Addicted [Norminah] DISCONTI...

By norminahskordei

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Normani can't live without Dinah Dinah can't function without Normani They're ADDICTED to one another.... Din... More



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By norminahskordei

"Good morning lovebirds!" Ashley said to Dinah and Normani as they sleepily walk into the kitchen.

They were up all night talking about this possible pregnancy.

Today Dinah was gonna go to the store to buy some pregnancy tests for Normani to take, and if they came out positive, they would make a doctor's appointment to be sure.

They have learned from their mistakes because last time they had a pregnancy scare, they only took one test and it came out positive, but they didn't know for sure because they didn't make a doctor's appointment until after they told their parents. And after the doctor's visit, they were all informed that they weren't pregnant after all. Which led to the 17 year old and the 19 year old being scolded in the backseat of Normani's grandmother's car.

After that, they learned how to be careful.

But last night was so intense and a lot was going on in their lives, so that caused them to slip up this time.

The young couple was up all night wracking their brains trying to figure out how this happened. One of them had to slip up weeks before this because she couldn't have gotten pregnancy symptoms within ten minutes.

They even argued a bit, blaming one another, until they apologized and talked it out a bit more. Normani swore up and down that she knew how her body worked and that she was in fact, pregnant.

But Dinah convinced her to have hope, that it was the opposite. The couple had always decided on waiting to have children, and getting married first. Now was definitely not the time that they were expecting, but it's something that they will need to discuss more about. She thought back to all of the times that they didn't use a condom. To all of the times they did use one.

She couldn't remember not once that the condom broke, or that she didn't pull out. But it didn't mean that it never happened.

It was all nerve wracking for them and too stressful for them to sleep. So they came up with a plan for the next day, and decided that they would go from there. After coming to this decision, they held each other silently as their thoughts took over.

"You guys were loud as hell! What happened to not having sex in my house again Mani?" Lauren teased.

Dinah took a seat in a chair at the long glass dinner table. Shaking her head and smiling at her girlfriend's bestfriend.

Normani rolled her eyes as she sat on Dinah's lap.

"Damn, you can't sit in your own chair now? She must really have you whipped, girl!" Lauren continued.

Halsey stuck a piece of toast in her girlfriend's mouth to mute her loud laughing , and hit her shoulder. "Leave them alone, babe"

"Yeah, leave us alone. I don't say shit about all of the times you brought Halsey into our dorm every Wednesday night"

Lauren just took a bite out of the toast and shrugged.

Dinah laughed, "you guys used to be loud."

Ashley blushed and hid herself behind Lauren, wrapping her arms around her, before the dark haired woman started swaying back and forth.

"That's why I'm glad we moved out, and you dropped out" she said referring to Normani leaving during her sophomore year in college. " I thought your parents were gonna kill you" Lauren said, chewing her toast loudly.

"I did too" Normani mumbled looking down.

The three other women noticed this and stayed silent.

"Hey, I guess you guys are back together?" Halsey tried to confirm, and also changing the subject.

Dinah and Normani both smiled, the younger girl leaning forward to give her girlfriend a kiss. A peck turns into 3 more before they pull away. They pull back from one another with big smiles on their faces.

"Awww" Lauren and Halsey cooed. They didn't like it when their friends fought, which was rarely ever. And they loved seeing them happy. They would always go on double dates and have fun together, and that little break didn't just affect Normani and Dinah, it affected them too. So of course they were happy to hear the moans and screams under the shower water, and even more excited to see them enjoying each other's faces again.

Well not so much from Halsey because she'd rather not hear that but Lauren was left grinning all night.

Lauren liked hearing them because she's a creep and likes to watch them do stuff in front of her....Not to mention that she lives for Norminah.

Normani gave Dinah another peck as she heard Lauren and Halsey trying to whisper about them in the kitchen.

Dinah blushed when she heard Halsey and Lauren talking about how whipped they were for each other. But it was true, she would do anything for Normani.

But now things might not be about Normani, or her. They might have a baby on the way soon. And soon their life would be all about the baby. And Dinah would do anything for that baby.

Speaking of the baby...

"We have to go and get ready, so we can start our day" Normani spoke up, looking at the couple in the kitchen as they hold on to one another. They were talking about something before the darker girl interrupted. "We can't stay for breakfast, but put some jelly or butter on that toast Lauren. Toast bout dry as fuck."

Dinah laughed at this and hid her smile behind Normani's back.

Halsey pulled back and went to make more toast, this time she put some jelly on them.

Lauren picked up an orange and nodded. "We'll see you guys later"

Normani nodded at her bestfriend, standing from her girlfriend's lap. She walked up the stairs as Dinah slowly followed.

"Hey Dinah" Lauren stopped her before going up the stairs.

"Yeah?" Dinah asked, confused. Like I said before, Dinah and Lauren barely talked if Normani wasn't around.

"What time do you guys think you'll be back?"

"Uh, probably around 5 or so. Why?" Dinah asked curiously.

Lauren nodded and walked over to the tall polynesian. "I was thinking that we could all hang out later. I'm gonna invite some friends and we'll just play video games and smoke", Noticing the look on Dinah's face, she had to rephrase her sentence. "I meant for the people who actually smoke."

Dinah nodded and agreed. After discussing the plans for this evening, she went upstairs to their room to find some clothes.

After they were all dressed, they headed out the house, and into the car. Their first stop was to go check on their house and make sure that everything could be replaced, and by what certain time. The next stop was to go get the pregnancy tests. Last stop was the easiest, getting food. And then they would be on their way home.


"Yes....yes...Sure, no problem...alright talk to you later. Thanks, bye." Normani said, on the phone with her boss.

He had heard about the news and given her the next three days off of work to help get herself back on her feet.

Dinah told her parents what happened to their house, and they obviously tried to get them to stay at their place until they bought a new house or apartment. But she quickly declined.

The young couple talked some more earlier and they decided that it would help if Dinah got a job to help pay for a new place.

So she was going to start looking for one whenever she got a chance to. It didn't have to be right away, as long as it was soon and Normani was fine with that.

Dinah was currently downstairs with the rest of the group of friends, while Normani was upstairs debating on if she should take the tests now...or wait for Dinah.

But the taller girl was having so much fun downstairs that Normani didn't know if she could even get her upstairs for something serious.

Lauren, Halsey and their friends were drinking, smoking and playing video games while Dinah watched on the side, waiting for her turn and just as sober as can be.

She watched all of the illegal activity going on in the living room as she waited for her girlfriend... And for her turn to beat Hoko's ass in 2k16. (In my opinion, it's better than 2k17 so...)

And after a few minutes of battling her thoughts, she got up from the chair and walked over to the staircase, just to be met with the older girl.

"Hey" Dinah said, wrapping an arm around Normani, pulling her closer.

"Hey" Normani said a little too dry for her girlfriend's liking.

Dinah frowned, "Baby, what's wrong?"

Normani just shook her head and walked over to the couch, taking a seat.

The talk blonde tried to ignore this and followed her, sitting next to her on the end of the couch. She scanned the side of Normani's face, making sure she was okay before turning her head to the tv.

"Hey Mani, do you want a shot?" A very drunk Keanna asked.

"Nope, she's fine" Dinah declined quickly, earning weird looks from a few people.

"Um...alright" Keanna shrugged and threw back another shot.

Normani shifted uneasily in her seat, uncomfortable. "Normani, are you alright?" Dinah asked. Normani nodded but her girlfriend wouldn't take that so she put her fingers under her chin, making her face her now. "Mani, what's wrong? Forreal..." She whispered.

The older girl sighed and looked down, only for her head to be lifted up again by Dinah. "I just wanna take the tests so this could all be over with. I'm sick of worrying, I wanna know now."

Dinah nodded and grabbed her hand, taking her upstairs to their room that they were currently staying in, thanks to their friends. She grabbed the pregnancy tests off of the bed and went into the bathroom. Their hands never disconnecting.

"Here take these." Dinah said to Normani in a nervous breath.

Normani obeyed and went to take all 3 tests.

"Are they done yet?" Dinah asked after 20 minutes of waiting. Normani stopped biting her nails and looked up at her girlfriend.

"Huh? Oh yeah, they were done a while ago. I was just nervous so I forgot." Normani stated.

Dinah rolled her eyes and went to check the tests.

First one...positive
Second one... negative
Third and last one... positive

"Holy shit" Dinah mumbled.

Normani chewed on her nails again as she watched her girlfriend stare at the pregnancy tests. "What is it?"

Dinah shook her head as she...smiled? Why was she smiling, Normani thought.

"I think we're pregnant " Dinah whispered because if she talked any louder, her voice would crack as she tried to hold back the tears.

"What?" Normani asked lowly. She blinked repeatedly and began to pace slowly. "What are we gonna do, Dinah?"

Dinah smiled and shook her head. "I don't know, but I'm putting this on snapchat."

Normani frowned as her girlfriend made her take a selfie with her, holding up a pregnancy test in her hand.

Great now everyone is gonna know. We aren't even sure yet, Normani thought.

I promise that their won't be too much drama caused by this baby, but their might be drama due to other things going on in their lives because...thats how life works unfortunately. Sorry for any errors💜

It's been Five whole years bruh😢❤

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