Jelsa || Protecting Her

By jelsa_lover123

49.4K 2K 880

The top number one spy at DreamWorks Spy Agency is Jack Overland Frost. He has always taken on every mission... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 16

1.1K 45 30
By jelsa_lover123


<<<ELSA'S POV>>>

I so badly want to take a stroll on the beach today but the weather has been atrocious! I don't want to be stuck indoors near Mr. Asshole either!

Lucky for me there was a library! I actually bought a couple books along with me to enjoy! The latest one I'm reading is The Last Anniversary by Liane Moriarty, she's a good author! Highly recommend her works to people who are like me and love to read.

I'm startled out of my thoughts by the doors to the library getting pushed open with strong force; it's the agent. I glare at him and he returns the favour, clear to say we don't like one another. He tosses me a cellphone, I catch it.

"Untraceable phone. Both your sister's numbers are on there and mine for emergencies." He informs.

He walks away. He is such a hard piece of work! What is his deal? What have I ever done to him? I've been in this house for three days and I feel my sanity slowly draining away. That idiot doesn't exactly help! I immediately call the contact under the name of Anna.

" Hello?" - Anna

"Hey, little sis!" - Elsa

"Elsa!" - Anna

"Hello. How's I guess you could say is going?" - Elsa

"It's fun! Little Princess Abigail has made a new friend!" - Anna

"Let me guess. Another animal?" - Elsa

"Bingo." - Anna

"Is it another bird?" - Elsa

"Nope!" - Anna

"Stray cat?" - Elsa

"No!" - Anna

"A snake?" - Elsa

"A snake? Are you crazy?! Wait...s-snakes aren't native to Norway, are they?" - Anna

"...No, just in the hills." - Elsa

"Elsa, Norway is hills!" - Anna

"Anyway! I give up! What animal is now her friend?" - Elsa

"A squirrel!" - Anna

"Seriously?" - Elsa

"Yup! Justin the squirrel. He's been coming back to play with her since she's been playing in the back garden." - Anna

"Lucky, Abigail. I've been indoors the entire time..." - Elsa

"Well you are the main target, Elsa." - Anna

"You don't even understand, the agent is a complete...idiot!" - Elsa

"Elsa, surely he isn't that bad!" - Anna

"No, you're right. He's worse." - Elsa

"That's just because you are so dismissive of men." - Anna

"For perfectly good reason! I'm being chased by a complete psychopath and now I'm being protected by an asshole. I don't need protecting!" - Elsa

"It's just tough cookies, sista! Maybe a romance will start out for the two of you...ooh! Can you name your child after me?!" - Anna

"Anna, have you lose your goddamn mind?! I hate the guy's guts and he hates mine! I'm not having any children anytime soon anyway!" - Elsa

"But why not? You're just a sour lemon." - Anna

"There's a sour lemon and then there's logic, Anna." - Elsa

"Sis, I get you're a scientist but logic? It doesn't always help you." - Anna

"Sure, it does! If you believe in logic and evolution, things happen." - Elsa

"Hans, you'll never guess what! Elsa is in love with the agent that she's been assigned to!...WHAT?!" - Anna

"Anna, I don't even remotely like him! He is an idiot and he's not that attractive." - Elsa

"Abigail! Elsa, I have to go. Abi just fell over, bye!" - Anna

I sigh as Anna put the phone down. Next to phone is Merida, I notice someone in the doorway. I drop the phone in a freight and the cold-hearted ass is wearing smart black formal pants and he us shirtless; this caused me to blush. I quickly retrieve the phone off the floor and call my sister Merida; she thankfully picks up within seconds!

"Elsa! How's your getaway?" - Merida

"It's okay. How are you?" - Elsa

"I'm doing good but umm...I have gossip for you." - Merida

"Do share, little sister!" - Elsa

"You call me little sister again and I'll hang this fucking phone up." - Merida

"No! Don't leave me!" - Elsa

"Is something wrong? You always test me with that and I do hang up but I reply eventually anyway. Are you okay?" - Merida

I gasp as the cold-hearted agent put his hand over my mouth and begins licking and kissing my neck. He removes his hand allowing me to talk.

"Y-Y-Y-Yeah, I'm g-good!" - Elsa

"Elsa Eliza Queen, what's the matter?! You're seriously scaring me!" - Merida

I gulp nervously and he gives me a look that I knew not to challenge. I take a deep breath and regain my composure.

"S-Sorry, I'm just on edge with everything..." - Elsa

He smirks and continues to kiss my neck, it gives me the chills as his hot breath comes into contact with my neck.

"I don't blame you, why are they even after you? What did you ever do to what's his face...Bitch Black? He sounds like a prison bitch." - Merida

Just as I was about to reply, the spy falls off the chair howling in laughter. I quickly end the call and glare at the agent who was in hysterical laughter on the floor.

"Bitch Black...a fucking prison bitch! I'm dying, I'm dying!" He laughs breathlessly.

He kisses my neck whilst I was over the phone to my sister, what's wrong with this guy?! He is mentally deranged?!

"What is wrong with you?!" I shout.

He stands up and wipes away his tears of laughter. He walks off leaving me completely dumbfounded, what just happened?! I did my best to ignore what just happened and started reading The Last Anniversary again. My mind keeps wandering back to the way the agent's hot breath on my neck and the tingling sensation as he planted kisses on my neck.

"Ignore it, Elsa. Just ignore it!" I scold myself.

I'm not going to play his game. He's a womaniser, he has that air about him that gives off a playboy sense. How am I going to cope with him around me for the next however long months?! Why didn't I push him away?! I feel so frustrated with myself! I should have pushed him off of me! But...why didn't I?

"I'm going to sleep!" I sigh in confusion.

I walk up the open staircase and walk to my room avoiding the cold-hearted monster. I don't know where he is and I don't want to! I jump into bed and fall asleep.

*Next day*

I'm cooking eggs and bacon. I suppose I'll have to make the agent breakfast too, I serve up breakfast and I feel hands on my hips then kisses on my neck. A strange sensation runs through my body, I couldn't describe it. I want feels so wrong but feels so right.

He disconnects his lips from my neck and nibbles my earlobe and whispers, "Just wait until you're screaming my name."

I bite my lip but my eyes were also wide in shock. Seriously?! He grabs his plate of breakfast and walks off. I can't let him keep doing that! That's how people with benefits start, I'm not having that! The phone begins ringing. Merida! I put her on loud speaker as I eat up my breakfast.

"Hey, Mer!" - Elsa

"Hey, Elsa. Do you know if Anna's awake yet?" - Merida

"Not that I know of, why? Is something wrong?" - Elsa

"I have no idea! Weird time difference." - Elsa

"...I think I know why she isn't answering now." - Merida

"Oh my God, Merida!" - Elsa

"What?!" - Merida

"Didn't you take a higher class for Geography too?" - Elsa

"I don't memorise all the fucking different time zones!" - Merida

"Language, Merida Sarah Queen!" - Elsa

"Scottish, Elsa Eliza Queen!" - Merida

"You are lucky that I'm in Hawaii and you're wherever you are!" - Elsa

"Wait, you're in Hawaii?!" - Merida

"Yup! Where are you?" - Elsa

"I'm in Scotland!" - Merida

"Brings back good memories that you locked away?" - Elsa

"Yeah! I spoke with Anna yesterday, she's in Norway again!" - Merida

I shiver. Norway...the lab...the lab that changed everything about me.

"Elsa? You still there?" - Merida

"L-Let's not talk about that, okay?" - Elsa

"What do you mean? Ever since everything that happened all those years ago, you still won't talk about what happened. Heck, you didn't even attend your own sister's wedding because of whatever happened!" - Merida

"It's none of your business, Merida!" - Elsa

"E--" - Merida

I end the call and throw the phone across the kitchen. I don't want to remember what happened...everything happened and it shouldn't have.

"I'm sorry, Mama..." I sob.

I look at my half full plate. I've lost my appetite. I throw the food into the bin and walk upstairs to the balcony; the view is beautiful as it looked over the beach. I stare up at the clear blue sky with sadness.

"If you can hear me, Mama. I'm shouldn't have done what you did for me!" I sob.

I remember what happened vividly, I've just never told anyone what happened that day...I suffered psychological torture after that day. His voice makes me jump out my skin.

"She shouldn't have done what?"

I put on my cold expression; don't let them know. They'll never understand; I can still hear it...I can feel the tears running down my face and the pain in my chest.

"None of your fucking business!" I hiss and barge past him.

He grunts and I noticed I had bumped into his bad arm. I gasp but quickly walk off into the kitchen; retrieving the phone off of the floor. I put it in my back pocket and lock myself away in my room.

"Elsa...d-do it."

"I-I can't! I can't..."

"They'll kill you if you don't, baby. I can't let you die."

"I can't do it!"

"Aww, both of them want a bullet in their brains!"

"N-No, please! Leave my daughter out of this!"

"Why should I?"

"She...she has the smarts that you need. She needs to learn her science! She'll be useful to you, you just need to let her free until she's become a scientist and done something great!"

"This isn't something to keep you alive, you know!"

"I'm not asking that. Shoot me, just spare my little girl."

I sob uncontrollably hugging my knees. I'll never forget her, why didn't she just accept that fact that I was going to die anyway? I would have died happily with her...I didn't ask for any of this!

"If I could reverse time, I would have faked being ill and maybe you wouldn't have gone to the lab that day..." I sob.

I so badly want her back. I can remember hearing that taunting sound and the gun; it was a Benelli model...the gun that killed my Mama.

"I could have shot that bastard...y-you didn't deserve to die." I sob.

Even after all these years; I was still grieving...hard. I'm the only one that knows what happened to her; the full story anyway. Autopsy confirmed that she was tortured and beaten before being...shot in the head. I witnessed it all happen. I wish I hadn't; it was so messed up.

<<<JACK'S POV>>>

Me and my mind games are fun. I'll wait for her to snap and come to me; she'll be fun to play with. It's not like Tooth is a call away; she's a good couple hundred miles away overseas. I'm actually kind of glad as she was getting way too clingy which I didn't like at all.

"I should really go and wash up my plate," I shrug.

I don't like it when there are plates and dirty dishes laying around. It's like a peeve I have. I wash my plate up. Everything is out of place.

I look at the wall and notice that some of the knives had fallen. Did she throw something? I had better go and ask her, hadn't I? I walk around and come to a halt as I hear sobbing. I see her standing there, her head tilted up looking at the sky.

"If you can hear me, Mama...I'm shouldn't have done what you did for me!" She sobs.

Mama? She's talking about her Mother but...what exactly did her Mother do for her? Now that I think of it I remember to the house and how she wasn't around. Didn't Adgar say his wife died? Maybe I should ask Manny for the file?

"She shouldn't have done what?" I ask.

I watch her whole body tense up then I watch as her fists clench. She turns around and she has a cold expression; she's doing what I do...putting on a cold-hearted act.

"None of your fucking business!" She yells and barging past me.

I grunt in pain as the impact quickly rushes to my arm. She stops momentarily but quickly takes off as fast as she could. I have to know what is up with her; she's hiding something. I walk to my room and dial Manny's number.

"Agent Winter. Pleasant surprise, what can I do for you?" - Manny

"I need a file." - Jack

"What file do you want to access?" - Manny

"I want to access a file on Adgar Queen's wife." - Jack

"Idun Queen? Why would that be beneficial?" - Manny

"There is something that Miss. Queen isn't telling us. I can see the look in her eyes, she knows something." - Jack

"I'm sending the file to the computer." - Manny

"Thanks, Manny." - Jack

I put the phone down and I walk down the stairs and into the library. For some reason, the computer is in the library which I don't like. Prying eyes can be anywhere and at anytime.

"Let's see what you're hiding shall we, Elsa Queen." I say to myself.


Hi guys 😊 New chapter! 😁 I'm so sorry, school is taking up all of my time 😔 But I'll be leaving school next year June and updates may happen more regularly! 😁🎊🎉 Now for the big questions! 😱 What isn't Elsa telling about Idun's death? 😱🤔 What will Jack discover? 🤔 What could Elsa's flashback be about?! 😱 I hope you enjoyed ☺️



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