The Original: Book 4

By THEmrsharrystyles

58.2K 1.3K 124

The Original family has returned to New Orleans, only to find a reckless group of vampires and a community of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 5

1.9K 42 1
By THEmrsharrystyles

The city was alive tonight, like it is every night, but tonight was different. The Dauphine Music Festival had flooded the streets with music and people, both locals and tourists alike. "Personally, I think this tea is great. It really helps flush out all the bad toxins in the body, so you can both feel and look healthy," I remarked, showing a customer the selection of teas. The store was thriving with people, tourists mostly, looking for a way to quickly cure any potential hangover they might have in the morning. The woman I was talking to thanked me, then turned to go up to the cash register. Taking in a deep breath, I felt a strange sensation come over me and I stumbled back a step. I ignored it, shaking my head slightly before going into the back room to grab more spices. As I reached for a jar, the sensation swept over me again, except this time it was stronger. Davina's face flashed through my mind and I knew what it meant. Quickly making my way out to the shop, I went over to Laura, who stood at the register. "I have to go. Can you lock up when you leave?" She nodded and I grabbed my jacket from the shelf below the register before maneuvering around the customers to leave. As quickly as I could with all the people out, I made my way down to St. Anne's church, hoping Davina was still there and hadn't done anything drastic.

"Innocent people have a way of winding up dead," I heard Nik say as I approached the open doors. Peeking around one of the doors, I saw Nik, who had his back to me and a young boy in his arms. Across the room from him was Davina. And she did not look happy.

"Please let me go," the boy begged, struggling slightly.

"Your choice, little witch." I could practically hear the smirk in Nik's voice. "Swear allegiance to me and the boy lives." The lights started flickering, the fires in the candles growing brighter. Davina was losing control and I knew it. I had to step in before she did any real damage.

"Davina!" I called over the wind rushing through the room. "You need to calm down!" She ignored me as I came to a stop in front of Nik and the young boy. Before I could get out another word to try and calm her down, she let out a scream, throwing her hands out. Without thinking, I threw mine out too, trying to block whatever magic she was throwing in our direction. The windows shattered into tiny pieces around us, papers flying everywhere. The force of her magic caused Nik, the boy, and I to fly backwards, while the force of mine caused her to fly back. Slowly sitting up, I groaned at the pain in my back and head, having hit the ground hard. I looked up at where Davina was, seeing her slowly sit up and look around, confused as to what had just happened. Standing up, she looked past me to the broken down doors.

"Tim," she muttered before running out. Slowly standing, I brushed shards of glass from my jacket. I let out a scream as a body landed next to me with a thud. It was the boy Nik had been holding hostage. Tim, I think his name was. His instrument soon followed and I looked up at the landing to see that it was empty, but I knew what had happened. Davina came in a moment later, immediately going over to Tim's side. "I didn't mean to hurt you." Tears fell from her eyes as she stroked his hair.

"One of the tragic consequences of war: innocent bystanders," Nik spoke, slowly walking over to them. "What terrible guilt you'll have to live with, young Timothy's blood on your hands."

"Get away from him!" She growled and I took a step forward, worried she would lose control again.

"Let's not be hasty. After all, I can heal him." Davina looked down at the boy, then slowly back up at Nik. "All you have to do is ask." She looked over at me, almost as if asking if it were a good idea. I nodded and she looked over at Nik.

Hesitating slightly, she nodded, "please."

"For you, Davina, with pleasure." Biting into his wrist, Nik held it up to the boy's mouth, allowing him to drink. "You will forget everything that happened after the concert, including the fact that you saw Davina," Nik compelled and Davina looked at him, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"What? No!"

"If he remembers seeing you, he might come knocking. If the witches learn of him, if they know you have a weakness, then poor Tim might end up as leverage in an awful scheme to control you again." Davina and Nik glanced over at me.

"What? You know I would never hurt a child," I countered, crossing my arms over my chest.

Nik helped the boy stand, "take your violin case with you. You'll remember losing the instrument backstage after the performance. You really should be more careful." Seeing Davina's eyes fill with tears once more, I went over and put a hand on her shoulder.

"It's for the best," I whispered to her as Tim did what Nik said.

"All fixed. Now you owe me a favor." Davina spotted Tim's violin on the floor and bent down to pick it up. As she did, Nik looked over at me before wrapping an arm around my waist and using his vampire speed to leave the church.

*le gasp* What happened to Ellie? Why is she seeing Davina's face and having weird sensations? You'll find out later.

Have a great weekend everyone!

My character and her story are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2017.

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