Nightmares *Rogue X Female!Re...

Por Muggle-born-fayzian

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"Are you scared? You should be!" In a world of magic and guilds, you find yourself the only Mage in lavender... Más

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Author's note

*Special Chapter*

730 18 7
Por Muggle-born-fayzian

If you -like many others probably- are getting annoyed with this books focus on my OCs over Rogue... 1st I generally don't blame you, 2nd this chapter isn't for you XD.

Like I may of mentioned before, Akio and Akira are very special OCs to me and I've used them for many different things. And because of that they received birthdays, Akira's being the 9th of August, and Akio's being the 25th of June... Which if your reading the day I upload this chapter, is today. So you guessed it! A birthday chapter for the character that I might of made a little too attractive!

I might be posting this a little late in the day... But pretend it came out earlier XD

Conveniently, the grand magic games should really be the week leading up to the 7th of July. Meaning that on the 25th of June your still a newbie to the guild. So I decided to spice it up a little. Prepare yourself for an aggressive love triangle~



25th of June

It's got to the point in my life where all the years that have this date have merged into one memory. The good ones, the bad ones; the ones when I was small and the one where I was bigger... All one long memory.

I blinked at the sun shining through the curtains. At least maybe I could get a lay in today...

Knock knock knock.

"Big brother!" A little voice squeaked through the door, "are you up yet Akio!!"

That was never gonna happen...

"It's unlocked..." A small murmur, one I'm surprised she heard, escaped my lips. Slowly I rolled onto my back.

A small figure dashed into my room, almost tripping over her own feet, she was excited. More than I was. She stopped at the side of my bed, staring at me with a confused expression, perhaps questioning my lack of enthusiasm.

Obviously she pushed that aside and returned to her childish grin, and began speaking at a volume it was too early in the morning for.

"You have to get up now, come on!" She attempted to physical pull my arm, noticing the fact I didn't want to move. I don't think I had a choice.

"Alright, give me a second." I sat up, only a little, to prove I was actually going to. This caused her to grin again and scuttle out of the room.

Surprisingly, I actually got up.

The 'best' birthdays I had were when I was my sisters age and younger, the man I called a father would throw me parties at his guild and would spoil me with gifts. Even my mum would have a real smile then. However, back then I didn't really have many real friends, I was wrapped up in training, and in all honesty I didn't have the ability to make them.

My favourites were when I came here though, there'd never be many big celebrations. Akira would jump around telling everyone it's my birthday. People would exchange honest 'happy birthdays' with me. Marie might also get me a cake, she was sweet enough to have remembered it for the past five years. I liked these ones more than the other ones, they felt more real.

But they have never really been important, I don't remember feeling any obvious and memorable joy or happiness. To me, it just felt like a day where people could be the centre of attention for once and that doesn't just suit me.

To sum up, I'm completely fine with this being a normal day.

After throwing on a jumper I left my room and entered the living/dining room of the two bedroom apartment I shared with my younger sister. The kitchen, the dining table and the sofa could all be seen from my bedroom door. It looks small but didn't really feel it.

Akira was coming out of her room too and was making her way to the table.

"What do you want to eat," I ruffled her hair as I walked past her to make my way to the kitchen. I was still tired and, even though she was my sister, didn't want conversation to be too long and detailed.

She thought about for a while and then answered me. As usual I made us both food, ate, got ready and made our way to the guild hall.

As usual it was full of people chatting, picking out jobs and doing other things I wasn't bothered about. Like we always did we made our way to the three main people we usually talk to. It used to be two, but now it's three.

"Morning!" Marie eagerly greeted us with a little wave, they were sitting at a rectangular table and she was the only one facing us.

"Hey," Riko gave a boring response without looking in our direction.

The other one just turned and gave a small wave.

Akira rushed round the table to get a seat next to Marie, and I took one on the other side of you, who was now in between Riko and I.

Marie seemed to bouncing around today, as if she had something to tell us.

Riko mentioned it before I did though. "You clearly have something you want to say, just say it." She placed a hand on her chin and directed her speech at Marie only.

Happy Birthday maybe?

"Okay!" She grinned, almost slamming a piece of paper on the table, "we haven't gone on a group job in ages, and now we've got a new member, well, the timings perfect!"

For some reason you were shocked by this, sitting back a little. I hadn't seen much expression from you yet, and you kept yourself pretty closed off to all of us. Including Marie and Max. I didn't bother me that much, I was the same.

"Any excuse," Riko chuckled, pushing her glasses up her nose, although she nodded. Clearly, but not admitting, she didn't mind the idea.

"What do you three think?" She directed the question at me, you and Akira.

"I want to! It will be fun!" Akira smiled, I knew for a fact she enjoyed going on jobs as a group, and right now she was excited.

"Why not?" I added, and you nodded as well.

"Sorted!" Marie grinned, running over to the desk and verified that we were taking the job.

We prepared for it, and left. It wasn't too far away and I was given the impression that Marie didn't intend for us to be gone all day. It was quite an easy job too, one that I know I could do on my own.

But something bothered me, usually they would say something to me about my birthday. I mean, they know I'm not a fan of the attention but you know... A 'happy birthday' is enough. Not even my own little sister had said it yet... Maybe they didn't realise the date... Or maybe they forgot?


An hour later, we found ourselves searching the streets of a near by village looking for some sort of monster.

"They didn't even specify what it looked like..." I sighed, rereading the request we were given.

"We'll probably know it when we see it." Riko pointlessly added, causing me to scoff, yeah thanks for that dumbass.

It was quiet for a little while, Akira, who was probably getting a little bored of walking was stepping quietly beside me. She looked a little strange.

"Well there is five of us," you began, speaking for the first time in a while, "maybe we could split up?"

"Great idea newbie!" Riko was being extra annoying today, "let's have Akira go that way and Akio go that way," she pointed in different directions. Winding me up on purpose.

"I wasn't suggesting we split them two up," you looked away shyly, probably deciding not to speak again for a while.

"I like the initial idea though," Marie chipped in, "Akio, Akira and (y/n) can go one way while Riko and I can go the other."

"Sure," I nodded, and you did too.

We then went into different directions in hope we would find this monster we knew nothing about. The streets had been evacuated, was the monster really that dangerous?

You didn't speak much, just suggesting directions we could go in or pointing out anything strange, which wasn't very often. Meanwhile Akira continued to hobble along beside me, looking down at the floor. Sometimes I think Marie forgets she's a lot littler than the rest of us.

"Do you want me to carry you?" I spoke down to the child beside me, who then looked back up at me. Her blue eyes turned from a little sulky to full of glee. I took that as a yes and helped her onto my back.

You had stopped to wait for us, however I was pretty tall so even if you'd carried on walking I could of caught up with you in seconds.

We continued to walk in this kind of chill silence. I think the one who cared the most was Akira, and only because she actually enjoyed casual conversations.

After a little while longer a recognisable scream was heard from the distance, it could really only belong to one person.

You and I exchanged eye contact before running of in the direction of the screech. You managed to keep up with me, granted I was carrying a small child and you weren't, but I was actually quite impressed.

Soon enough we found Marie and Riko attempting to fight this monster, it was taller than a lot of the buildings and looked like a troll. It probably was.

"We found the monster!" Riko laughed and shouted as she noticed our presence.

"It snuck up on us," Marie still sounded like she was in shock.

"How?!" I shouted back, it's massive, how did they miss it!?

"It can shape shift! It's why we couldn't find it earlier!" Riko cockily shouted back as if to prove my conscience wrong. "Are you gonna help or what?!"

I slowly placed Akira back down on the ground and told her stay back, which she agreed to do. You had already joined them, attacking it's legs with your sword.

Marie's and Riko's Magic would be good for distracting it, but it was mainly me and you who could actually hurt it.

It wasn't too difficult to kill the troll monster thing and after we collected our reward. The residents returned to the houses in their small village and we went home.

The sun had started to set by this time and we were all probably tired.

Yay. A fun birthday day out.

I wasn't overly bothered. But I'm allowed to have some expectations... Aren't I?

"I can't believe you screamed though," I was drawn into the conversation by Riko's irritating voice.

"And?!" Marie embarrassedly turned away from the girl who had taught her magic. "I was frightened!"

"I was frightened." Riko mocked her, probably about to tease her about how 'she wasn't cut out for this'.

"I can see the guild hall!" Akira cheered happily from my shoulders, probably excited to finally be back home. Probably also enjoying the fact that the others couldn't see it yet because they weren't at Akira's height currently.

Right now, I wanted to go back to bed. I was tired due to walking and fighting. I also didn't want it to be the 25th of June anymore.

I yawned, half purposely, half not. "I might go straight home,"

"No," Akira sulked, dragging out the 'O' sound, this would mean she would have to go as well.

"Yeah come on Akio! One drink." Riko winked in my direction,

"Yeah, please Akio!" Marie joined in too now.

"I'm not sure why your so desperate..." I sighed, the two stared at me waiting for an answer.


They looked, for some reason, relieved and picked up the pace towards the hall. I had no choice but to walk at their pace. Are they out to waste my energy more?

After the conversation, Akira wanted to be put back down, at least someone was trying to save my energy. She quickly caught up with Riko and Marie in their unnecessary rush and then it was just you and me.

You turned your head to look at me, your expression was unreadable, probably because I didn't know you very well.

"You alright?"

Your caught onto my frustration, I wasn't even sure why I was frustrated. It couldn't of been because it was birthday... Could it?

"I'm exhausted," I lifted on arm up to scratch the back of my neck,

Your eyes turned a little sympathetic, your glance seemed to be the equivalent of patting me on the back in a comforting way.

"Hopefully they don't keep you too long." You smiled quickly, I hadn't seen you do very much of that. When you beat me when we fought was the only example I could think of right now. But... I liked your smile.


We carried on walking. Marie, Riko and Akira waited for us at the closed doors of the guild. Akira had this weird grin on her face and I questioned whether I did actually want to go in or not. She was the nine year old! She should be tired not me!

"You first Akio," Riko gestured for the door, suspiciously...

I gave her a questioning look. Then something caused me to look back at you, who shrugged your shoulders. Finding it as strange as I did.

I opened the door. My eyes widened.

"Happy birthday Akio!"

The majority of the others in the guild cheered as I entered.


"Are you gonna go in or what?" Riko gestured, now holding the door I had let go of in my surprised.

I nodded, trying to hide my embarrassment by pulling my shirt closer to my cheeks.

Max, who I hadn't seen all day, ran over to me. He grinned and placed a hand on my shoulder, dragging me down a little.

"Sorry to drop this on you, we know you don't like the attention, but..." he began, "we didn't know what else to do for your birthday."

"Y-you didn't have to do anything..." I was flushed, embarrassed, shocked.

"Yes we did!" Marie practically attacked my other shoulder. "We had to say thank you!"

"For what?"

"For helping with the guild all this time!" Marie smiled, she looked at me as if I should already know.

"That wasn't m-me," I scratched the back of my neck again.

Max and Marie laughed, they knew my words were wrong and weren't gonna waste time trying to persuade me to believe so. I guess it was a little true...

"Come on!" Marie eagerly ran down the hall, "I made a cake!"

Max joined her, soon you and Riko did too.

"Sorry we dragged you out," Riko patted me on the back, "it was the only way."

I scoffed, trying to hold back a smile as she continued to walk past. You walked past too, giving me a small smile and a quick 'happy birthday'.

Finally my little sister arrived in front of me, holding out a small box.

"I'm sorry!!" She cried, "I had to hide this from you all day!"

I didn't hold back a smile here and politely took the box from her. Messing up her hair in the process.

"Don't worry about it..." I sighed, "and, thank you."

This obviously cheered her up and she went back to her childish expression, she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the others.

Unlike Riko's promise, I had more than one drink, and stayed at the guild longer than I wanted to. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Even Akira, who would usually be in bed by this time.

I was sat down watching Marie, Max, Riko and Akira dancing to some music they'd put on. I didn't notice you sit down on the other side of the table, doing the exactly the same as I was.

"I'm sorry I had no idea it was your birthday..." You said a little flushed, "they didn't tell me, Riko thought I'd spoil this."

I laughed.

"Don't worry about it." I generally meant that.

"I would of gotten you something if I knew..." You seemed a little annoyed, the most expression I'd seen from you all day.

You were, unexpectedly, really considerate and sweet.

"Really, don't worry about it." I smiled in your direction, you responded positively to this. "I'm not used to this much attention anyway."

"But you're enjoying it."


"Look at you, you haven't stopped smiling," you laughed, it might of been the first time I'd heard it.

Embarrassedly I hid behind the hand I was resting on the table, causing you to laugh again.

It was really cute. I had to turn away but you didn't stop.

"Sorry..." Not long after you apologised, still smiling though.

I shook my head and finally looked back at you. And we made eye contact for a brief moment.

Suddenly you seemed special to me.

"Akio! It's only your birthday for another hour!" Riko called, "come enjoy yourself!"

I turned to face the others who had stopped dancing and were now facing us.

With little hesitation I stood up, "why not?" I laughed.

All memories fade into one...

I think this one will always stand out...

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