Unspoken Words[COMPLETE]

By silentsuga

6.4K 257 65

"It's not the words you did say, it's about the words you didn't". *Unedited* More

Unspoken Words
//29// ****


167 12 2
By silentsuga

The walls were closing in. There was no where to run, or go. I felt like I was gunna die. Soon I started choking on a liquid in my throat, it tasted like iron; Blood.

I felt warm hands wrap around my waist. Holding me tighter, tighter and tighter, till I couldn't breath.

"Shh. Your safe, shh." My eyes felt heavy then the man let me go and I fell, and fell and....

I shot up my face and palms were sweating like crazy.

"Phew, just a dream." I mumbled. But it all felt so real. I shook my head to rid of the thoughts and went back to sleep.


"Kaelin, wake up." My mum said, shaking me a bit. "Common honey." I rolled outta bed- no literally, I rolled onto the floor, it hurt.

"Mum, what's for breakfast?" My mum giggled helping me up.

"What ever you make, I gotta head out to work." Why does she have to work-wait,when did she get a job?

"Ugh, common mum." I went to grab her arm but she was gone, without another word.

I walked down the faintly lighted hallway to the kitchen. Like my mum said, there was no warm breakfast waiting for me. I was about to wake up Javelin when a knock came at the door.

"Please don't be Harry, please- oh hey Cambree." She gave me a warm smile.

"I'm to to watch Javelin." I nodded letting her in. She disappeared down the hallway to Javelin's room without another word. I was about to follow her but my phone vibrated.

New text from: Louis

"Hey, are we still on for today?"

I had almost for about mine and Louis' plans today.

New text to: Louis

"Yea, I'm gunna get dressed. I'll meet you at the coffee place."

With that I ran to get dressed. I threw on some shorts, just pain denim, a crop top and my old vanź. My hair was a wild mess so I just put it up into some sort of a bun and called it good.

"Um Cambree I'm going out, um so yea bye." She nodded as I ran out the door.


"Hey Louis." I said joining him at the table by the first set of windows.

"Hey, how was your day so far?" I giggled slipping out of my jacket.

"Good, yours?" He flashed me a heart melting smile.

"We don't really wanna talk about this." I nodded. "Would you like to leave? It's kinda stuffy here."

"I guess so." He nodded as I put on my jacket. After I followed him out to the streets.

"Zayn's party is tonight." I nodded. "Your still going, right?"

"Yea, why wouldn't I?" He shrugged.

"I don't know." We walked in silence for awhile, until we reached the park.

"Would you like to sit?" He motioned to a bench, i kindly took the spot and he took the one next to me. "So, um, this is awkward."

"Yea just a bit- but it'll get better we just need to um... Hang out more, yeah if we-" I began, but I was interrupted by Louis' soft lips being place on mine. I didn't even realize what he was doing till I started to kiss back. Quickly I came to my senses an pulled away causing him to frown.

"Louis I'm sorry. We're only ever gunna be friends." He nods as I shoot him an apologetic smile and walk away.


Once safely back in my bed i decide to shoot Zayn a text.

Text to: Zany

"Hey Zayn, um about he party tonight i don't really think I can."

I was surprised at how quick Zayn responded.

From: Zany

"No,no,no. Your coming! I'll be picking you up at 8, BE READY!"

I sighed looking at my clock. Seven- forty five. "Shit." After I was dressed in a 'party' outfit i decide to watch some tv.

"SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS! WHO LIVES IN A PINEAPPLE UNDER THE SEA? SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS!" I didn't get to finish cuz a knock came from the door.

"You ready?" Zayn asked once id whipped open the door.

"You interrupted my spongebob episode." I said, pretending to pout.

"Oh common you can watch as much spongebob you can handle when the party's over." I sighed following him out the door.

"Your gunna pay." He just chuckled driving off.


"Where are we?" I asked as we pulled up to a beautiful mansion.

"My Uncles, he lets me use it for my party's." I nodded getting out of the car. "Last time i check skinny jeans and a Rolling Stones T-Shirt doesn't count as party clothes." I chuckled.

"Don't forget the white converse." He shook his head as we walked up the brick path.

"Oh I have one last friend id like you to meet, common." Zayn grabbed my hand pulling me threw crowds of people till we reached Zayn's friend.

"Harry, meet Kaelin." Hold up did he just say? Harry?

"H- Kaelin? W-Why are you here?" Harry asked, Zayn looking at both of us with a confused manner.

"Zayn invited me, why are you here?" Zayn gulped.

"Harry is this the Kaelin." Harry nodded.

"I'm Zayn's best friend." I turned to Zayn crossing my arms.

"Oh so my ex is your best friend and you didn't have the pride to tell me?" He rubbed the back of his neck.

"I didn't know you were his Kaelin."

"I'm not his." I scoffed, causing Louis to chuckle. Wait when did he join us?

I turned on my heel to leave, but Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me into his warm chest.

"Forgive me." Before I could speak he pulled me into a kiss. Our lips moved into sync. It all felt perfect but then I came back and shoved him off causing him to frown.

"Never." I turned and ran for the hills. Why did I let him kiss me? What has gotten into me! I hate Harry, and I always will! Right?

{Harrys POV}

I went back to the boys, I thought about chasing Kaelin but I knew she'd like some space, She always liked her space. Ugh god I miss her!

"And I kissed her." I heard Louis say.

"Wait you kissed Kaelin?!" Zayn exclaimed, Louis nodded.

"You what!" I didn't wait for him to answer before I tackled him to the ground hurdling several punches into his face, stomach, ect.

"Harry! Stop, it's not worth it!" I was ripped off Louis by i assumed to be Liam. "Common, were leaving."

"I'm gunna fucking kill him." Liam nodded.

"Yea, I know."


Whoa holy crap a lot happend with Louis then Harry then the fight! HOLY FISH AND CRUMPETS! Oh and please excuse Harry's cussing.

~ Leah or Leigh

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