All That Matters

Por angelofmusic36

20.6K 1K 279

This is the sequel to Through It All. If you haven't read that yet, I suggest you do. It's one hell of a ride... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
RIH Rosey
I'm So Sorry!
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 18

387 22 4
Por angelofmusic36

August 29, 2017
Tampa, FL

Joe and I get out of the cab to see Galina at our front door step.

"What the fuck?" she says.

"I know."

"What THE fuck?"

"I know."

"What in the actual fuck?!"

"I know. I know." The three of us go into the house and drop our bags.

"Did you—"

"No. I didn't tell him to say that." I say.

"So what happens now?"

"Now I go back on the road and Malaika stays home." Joe says.

"You got suspended?!"

"No. I'm taking a leave of absence. I can't be near him Galina." She nods in agreement.

"So I'm guessing he's cut off."

"Oh yeah."

"And Nikki?" I shrug. "Shit. This has all turned to shit." she flops down on the couch. "Joelle wanted to tear her room apart she was so mad."

"Today was her first day back wasn't it?" Joe asks.

"Yep." She pulls out her phone. "You know this already hit online right?"

"Seriously? It just happened. Did you read it?" she shakes her head.

"I wanted to wait for you guys."

"Read it." Joe says.

"WWE Superstar Indira has decided to take a leave of absence. During a very heated promo between Roman Reigns and John Cena, our sources tell us Cena went off script and brought up that Malaika was going to file for divorce against Reigns last year. This in turn set off a very firey reaction from the female Superstar. While backstage, COO Stephanie McMahon suggested Indira take a leave of absence, which will take her off the road until the Raw exclusive PayPer View No Mercy where Reigns and Cena will square off. No Mercy will premiere Sunday September 24 from Los Angeles, California at 8 o'clock eastern standard time." She puts down her phone.  "At least they don't know why."

"Yet." I shoot. "These people will keep digging until they find out why."

"But you didn't actually file." Galina says. "So there's no record of anything."

"But the whole Battleground situation..." Joe says.

"Steph and Hunter told me that if anyone said anything about it, that they and Vince would deal with them. So hopefully people will stay quiet until this blows over. Which it will."

"I mean it could be worse..." Galina says. "It could have been a sex tape." The three of us look at each other before laughing.

You can look but you can't touch

"Fuck me..."

You keep dreaming on the stars above

"You have to answer it eventually." Joe says. I look at my phone

Something in your eyes let's me see right through you.

There's no mystery, what's on your mind

I sigh and answer the phone.


"Hey Malaika."

"Hey." I say back.

"I'm really sorry." I really wish people would stop apologizing. It's really, REALLY irritating. "He feels terrible."

"And he should."

"But I think cutting him off from your family is a bit harsh."

"Are you kidding me? Your fiancée outed something about our marriage and our personal life that we didn't want out. And he said it on national TV and you think I'm overreacting? That's bullshit Nikki and you know it. Your fiancée has no boundaries."

"And you think that watching you rub in his face the fact that we don't have kids was easy to watch?"

"That's nothing in comparison. Everyone knows that, you two put it on Total Divas. My shit was buried. Look, I don't understand why you're freaking out. I didn't cut you off."

"But we're together. We're a team. You cut one off—" she stops herself.

"You might as well cut the other off." I finish. "Is that how you want it?"

"It doesn't matter what I want. It's what I'm supposed to do... as a wife. You of all people should understand that."

"Fine. If that's how it has to be."

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah. Me too." I hang up the phone.

"Well?" Joe asks.

"Nikki's done too." I toss my phone aside and go upstairs to my room.

Joe's POV:

Galina and I watch as Malaika goes upstairs, clearly very upset.

"Is she gonna be ok?" Galina asks. We hear the door slam.

"Eventually." I sigh.  "She will be." 

"She doesn't need Nikki." Galina says. "She has plenty of other people. And she has us." I look at her.

"Yeah. She has us."             


September 1, 2017
Tampa, FL

"You sure you're gonna be ok with me leaving?" Joe asks.

"Yes. Go or you'll miss your flight." We kiss and he leaves the house. Anjali comes strolling into the room with Boo with a confused look on her face.

"Mama no go wif daddy?"

"No. Not this time baby girl."

"Why?" she asks with a hint of an attitude.

"Because John—"

"Twin?" I shake my head.

"No. John Cena."


"He made mommy mad at Raw."


"So he's not coming to your birthday parties anymore."

"Ok." She shrugs.

"That's it? 'Ok?' That's all you have to say?"


"You're not gonna ask why?"


"Why not?"

"He made mommy mad. No one makes my mommy mad."

"Smart girl." I pick her up and kiss her head. "Come on, let's go to daycare."


After I drop Anjali off at daycare, I go by my mom's place. Since my sister is in jail and my dad is still technically living there, he doesn't want to sell the place so my sister has someplace to stay when she gets out. But they still go back and forth between apartments. My mom is a professor at University of South Florida and she doesn't have classes on Fridays.

I knock on her door and she answers it.

"Oh mija..." she says. "Come in, come in." I walk in and close the door behind me. "I'm sorry your father and I didn't call." She says when I flop down on the couch. "We wanted to give you and Joe some space."

"It's ok mom. I appreciate it."

"I read online that you're taking a leave of absence?" I nod.

"It was Steph's idea. I need the break. I'm bummed that I'm going to miss the Europe tour but... what can ya do?"

"How did Mark take it?"

"Shit. I don't know. He hasn't called. He probably doesn't know it was off script."

"How's that going by the way?"

"They could come at anytime to check the housing situation. I have to move Anjali into our room."


"For space. We don't have an extra room. I was thinking that Anjali stays in our room and Joelle and Mark have that extra room."

"So moving is definitely an option?" I nod.

"It has to be. I made Joe a promise on his birthday, that if nothing happens with my career by the time Anjali is 3, we're having another baby." My mom's eyes light up.

"Really? That's great!"

"Everyone seems to think that I'm gonna have twins."

"Well it does run in Joe's family." I nod. "You know my great great grandmother had twins."

"Yeah?" she nods.

"A boy and a girl. Who knows, maybe twins are coming your way." I sigh.

"Then we need to start looking into real estate now."

"Four kids... that's a lot sweetie."

"I know. That's why I'm quitting as soon as I get pregnant."

"But you love wrestling."

"I love my family more. The kids... they'll need a parent at home."

"Will you go back when the kids are older?"

"Maybe. But I'm not worried about that right now. We just need to get Mark first."


September 21, 2017
Anoa'i House
Tampa, FL

Well Irma thought she was gonna tear us down but she didn't. We just got some tree branches on our front yard, which I'm very happy about. We didn't stay in Florida when it was going down, Dean and Renee invited Joelle, Galina, Boo, Anjali and myself to their house since Joe was on the road.

When we got home, I moved Anjali into my room and I bought an extra bed and moved that into the other room for Mark just to get ready in case the orphanage makes a surprise visit.

Galina and I have actually been getting a lot closer over these past few weeks. When the girls aren't home, we hang out, eat, go shopping. It's actually very refreshing. I'm really glad that we've mended fences because being mad at someone takes a lot of energy. And I like the idea of the two of us being friends.

Speaking of Galina and myself, the two of us are on the couch watching A Walk to Remember when the doorbell rings. I get off the couch and go to the door.

"Hi." I say.

"Malaika Anoa'i?"

"That's me."

"I'm Sister Farah May. I'm here for the drop by inspection."

"Oh right. Come in, come in." I step aside and she comes in. Galina and Boo come into the room. "This is Sister May. She's doing the inspection. This is my step daughter's mother, Galina."

"Nice to meet you." She says.

"So where did you want to begin?"

"We can start with a tour." I take her around the house as she takes notes. We get to where Mark is going to sleep.

"And this is where Joelle stays when she's here and I added an extra bed for Mark."

"And where does the baby sleep?"

"In our room."

"And this is a permanent situation?" I shake my head.

"We're planning on moving. We want to have another baby within the next year."

"Have you started looking at places to live?"

"Right now it's just a casual look. Everyone seems to think that I'm having twins, so I'd like to wait until we know for sure how many babies I'm having before we start to do some serious looking."

"Right. Ok." I show her the pool outside and the finished basement before we sit down at the table to discuss what she noticed. "So far, everything looks good. Since you do have a young child here, the house is child proofed. It does look like a rather nice neighborhood, you have a very good support system from what you described to me with Joelle's mom and your parents. The house itself as far as its structure is in order. There's nothing falling apart or looks like could fall apart. The bedroom situation is a little tight but I understand wanting to wait until you get pregnant before buying a house. When you do start to look, how are you going to arrange the kids?"

"By gender. The girls in one room, the boys in another. But if we do have twins, like one boy and one girl or two girls, Joelle will get her own room since she's older."

"Good, good. Well I've seen all I needed to see and I am satisfied. We are a sister church with St. Catherine's here in Florida so here is my contact information. Sister Robinson will still be handling your case, but I am your second case manager for any other issues if you can't get to Sister Robinson." She hands me a piece of paper with the address of the church and her phone number.

"Thank you very much."

"Either Sister Robinson or myself will get back to you about setting up the date for when Mark will make his visit to the house."

"Sounds great. Thank you." We say our goodbyes and she leaves.

"So..." Galina says.

"She said it looks good. The bedroom situation is a bit of a problem, but that's it."

"That's not bad. You guys plan on moving anyway."

"I gotta call Joe." I pull my phone out of my back pocket.

"Heyyy beautiful."

"Hey babe. Guess who just dropped by?"


"Sister May. She's with the orphanage."

"They came today? Damn it. I really wanted to be there for that. How did it go?"

"Good. She's just worried about the sleeping arrangements, but other than that, it looks good." Joe takes a sigh of relief.

"That's good. So what happens now?"

"They'll contact us for when Mark comes over."

"I hope I can be there for that."

"We should. We'll make it work with our schedule."

"What are you up to?"

"Watching A Walk to Remember with Galina."

"Ugghh." Joe groans. "Not again."


"That's like the second time this week."

"It's a classic." 

"Meh. It's alright."

"Whatever." I roll my eyes. "I'll see you Sunday."

"Love you."

"Love you."


September 22, 2017
Tampa, FL

I'm rolling over in my bed when I hear the worst sound come from next to me. I climb out of bed as Anjali starts crying.

"What happened mama?" she coughs a really bad, deep in the chest cough and starts crying. "Jesus. Alright sweetie pie. Come here." I take her out of her crib and we go downstairs to get some cough medicine. It's about 4 in the morning and her pediatrics doctor doesn't open until 8, so hopefully this medicine will get her through. "You're gonna hate this."

"No." She pulls her face away.

"Come on honey. It'll make you feel better."

"No!" She cries.

"Anji you need to take this."

"No." I sigh. Fine.

"Let's get some juice." I put her in her chair and get some apple juice and put some of the medicine in it and hand her the sippy cup and of course she drinks it. I take her out of the chair and back to the bedroom. I climb into the bed with her in my arms.


"Yes baby?"

"I feel bad."

"I know baby girl. I know." I kiss her head. "We'll go to the doctor later."

"I want daddy." I grab my phone and open FaceTime, praying that he answers. He doesn't answer the first time so I try again.

"Hello?" he says groggily.

"Babe, take the phone off your ear. It's FaceTime."

"Oh." The hotel room light flicks on and he's on the screen, messy sleep hair and all. "What's wrong?"

"Anji has a bad cough."

"Oh no." Anjali coughs. "Damn. That sounds really bad."

"I know." I finger through her hair. "I just gave her medicine and we'll go to the doctor later."


"I'm right here baby girl."

"Stupid daycare." I say.

"That's where you think it's from?"

"Has to be. She hasn't been anywhere else for weeks. Stupid idiot parents dropping off their sick kids." Joe yawns. "Alright babe, go back to sleep."


"Say bye bye to daddy." I tell Anjali.

"Bye daddy." Anjali yawns. I hang up the phone and set it aside. "Mama?"

"Yes my love?"

"I sleepy."

"Then go to sleep." She curls into my arms and falls asleep.


September 24, 2017
No Mercy
Los Angeles, CA

It feels so good to be back here after so long. I missed it. The air. The people. Catering. It's just good to be—

"Where is she?" back.

"She's not here Dean."

"Why not?"

"She's still sick. I didn't want to bring her around other people."

"Jesus Dean. Let my wife breath and greet me before you start badgering."


"Hi baby." My husband says to me.

"Hey hot stuff."

"How is she?" he asks.

"The same. It's not worse but it's not better."

"Who is she with?" Dean asks.

"Galina. I tried to give her to my mom, but she just screamed her head off. Lina was the only one she didn't throw a fit over. Since you're so worried, call her."

"I will." He pulls out his phone and FaceTimes Lina. "Is she awake?"

"Yeah. Just a second. Anjali. Anjali look."

"Dee..." She groans.

"What's going on Princess?"

"I sick." She coughs. "I cough a lot."

"I know sweetie, I wish I was with you."

"Me too."

"I'll call you later ok? I love you. Take a nap now."

"Ok. I love you too Dee. Bye." He hangs up the phone. Joe and I can see on his face that his heart is breaking.

"She'll be fine bro." Joe says. "Don't worry."

"Yeah. She's strong. And besides you've got a kick ass match tonight."

"Yeah, you're right."

"I know I'm right or else I wouldn't have said it." He rolls his eyes.

"I'm gonna go find my wife." He leaves us and Joe sighs.

"He'll be fine." I say.

"I know." Joe pulls me close. "I'm happy you're back baby."

"Me too." we kiss. "I'm gonna get changed and then eat before getting my face and hair done." I leave my husband.


"Hi Mark."

"I spoke to the Miztourage and there's a change in the match tomorrow."

"Good or bad?"

"For you? Good."

"I like the sound of that. What's going on?"

"We were going to keep the beat down to end it, but we think you should end it with a beat down." I nod in agreement.

"I have something in mind... Who's my victim?"

"Whoever is closer to you. Just not Miz."


"How's the adoption going?"

"Good. They did the unexpected inspection on Thursday and everything looks good."

"Alright. Just let me know."

"I told you Mark." He turns around. "I told you I would name my third kid after you."


"Oh come on Mark, you know me. I don't believe in coincidences."


After John and Joe's match, which was amazing. I love a good announcer's table break, John and I stand on opposite sides of Joe and raise his arms and before we leave, he says some words to Joe in his ear.

I take John's hand and squeeze it and smile with him returning the smile before Joe and I leave the ring.

I'm not going to ask my husband what John said to him because it's none of my business and I don't need to know. That's between the two of them. If John wants to tell he can but I know he won't. He's discreet... about certain things.

Look, John did me dirty, but I'm a civil person and I'm willing to put shit aside and let bygones be bygones. It's too much work to hate someone.


September 25, 2017
Monday Night Raw
Ontario, CA

Joe is going up for Miz's title tonight and of course he won't win but he gets a rematch next week. Now tonight was supposed to end in just a Miztourage beat down, but I get to take matters into my own hands and it's gonna be lovely...

Miztourage are standing over Joe, the same way the Shield used to. I look over to the ring and see that.

"Oo. Oh hell no." I walk over to the timekeeper's area. "Give me a chair." They hand me a chair and I go to the side of the ring. I climb into the ring, take a deep breath and slam Bo Dallas in the back with the chair, causing Miz and Curtis to scramble away. "You thought you were going to get away with this? I don't think so!" I slam Bo again. "You see wifey with a chair and y'all want to run and hide. I see, I see. That's cool." I kick Bo in his side. "I could do this all day!" I toss the chair aside. I look down and there's no Joe. "There was a body here." I look over and Joe's on his feet. "Oh hello." He smiles slightly. I pick Bo up by his hair and punch him in his side to keep him from doing anything. "Stand up straight." I stand him up and look at Joe to spear him. "No, you know what? I wanna do it." I take out my earrings. "Hold these." I hand them to him. I walk to the other side of the ring and get ready.

"Go for it babe." Joe says. I smile and lunge myself at Bo, tackling him to the ground.

"That felt good." He hands me back my earrings and Joe kisses me on my head.

"Let's get out of here." The two of us leave the ring as Miz and Curtis climb in. Joe rests his arm on my shoulders and I wrap my arm around his side as we walk up the ramp and go backstage.

"That was beautiful." Dean says applauding me.


"When you took out your earrings, I was like oh shit, it's about to go down." Renee says.

"She's getting better." Joe says.

"Yeah. Bo is a lightweight. I'm gonna call Galina."

"I'll come with." We go to the women's locker room and I grab my phone and come back out.

"How is she?"

"She's good. I just put her down to sleep."

"Has she eaten today?" Joe asks.

"A little here and there. We just had some toast and apple sauce. The cough is breaking up and her fever broke about an hour ago." I take a sigh of relief.

"Thank God."

"How's Joelle?" Joe asks.

"Calming down. She was really worried. She never left her side."

"We'll be back tomorrow." I say.

"Sounds good. See you then." I hang up the phone.

"Imagine two babies." Joe says.

"Yeah... I don't want to think about that right now... Let's just take it one day at a time."

"I want to bounce an idea off you."

"Ok. Go ahead."

"I think we should start looking for houses now."

"Seriously?" he nods.

"I don't want to wait. I don't want to wait until your pregnant to worry about where we're going to live and having to deal with the stress of moving. I would rather want you to decide how to design the baby's room."

"Alright. It's a good idea. You know how much I love house hunting."

"Speaking of hunting, I think we should hunt for some temporary teeth for Cesaro."

"Oh my God yes! I think either tic tacs or candy corn would be perfect."

"Candy corn. Tic tacs are too basic."


But seriously, Cesaro's missing teeth had me weak. I think someone should make a poster about all the Superstars that lost their teeth. It would be hilarious.

I notice that ATM hasn't been getting as much response and votes as TIA. I don't know if that's because people don't want to wait as long as they do for updates or because they're just not interested anymore, I have no idea. But that's not gonna stop me from writing it.

Congrats to Miz and Maryse and Mike and Maria for expecting children. I am truly happy for them.

There are rumors floating around about the Shield reunion happening at TLC. I don't want to get my hopes up but I do hope it happens.

Coming soon: If Joe wins the title next week and whatever the next Pay Per View is.

Until next time: People on Tumblr can be so overdramatic...

Gif of the chapter:

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