Hidden (Harry Styles fan fict...

By HeyItsJessenia

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Two wrongs make a right, right? Well sometimes things don't always go right for Kylie Summers. Life seems to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Preview to 'The Hunted'

Chapter 22

200 3 0
By HeyItsJessenia

I walked through the empty halls with my head down and my eyes on the floor. I continued my walking until I looked around and had no idea where I was. I turned and walked back, hoping someone would find me roaming through random area's of the hospital. My phone vibrated in my pocket, but i didn't have the care to get it.

Everything didn't make sense, so why would I waste my time and energy to try and figure out what's wrong; something will always be wrong. My heart felt hollow in my chest, but my tears had dried; I was done.

A gentle touch on my shoulder forced me to turn "Kylie? Come on love" Harry wrapped an arm around my shoulder and lead me through double door's. "We will see her soon, I promise" I didn't reply or yell at him saying he couldn't promise things like that, because he couldn't. He couldn't promise things will be okay or that I'm going to be okay. My sister is dying, he can't promise anything. She could die at any moment and I wont be there for her, to hold her as she takes her last breath. It feels like I'm the only one who had hopes that she might live, that she will live.

Promises won't make a difference now, they can't change anything. I promised Kim she would live, but that doesn't mean she will, or that I can do anything to fix it. I didn't react to what he said, he couldn't know how I felt, so why waste my time?

Nothing felt real in my fog of pain, but I continued walking. As we exited, the crisp air surrounded us, night was coming soon; the sun already set. I watched my feet step in time with Harry's, slow and unwilling as we approached his car.

He opened the door for me and sat me in. "Do you want me to call Jake?" I nodded my head once as he took my phone from my pocket and shut my door, pacing outside. Leaving me to the deathly silence of the car, and my poisoned thoughts to keep me company.

He talked on the phone for a while, explaining what happened and then entered the car, shaking it lightly as he sat down. He sat there for a second before sighing "Jake wanted me to tell you that dinner is in the fridge, he going to go with Kim" I frowned ready to object "And..." he said waiting for me to exhale my puff of air I was waiting to use. "He will call you to see when you can go see kim too" I shook my head confused and annoyed "Why didn't he just take me now? It would have saved a trip" "I don't know but..." "But what?" I snapped, I paused trying to control my volcanic eruptions of unwanted emotions "He made me promise not to drive you"

"What?" "He asked me not to drive you and to make sure you drank your tea and went to bed. I tried to convince him to let me but he wanted you to stay here while he dealt with some things" "That's the dumbest thing I've heard and I'm not tired" i said looking out the window at the parked car's.

"I know, neither am I. We could watch a movie until you fall asleep or stay up all night. Or order your favorite pizza, or both" I sighed, taking a deep breath"I just feel like being alone right now-"

"Dammit Kylie!" I jumped, surprised at his sharp tone. I looked at him with wide eyes "Stop pushing me away, I know you're upset but I'm trying to help! Stop trying to push everyone away, stop trying to keep to yourself because it isn't working!" I narrowed my eyes at him "You think I like being alone? You think I like pushing you away?! I dont want to! But you know what happens when I get close to people? They leave, I hurt them, or they die! So sorry for being selfish, and leave me the hell alone!" I threw open my door letting it slam into the car next to us making the alarm pierce the night air.

I walked quickly towards the hospital in rage, not watching where my quick steps were taking me. I heard Harry punch something but I didn't turn, I kept walking even when I heard Harry open his door "Kylie! Im sorry! Don't run away, I'll shut up I swear. It's going to be dark soon and you can't be out here alone, let me take you home" I slowed until I was walking, then stopped. My breathing was heavy as I tried to control my racing heart. I could hear him step towards me, a steady quick rhythm, and then stopped. I hung my head down in shame, embarrassment, and sadness. He was right, of course he was right. No one deserves to live through what I have been through, to have to deal with all the trouble that follow's me. I'm a teenager. My biggest problem should be my lack of clothes and imperfect skin. I shouldn't have to deal with any of this. So I push people away, sorry? "You don't know half of it" I said shaking my head.

No one will understand my pain. It's MY pain. "Then trust me and let me help you" His words hurt, even if it wasn't intensional; they held promise, something I couldn't trust. "I can't" I said with my voice cracking and harry's light foot steps getting closer, only a few feet behind me. The car alarm still going off in the background, flashing lights, allowing me to see Harry's shadow "Why not?" His question was blunt, but I couldn't come up with a good answer. I could only come up with one, and I know he wouldn't accept it; so I stayed quiet, shaking my head. "Is it because of... Him"

"Because of who?" this caused me to face him in confusion "Luke" he said it without emotion, but held a scowl. I took a step back surprised "What? How do you know who Luke is?" I never once told him anything about Luke, which scared me in a way. It seemed to me that everyone kept secrets that we're never there's to start with.

"Jake told me about him, only because I asked" "What? Why?" "Everyone seemed to know who he was and kept bringing him up, so I thought I should to" "Why would they bring him up?" I asked under my breath to myself " I looked up at him still confused "Why didn't you ask me?" I said with hurt in my voice "Every Time I wanted to, it seemed like a bad time"

"So you ask someone else? You know what, never mind. That's the past and it doesn't matter" "Is it really?" he said shoving his hands in his pockets and closing the few steps between us "What's that supposed to mean" I said crossing my arms over my chest, frowning again. "Nothing" he paused before continuing "I wont hurt you Kylie, not like he hurt you" I frowned even more confused.

What the hell is he talking about? I slowly nodded my head "I'm not worried about you hurting me" "Then what is it" "I just don't want you to get hurt" "Me?" he asked smiling gently uncrossing my arms. I tried to hold back my smile, rolling my eyes. "I'm being serious"

"So am I" he said rubbing my arms as to warm them, then gently wrapping his arms around my waist "Listen Kylie, nothing will keep me from being with you" I took a deep breath, this is exactly what i'm afraid of. Because I believe him, I know something horrible will happen, but as we know; i'm selfish.

I rested my hands on his chest, my hand feeling his heart beat under his thin shirt. He pulls me closer, resting my head on his shoulder. "Okay" I said with a shaky voice "Good, now lets' go rent a movie and get some food"


Even with ice cream and pizza, I couldn't help but get the feeling like something bad was going to happen. I chewed slowly when Harry approached with my cup of tea. "What type of tea is this?"

"I don't know, jake made it for me" I said trying to swallow quickly through my chewing. Harry smelled the tea and scrunched his face in disgust "Smells like bleach and medicine" he pushed it away from his face "I never said it was good, just that he made it. But it helps me sleep through the night, so pass the cup" Harry nodded, but hesitated. He looked at the tea again, and slowly took a sip, making the same face again; making me laugh.

"I have some tea upstairs that taste more like honey and less like old juice" "It's not that bad" I smiled at his wide eyed look "It's horrible, I will be right back" he said walking out with my cup of tea in a little rush. I looked back at the screen, the black and white picture flashing gently. The movie was quiet as I ate my crust in pieces waiting for harry to get back.

The screen began getting bright making me squint at the brightness, the pain in my head returning intensely. I groaned, looking away from the screen making the room sway. "Woah" I said trying to stand, losing all of my balance. I held onto the end of my bed and stood up straight, but everything was doubled, making me more dizzy.

I clumsy walked to my bathroom and leaned over my sink. I reached for my light switch and flicked the switch up, regretting it the second I touched it. The light was like the sun's harsh rays, but I forced myself to look into my reflection, flinching. I was surprised at how pale my skin looked, my dark bags standing out underneath my eyes. My hair was a frizzy mess, and you could see my collar bone sickly stick out more than usual. My arms began to shake, trying to hold myself up. I pushed myself to stand, the room wasn't that bright anymore.

My head still pounded so I turned on the sink and splashed cold water at my face. I refilled my hands when a drop of blood landed in my puddle of water I held in my plams, more following after. I looked up at the mirror and saw blood coming out of both my nostrils. I held my hair back with one wet hand and rinsed my nose with the other, I began to worry when the blood wouldn't stop, still, it's dark scarlet color running down my chin.

Shocks of pain grew, forcing me into silence.

Then the pain was gone, my nose was no longer bleeding, and the light's were no longer too bright. "What. The. Hell" i said cleaning off the last of my blood off my chin. I opened my drawer and grabbed a hair tie, pulling my hair up. i had on my sweats and a lose muscle shirt, spotted with couple drops of blood. I looked at myself one final time and reached to turn off the lights when i did a double take on myself.

I turned my head to the side and saw a deep purple bruise the size of my fist. It's almost invisible, hiding behind my hair; but against my pale skin it almost glows a painful reminder. "Well damn" i said rubbing the bruise, the spot was sore. I walked back into my room and sat on the floor in front of my tv, the movie still playing.

I hugged my knees at the sudden breeze. Glancing around i saw my window open, my curtain blowing with the wind. I froze and tried to stay calm, i stood and scanned every corner. After i convinced myself to stop acting childish i carefully walked to the window.

The tv flashed brightly, making me jump at my reflection in the glass. Staring at the glass i thought i noticed something but quickly dismissed it as my paranoia. I kept an eye on it anyway, as I shut my window and locked it. In the glass I see more movement. I stared trying to figure out what it was in the shadows. Next to my door something moved, so slightly I wouldn't have noticed if it wasn't for the tv's quick illumination.

The object moved again, more noticeable this time and thats when my eyes went wide and i gasped. The person stood from it's crouching position slowly, tauntingly. I turned around quickly to scream when they ran towards me. I fumbled back and hit my back against my window as they quickly advanced on me. My scream was choked, barely a whisper.

The person was a man, i could feel his strength in his hand when he grabbed me by the throat. Instincts kicked in, without me realizing what i was doing i punched his inner arm, grabbing his hand i twisted it back and pushed him off me "Harry!" i screamed as loud as i could before he wrapped both hands around my neck. My arms felt weak again, trying to peal at his fingers with no use. I stopped fighting and tried to get a good look at him. With half of his face hidden, i still recognized him. Memories came fast in a blur but not a name "What...do...you ...want?" i said in gasps. He released his grip enough to let me take a shuddering breath as he brought his mouth next to my ear and barely above a whisper said "I'm sorry".

The next second his hands tightened around my neck and spun me away from the wall and threw me on my bed "Oh god, no please dont" i said trying not to puke as he kneeled next to me holding me down"No please, stop!" "Please don't fight me Kylie, i don't want to hurt you" he said with a sad expression

"Then let go of me! Please! Stop!" he slowly shook his head and pulled my arms by my side and sat on me holding me down with his knees "No! Get off! Har-" my last screams were held in by his hand as he turned my head to the side and pulled a needle out of his pocket, pulling off the top with his teeth. I tried to squirm under his weight as the needle neared me. I tensed, trying to kicked him with my legs. It did nothing, as he moved my hair and injected me with a burning fluid.

He kissed my forehead and got off me. I tried picking up my head but i was so tired. I couldn't move, but i felt the burning injection spread through my arms. "I'm sorry, but you cant remember" "What?" i said groggily "Forgive me Kylie" There was a full moon out, fulling my room with necessary light to see his face

"Nate" his name slipped through my lips. He looked surprised and smiled "Still remember me huh? You must still love me then" he smirked a goofy smile that faded quickly "Im sorry, I have to leave" "No" i said feeling the effect of the injection, my eyes already closing.

"Dream of me" he said kissing my head again. He backed away and opened my window giving me one last smile

"And remember to run" and he crawled out. I turned my head towards my door "Harry" i whispered on final time, shutting my eyes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I watched myself read on the grass outside in a park or somewhere. The breeze blew on the pages of my book as i held it in front of my face. I layed on my back under a tree with my legs over nates lap as he read his book. I glanced over at him with a smile, he held a serious look as he read in concentration of 'To Kill a Mockingbird'.

"You're so serious when you read" i said mimicking his face as demonstration. He smiled and gave me a laugh "Oh yeah, what about you miss 'I-look-so-perfect-when-i-read' " he said making a drooling face. i laughed and marked my page "You've read that book like ten times, i don't know why you have your 'im thinking' face' on " "I love this book, every time i read it i notice something else i missed" i nodded my head in understanding

"What's your book?" "Timeless" "You've read that book like ten times" he said trying to mock me "Shut up" he laughed. His wavy brown hair shined from the spots of sun that reached through the shade as he leaned against out tree. He had colorful eyes like mine, and tan golden skin. I put down my book and closed my eyes, he shut his book giving me a worried look "What's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" i said innocently "You don't stop reading for no reason, besides something taking up your focus, what's up?" i sighed and looked around "I over heard them again, i think they're catching on" "They would have figured it out at one point" he said giving my knee a pat "I don't want them to know"

"Secrets don't last forever" he said with a sad smile "What about our secrets?" i asked arching my eyebrow at him "I won't tell if you won't" he said with a teasing smile. "Yeah, because that makes me feel better" He laughed cooly "Don't worry about it, what's the worst they can do?"

"Get rid of you" i said flinching at the things that came to mind. He smiled at me lovingly "but you'll always have me, they can't separate blood"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I turned over, blinking rapidly. "Your awake?" "What time is it?" i asked rubbing my eyes. "Like midnight" harry said picking up around my room "Clean freak" i murmured making him laugh "What happened to you? One second you were wide awake and the next second you were dead sleep" I groaned, rolling over onto my back then throwing my legs over to stand up off of my bed

"I don't know" I said rubbing my eye gently, cringing at the mess of mascara on my finger. I immediately began to wipe the remainder around my eyes.

"Why do you have blood on your shirt?" "Oh" i said looking down at the dried blood "I got a nose bleed and then" i paused "I think i just fell asleep" "Then why did you lock the front door?" "I didn't lock it, i just remember falling asleep"

"I had to go down stairs and get an all access key" "Really? You have one of those?" He gave me a 'duh" look and rolled his eyes as if it was common sense. "Well i must have locked it by accident or maybe you locked it" i said shrugging

"No, i didn't lock it" "Hm" i said pushing my hair out of my face, letting my loose hair hang along my back "Did anything weird happen? or did you hear anything?" "You think someone was in here?" i said both of us scanning my room "Maybe, did you?"

"No" i paused in thought "I was watching the movie, waiting for you. I got a nose bleed, then i fell asleep. Nothing weird happened" "Okay" harry said looking relieved "that's good, maybe i locked it without realizing it" harry nodded to himself but didn't look convinced.

"Did you bring the tea? i kinda feel sick " "Yeah. Hold on" he said pressing the back of his hand on my forehead. "I dont think you have a fever" "Neither do i, maybe it was something i ate"

"But we ate the same thing" he said confused "I don't know, maybe it's that time of the month" harry made a disgusted face and pulled his hand back, wiping it on his shirt. I rolled my eyes shaking my head "Don't worry, its not contagious"

"Let's hope not, that would be extremely uncomfortable in my position" he shuttered at the thought, and my laughter followed. He smiled at me " i could make it for you if you want" he said jerking his thumb at the door "Please, but i'll go with you" i said glancing at my window. Harry followed my stare "What?" i shook my head confused "I don't know, i- i thought my window was open?" "You're starting to say that a lot 'i don't know'. And it wasn't, i remember shutting it" Harry said walking to the window, locking it. "Hm, i thought i remembered it open" i kept picturing my curtains blowing with the wind, it had to have been open.

Harry shrugged his shoulders "Come on, i make a mean cup of tea" he said walking towards me and taking my hand, walking out of my room. I glanced back once more at my window as we turned into the hallway "All you have to do is put the tea bag in"

Harry stopped dead in his tracks and faced me with a hurt look playfully on his face "Say's the girl who drinks ugly tea" "Tea can't be ugly" i said as he turned and continued pulling me the short distance to the kitchen "That tea was pretty ugly" i laughed and took a seat on the counter watching harry search for a tea pot.

"Your kitchen it hideously disorganized" "It can't be-" i stopped mid sentence and thought about it. It actually could, maybe "Yes it can" Harry said opening more cabinets "It's in the lower cabinet" "Ah " he said pulling it out and filling it with water and then placing it on the stove on high heat.

"Step one finished" he said looking proud "Well done" i said giving him an appload. He bowed with a small wave, as if trying to silence the crowd, mouthing thank you to imaginary people. I laughed again, shaking my head and hoping up onto the counter top.

He rolled up his sleeves, his tattoos peeking out."now it's the waiting game" he rubbed his hands together, as if trying to warm them. "I never noticed your tattoos" i said reaching for his arm. He held them out to me. "What does this mean?" i said tracing it with my fingertip, his skin prickling with goosebumps. "Freedom in a cage" he replied slowly, watching my hand follow the small pattern around the letter's "Yeah, what does it mean to you?"

"Do all tattoos have to mean something?" he said now looking at my face. Sitting on the countertop our faces were leveled "Well if it's permanent, i would hope so" Harry smiled "It has multiple meanings. It's whatever you think it means" he said keeping eye contact. "I think freedom is overrated" I replied locking our eye contact "Me too" he said fitting his waist between my legs "But it means more than that doesn't it?" i tried to keep my voice strong, distracted by how closed he was. I could feel his heat emiting off of him, his scent clogging my senses, his eyes searching mine, and his hands resting on my thighs.

Instead of responding he removed his shirt and twisted his arms so his inner arms were visible. The black ink traveled his arms with grace, twisting beautifully. The pattern looked like a maze, never ending on both shoulders. Then he turned around, giving me his back.

His shoulder blades showed a bird in flight, soaring strong in the lead of others. I traced my fingers along his back. "A cage doesn't define me, i wont let it" Harry said looking over his shoulder to meet my eye. "That's beautiful" i replied letting my hands drop, he turned to face me again. "beautiful?" i nodded my head "You look at things differently, and that's beautiful"

" I see you" he says softly, closing the little space between us "Oh yeah? What do you see?" i ask in a whisper "I see an untouchable beauty seen by others except her. She's afraid of something, something stronger, bolder, and scarier than she can handle" "What" i say with my throat tight "Love" He says the word so tenderly. I swallow my tears threatening to come "She's stronger than most, and craves adventure" He cups my face gently "She, is beautiful" My jaw hangs gently, words stuck on my tongue. He leaned his forehead on mine, our noses touching. "So beautiful" He says in a soft whisper making it hard to breath. My minds on what he said, leaving me in a trance.

The soft whistle of the pot began, and turned into a loud scream. Harry sighed and turned around to turn off the stove. He leaned over the pot on his arms with his back to me. I could see his tattoo's clearly against his tan skin.

His words replayed over and over in my head, if only he knew how right he was. I hopped off the counter and walked towards him wrapping my arms around his slim waist. His muscles relaxed and i pressed my cheek against his warm back. "Thank you" I whispered "For what" "For loving me" my hands were shaking as he turned around to face me, my arms still wrapped around him. "You shouldn't thank me for treating you the way you're supposed to be treated" again i couldn't look him in the eye.

I knew he was right but what i really wanted to say was 'Thank you for not pretending to love me' but of course i would never say that. "You just mean a lot to me " i tightened my arms around him and rested my head on the inside of his neck, breathing in his scent. "Don't worry, i'm not going anywhere" He rubbing his hand along my back sending me shivers. We stood there for a moment, or maybe an hour, i couldn't tell, time didn't matter in his arms.

"Your tea is getting cold" he said pulling me away from his warm embrace "Well it taste good cold or warm" "I like it cold, but i feel like having something hot" I turned to get the cups out with my face burning. What was i thinking? How stupid was that? 'You mean a lot to me'? really Kylie?

"Do you want a cup?" i asked already reaching for cup "I guess since you already got me one" I mentally slapped my forehead "I thought you might want some, sorry" I said placing the cup back "I'm just teasing you love, i want some" i rolled my eyes and reached for the cup again. It was cold to the touch and an idea sparked my mind. I casually looked over my shoulder and saw Harry occupied with the tea, giving me his side profile. I turned around with the cups behind me "Harry?" "Hm" he said glancing toward me for a brief second "Think fast!" i threw one coffee cup up toward him. He turned with ease with his hand up to catch it, while i threw the other cup low. He smiled and caught the first cup and swooped low to catch the second an inch before it hit the ground. "Nice reflexes" i said unable to hide my smile "You tested me" he said with a teasing finger.

"No i just told you to think fast" i said with an innocent shrug "Your sneaky, i'm watching you" He said bringing two fingers to his eyes level and printed them at me with the 'im-watching-you' face. I laughed as he tossed the cup at me. I caught it without breaking eye contact.

I bet i looked super cocky but on the inside i was praying my hand wasn't sweaty. "Lets get that tea in your system" Harry said pouring me a cup and handed me the full cup to switch for the empty one in my other hand. I wrapped my cold finger's around the steaming cup and smelled the minty erbs. "Smells amazing"

"Taste even better" Harry said picking up around the kitchen. I took a slow soft sip, trying not to burn myself. The flavor danced along my tongue and i savored it. I could feel it settle my stomach, already working. I took another sip, bigger this time. "This is great" i said as harry grabbed his cup and drank some with a soft smile. "He glanced back at the clock on the microwave and yawed "It's getting late" the clock read '12:27 am' in green numbers.

I nodded my head, feeling myself tire "You need rest" Harry stated and reached for me "You should get to bed before the sun rises" he joked leading me to my room "You're right, this tea is what i've been needing" i said stretching "You're welcome" harry switched on the lights and scanned the room. When his shoulders relaxed i stepped around him to my bathroom, leaving the door open. I washed my face and brushed my teeth, my normal routine. I began to pull up my hair when i noticed something on my neck.

I turned to give myself a better vantage point, it looked like a faded bruise. It seemed like bruises were common on my body now along with my new scars. I left my hair down, no need to worry harry. I looked in the mirror and saw a different person. Someone skinner, paler, older, and broken with bruises. I stepped out of the bathroom and saw harry standing by my window looking out.

"Hey" i said after watching him deep in thought. He looked at me with a smile. "Hey" "What are you doing?" i asked approaching him "Nothing, just waiting for you to get in to bed" "You're not staying?" i tried to hide the disappointment in my voice "You need time, theres nothing i can do to speed that up. You need a night to yourself to think, cry, be mad; whatever you need" he kissed the top of my head

"Goodnight love" "Night" i said and climbed into my covers as harry walked towards the door, giving one final wave goodbye turning off the lights and shutting my door.

I laid there for a few moments and then curled into a ball of blankets. I watched the moon, waiting for my nightmares to come.


I woke to a anoyying ringing that sounded through the house. Sunlight streamed through my open curtians, blinding me when the buzzer rang again. "I'm coming!" I yelled, rubbing my eyes. I forgot we had a door bell, since, well; we never use it. I looked at my pajamas and shrugged, it's too early to look decent. I dragged my feet towards the door "Give me a second" i looked at our mirror hanging in the hall and cringed, who ever it is isn't going to have a nice view. Oh, and who ever looks good sleeping or waking up; i hate you. "Who is it" i said looking through the peek hoke and yawned "It's Edward from the kitchen, i have breakfast"

"Thank Jesus" i opened the door and stepped a side for edward to enter with the rolling table. The second the door opened I could smell the food, my mouth watering "Good afternoon Miss Summers" he said pushing the cart in towards the kitchen. "Afternoon? What time is it?" "About four" He said peraparing my plate

"Shouldn't luch be served by now?" "Yes, but that would be the perks of dating the owners son" he said giving me a wink, making me laugth. "Wow, i must have really slept in" "Mr. Styles warned me you would still be alseep but he insited that i wake you to eat" "It's fine edward, im starving. Thank you for making me breakfast past the hours" i said taking a seat infront of the steeming plate. "It's no problem Miss Summers, although i feel i like you much better than the other girl or any other tendant"

"Other girl? " i said grabing my fork as edward stood sudenly tense "I'm sorry Miss Summers, i thought you were aware. But i am afraid i feel that I should say no more" "Oh come on Edward it's just me" He pressed his lips togeather and shook his head "I dont think it's my palce to tell you about the other girl whom used to... be with the young Harry" he said giving me another wink.

"Ah i see" i said nodding slowly "And of course because we aren't talking about her we couldn't compare her with me, could we?" Edward smiled "No, not even her dark brown hair compared to your beautiful sun kissed brown" i was laughing now "Or her ridiculous well paid outfits" he added laughing too.

"Now if your breakfast is set i will see myself to the door. Have a good day Miss Summers" He said tilting his head to me and turned "Edward" i said quickly "Yes?" he said turning to face me "Please call me Kylie" he smiled again "Of course Miss Kylie" i smiled and laughed lightly as he walked away "You know what i meant Edward" i yelled as he left, his laugh filling the hall.

As good as the food smelt, the silence that followed ruined any appetite. I decided to call kim, maybe that would help with the bad feeling I kept feeling. I called the childrens hospital first getting the number to the new hospital kim was located "Children's hospital. Hello this is Andrea speaking, how can I help you?" "Hi my name is Kylie summers and i was wondering if you could transfer me to my sister, Kim Summers" "Okay give me a moment to see if she is available" "Okay" i said as she put me on hold for about thirty seconds.

"Hello? Miss Summers?" "Yes I'm on the line" "We're sorry to inform you that Kim is not going to be available because she is scheduled for surgery and the medicine she is taking won't allow her to be awake much today" "Could you check to see if anyone is going to be there with her?"

"Someone is checked in but i can't tell you who it is, it's not in my authorization. Sorry" "No it's fine, thank you" "Have a nice day" i hung up and sat back down in front of my food. I picked up my fork and began to eat, not really tasting anything. When i was about half done i crawled back into bed still feeling exhausted and worried. I slept light, never fully falling asleep. Tossing and turning every ten minutes kept me frustrated, waking me up constantly. I threw off my blankets and searched for my phone.

I sent harry a message and remade my bed, hopefully he had his phone fixed. I flipped on my tv and switched through the channels, finding nothing good. I turned it off and walked to my collection of books and choose one at random. It was 'The City of Bones' by Cassandra Clare. I layed on my side on my bed, reading the first page. My concentration couldn't last, frustration forcing me to put the book down.

A nice shower should get rid of my frustration, because a good shower can get rid of any problem for at least a little while. I sent harry another message before i got into the shower, I need to stop, he's not your baby sitter, he has other things to do, he has his own life. So stop freaking out Kylie. I stepped into the showers with my neck tense that slowly melted away by the boiling water until it began to burn. I changed quickly and combed my hair, counting my slip ends. That's when you know you're bored to death, you count your split ends.

Oh, and if you don't have split ends; I hate you. My phone finally buzzed on my bed as i practically ran for it like a life line. I need some serious help, i know. I unlocked my phone with a message from Olivia wondering if i wanted to hand out. She's been keeping in touch with me for a while and stopped by at the hospital enough times to know the cafeteria food sucks and stopped by with lunch and ice cream.Her father is a rich business man who owns car dealerships around the world, so she had plenty of time to spare with her mom gone.

I typed 'Lunch then sleep over at mine?'. My finger hovered over the send button, unsure if i should send it. I've never really had sleep overs or a best friend in a really long time, and they made me nervous. Making friends meant getting comfortable and settling in, but we moved so often that losing friends was just too much for me. And i had so much here, I finally had somewhere I could call home and mean it. Where I had friends who cared what happened to me or Kim. I finally met someone who was willing to put up with me, who put me before himself, someone I could love. But i'm sick of being scared, I want a normal damn life with a best friend, sleep overs, a wonderful boyfriend, and plenty of sleep.

No more nightmares, no more moving, no more trouble. I pressed send with confidence and texted harry again letting him know it was a girls night with olivia. She replied 'Sounds great, pick you up in a few?'. I smiled and replied 'See you then'. I tore through my closet for a nice blouse and my flats. I looked over and through all of my shirts and settled for harry's hoodie with my black coat over and my black flats. My hair was uncooperative so i loosely braided it back, and applied my makeup quickly and dropped my makeup bag into my purse when i got a message 'downstairs, want me to go up?'

'Nope, i'll be down soon'. I sprayed my favorite perfume and ran out, letting the door swing shut behind me. I pressed for the elevator and stepped in as it arrive .

I reached to go to the lobby but thought about visiting harry to see why he hasn't responded or checked up on me. Olivia was waiting but i would be quick, I pressed for Harry's floor and waited as the elevator music played softly in the background. The doors opened and I stepped out walking the short distance to the door and knocked.

There was silence. I knocked again a bit harder wondering if he could hear me. Maybe he wasn't home, I stepped back turning to the elevator when I heard footsteps. Harry opened the door with confused look on his face. His hair was messy and he was wearing casual clothes "Oh there you are, I thought you died for a minute" I said with a smile.

Harry seemed to realize something because he looked surprised and then calmed again. He laughed smoothly and pulled me in for a big hug. "Hey Kylie" "Why didn't you answer your phone? Is it still not working?" "Um sorry, yeah i forgot to charge the new one. Did you need something? Everything okay?"

"Yup, everything is fine. I just wanted to let you know that olivia and i are going out" "Olivia" Harry said slowly and then nodded "I missed the invite?"

"Should have charged your phone" i said reaching up and kissing his smooth cheek. "I will call you later, okay? I've got to go"

"Alright, see you soon Hun" i smiled a bit confused but continued

"Bye" i said with a smile, turning around to the elevator "Wait" He said holding out his hand "Let me walk you down" he said with a warm smile.

"Such a gentleman" i said taking his hand entwining our fingers "I do have a standard" he says gently pulling me closer to his side and pushed for the elevator "What have you been up to?" i asked stepping into the elevator already waiting from my first trip "Work, my father has us on an assignment" "Us?" i asked "Well i mean the company" "Oh" The elevator lights flickered suddenly and shook gently to a stop making me hug on to harry as a sequel escaped my mouth.

He stiffened before wrapping an arm around me "It's okay, it just flickered" "Yeah" i said still stuck on his side when the elevator continued down "You're afraid of elevators?" "No just falling to my death" i said looking up at the lights that were normal. "You're afraid of heights" he stated, nodding his head "I thought you would know that by now" i said rolling my eyes.

He smiled "Well i'm afraid of the dark" "Really? it's never bothered you before" i said looking up at him "Thats because you're with me, i don't like being alone in the dark" he said smiling down at me with a soft smile. He tightened his arm around me when the doors opened and we stepped out as people entered behind us "Nice hoodie" I smiled trying not to blush "I thought you might like it" he entwined our fingers with a smirk.

"You're beautiful" He said randomly. "Me?' i asked confused "No, me. Of course you" I laughed "Thank you" we stepped out to the garage parking lot looking for Olivia's car "is she here?" he asked glancing around "I don't see her yet" i pulled out my phone and texted her 'where are you?'

'Lot 2, sorry. No parking' "Shes in Lot 2" i said turning to walk up. I scanned the cars as we passed "I wonder which car she-" I looked over at harry who was smiling at me "What?" i said smiling at him "Nothing" he said laughing softly, biting his lip.

I just smirked, feeling heat rise to my cheeks, making him laugh more, draping his arm around me. "Let me text her again" 'Can't find you'.

'I''ll drive down' "She says she diving down" "Good let's wait here then" we stopped walking and face each other "Where are you guys going?" he asked playing with my hand "Um lunch"

"You're so specific" "Shut up" I said laughing and walked into his arms "I missed you" I whispered into his neck. He sighed, burying his face in my hair "Don't, im right here" blinding light's approached with a honk "Get a room!" Olivia yelled rolling down her window.

"Hey Olivia" Harry said with a wave, shielding his eyes to see "Hey love birds" I smiled at her "Well, get in loser" she said with a wink. Harry walked over and opened my door helping me in "Trying to keep your image?" "You see, Olivia knows" Harry said pointing to Olivia who was nodding "You guys are weird" I said putting on my seat belt

"Take care of her Olivia" "Will do Styles" she said with a wink, harry nodding knowingly. "See you when you get back. Have fun Hun"

"Thanks" i said as harry leaned in and kissed me softly on the cheek, lingering. I blushed, making them both snicker "Bye ladies"

"Bye" we responded as olivia sped off and I gripped my seat belt tightly.

"So im thinking Olive Garden, you in?" "Sounds yummy" "Great! We have so much to plan!" "Plan?" i said confused "Yeah! The winter dance next week? Please tell me you're going!"

"I dont know" i said unsure. Dancing plus me isn't that great. "You don't have to dance! Come on! We're seniors! We have to!" "Okay, okay; but only if harry wants to" "Yes!" she squealed clearly happy. "How are you so sure harry will want to go?" i said "because he's a softy and all i have to do it tell him that you would love to go and we all know he would jump off a cliff to please you"

"But i dont want to go" i said smiling "Details" she said waving her hand. I laughed at her plan "That's crazy"

"Crazy, but totally useable" Olivia switched topics and began gossiping about the latest breakup and i laughed at her ridiculous comments and felt like i finally had a best friend.


As soon as we entered my stomach rumbled at the intense aroma of ecstasy. "Ohh my mouth is watering" Oliva said walking up to the podium "Hello welcome to Olive Garden, for how many?"

"table for two" "Okay, that will be about a fifthteen minute wait, can i have your name please" said the hostess with a nice smile and pretty brown eyes" Olivia Sparks" Olivia said passing her a fifty.

The girl looked surprised but then smiled "Of course Miss Sparks, this way" She said grabbing Menus, Olivia gave me a bright smile and followed the girl "Here's your table" she said taking off the reserved sign from the table

"You're waiter will be with you shortly" she smiled one last time and then walked back to her podium without a glance "i'm not sure what to get. Oh! They have a free soup or salad deal!" I sat down shocked "Honey, you should really close your mouth when you make your faces"

"Did you really just do that?" I was amazed at what you could do with money "Don't act that surprised, everyone does it" She shrugged her shoulders and went back to her menu. A waiter approached with a smile "Hello, my name is Sam and i will be your waiter for tonight. Can i start you guys off with something to drink?" "I just want water" i said smiling at the guy. "Alright, and what about for you?" he asked Olivia "I'll have water too" "Okay, are you guys ready to order or do you need more time?" he asked glancing at us after writing on his note pad. "I'm ready" Oliva said looking at me "Are you?"

"Uh yeah" i said scanning my menu for the first time "I'll have your best salad and clam chowder" "Clam chowder" he repeated on to the pad

"And your order miss" He asked turning to me "Um i'll have your alfredo with a... chicken soup" "alright, i'll bring you ladies your drinks" he said picking up our menus with a nod turning on his heels towards the kitchen

"So" Olivia said grabbing my attention, her eyes wide with curiosity "What are you going to wear to the dance?" "I don't' know, something i can dig out of my closet" she made a face of shock "What?" i asked

"Sorry, it's just that everyone takes these dances so seriously. Girls shop for their dressed in months ahead by a special designer"

"I don't wear designer" i said still confused on how important a dance really could be "that's why i like you" Olivia said with a wink "Here are your drinks ladies, and bread sticks of course" "Thank you" Olivia said grabbing one and tore it in half smiling it before slowly eating it. "this is bomb" she said eating another. I took one and smelled like she had, it smelt like heaven.

I took one bite and my taste buds exploded "My new obsession is this bread" i said through mouth fulls making us laugh. "So back to the dance, i have a friend in paris who is studying fashion who can use the money, we can totally ask her to make us dresses"

"Seriously?" I asked amazed "Seriously" she repeated with a nod taking another bit from the bread stick. "But its going to be a surprise" "I hate surprises" i said pouting "Too bad" she said sticking her tongue at me.

As the night went on we laughed and ate; talking nonstop about the stupidest things. After an hour we packed up our lunch and headed home. The car ride was mostly consumed with off key singing and laughter. When we got home i texted harry quickly 'home safe'. Olivia sorted through my movie collection while i popped some popcorn. "Do you have Mean Girls?"

"Yup" i yelled from the kitchen "Oh i found it" Once the popcorn finished popping i put them in bowls and went back into my room and set up my tv. "I'm kinda in between horror and comedy" Olivia said looking over the movies quickly "I have Chucky" i said gathering pillows and blankets on the floor.

"Ew that little thing gives me the creep's" Olivia said shuddering and then slowly searched for anything she might think is eligible for attacking her. "You're scared of midgets?" "Your words not mine" she said putting her hands up defensively.

I laughed and resumed fixing the blankets and pillows. "You have a lot of movies" "yeah movies are kind of my life" "oh gosh, where have you been all of my life?" Olivia said dramatically.

"Pick a movie will you?" i said walking out of my room "what do you want to drink?" i yelled "Waters fine" She yelled back. As soon as i entered the kitchen i knew something was wrong. I paused, looking around for what was giving me a bad vibe.

Everything looked normal but somehow i knew. I cleared my throat and walked into the kitchen with my guard up. i opened the fridge and grabbed two water bottles.

I heard movement, but i continued as if i didn't. I could see a shadow under the fridge door waiting for me. I put the bottles back and counted to three in my head. One, I would shut the fridge door quickly. Two, swing randomly and hope for the best. Three, run like hell.

I shut the door and swung with everything i had. They dodged it easily, but because i'm me, i expected my hit to make contact and because it didn't i practically did a 360 losing any balance i had. And because i'm the stupidest person alive i just start to run, which is straight into the person. "Woah hey! Friendly fire!" I stopped whatever attempt of running away and saw a confused Olivia "What the hell are you doing?" i blinked a few times "Sorry, i thought you were someone else" she looked confused again

"Who did you think i was?" i saw him before i screamed "Olivia!" he was charging at her in full speed as i tried pulling her back with me making her lose her balance. But i pulled too roughly making her fall and slam her head against the fridge, going limp. I dropped to the floor "Shit! Olivia!" The guy stood in front of us "Well that was easy" i snapped my attention on him

"Ethan" "You know that was my job" he smiled one of his killer smiles and tossed up a blade. "But at least i still have you" I stood slowly, his height overpowering me too much. "What do you want!" His smile faded into a cold stare "I don't know why you dont like me, after all i've done for you"

"Why are you here" i repeated more upset "Listen, don't make this hard. Last time my arm almost broke"

"Why are you here" "It's time for your daily dose" he said holding up a needle. "What?" i began to back away "Ethan, please put the needle down" he began laughing "I'm not here to kill you, trust me"

"When harry finds out-" "Hes not going to find out, the beauty in memory loss" "I dont know what your talking about" My back hit the cabinets "That's the point" he said smiling.

"Now" he moved so quickly i barely had time to prepare for impact. He slammed himself on me making me cry out in pain "Don't make me hurt you more than i have to" "Get off me!" 'You're so beautiful when you're mad" "Ethan! Stop" he grabbed my face and tuned, exposing my neck. "You'll forget, i promise"

"No!" i screamed when he stabbed me with the needle in the neck, injecting me. The burning began, and slowly spread all over making me feel like jello. I couldn't stand anymore, he caught me; lifting me into his arms. I moaned, trying to scream, but i felt a thousand pounds. "I know, i'm sorry" he walked over oliva, she twitched; shes okay.

"I know you can hear me and that you'll forget in a minute, but i have to tell you" he paused trying to fit through my doorway "You know you're heavier than you look. Anyway, You're real enemy is right in front of you, and it's not me. I'm sorry about what's happened to you, but i have a message." he gently places me on the floor in front of my tv. My eyes were getting heavy now, struggling to stay open

"Luke say run" My eyes widened as much as the could at this point. Ethan arranged my hands to rest on my stomach. "So run" My eyes shut into darkness.


I woke with a groan, rolling over on my back. The color of the sky indicated it was early, and i never woke up early when i don't have to. I sat up my neck stiff. Why am i on the floor? "Olivia" i said looking around. She wasn't next to me, what happened last night? I got up and knocked on my bathroom door "Olivia? You in there?" there was silence. I opened the door, empty. Maybe she got water? I walked out of my room putting up my hair. I heard something, whispering.

I walked closer to the voices, the kitchen was my best guess. I couldn't hear what they were saying but one sounded pissed. i peeked my head out, trying to get a good look. Olivia was heatedly talking to harry, who seemed livid. "Hey guys" They both split apart, though they weren't even standing close to each other.

"Hey beautiful" Harry said walking to me "You're finally up" Olivia said with forced smile. "Yeah" i said as Harry hugged me picking me up a few inches "I missed you" harry said putting me down "You saw me yesterday" i said smiling. He frowned slightly but smiled "that's a day too long" He said kissing the top of my head.

He pulled away from me and turned to Olivia "Im starving, are you guys hungry?"

"Yup" Olivia said taking a seat at the breakfast counter. "I make the best breakfast" harry said opening the fridge and taking things out "I'm going to go clean up" i said walking back into my room watching them over my shoulder, and into my bathroom. I began cleaning my face then brushing my teeth.

I decided a quick shower wouldn't hurt and started the water. My neck was still stiff as i stood in the hot water rubbing it gently. I pulled my hand back and reached for my conditioner when i saw blood covering my hand. "What the hell?" i said reaching with my other hand to my neck, coming back with blood. I shut off the water and stepped out, running to my mirror. I moved my hair and saw a bruise with blood oozing out of a small cut.

The room begun to brighten, making me extremely dizzy. I tried to stay calm, i couldn't pass out now. I was starting to loose balance, grabbing onto my sink. I can't, if i pass out they'll find me naked on my bathroom floor, which is one of my worst fears. I closed my eyes which only made me more dizzy.I tried to walk, slowly sliding to my towel. I leaned against the wall wrapping my towel around myself securely.

And then it was gone, leaving a dull ache in my head. I blinked, clearing my vision "What the hell?" I looked around before i changed quickly and bandaged the bleeding area. i brushed my hair and walked back into the kitchen "You're right on time, i just finished" harry said as Olivia set the table, both of them smiling "Great" I said matching their smile. I took a seat as harry served us "Smells great" i said pulling harry's arm down to give him a kiss on his warm cheek

"Wait until you try it" he said giving me a wink. He made buttery pancakes, fluffy eggs and crispy bacon. It was as mouth watering as it sounds. I shoveled food into my mouth like there was no tomorrow "ugh, i really dont want to go to school tomorrow" Olivia said as me and harry groaned in a unison "I forgot about school" i said running my fingers through my wet hair, pushing it out of my face.

"What happened to your neck?" harry asked turning my chin gently, lightly brushing his fingers over the lame bandage i attempted to do behind my neck. "I dont know" i said trying to come up with an explanation but i didn't have one because well; i don't know what happened.

"Did you hurt yourself?" harry asked removing the bandage "No, it just kind of, got there" Harry looked at olivia with fear "What?" i asked trying to get a good look at him with my head turned. "Oliva come look at this" Olivia walked over with a frown and examined my neck slowly. Her eyes went wide and looked at Harry, they seemed to be sharing the 'conversation looks'.

"Can someone please tell me what the hell you're looking at?"

"Your body is rejecting the serum" Harry said shocked "What are you talking about?" i said looking at both of them.

It was olivia who spoke next "Someone has been injecting you with something and your body can't take it, so it's rejecting it"

"Rejecting? Rejecting what?" "I don't know" Harry said letting my hair go

"But we need to get it out" He said picking up my chin to make eye contact with stern eyes "Now"


I took forever to update, I know!

But here's the chapter!

Please remember to comment, vote, and stay BEAUTIFUL !


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