X Syn X (Illumi) Hunter X Hun...

By XxScarletMaidenxX

637K 21.1K 9.7K

My name is Syn...Syn Zoldyck... property of the Zoldyck family and wife to their eldest son, Illumi... New Co... More

X Chapter One X
X Chapter Two X
X Chapter Three X
X Chapter Four X
X Chapter Five X
X Chapter Six X
X Chapter Seven X
X Chapter Eight X
X Chapter Nine X
X Chapter Ten X
X Chapter Eleven X
X Chapter Thirteen X
X Chapter Fourteen X
X Chapter Fifteen X
X Chapter Sixteen X
X Chapter Seventeen X
X Chapter Eighteen X
X Chapter Nineteen X
X Chapter Twenty X
X Chapter Twenty One X
X Chapter Twenty Two X
X Chapter Twenty Three X
X Chapter Twenty Four X
X Chapter Twenty Five X
X Chapter Twenty Six X
X Chapter Twenty Seven X
X Chapter Twenty Eight X

X Chapter Twelve X

22.4K 786 225
By XxScarletMaidenxX

Syn- Age 19

Illumi- Age 23

Killua- 11



Milluki(there's potentially 2.5 people who care, though one has made it abundantly clear that they only care about the anime collection)- 18

               "Nee-sama, are you okay?" Killua cringed sympathetically as I'd just been sent flying through four trees, before the garden wall broke my fall, courtesy of Illumi. It was my fault for spacing out and instinctively trying to block his attack when I should have dodged.

               Nothing felt broken. There were some cuts and scrapes lining my arms legs and even a few on my torso, my ribs felt bruised but nothing too serious, which meant Illumi had been going easy on me. Sighing, I staggered to my feet before throwing Killua a reassuring smile, "I'm okay."

               Illumi appeared at my side in an instant, startling me and nearly causing me to topple back over. He lightly caught me by the arm, steadying me as he quickly scanned me over. After deciding I wasn't in any need of immediate medical attention, he frowned, "You were distracted."

               "And, you were holding back." I pointed.

               Illumi stared at me blankly for a moment, "What's distracting you?"

               My face reddened and I cast my gaze downward fearing he'd be able to read me like a book if I looked him in the eye, "N-nothing."

               "Go home." Illumi ordered me softly as he lightly nudged me in the direction of the mansion.

               "What? We're not done-."

               "If you're distracted you're only going to get hurt." He cut me off and sent me on my way with another slightly more forceful nudge.

               It was futile to try and argue with him. Sighing, I waved goodbye to Killua and retreated to the west wing. With every step, my body started to ache more and more. A crisp breeze swept past me sending a chill down my spine, it was almost winter, the leaves on the trees had already changed and fallen leaving the trees bare. All the wildlife had begun preparations for hibernation.

               Illumi and I had been married for nearly a year now, and though we shared a living space, I saw less of him than before. When he wasn't away for a contract he stayed in one of the guest rooms in our suite or slept on the sofa in front of the fireplace. He really only spoke to me when we were training. I made it to our living quarters with little trouble, as I got to the stairs my ribs began to ache and breathing became difficult.

               Crawling to the loft, as it was a struggle to stay upright, I somehow managed to drag myself to the master bathroom. Shakily I got to my feet before peeling off my loose fitted shirt and winced as I caught sight of my reflection in the mirror, my ribs were black and purple. I twisted slightly so I could see my back and nearly crumpled to the floor as a wave of agony rippled through me, I caught a quick glimpse of my back and swore under my breath. There was a large tree splinter embedded in my lower right side just under my ribs, my shirt had been covering it up, so Illumi hadn't noticed it.

               My fingers trembled as I reached behind me and tried to get a grip on the large splinter. I took a deep breath as I got my hand around it and wrenched it out wincing at the sickening suction-like squishing and popping sound that came with it. Once the splinter was dislodged, blood streamed from the wound profusely, spilling down my back and side. In seconds, it was pooling around my feet. Scrambling for the first aid kit as I began to feel light headed, I attempted to find something to stop the blood flow. My fingers were trembling and the edges of my vision were beginning to blur.  I left a trail of bloody footprints all over the pristine marble floor of the master bathroom.

               I stuffed some gauze in the wound hoping it would slow the blood flow before stumbling to the bathtub and filling it with cold water. The cold water would cause vasoconstriction and slow the blood flow. It was impossible for me to try and stitch the wound on my own, I couldn't reach. Once the tub was full I dunked myself in, still in my black panties and black sports bra. A gasp escaped me as my body was submerged in the frigid water. My vision began to fade as I allowed myself to slip beneath the surface of the icy water. It was comforting, cold, but peaceful, like I was being swaddled in a blanket made of snow. I allowed myself to drift from consciousness.

               In the back of my mind I could hear the sound of rushing fluid and water splashing everywhere as I felt strong arms envelope me, dragging me from the comfort of the icy bath. "Syn?" That sounded like Illumi. Why was he here? "SYN!" Someone was shaking me.

               My eyes fluttered open and I blinked rapidly a few times trying to get my eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness. I chanced a glance to the person holding me and felt my heart stutter in my chest as I was met with a pair of dark worry filled eyes. "Illumi-sama?"

               "What happened?" He asked softly as he hurriedly wrapped me in about a dozen towels before carrying me to the bedroom.

               "I wasn't as okay as I thought." I mumbled half coherently as the room began to spin with all the jostling and moving.

               "Why were you in the bath?"

               "I thought it would slow the bleeding enough." I shivered, pulling the mound of towels more securely around myself in an attempt to get warm.

               "That was stupid." He noted tonelessly.

               "I didn't want to be an inconvenience." I murmured as I closed my eyes. It was too bright.

               "You dying would be inconvenient."

               "Would it?" My voice came out dejected and vulnerable.

               His hand wrapped around my neck urging a gasp from my lips. My heart pounded in my chest as he tightened his grip, crushing my windpipe. Uselessly I swatted at him trying to break his hold on me as a wave of terror and panic washed over me. My lungs burned in my chest as they struggled to fill with oxygen. He was going to strangle me.

               "Don't." He hissed darkly before releasing me from his hold, leaving me coughing and gasping for breath, before walking away.

               I'd made him angry. Was it all because I didn't think my death would be that much of an inconvenience to anyone? Wouldn't Illumi be better off without me?

               He returned after a moment with my first aid trunk and silently set to work, roughly turning me so I was lying on my stomach, and proceeded to clean out and stitch up the wound on my back. Once he was finished with his task he turned and headed for the stairs.

               Tears welled in my eyes as I watched him disappear down the stairs. "Illumi-sama?" I called after him my voice cracked as a single tear slipped from my hold.

               He didn't respond.

               A few more tears slipped from my hold and I bit my lip to keep from crying. My heart hurt. Why did I have to let my own stupid insecurities get the better of me? If I had just kept my mouth shut he wouldn't be mad. But, I truly felt as if I didn't matter, I had no idea how he felt about me and it drove me mad.

               As I was on the verge of a mental break, I jumped as I heard something clunk atop my nightstand and turned to find a vase filled with beautiful blooms. Illumi stared down at me with a frown.

               "You're crying." He pointed.

               I hurriedly wiped away my tears and struggled for composure, "I'm fine."

               Illumi stared at me blankly, he looked like he wanted to say something but thought better of it. "You should sleep." He stated simply and turned to leave again.

               "Illumi-sama?" My voice wavered as I called after him and my heart skipped a beat as he paused and turned to me. "How do you feel about me?" I asked him tentatively fearing the response.

               He stared at me for a long moment, his face an expressionless mask, "Sleep." He ordered me simply before turning and heading down the stairs.

               I felt my heart begin to crumble in my chest and bit my lips as a fresh wave of tears began to fall.

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