Unspoken Words[COMPLETE]

By silentsuga

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"It's not the words you did say, it's about the words you didn't". *Unedited* More

Unspoken Words
//29// ****


117 6 0
By silentsuga

I was just about to get out of the car when my phone buzzed.

"Where the hell did you go? ~Z "

I threw my phone in the back and ran to the house. "Ma'am please we need you to step back."

"Last time I checks I lived here." I scoffed pushing past the officer. "Dammit, where's my fucking family!" I yelled.

"Kaelin, over here!" I heard my mum holler from my dad's black pick up.

"Mom! Oh that god your okay! Where's Javelin?" I asked throwing my arms around her into a hug.

"S-She's gone." Gone? What did she mean?

"W-What do you m-mean?" My bottom lip quivered as my mom pulled away.

"She's gone. They took her." Tears spilled from her tired blue eyes.

"They? Who's they?" My mum sniffled.

"Cambree was watching Javelin while I was out and the people who robbed us knocked her out and took Javelin." Her voice cracked at the end and tears spilled even more.

"Mum, I will find here, It'll be the first thing i'll do." I said wrapping her into a tight hug.

"Thank you honey." I nodded placing a kiss into of her gray hair. Who ever took my fricken sister is going fucking down! They will not live to see another Fucking Christmas ever again!

{Niall POV}

"What do you mean, her house got fucking robbed?" Zayn asked.

"We were watching Harry then he fell asleep so we decided to watch TV and it said her house has gotten robbed."

"Who's house got robbed?" Harry said his voice raspy and still full of sleep.

"Kaelin's- now Niall why the fuck did she leave you here!" Zayn was beyond pissed and Harry was shocked. My first instinct was to run for food so I followed my head, well more like my stomach. "Niall where the fuck?" Zayn hollered but I didn't stop running, and he didn't chase me! PRAISE THE LORD!

{Harry POV}

"I need to leave." I told the blond nurse tending my wounds. "Like now."

"I'm sorry Mr. Styles-" she began but like an ass, i cut her off.

"Harry, and I don't care I need to leave." She rolled her eyes.

"You cant now be quite and let me fix up your cuts." i chuckled.

"Attitude much." She rolled her eyes and went back to work. Once she had left I decided to text Kaelin.

"Hey I heard you house got robbed, is everything okay? ~Harry"

I laughed at bit at how fast she responded but my laughter faded with her words.

"No. Javelin got kidnapped"

I'm gunna fucking kill who ever took her.

"Holy fuck! I need to get out of here and help you!~ Harry"

"Harry stop texting and sleep you need to get as much rest as you can!" Zayn scolded.

"Javelin got kidnapped." Zayn's mouth fell open. "Close your mouth, you'll catch a fly."

"Are you serious!" Zayn exclaimed walking to my bedside. "Like really!"

"Would you think id lie about this?" He shrugged. "Well wake up because I'm not. I need out if here Zayn and your gunna help me."

{Javelin POV}

"Your gunna be a good girl and listen to us, okay?" I nodded slowly.

"Where are we?" I asked, the women chuckled.

"Curiosity killed the cat sweetie." With that I was shoved into a black truck.

"I wanna go home!" I cried. "I want my mummy!"

"Shut up or i'll kill you right now!" A voice yelled. I didn't want to die so I kept quite. Why did these mean people take me from my mummy? Where are they taking me?


EDITED: JULY 23 (1D anniversary!!!)

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