what she wants, when she wants, and how she wants to do it.

I smiled happily. "Savannah's coming? Seriously? You better not be lying to me."

"If I lied about Savannah coming over I'm pretty sure she'd find a way to mentally kick my behind." He chuckled. 

Excitement was flowing through my body, tomorrow was going to be the bomb! Speaking of which I'd better invite Chase now since he is my friend after all, and I'll personally go to Damiens house to invite him.

"I'm going to start on these invites." I pecked dads cheek, then grabbed my phone.

Dad got up. "I'll start up on the cooking and goodies."

"Alrighty, peace out."


Knock Knock

The door instantly opened after my second knock and behind it was Damien. He was wearing casual wear, and looked as if he had just woken up.

"Hey honeeeey." I grinned.

A smile amplified on his face, God was he beautiful. "What brings you to my humble abode, baby?"

"Dad wanted me to invite you to our party tomorrow." I replied.

Damien ran his long fingers through his hair. "Of course, what time?"

"Six—Oh, and a warning. My cousins coming over." I warned.

His eyebrows rose in confusion. "And?"

"Well she's not only a super badass, but she's beyond gorgeous, way more than Donna and—"

Damien leaned in towards my face, he was only a whisper away when he said. "When are you going to learn, I don't care if she looked hotter than Scarlett fucking Johansson, at the end of the day there's only one girl who can turn me on."

"Rihanna? She's pretty hot—"

"Roxanne Grey." He grinned, then shortened the already short distance and kissed me. "Now be-gone before your father suspects something."

"Okay, see you tomorrow." I smiled back, then backed away from him.


Waking up the next morning I felt excited, Chase returned my text and said he'd definitely be coming over today. So I got my best guy-friend, my awesome cousin, and my hot-ass boyfriend coming over my house. It was both awesome and overwhelming.

Having to hide my love from everyone, and dealing with a Chase the same guy who kissed my on the cheek infront of everyone in class.

Without knocking the door to my bedroom swung open and behind it had me jump out of my bed almost immediately.

"Why aren't there any photos of me on this wall," She smiled. "I am your best friend after all."

I took no time shortening the distance between me and, "Sammie!"

"Woah," Sammie tipped over as I threw my arms around her. "Hey there baby-doll."

It felt like years since I've seen or touched her, and I couldn't help myself from prolonging a very unnecessary long hug. "Jeez I've missed you so much."

"Yeah can't help being loveable." She released me. "I missed you too."

After I freshened up, I didn't waste anytime on going straight into gossip with my other half. We were in my room most of the afternoon discussing everything we've missed out in each other's lives. Sammie transferred from her school, and is currently going to some really pricey private school. She met a couple of guys but she proudly hasn't slept with any of them.

Once I finished ranting about the vibrator she bought me, I proceeded on to talking about my relationship with Damien. Sammie interrogated me with billions of questions, especially about why we haven't sex yet and I then told her about Logan. She got furious and pissed, but more at me because I allowed it to happen. Then we went back to Damien and she calmed down.

Soon dad yelled for us to come downstairs to set-up.

After decorating a loud knock echoed through the room.

Dad opened the door and was surprised to see Chase walk through with a wrapped up plate of food in his hands. Glancing at Sammie I could quickly tell she was totally into him, and from his reaction to her he seemed to have caught interest in her as well. They both left me alone with dad in the kitchen to flirt with each other.

Within an hour later, around six o'clock the door began to knock again.

This time I went to open it and this time behind it was Damien.

A smile grew on his face, then he pulled me outside real quick to give me a kiss on the mouth.

"I've got a sexy Santa outfit in my house, if you want we can ditch everyone and you could be my Mrs. Claus." Damien said, chuckling.

The though was promising and it left me a tad hot-and-bothered. "Shut the fuck up, if my best friend wasn't here I'd be at your house in a hot second."

"You're best friend?" He looked inside. "Oh the blond beauty over there, and she's with...Evans?"

Uh, oh I forgot to warn him about Chase. "They're...flirting so don't worry."

"I'm not worried," A smirk grew on his face. "I've got one advantage over him."

I smiled back. "What?"

"You." When he said that, my chest gradually tightened and I felt warm inside.

Dad noticed Damien walking inside and quickly paced towards us and then stole him from me. Although I was upset at first, ten minutes later the door-bell rang and I automatically knew who it was. This time when I opened the door the ever-so-cheerful Tessa wrapped her arms around me.

"Roxy!" She squealed. "It's been so long!"

Hugging her back, I said. "I've missed you too Aunt Tessa."

"Wow you've gotten big over the years." She said backing away then glancing at dad. "Louis!"

Which left me with the honored guest.

With long gorgeous black hair, sapphire blue eyes, and the looks of a supermodel; Savannah walked towards me with a grin. "If it isn't Roxanne."

"Savvy," I leaned in and hugged her. "It's been way to long."

Hugging me back she replied, "You got that right missy, we've got some major catching up to do. Right after you tell me why there's a hotter-than-fuck guy in the kitchen with your dad and my mom."

"I'll explain everything later." I replied.

"Better." Savvy said walking inside grasping everyone's attention.

It bothered me to see Damien staring at her, he obviously liked what he saw but couldn't he have done it in a more discrete way? I'm right here! 

This is going to be a long night.


Like I predicted this night would go downfall for me, Savannah has managed to start flirting it up with Damien. Obviously she doesn't know he's my boyfriend, only Samantha knows but either way she's outside with Chase in private. Dad is in the kitchen setting up the food with Tessa, and I'm with Marshmallow watching TV.

Dad called everyone to the dinner table, and I placed Marsh down on to the ground then proceeded to the table. Once we were all settled, dad started the prayer and within a second later we started digging in.

The conversations going through the table were pretty interesting except I was left out of the majority of it and I ended up staring at a full plate of food.

"It was hilarious!" Dad started laughing loudly.

Tessa giggled with him. "Oh my gosh it so was!"

This ended up going on for the remainder of our dinner, Chase and Sammie had private conversations, so did Savannah and Damien. 

Unexpectedly Chase looked at me with an unusual expression, Sammie too. Then he got up, walked around the table and leaned into my ear.

"Could we, uhm, talk?" He said, and I got up.

We both walked outside, it was cold—no shit it was winter. But even so, it was still a beautiful night. Chase closed the door behind us, which worried me somewhat, this meant we were going to talk about something serious.

It felt awkward being alone with him, I don't know why. Maybe it was because of the kiss situation and how he still hasn't cleared that up yet. Oh my gosh, what if this is why he brought me outside?

Chase cleared his throat. "I-I wanted to discuss the thing that happened Friday." 

"Okay?" I replied.

He started to rub the back of his head. "That kiss, well----y'know what there's no point in sugar-coating it. I like you Roxanne."

"..." Uh, oh.

Chase continued. "You're different from the girls I've met, I can be...myself. It feels nice to know I don't have to put up a front to be around you."


His hand landed on my shoulder, and we made total eye-contact. "There's nothing I'd want more than to be your boyfriend Roxanne, I've thought countless times how our first date would be...our first kiss."


A gentle smile grew on his face. "But would there ever be a chance for me?"

"I-I don't know."

Chase cupped my jaw. "Samantha told me you were seeing someone, she also said that he might be the first guy to snatch your heart away."

That son-of-a bitch, I'm going to kick her ass the second I see her.

He didn't stop. "Even so, I'm still going to pursue you. In my heart I believe I'll have a chance with you."

"Chase don't...I thought you liked Sammie."

A chuckle escaped him. "Oh I do, she's amazing, but that would be rebounding and I don't want to do that to her. Not until I have fully gotten over you, and after I know there is no chance of us happening."

This is the first time I've met a guy so genuinely kind, no one has ever done or said such a thing to me. He even cares enough about my best friend so much that he wouldn't risk using her as a rebound to replace me. 

In reality this is the guy I should be ending up with, the guy who would always put me first. The kind of guy who would provide me with what I need, and give me what I want. A white picket-fence type of guy. Not a guy who can possibly destroy me, control me, and make me his body and soul.

Definitely not someone who flirts with my super model cousin, infront of me.

"Chase I'm sorry, I just can't—"

He placed his finger on my lips. "We'll see what the future has in store for us."

Then Chase dropped his hand and opened the door.

Five seconds later Damien walked outside, expressionless.

Like the stubborn girl I am, I blew him off and tried to go back inside—notice how I said tried. His hand wrapped around my arm and he pulled me into his embrace. After closing the door, he held my hand and dragged me towards his house.

"Let me go!" I hissed, snatching my hand away from his grasp. "I'm going home."

Three seconds later his hand wrapped around my arm, yet again. "Like hell you are, I'm taking you to my place. We need to talk."

"Talk?" I huffed. "About what? About how you flirted with my cousin all night after I warned you about her?"

His brows furrowed. "Weren't you just sweet-talking with Evans?"

"Fuck you!" I snapped. "That's completely different, he was...he was showing me why I shouldn't be with men like you."

Now his jaw stiffened. "Not this shit again."

"Why is it bad for me to want to be placed first? Not worry about my man with other women, and feeling insecure all the time. To not have to see my man look at my cousin in such a lustful manor?!"

This time it was Damiens turn to snap. "Listen here, I always put you first. Always. After you were abused by your asshole ex, I held back my fucking urges to keep you comfortable. For you. Not for myself. If I didn't place your needs or wants first, I guarantee you, you'd be in my bed right now under me. But you're not, do you know why? Because you come first."

I froze.

He continued to protest. "Admittedly my past has come to bite me in the ass, it's going to take a long time before you can truly trust me. I get it. I'm not blaming you for your insecurity. However, we just talked about this. I am not a cheater, never will be. You're mine. I'm yours. Get it? Your cousin is gorgeous, but compared to you she's nothing more than a pretty stranger. You are beautiful Roxanne Grey don't you forget it. I chose you, because of that beauty."

Damien pulled me into his arms and all I could say was. "I'm sorry."

His arms gave me a squeeze. "Baby, all I'm trying to say is, that your important to me. Trust me on that please that's all I fucking ask for, trust me. I trust you, I allowed that fucker to take you outside alone knowing you wouldn't do anything to betray me. However, I'm going to be honest though I fucking hate knowing he's pursuing you. I fucking hate that he's the guy who has more potential to take care of you. But at the end of the day I know, that he would have to fucking kill me to make me give up on you."

This made my heart flutter, and then I realized why a guy like Chase could never match up to Damien. Yes, having a guy like that would make my life easier and less heartaches. Even so, Damien provides me no questions asked. He showers me with an endless amount of affection in his own way, and even though he's a ladies man at the end of the day he's mine

When I was finally released from his embrace we looked into each other's eyes. "We should be going inside."

"No, I was bringing you into my house. We're not done yet." He responded, grabbing my hand and dragging me towards the front door.

Although we're risking being caught I didn't protest.

Damien took me straight into the living room and sat me down on the couch. We were both alone, in his house, in the dark surrounded by light candles. 

"Even though we've only been together for only two weeks, I thought my girl should be treated to something special." He pulled out a small box, on top of it was written Tiffany

My jaw dropped. "Uh, no. You did not buy me something from there are you crazy?"

"Shut up," He said pulling out a beautiful heart shaped necklace, it was a bit cliché but it made me grin. "Wear this neckace and promise me you'll be my girl."

This made me roll my eyes. "Damien that's to much, I didn't get you anything in return I'll feel bad."

"Please you gave me you, and that's all I need. My troublemaker."

The urge to shove him away popped up into my head but I held back. "Seriously, that looks really expensive."

"I'd never buy my girlfriend second-hand shit, always the good stuff." He grinned.

As he placed the necklace on me, that wonderful warm fuzzy feeling came back. With that feeling came the guilt of not being able to give him anything back for his gift. Damien was being the incredible boyfriend that I needed and I felt stupid for thinking he wasn't otherwise.

Then as I remembered what he said, "Please you gave me you,..." an idea appeared in my head. A smile grew on my face, and an embarrassing feeling grew with it.

"D-Damien." I stammered, really Roxanne!?

His eyebrows went up, "Yeah, baby?"

"I...I know what I want to give you for Christmas."

Interest flew into his eyes. "Okay."

"I'd like to...uh,...give" That sounded to weird! Dammit'!

His eyes instantly darkened. "Roxanne you know what you're saying right?"

"It's long overdue Damien, I need you."

Without even being aware of it, Damien pushed my hair behind my ear. "Whenever your ready, no rush."

"I want to do it on Christmas." I replied. "At midnight, I'll sneak out and come over."

Something about his expression left me breathless. "Baby, you better be ready because I'm not going to hold back after you told me this."

"No need to hold back, no need at all, just promise me that I'll be able to walk the next day." I laughed lightly.

He chuckled. "No promises, but if you can't I'll make sure to carry you."

"Then on Christmas day, I'll be officially yours."

Damien leaned in. "And I'll be officially yours, Roxanne Grey." Then kissed me.


Damien didn't return back with me, everyone bombarded me with questions about why I was gone for so long. Answering them was pretty hard, but I managed to do it without any further suspicion.

When the night came, Chase went home. Savannah and Aunt Tessa went inside the guest room, and Sammie and I went to my room. We were all tired, but I managed to have enough energy to explain the necklace to Sammie who was over-the-top giddy for me. Shortly after we both dozed off.

Sadly I woke up in the middle of the night with an undying need to use the bathroom, after using it, I noticed the living-room light on. Inside it I heard Aunt Tessa, and dad. So I decided to tell see what they were up to but quickly froze on the stair-case.

"You're sure it's her." Dad said, a wavering tone in his voice.

Tessa was silent for a second then replied. "I know my sisters hand-writing by heart, that's her letter."

No way.

It can't be.


There's no way, Tessa's sister is...

My mom

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