Unspoken Words[COMPLETE]

By silentsuga

6.4K 257 65

"It's not the words you did say, it's about the words you didn't". *Unedited* More

Unspoken Words
//29// ****


98 6 1
By silentsuga


"Stay away from Abby she's bad news." I blurt as me and Kaelin walk away from the cafe.

"I could tell Harry." Kaelin giggled. "Let's go it looks like it's gunna rain." I nodded and we quickly started running. Soon we reached my house.

"It's locked!" I said while jiggling the doorknob. "Atticus open the door!"

"I don't think he's home." Kaelin said resting her hand on my shoulder, "let's go to my house, okay?" I nodded and we started running again.


"Mum open the door please." Kaelin whined. Soon unlike at my house we were greeted by Kaelin's mum. "Thanks." Kaelin muttered pushing past her mum.

"Hi honey and.......Harry?" She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Hi Mrs. Jones." She giggled.

"Harry please call me Laurel." I nodded and walked into the house.

"Kaelin, where are you?" I asked. Soon my favorite little head of chocolate brown hair popped out of the kitchen. "There."

"Mum me and Harry are gunna go to my room, so please leave us be." Laurel nodded as Kaelin pulled me down the hallway. "You can sit on my bed." I kindly took her offer and plopped down on her bed.

"Now explain this whole Abby thing to me." I sighed and began with the story.

"Abby, she used to follow me around in primary school, then in middle school she'd leave me these notes saying how much she loved me, once in high school she'd tell everyone we were together and stuff then in collage she switched all her classes and moved here just to be near me."

"So she's a....... Htalker." Wait what?

"Htalker, what the hell is that?" She chuckled.

"A Harry stalker, duh." I chuckled. Kaelin's never seemed this happy, especially since the divorce with her parents got finalized. I loved this side of here, and I wished it stay forever. "Now, let's go watch ADVENTURE TIME!!"

"I swear Kaelin, your such a child sometimes." She nodded and ran out the door. She quickly switched on Adventure time and plopped down on the couch. "Common Harry, sit with me."


[Kaelin POV]

"So how was your day with Harry?" Cam asked giggling threw the phone. Harry had left after we finished our tenth episode.

"Cam, were friends only friends." I let out a loud sigh.

"Tell him you like him!" She exclaimed. "Like do it now, or I will!"

"Cam! Don't you'd dare! And I will when I'm ready." She sighed.

"That's what you said last week and the week before that." I chuckled.

"I'm going to my dad's to see Javelin, would you like to come?"

"Didn't you dad move to Ireland?" She said with a lot of shuffling.

"Yeah but I have two tickets and I'm not going with my mum." I heard Cam giggle.

"Take Harry." I never thought of that. "I'm sure he'd like to see Javelin again, don't ya agree?"

"Yeah I guess so, I'm gunna go so I can ask. Call you later!"

"You better!" I heard her call out before I hung up. Now just to ask Harry. I dialed Harry's number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hi Kaelin, what's up?" I smiled at the sound of his voice.

"I'm going to see Javelin tomorrow and I was wondering if you'd like to come?"

"Sure sounds fun, how long would we be staying?"

"A week." I heard someone yell in the background.

"Atticus shut the fuck up!" I heard Harry yell. "Okay I'll pack a bag, when do I need to be at your house?"

"You could come over and stay the night, then we could go to the airport tomorrow morning?"

"Sounds good, um just let me control my brother and pack a bag then I'll be over, Okay?"

"Okay bye Harry."

"Bye Kaelin."


Shitty I know, but hey I got it updated!welp BYEEEEE!!!

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