You're My Daydream- Book 2

By ShinoAsuda465

20.8K 894 115

"Could we still live this life, our life together as one?" Lena asked, kissing the nape of my neck. "Why are... More

Morning Interviews and Meeting new People
The Realization Of What's To Happen
Never Mess With A Luthor or My Family
Let Me Tell You About How the Sun loved the Moon
I'll Protect You... With All My Life
The Dream That Changed My Life Forever
Training With the Most Ruthless Assassins
I Just Don't Want to Get Involved
I Don't Care About Others. I Only Care About You
I Promise To Make You Mine and Mine Only
When I First Looked At You
Emily: Part 1
Let Me Show You What Is Mine
The Thing You Always Wanted: Pt 1
The thing You Always Wanted:Pt 2
The Thing You Always Wanted Part 3
A Trip to Midvale
The Time for Food and Love
Touchy Subjects and Pushing Buttons
Coming to Forgiveness and Making Things Right
Please : Part One
Please: Part Two
To Make a Kara Feel Better: Potstickers, Hot Chocolate, And a Lena Luthor Cuddle
Fight or Flight, Love or Hate, To Live or Die
I May Be An Idiot, But I'm the Luckiest Idiot In The Whole Entire World
An... Eventful Morning To Say The Least
A Day of Desserts and A Sexy, Jealous Lena Luthor
An Angel In The Darkness, Kara Becomes Strong Once More
Another Day Out, Along With The Wimp And The Sister
A Mother's Touch
Lena Luthor Being The Amazing Feminist, and Kara Being the Amazing Singer
Doubtful Thoughts And A Strong Reasurance
The Moment Eliza Will Never Forget: Part One
The Moment Eliza Will Never Forget: Part Two
An Infuriating Interview With The President
Reminces And Last Minute Wedding Preperations
The Happiest Moment For A Super And A Luthor
New Book?

Emily: Part 2

349 20 0
By ShinoAsuda465

Maggie POV:

I woke up before anyone else was awake, Alex was completely tired due to last night and Emily so she fell asleep right after me.

I made myself a black coffee and a whole wheat bagel and read the newspaper, I changed my clothes to a black t-shirt and a leather jacket and leggings with some boots.

I called off of work and stayed to watch Emily, Alex unfortunately couldn't so she still has to work. I made her some coffee and some cinnamon rolls with a apple. I walked over to Emily's room and I saw her snoring softly, she was still asleep and I didn't want to wake her. I saw Alex getting up and giving me a good morning kiss. I smiled lightly. She got a shower and gotten dressed in her sexy suit so she could be on time for work. I handed her breakfast and gave her a kiss before saying goodbye.

I cooked an omelet for Emily considering she would wake up in a couple minutes, I heard shuffling and she walked downstairs yawning.

"Morning Aunt Maggie" She said weakly, I put a fake smile on and greeted her back. I put the fresh omelet on a plate and got out two forks. I placed the omelet on the table and sat across from her.

"What's this?" She asked me.

"An omelet. Ham, turkey, tomato and basil. The perfect breakfast, eat." I said pointing to the fork with my fork.

"I'm not hungry." She said.

"Well you are now, eat." I said.

"No, I said I'm not hungry!" I sighed, rubbing my temples, this was what I was trying to avoid.

"Eat, please. I don't need you going on an empty stomach." I said.

"Not happening" She said determined, I sighed. Why does she have to be so stubborn? Ok Emily, two can play that game.

"Eat or I'll make you eat." I said walking toward her. I put a piece of the omelet in my fork and got it to her mouth, she shook her head. She got the fork and ate it. I smiled.

"There, happy?" She said sighing. I nodded.

"Yes, now can you tell me what happened last night?" She looked shocked.

" What about it." She asked.

"Why are you cutting yourself and starving, let's start with that" I asked curious.

"I want to be skinner." She said.

"But how far are you trying to go? There are better ways and your super smart and you know this." I said holding my hand to Emily's.

"It's my foster father, he came back  and we saw each other at a swim competition. He told me that he would take me away again if I hadn't did what I was asked of." She said choking back a sob, I felt instantly bad and pulled her into a hug. We both fell down and I had to hold something.

"Sweetie, what did he ask?" I said softly, stroking her hair to calm her down.

"He asked me to never forget my place, his submissive, his little slut! He told me that he would kill you all if I didn't have sex with him, that's why I was gone, not because of the competition. Then he told me to stop eating because I was a worthless, fat human being, he started beating me and I didn't do anything wrong! He said he would torture you and Felicity if I didn't come back skinny, I was trying not to say anything, it would have gotten you in danger. It's too much, make it stop please!" She said finally breaking down in tears. I hugged her even tighter, trying to soothe her heartbeat with loving words , rocking her back and forward, she cried softly until she went to sleep. I had called Alex.

"Hey cutie, what's wrong? Did Emily have another attack?!" She asked.

"No but I need you to come home, now. I know why." I said.

"I can't Maggie. As much as I would, Hanks sick and I need to train the new recruits, text me what she said and we'll go from there, I have to go, I love you." She said.

"I understand, I love you too" before I ended the call,Emily had woken up soon afterward, shooting up and having a minor panic attack.

"Hey, shh. Your okay, everything's fine." I whispered in her ear, rocking her back and forward.

"I'm sorry" She said softly while looking at her hands, I scoffed.

"You..." I kissed her hands softly"Have nothing to apologize for..' I kissed the deep scars.

"The god damn bastard did it" I heard a voice say, I turned around and I saw Lena, she looked pissed to the highest level of pisstivity. She hugged me and Emily in a strong embrace.

"Emily, why didn't you say something? We could have fixed it."Lena asked.

"The guy blackmailed her, it wasn't willingly." I said to her, she nodded.

"But we're making sure your eating for now on"We both said, she rolled her eyes.

" I'm not going to eat, end of story!" She said annoyed.

"Why?" I asked

She shrugged

" I asked you a direct question, why do this to your body?" I asked, tears streaming down my face, her face had softened.

"I-"She started, but I cut her off.

"And don't give me that bullshit about the first reason, that wasn't your reason, now tell me why" I asked.

"I'm punishing myself." She said, her head down with shame.

"Why punish yourself? , you didn't do anything wrong" Lena interjected.

"I get everyone hurt, even you."

Me and Lena looked at each other. Why is she saying this? She's never hurt anyone.

"When did you start?" I asked.

"6 months." I looked at Lena, it was the time she was adopted by Kara.

"Go upstairs" Lena said. Emily looked at me and I nodded, she walked up the stairs. We heard the door shut until I saw Lena sniffing, her beautiful white coat had tear stains, I pulled her in for a hug while she was crying.

"It's my fault!" Lena sobbed, I shook my head.

"It never was" I said, I kissed her forehead.

"I didn't even notice the signs, she kept this for so long!" She sobbed out.

"No one would've known, Lena look at me." I said.

"No one knew, if she didn't slip up like she did, she would still keep this in her head. She was being tortured in her head, no one would have known the difference,meaning it was no ones fault, ok?" I asked, she nodded.

"I don't even know anymore" She said sobbing, I sighed and pulled her closer to me.

"Mom?" Emily called out from the stairs, she walked down and hugged her by her side.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't even know that you cared." Emily said,

"Emily, you have a freaking village, people who love and care for you and would stand by you for anything, know that. And anyone who doesn't, will get a tiny Latina beat down." We all started laughing. I check my watch and it was nighttime, Lena was fast asleep and I called Kara saying that the both of them were staying the night with me.

"Mom?" Emily asked.

"Hmm?" She said as she sat up.

"Are we going to tell Kara?" She asked. We actually forgot about little Danvers.

"For the time being, no" I said calmly.

"Ok"Emily and Lena said in unison. Emily had pulled something out, it was a blade.

"NO!" Me and Lena said taking the blade.

"All you had to do was ask." Emily said.

"Why do you have this?" I asked.

"It's the thing I cut myself with in the bathroom, just wanted to see if you would keep it, so I wouldn't be tempted." I sighed in relief, good thing it's the only blade in the house.

"Ok, thank you"I said. She nodded. Lena went back to sleep.

" Aunt Maggie?" She said softly.

" Hmm?"

"Thank you"She said

"No, Thank me when you finish your inner battle, when it's finally over."

"Ok, love you" She smiled before sleep over took her.

"Love you too, my little warrior."

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