Unspoken Words[COMPLETE]

By silentsuga

6.4K 257 65

"It's not the words you did say, it's about the words you didn't". *Unedited* More

Unspoken Words

//29// ****

88 4 1
By silentsuga

Everything I have has left me. All of it. My family, my friends. Everything. Do you know how big of a toll that has on a weak girl like me? It sucks, and I hate it, I hate me.

I haven't left my room in a whole damn week. Harry's stayed the whole time, attempting to lure me out of my room. Everyday he gets the same results. I know I'm hurting him but i cant face the world. My mom meant everything to me. She was there threw everything and every problem that crossed my path. No longer having her is like I'm

Missing a piece of myself.

"Kaelin Babe, please come out." Harry wined. "Me and Liam miss you." I wanted to talk but there was something stopping me, so like every other day I stayed silent. "Babe." I listened more closely and what I heard broke me; Harry was crying.

"Kaelin I Love You an I need to see you, please," Sob. "Come out?" I let my fragile figure slide down the door. I hadn't intended on hurting Harry as bad as I have. I needed to come out, and that's what i'll do.

I slowly rose to my feet unlocked the door and swung it open. Harry. His eyes red and puffy from crying and he had his knees pulled up into his chest, his head rested on his knees. I walked slowly over to him and slid down the hallway wall to sit beside him. I rested my hand on his shoulder causing him to look up. His face showed many unreadable emotions.

"I'm here now Harry." I said before leaning in and placing a small kiss on his jaw line.

"Kaelin." He stated but I shushed him.

"Just give me a hug." He nodded shifting his body to lean over and wrap his arms around me.

"You feel a lot smaller." He said. "Have you ate at all?"

"No." He looked at me in concern. "I wasn't hungry."

"No excuse babe, you need to eat." I nodded as he helped me up. "Do you wanna go out to eat, or just over to my place since yours has no food."

"Yours. I'm not ready to go out where strangers are." He nodded whipping open the front door. It was a really shitty day. The sun was nowhere in site and the whole sky looked gray.

"Liam, Zayn, Jay, Cambree, Louis, and Niall have been worried about you." I stayed silent still not wanting to talk about others. "Especially Niall, Zayn and Jay." Harry noticed my silence and stopped talking.

The drive to his house was no different. We didn't talk, we'd occasionally look at each other and I knew I looked like shit. I hadn't eaten or slept in a week. Once at Harry's Liam automatically ran outside and threw his arms around me.

"Kaelin! You had me so worried!" I let my arms fall numb to my side and Liam got the hint. "Come inside."

"Liam, can you watch her? I gotta make her some lunch." Liam nodded latching onto my arm to help me up the three stairs in the front of the house.

I looked around the living room to see Atticus and Cambree fighting over the TV remote until Liam yelled at them an they stopped.

"Kaelin! Aw your alive!" Atticus said receiving glares from Liam and Cambree. "Damn sorry."

"Bree, can you put on something Kaelin would like while I got get a blanket?" She nodded swooping up the remote and continuously asking me which show id like to watch. Like always I stayed silent.

"Kaelin, what's wrong babe?" She asked resting a hand on my shoulder. Still I stayed silent. "Liam, why wont she talk?"

"She's not wanting to Duh." I looked at Cambree who was looking at me, eyes full of concern. Later Harry came out and handed me a grilled cheese. I poked at it like it was an alien food.

"Babe, eat it." Harry demanded. I pushed it off my lap onto the floor. "Babe! You need to fucking eat!" Harry snapped. Liam quickly told him off for yelling at me and he just stormed off.

"I'll go talk to him." Atticus said jumping to his feet and following Harry outside.

"Kaelin, why wont you eat?" Liam asked. How badly I wanted to say I was full but that damn lump in my throat prevented me from so. "Kaelin please, for me? And if not for me for you."

"I-I c-cant." I choked out. Liam nodded his head on agreement and picked up the spilled food carrying it off into the kitchen. "B-Bree."

"Yeah?" She asked turning to face me.

"P-please change I-It." She nodded and flipped the channel. Before I even had time to register it I passed out. All I did was look to the TV actually enjoying the show when the room slowly turned black at the corners, then all.


I woke up alone, in a really cold room. I still had the lump in my throat so I couldn't call out to ask where I was.

"Kaelin babe, are you awake?" A familiar voice called from somewhere in the room. I looked around the find Zayn and Jay. Jay was at my beside dozed off and Zayn was standing by the door looking at me. "Kaelin." I nodded.

"H-Harry?" He chuckled and walked closer to me.

"He's passed out in the waiting room," I nodded. "How do you feel?"

"L-Like shit." He let out another loud chuckle.

"Well four days in a sleeping state really has a toll on you." Wait did he just say four days?

"F-Four?" He nodded. "How?"

"The doctors cant even tell, your vital are all unclear." I sighed. "One doctor thinks it's because of food and another thinks it was from all the anxiety of being around people after a week alone."

"Hah." I felt a sharp pain in my side causing me to grip it. "Ouch."

"The nurse said that would hurt, she gave you a huge shot of something that helped you wake up."

"Have I ate?" He shook his head.

"Are you hungry?" I shook my head. This time I wasn't lying. I felt so full I could puke but Zayn said I haven't ate. "Im gunna go get Harry." I nodded as he fled from the room. I looked back over to Jay who was now wide awake and staring at me.

"Hello." I said receiving a light chuckle from him.

"Hey," A small smile tugged at my lips. "I'm happy you actually woke up."

"Why wouldn't i?" He sighed.

"Your vital weren't showing up so some doctors thought you were dead." I sighed.

"If only." Jay opened his mouth to say something but quickly snapped it shut when Harry came into the room.

"Kaelin!" He exclaimed running to my side and hugging me. "I was so worried."

"I'm fine now." He smiled.

"I'm glad." I nodded. "The doctors say in two days you have to start rehab."

"Rehab? Why?" He chuckled.

"Kaelin, you haven't walked in a week so you'll kinda need a reteaching." I chuckled a bit. "Bur until then rest."

"I will-" before I could finish I lost all oxygen. It's like it was all sucked out from the air. I gasped as Harry called for doctors and nurses. Quickly everyone was shoved out of the room. I watched still gasping while the doctors tried to help. Slowly the corners of the room turned not black but white, then the whole room.



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