You're My Daydream- Book 2

By ShinoAsuda465

20.8K 894 115

"Could we still live this life, our life together as one?" Lena asked, kissing the nape of my neck. "Why are... More

Morning Interviews and Meeting new People
The Realization Of What's To Happen
Never Mess With A Luthor or My Family
Let Me Tell You About How the Sun loved the Moon
I'll Protect You... With All My Life
The Dream That Changed My Life Forever
Training With the Most Ruthless Assassins
I Just Don't Want to Get Involved
I Promise To Make You Mine and Mine Only
When I First Looked At You
Emily: Part 1
Emily: Part 2
Let Me Show You What Is Mine
The Thing You Always Wanted: Pt 1
The thing You Always Wanted:Pt 2
The Thing You Always Wanted Part 3
A Trip to Midvale
The Time for Food and Love
Touchy Subjects and Pushing Buttons
Coming to Forgiveness and Making Things Right
Please : Part One
Please: Part Two
To Make a Kara Feel Better: Potstickers, Hot Chocolate, And a Lena Luthor Cuddle
Fight or Flight, Love or Hate, To Live or Die
I May Be An Idiot, But I'm the Luckiest Idiot In The Whole Entire World
An... Eventful Morning To Say The Least
A Day of Desserts and A Sexy, Jealous Lena Luthor
An Angel In The Darkness, Kara Becomes Strong Once More
Another Day Out, Along With The Wimp And The Sister
A Mother's Touch
Lena Luthor Being The Amazing Feminist, and Kara Being the Amazing Singer
Doubtful Thoughts And A Strong Reasurance
The Moment Eliza Will Never Forget: Part One
The Moment Eliza Will Never Forget: Part Two
An Infuriating Interview With The President
Reminces And Last Minute Wedding Preperations
The Happiest Moment For A Super And A Luthor
New Book?

I Don't Care About Others. I Only Care About You

455 22 6
By ShinoAsuda465

A/N/Trigger Rape/ Felicity in the pic

Emily POV:
Because Supergirl and I were running late because we slept over , I was running the hall with a white shirt with jeans and a swim jacket and I bumped minto my worst enemy, Isabella. I rolled my eyes and walked past, she swiftly grabbed my arm. I gasped at the contact, she bent down and pushed me up to a locker, she checked the hallway to see if anyone was there, I looked at her in shock she snarled at me and roughly kissed me, taking my clothes off, I felt her unzipping my pants and leaving me in my underwear,we heard footsteps. She pulled my hair roughly and smirked, obviously proud of her work. Which wasn't much but hey, let her be a dumbass bitch.

" Now, learn from this to never break up with me. Get to class sweetie." She whispered in my ear, she got up , dusted herself off and walked to class.

I put my knees to my chest and sobbed, it was never like this with Isabella, she would hit me a little , no scratch that a lot but it was all for good reason. After a good couple minutes of sobbing I had finished getting dressed and I went to class. I looked at my watch and started running to my new class, I made it just in the nick of time and the teacher wasn't even there yet.

I walked towards my best friend and we sat down in the middle. We talked about pretty much everything that we could. But then the door slammed shut, we all jumped and sat right in our seats. She must be the new Spanish teacher. She put her bag down and walked over to me near the middle. She was Felicity. I insanely registered her features when she walked in, blonde hair, gray eyes, beautiful skin that I like to bite, occasionally.

But why is she teaching here? Oh right the mission! We had a to keep an eye on the school "Ms. Factor to leave due to a emergency with family so I will be filling in for her for the rest of the year." The beautiful Latina voice said sharply.

I looked at her and she smirked at me, now I was in trouble for real after sleeping when she wanted to talk to me about Isabella. I felt my face downward on the table.

"Emily, after class stay here. I need to talk to you." She said with a worried look on her face. I nodded while she was teaching us the lesson, Ally looked at me with the same expression on her face, she handed me a piece of paper.

A: What's wrong?
E: Isabella, she. She confronted me and did something.
A: She didn't, did she?
E: No she stopped before she did anything else, she needed to go back to class and she heard someone .
A: Sweetie why didn't you say something?
E: I, I'll tell you later.

I gave her back the note and she had tears in her eyes, I rubbed her hand until class was over.

~Felicity Smoak POV

I slammed the door in anger, I just saw Emily almost get raped by her ex and now I have to start teaching her class, I had wrote my name on the board and turned around so they could see what I looked like. All the boys had a boner. I wish I hadn't say I'm doing high school but Emily was the youngest because she was 13.

" That's my name. You may proceed on to page 89 of your Textbook. "

I looked over at Emily and she had her head on the table.

"Emily" I said with my Cuban accent. " Stay after class, I need to speak with you." I said with a worried look on my face.

One of the popular white girls had raised her hand, interrupting me working and looking at my girlfriend, mostly my girlfriend but hey I was working.

"What bitch?" I mumbled the last part.

" I need help with the last part, if you don't mind." She said in a fake voice, I rolled my eyes and looked over to a boy. I gave a slight smile.

"There's only a couple minutes left, you should have asked earlier, just put it on the table and I'll look at it later." She nodded and walked down to my desk, she put the paper down. When she got to her desk the bell had rung significantly that it was my last class.

I walked over to Ally and smiled.

" Now it's just the three of us, what going on? " I asked worried. Ally looked over at Emily.

" It's not my place to say." Ally said as she got her things and hugged Emily. I looked at her with a sad smile. It was the two of us. Emily started crying, I pulled her into a hug.

"Porcupine, I need to know what's wrong. " I said as I kissed her forehead. She stopped crying and wrote it down. It had one word that had pissed me off.


I got up and walked over to the principals office with Emily right in my tail. I stopped and called Oliver. He was pissed too and was already on the way. I went to the dumb bitch who hired Isabella. I went past the receptionist after she tried to stop me.

"What the hell is your problem?" I asked with Oliver right behind me. The principal looked over, with a worried look along with Isabella. I looked over at her and slapped her. I grabbed her blouse and pinned her on the desk. I pointed to blood stains on her shirt.

"The teacher who you had just hired, raped one of my students and I had witnessed it. The principal who's name I didn't know because I was so pissed off looked at me.

"Who?" She asked

"Emily, Emily Danvers. I know the family and I know they would press charges along with the school. I have evidence proving that my student didn't do anything wrong but tell me and her friend. I have the whole thing on camera." I passed her my phone, he looked at it, then handed it back.

"She didn't do anything "She said bluntly.

"WHAT! Are you blind you bobo?, ay! She was touched inappropriately by her teacher none the less and your going too let this slide? " I asked her. She nodded.

"If I don't get any physical evidence from Emily that she was allegedly raped, then Emily is suspended for lying and being a lesbian showing that she didn't stop Ms. Carson."

"Emily, Oliver. Please leave." They both nodded. I sighed and stood up.

" Are you serious? " I asked softly. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!!" I yelled " Ms. Carson should be the one in trouble, she raped someone! Not Emily! She has no right to be expelled just because she's a lesbian! Schools don't care about sexuality! They care about their education! Their life's! If you don't arrest this person for rape the I will do it myself! Oh, and one more thing I quit! "After that I was cursing everything in Spanish to her. I took a deep breath and slammed the door, making it break. I walked over to Emily hugging her.

Why-Why did you do that? " she stuttered out, I giggled.

" Because I don't care about anything else, I only care about you and if that means quitting my job than so be it. "
I smiled.

We walked out and we got into my car while Oliver said he would meet us at the house. Emily had fallen asleep on my side and I stroked her hair.

" I love you mi amor" I said softly.

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