Jelsa || Protecting Her

By jelsa_lover123

49.4K 2K 880

The top number one spy at DreamWorks Spy Agency is Jack Overland Frost. He has always taken on every mission... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 24

1.2K 40 3
By jelsa_lover123

<<<ELSA'S POV>>>

"What is your problem?!" I hiss.

"What the hell do you mean?!" He exclaims.

"You sometimes show some compassion and feelings towards me and the next you hate me and give me the cold shoulder!" I yell angrily.

"Oh fuck you!" He shouts.

That's how things have been with me and Jack on and off. I don't understand him, it's clear he's just like him...the person who tore me in two. I shake off my bad thoughts and go to ringing Merida. Ring. Ring. No answer. Ring. Ring. No answer. Ring. Ring. No answer. This has gone on for days; no answer for Merida. Anna has said that she hasn't heard from her but honestly I'm not fully convinced about that.

"What's for breakfast, housewife?" Jack jokes.

I'm in such a pissy mood after the whole ordeal with Merida and her not returning my calls. Damn, now I see how she feels! A pair of muscular arms wrap around my hips and there is a gentle nibble on my ear loud making me gasp lowly.

"Does someone need a stress reliever?" He whispers huskily into my ear.

I moan as I nod. Our relationship is strange, I'm not sure if you could even call it a relationship, friendship or hatred. We rub each other the wrong way, it's ice rubbing ice.

*Two hours later*

I brush my hair and cover my body with the towel. Jack's gone out for shopping as we have no food in. He's actually going to teach me how to make chicken casserole! I love chicken casserole and it'd be nice knowing how to make it for myself when I want it.

"Darn it! I left most of my pants in Hawaii!" I curse myself.

I hope I can get someone to send them over here but I know that would take a day. I notice that Jack has left a smart white shirt on the floor. I put the shirt on and blush, I've left a lipstick stain on the collar.

"I hope he doesn't mind..." I shrug nervously.

Maybe I should clean the house whilst Jack's away getting the shopping? There is still bits of glass on the floor in the living room. Yeah, I'll clean the house.

*After cleaning the house*

It took me a while but I got it done. I walk into the kitchen and start preparing kitchen utensils for the meal.

"I'm back!" I hear Jack call.

"In the kitchen!" I reply.

I spray the kitchen side and then wash my hands. A light kiss is planted on my neck causing me to moan as it was on the sweet spot of my neck.

"I should get you to wear my shirts more often, you look hot and sexy as hell." Jack whispers huskily into my ear.

"Maybe I will!" I smile innocently biting my lip.

After the back and forth flirting, we begin making the chicken casserole together. It was fun! We are both covered in tomato juice...don't ask. We take a shower together and then we head back down the stairs to eat up the chicken casserole. I have thirds of course! Screw body image, I'm not that kind of girl and food is amazing! I notice Jack staring.

" something wrong?" I ask with a light blush on my cheeks.

"You're not like the other girls. You don't seem to care about your body weight," Jack comments in admiration.

"Because I don't!" I laugh in response.

I see the admiration in his eyes and there is something about his smile. We continue eating and I do the washing up. I hear Jack talking in the living room and I couldn't help but overhear the conversation.

"Manny, you must be joking!" Jack exclaims through gritted teeth.

I turn off the kitchen tap and listen in.

"How long do you think they've been giving away information?" Jack questions angrily.

Giving away information? They have a mole? That can't be good.

"What's the worst part?" Jack asks aggravated.

Oh no, what's happening now?

"Manny, please tell me you're joking!" Jack exclaims in horror.

I can hear the concern in Jack's voice. I worry about him, I've seen the way he turns and hides behind his cold-hearted mask...I'd know.

"Manny, the Nightmares could set off a psycho active nerve agent anywhere and we don't know how serious it is!" Jack spits.

A psycho active nerve agent?! How do Nightmares even get such equipment to even create a psycho active nerve agent?! What would they even use it for? I hope we don't find out anytime soon.

"Can't one of our scientists do something to analyse it?" Jack questions intensely.

Maybe I could take a look at it? I am the world's smartest living scientist after all! Mama was before me...

"I don't know anyone who is a scientist!" Jack replies angrily.

Ouch. Didn't he listen to our conversation beforehand when we were getting to know each other? I can decode any sort of element, solutions, create something extraordinary etc.

"I could do something." I say coming out from the kitchen.

"I'll call you back in a minute, Manny." Jack says glaring at me.

Jack put the phone down. He sighs and sits down on the couch rubbing his temples.

"Why did you say that?" He asks sighing.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

He glares at me slightly which surprises me. What did I do? I don't understand.

"I don't want you getting involved with this because Pitch is after you already!" He replies.

He doesn't understand. I already know and I want to help! I know why the Nightmares want me and I can at least see what I'll be working with to try and mess up his plans. Mama may have died and tied me into that deal but I'll never let myself get trapped.

"I'm helping whether you like it or not! Now tell Mr. Moon that I'll be there soon." I reply heatedly.

As I walk up the stairs, Jack blocks my way.

"You aren't going anywhere!" He growls possessively.

I glare daggers at him before ducking going through his legs and walking up the stairs. Once again, Jack stands in front of me.

"Get out of my way," I order.

"Are you going to make me?!" He spits.

I glare and swing myself over the balcony of the stairs and back around walking further up the stairs (a little trick I leant years ago) that I'll never forget! I was just about to enter the bedroom when I get pinned to the wall painfully.

"Do you have a fucking death wish?!" He exclaims.

"Maybe I do. Now get off of me!" I hiss.

"I'm not letting you go any-fucking-where!" Jack shouts.

"Why the hell do you care?!" I exclaim.

I have had enough of him. Sometimes he is the kindest person alive and then he's emotionless again and cold towards me.

"See? Now get off of--" I got cut off when he begins aggressively kissing me.

Instead of kissing him this time; I push him away. Why? I know what he's trying to do and it won't work.

"I'm going to look at the psycho active nerve agent and there's nothing you can do to stop me!" I shout.

"Why? Why does this affect you so much?!" He shouts in confusion and anger.

I couldn't tell him. I'd be putting him in danger and I don't want that; my family is already in danger because of me. I refuse to let another person be in danger because of me.

"That's none of your concern." I say as calmly as I walk away.


He was raging behind me. He's panting in anger and shaking.


I stop dead in my tracks and my breath hitches. I see red and then a loud sound rings out throughout the landing. There is suddenly pins and needles in my hand; I also notice Jack's head turned to the side. Did I just slap him? After that comment, I don't care.

"Screw you! You don't know what I suffered, you don't know what I had to deal with, you had no idea how incredibly messed up my life became! This Nightmare ordeal doesn't stop until they get me or I turn myself in, don't you see?! You can't always be there to protect me!" I shout.

"Are you stupid? It's my job to protect you!" He exclaims angrily.

I shKs my head and look at him in disgust. I run into the bedroom and slam the door in his face. I barricade the door to make sure he couldn't just bang it down. I begin packing my things into a small luggage bag.

"Can you unbarrictde the door please?" He asks politely with a soft voice.

I stop for a split second before continuing to pack bits and bobs. He'll not stop me, I need to investigate on what these Nightmares have.

"Stop trying to be all nice with me, I'm not falling for your games." I reply.

"Just open the door or I'll climb through the window." He says nonchalant.

"Try it. I've locked it and I've barricaded that too," I yawn boredly.

"Just open up before I break in there," he says impatiently.

I have finally packed everything up and turn the radio up to the fullest with surround sound speakers. I begin moving the mess away from the door. I know he'll try the window; people find it easy to use windows. I didn't take psychology for nothing you know? I get out the bedroom lock the door and hear a loud smash.

"Fuck!" He hisses in the bedroom.

I quickly bolt for the back entry and to the emergency car that he showed me. I start it and he comes running out but I drive off full speed; he'll not stop me.

*Arriving at the airfield*

"Thank God that my cousin does piloting!" I gulp staring at the jumbo jet.

I walk in and start up the plane flicking all the necessary switches. I begin take off out of Russia back to the airport in America.

"I have to help, I need to know what I'm up against!" I say to myself.

*After the long flight*

I sigh in relief as I land the plane with ease. I had experienced some serious turbulence problems all through that flight but I made it! I stand up and dust myself off.

"You were quick enough, Snowflake!" Jack chuckles.

I gasp in shock and slowly turn around. In the door of the cabin is Jack. How the?! I gulp as he comes closer and closer. His thumb gently grazes my bottom lip and I'm under his spell again. What is wrong with me? Snap out of it, Elsa!

"I'm still looking at this psycho nerve agent!" I reply seriously.

He rolls his eyes. I could tell he is screaming in anger internally but he keeps a cold expression.

"Jump in the car!" He orders.

*Arriving at the agency*

Me and Jack stand outside of Mr. Moon's office. We enter and Mr. Moon looks at the two of us in surprise.

"Agent Winter? Miss. Queen?! What are you to doing here?! You should be in--" I cut him off.

"I'm here now. I want to analyse this psycho active nerve agent, as the best scientist alive currently I need to see what this and maybe I can decode it," I explain.

Mr. Moon's face lit up in happiness. Not to be rude to the scientists he has here but they are mere newbies compared to me. I have the "magical" genetic trait that makes me more special with my smarts. There is a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Mr. Moon calls.

A guy with brown hair and brown eyes enters the room, I see rage and shock spark up in Jack's eyes. Next thing you know Jack has the guy on the floor with his arms behind his back.

"Hey! Hey!" The guy hisses.

"Agent Winter, please let go on Agent Rider." Mr. Moon asks calmly.

Jack's expression says everything; shock, betrayal and insanity. Who is this guy and why is Jack so pissed at him?

"Agent Rider?! Manny, are you for fucking real?! He's a criminal!" Jack shouts.

A criminal? I raise my brow. Maybe it's all a part of what Mr. Moon has going on here? A bad guy gone good case scenario? I don't know, I've only been here twice and I don't know much about the agency.

"Agent Rider, please escort Miss. Queen to the science lab to where the psycho active nerve agent is located?" Mr. Moon requests.

"Yes sir." He replies.

"No, he's not taking her anywhere. There is something wrong with your brain to let a criminal in!" Jack hisses.

"Enough, Agent Winter. Take a seat," Mr. Moon says.

With that, I leave with the apparent criminal to the science labs. If I can work out what the Nightmares are planning to do and somehow find an element to break down or screw up the nerve agent, I can help millions of people out!

"You look familiar, have I seen you around before?" He asks.

I shrug. I'm not a very social person with total strangers, I have to get to know them way better before I do anything else.

"Not very talkative?" He asks again.

I nod in response. The air grows awkward and tense until we reached at the science labs. A woman with red hair and glasses looks severely stressed out.

"That's Eliza, she's the best scientist we have." He replies.

"You just got the world's best one now," I reply before walking in.


Hi guys 😊 I haven't updated in so long! 😭 School is not fun 😐😔 I've missed being able to update and keep you guys entertained 😭 I'll be leaving school in June and hopefully the updates will be back to normal! 😁🎊🎉 I hope you enjoyed the chappie ☺️



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