G/T YouTubers (One Shots and...

By PlatonicSeptiplier

65.7K 1.4K 848

Requests: Closed Due to college some pieces may be sporadically shorter, or just incomplete/ditched, be it te... More

Suggestions? Maybe?
Nature Walk (Jack and Signe)
Borrowing a Borrower (Mark and Amy) (Part 1)
The Space Voyage (Jack and Mark) (TEASER)
Spiders and Borrowers (Mat and Nate+Mark)
Spiders and Borrowers (Mat and Nate+Mark) (Part 2)
Think Before You Act (Mark and Jack)
Hug a Giant Day (Jack and Mark)
Winter Cuddles (Jack and Mark)
Misplaced (Jack and Mark) (Contest Entry)
Misplaced (Jack and Mark) (Part 2)
Hug a Tiny Day (Jack and Mark)
Stone Rules (Tyler and Ethan+Mark) Part One(?)
Dark Nights (Mark and Jack) Part 1
A Freaky Friday (Jack and Mark)
Dark Nights (Mark and Jack) Part 2
Fables (Jack and Ethan+Mat)
Good Spoops 🎃 (Jack? and Mark) (Halloween Special)
Lost Boy (Mark and Jack) Part 1
Snowstorm (Jack and Mark) (Part 1)
Snowstorm (Jack and Mark) (Part 2)
Old Man Winter (Jack and Mark) (Part 1?)
Pocket Pal (Mark and Jack)
Pocket Pal (Mark and Jack) (Part 2)
Pocket Pal (Mark and Jack) (Part 3)
Blind Spot (Jack and Mark) (Part 1)
Blind Spot (Jack and Mark) (Part 2)
Blind Spot (Jack and Mark) (Part 3)
Roadblock (Mark and Jack) ( "TEASER" )
A/N that will be deleted within a day (or not)
A Relic of the Past (Jack and Mark) (Part 1)
Thunder (Mark and Jack) (TEASER)
A Relic of the Past (Jack and Mark) (Part 2)
Phantoms of Hope (Nate and Mat+Steph) (Part 1)
Happy Fourth of July! (Mark and Jack)
Phantoms of Hope (Nate and Mat+Steph) (Part 2)
Phantoms of Hope (Nate and Mat+Steph) (Part 3)
Phantoms of Hope (Nate and Mat+Steph) (Part 4)
Exiled (Jack and Mark) (Part 1)
The Song of Rain (Mark and Amy) (Part 1)
The Song of Rain (Mark and Amy) (Part 2...)
Soup (?̷̻̆ͣ̑?̆͑̄?̻̫͔͔̘͋͆ͧ̉ͫ̐̚͘ ̻͉̂͒̌̎͐̀̎́)
Time For Revenge 🎃 (Jack and Mark) (Halloween special) (Part One)
Exiled (Mark and Jack) (Part 2)
Serendipitous Rescue (Part 1) (Mark and Jack)
Emergency Room (Mark and Amy) (Part 1?)
Not So Different (Mark and Jack)
Tagged once more (not a one shot)
Lost and Found ( ?̷̻̆ͣ̑?̆͑̄?̻̫͔͔̘͋͆ͧ̉ͫ̐̚͘ and Y/N) (Part One)
Lost and Found (?̷̻̆ͣ̑?̆͑̄?̻̫͔͔̘͋͆ͧ̉ͫ̐̚͘ ̻͉̂͒̌̎͐̀̎́ and Y/N) (Part Two)
Exiled (Mark and Jack) (Part 3)
Exiled (Mark and Jack) (Part 4)
Exiled (Mark and Jack) (Part 5 v1)
Exiled (Mark and Jack) (Part 5 v2)
Refuge (Mark and Jack)
Isolated (Mark+Amy and Jack) (Part 1)
Loss (Mark and Jack)
Invasive Evasion (Mark and Jack)
Mouse Trap (Jack and Mark)
Taking a Break (Jack and Mark)
A Big Fan (Mat and Nate)
Tiny Footsteps (Mark, Mat and Jack, Nate) (Part 1?)
Serendipitous Rescue (Mark & Jack) (Part 2)
Serendipitous Rescue (Mark & Jack) (Part 3)
Snow Mobilizing (Jack & Mark)
Tiny Footsteps (Mark, Mat and Jack, Nate) (Part 2)
Natural Disaster (Mark+Amy and Jack)
Borrowed Exigency (Mark and Jack)
Space Voy AU Meeting (Jack+Felix & Mark) (Part 1)
Space Voy AU Meeting (Jack+Felix & Mark) (Part 2)
A Thief's Remorse (Mark & Jack) (Part 1?)
Hooked (Jack and Mark)

Borrowing a Borrower (Mark and Amy) (Part 2)

1.8K 35 13
By PlatonicSeptiplier

Mark was very curious about the hook and string he had found in the kitchen. It made no sense why someone would put it there, and he doubted that Ethan or Tyler left it there anyway since there wasn't any use for it... so what was it doing there?

After he and his friends were done recording, they uploaded their videos and went about their merry day. Nothing was out of the ordinary except for the tackle that was lying in the bottom of Mark's pocket. Day turned to dusk, and Mark still spent most of his day in the kitchen. He made chicken dumplings for dinner, and after they all ate they played some video games before Ethan decided to go to bed. Tyler soon headed to his room to do the same, and Mark was left to clean up.

He collected the Xbox controllers and put them back up before picking his plate up and heading into the kitchen. He turned the faucet on and rinsed his dirty dish, then set it down in the sink and turned the water back off. Mark then turned to leave, but he stopped as he looked at the towel that the hook had been snagged on. He stood there for a few seconds, biting his lip as he thought.

... maybe I should put my webcam up on the fridge, that way I can see what's going on. He nodded thoughtfully and left the kitchen to fetch the camera. The young man then returned to the kitchen and stretched up on tiptoe, and he placed the webcam on top of the fridge. Once he got the camera in place and angled correctly, Mark went back into his room and pulled his laptop out, and he connected to the webcam and pulled its screen up.

"Ok then." Mark took a few sips from his water before setting it down and staring intently at the screen. "What are you?" He murmured.

Only when the day turned to night did Amy finally crawl out from under the towel. She shivered as she was met with cool lunar air, and she folded her arms over her chest as she glanced around to make sure the coast was clear. She listened.

... ok, they've all gone to sleep. Amy sighed quietly in relief and started walking across the counters. I have to pack up everything, she realized. I have to go outside and look for another place to live, and I gotta make a new hook! Amy realized she was panicking and decided to take a step back and think. Ok, calm down Amy, she told herself. Just relax, ok? Mark doesn't know what you are or where you are, only that there's something curious going on. Curiosity is bad, and your family told you about how humans are dangerous, especially when they're curious.

Mark frowned and peered at the screen. He could have sworn he saw something on the counter, but it was too dark to tell. He pressed a few buttons to zoom in a little, but it didn't help. Then the thing scampered out of view.

"Damnit," he muttered. He grabbed his water and guzzled it down, sitting back. "What the hell was that?"

Finally. Safety. Amy sighed gratefully as she slipped back into the safety of her home. In here the world was her size, and she knew every inch of the place. But I have to leave now. Sadness stirred in Amy's chest, and she sighed.

"After I sleep," she murmured to herself, heading for a small empty box that had been filled with one of Mark's lost shirts. It was a red and black flannel, a lucky flannel according to Mark, but one day Mark had accidentally misplaced it. Amy never saw any reason to not keep it though. It was soft and comfortable to lay on. But her day had already been spent hiding in fear. She was tired now, and the borrower wanted nothing more than to rest for now. She climbed into bed and snuggled the covers, drinking in the human's faded touch. Amy wondered how Mark would see her if she was human, and she drifted into sleep daydreaming about the giant being friendly and not wanting to hurt her.

When Amy woke up first thing in the morning, she decided to collect some food and water. At this hour, everyone would still be asleep, so she was counting on no one interrupting her.

The biggest problem was that she didn't have her hook. Amy made do with what little string she could afford to spare, but she knew that without her hook, disaster was sure to hit. She sighed nervously and looked out from behind the toaster. The sun wasn't up yet, but through the window Amy could see the rosy horizon. Wow. It's so pretty... I wonder if humans ever appreciate simple things like how beautiful the sky is, or how easy life is for them, Amy thought to herself. She tied one end of her string to the handle of the coffee pot, and she held on to the other end and climbed down the side of the counter. The borrower's feet safely touched the floor, and Amy exhaled a small breath of relief. She left her one way up and went over to the pantry, and the took as much bread as she could before her bag was completely full of it.

Now I just need water. Getting water was going to be the tricky part. Amy would have to go to the sink and turn it on without falling in. She went back up the ladder and put her bread up in a backpack, and she grabbed a thimble to hold her water in. She had to brush some dust off of it and hold back a sneeze, but Amy was soon back in the outside world walking across the counter tops. Her small body was tense and her eyes glanced down the hallway, and she was on edge and wisely cautious as she walked up to the large silver spout. She walked around the rim of the steel basin and set her backpack down beside the sink, and then Amy approached the faucet and tried to turn it on.

The handle was big, and Amy had to push it with her entire body before it squeaked and moved just enough for fast droplets to fall out of the spout. Amy climbed up and pushed the faucet so it swung closer to the side of the sink. She climbed back down and grabbed her thimble, and she edged onto the metal rim before she held her thimble out and collected water.

She was soon done and ready to head back, but as Amy wrapped the thimble in a piece of foil and stuffed it in her bag, she heard someone's door open. Cold icy fear froze her for a second, and then she geared into panic. She slung her pack over her shoulder and started running across the counter, but her foot slipped on a small patch of water that had cascaded from the faucet.

Amy couldn't help but scream as she fell over the edge, and she managed to grab onto the corner as her bag fell down. She heard it quietly clatter far down below, and her chest heaved as she tried to pull herself back up. But she had a very narrow and risky hold, and her grip was already slipping. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried desperately to get back up, but her fingers suddenly slipped off the edge, and she screamed as she plummeted.

Amy's scream stopped midway when her fall to her death suddenly stopped with her landing on a soft surface, and she gasped as her breath left her shocked body. She shook violently and laid there for a few seconds, and to her panicked mind's confusion the surface under her shifted. The borrower was cold and numb from the close call, but she couldn't understand what had just happened. Shouldn't I be dead?

Amy's eyes slowly opened, and with adrenaline still coursing through her, her vision was a little hazy. The world around her was moving, and then everything slowed down and stopped. A familiar figure towered over her, peering down at her and saying something, but Amy couldn't hear any words over the blood rushing in her head. She blinked a few times and stared, and her vision grew a little more clear as her body began to calm down.

"Come on, come on... come on little guy, come on!" A voice was softly speaking, and Amy felt something prod her side. She flinched and curled up, trembling as she realized what had happened. Somehow and for some reason, Mark had walked in at the exact moment for him to run forward and catch the borrower. Amy didn't know how, but she knew while death had been avoided, it was sure to come in another way.

A sob escaped Amy's lips,and she froze when she realized that she was crying. But she covered her face and let the tears flow anyway. What did it matter to keep quiet anymore? Mark had already found her, and now she was at his mercy.

"Oh shit," Amy heard Mark gasp. He sounded genuinely horrified. "Are you ok!? I-I saw you were about to fall, and I-I couldn't just let that happen- are you hurt? Did I break something, or maybe I bruised you?" Amy's crying came to a confused stop. She didn't understand; why did Mark sound so... concerned?

She felt Mark gently rub her back with a careful finger, and she whimpered nervously as Mark softly shushed her. "Shh... it's ok. It-it's ok, you're ok. Y-you're safe," he murmured. There was worry in his deep voice, and Amy shuddered as he rubbed her spine. "You're ok little gu-well, girl, but it's gonna be alright, just breathe, just relax. Take deep breaths, and you're gonna be just fine..." Amy found her body obeying Mark's gentle words, and she inhaled shakily and shivered in his hand. "H-here, I'll put you down, ok? Just calm down..."

Amy stayed still as Mark nervously but gently put her down on his pillow, and the borrower shivered as the gentle giant's touch left her. She laid there for a few seconds, but all Mark did was sit on the floor and gaze at her with amiable concern. Amy slowly sat up and looked at him, and for a few seconds they stared at each other with awe and apprehension.

Then Mark cleared his throat and gently interrupted the silence.

"Are-are you ok?" He murmured. Amy swallowed nervously and shrugged with a nod. She didn't trust her own voice right now, it would betray how afraid she was. "I'm sorry." Mark leaned forward and rested his chin on the bedside. "I didn't mean to scare you, I-I just saw that you slipped, and..." Amy frowned. How could he have seen her slip? He'd come in when she was dangling over the edge. Amy decided to keep quiet and looked around. She had never really been in Mark's room before; it was a lot more cozy than she imagined it. His bed covers were a little messy, and so was the rest of his room, but it had a homey feel to it that Amy found comforting.

"Um..." Mark suddenly looked embarrassed as he got up and started picking up his scattered shirts and apparel. "S-sorry about the mess," he mumbled in a hurry. "I kind of get uh, lazy I suppose..." He continued on muttering apologies under his breath as he went around the room and cleaned up. Amy watched him until her eyes fell on his laptop, and she stiffened. The screen was on a camera that showed the kitchen.

He's been watching me! Amy blushed nervously. How long has he known about me!? Mark shoved his clothes in the closet and closed off the messy monstrosity. He cleared his throat again and gave Amy a sheepish smile.

"I-I'm Sorry," he stammered quietly. "This is probably a little overwhelming for you. I-I mean, you're a tiny person and all, and I'm a little, uh, nonplussed as well, but..." He covered his jaw with his hand with a nervous light in his eyes, and Amy was surprised when sympathy clutched at her gut. Poor guy, he doesn't know how to react... is that because he's worried about hurting me? Or is he just not sure what to do about me? Amy frowned, still very uneasy. I'm probably nothing but a pest problem to him. I should wait until I have an opportunity, then make a break for it and get the hell out of here. Should I talk though? I know I was scared of him before, but... that might just be the muscles and deep voice.

"Are you ok?" Mark's question snapped Amy out of her thoughts. "You're shaking." Amy cursed mentally when she realized that Mark was right. She wet her dry lips and decided to speak.

"I-I..." As Amy struggled to speak, she saw Mark's eyes go soft and bear an expression similar to a sad puppy's. Goddamnit. Great first impression Amy, he knows you're scared of him now. "I, uh, I'm actually really thirsty," she lied. She tried her best to hide her fear, but her voice was shaky.

"I'll get you some water," Mark almost immediately offered. "If you'd like."

"Y-yeah, that'd be great thanks." Amy wanted to kick herself when the words spilled out of her mouth in stutters, but Mark bought it.

"Ok, I'll be right back, all right? Just stay right there." He backed away holding his hands up to show Amy that he meant no harm, and then he turned and left the room. I don't have much time now! Amy climbed down the bedside as fast as she could. She reached the floor and ran across the room, and the borrower bolted out into the hallway. I have to hide. I have to get out of here. Amy could hear the water running, and she knew she didn't have much time. She ran into the nearest room and ducked behind the door; just in time.

Amy held her breath as she heard Mark walk back into the hallway and into his room, and she slowly relaxed. Now I just have to get out of here. She turned to see how high up the window was, but she was instead met with a terrifying shock.

Tyler was awake and mere feet away from where Amy was hiding. He had his headphones on and his phone out. He had been scrolling through Twitter when he had seen Amy run into his room, and now he was staring at the borrower with shock clear in his eyes.

Amy screamed when the tall man tried to reach down and grab her, but whatever music was playing in Tyler's headphones muffled her cry of distress. He picked her up and held her in a tight fist, and she squirmed and clawed at his hand as she was lifted high up into the air. But it was no use, she realized with despair; she was helpless.

"Tyler!" Mark threw the door open and burst into the room. His eyes were wide and his mouth was open as his chest heaved with fear. Tyler jumped when he saw Mark, and he pulled his headphones down so that they hung around his neck.

"Hey Mark." His voice was a little scratchy with sleep still. "What are you up to? Is this yours? I just found this thing running into my room, I don't know what the fuck it is though."

"She doesn't belong to anyone," Mark answered crisply. "And she's not a thing, she's my friend." Amy stopped struggling and stared at Mark with wide eyes. Friend?

"What is she then?" Amy shrieked when Tyler held her upside down, examining her.

"Tyler!" Mark barked. He looked desperate. "Please stop, you're scaring her!" Amy had squeezed her eyes shut and unintentionally clinged to the stone faced human's finger. Tyler frowned when he saw how scared the borrower was, and then he seemed to finally realize the gravity of his actions.

"Oh. Shit." He cringed and held his hand flat, and Mark quickly, but gently, scooped the frightened girl up and held her to his chest. Amy cried out and tried to push away, but Mark softly shushed her as he gently pressed her against his heart.

"It's ok," he cooed. His voice was a low rumble. "He didn't know, it was just an accident. You're safe, I promise. I won't let anything bad happen to you..." Amy shivered violently against Mark's hoodie. His body heat radiated off of him and enveloped the borrower in a warm sense of security. He was so warm... as Amy cried into his chest and shook violently, she found that his low murmurs were soothing. His voice was so silky and sweet like honey, and it rumbled powerfully from behind his breastbone.

As Mark kept susurrating gentle words, Amy realized that his efforts to assuage her fear was working. She had stopped crying, and she now lay limp against Mark with her eyes closed. Her lower lip still quivered, but she felt comforted. In fact, Amy realized with surprise, she came to understand that she wasn't trying to go anywhere; instead, she was pressing against the raven haired man.

"That's it, you're doing good. Just breathe," Mark murmured. He was slightly swaying as he held Amy, as if he was rocking a baby to sleep. Tyler watched with confusion and anxiety in his eyes.

"Is she ok?" He suddenly dared to whisper. Mark peeked at Amy.

"... I think she's asleep," he murmured with surprise. Tyler's eyebrow raised.

"Really? Man she must really trust you- or I must have really spooked her. But what and who the fuck is she again?" Before Mark could answer Tyler, a third voice interrupted.

"What's going on?" Mark turned around as both he and Tyler looked to see Ethan standing in the hall. He rubbed his eye and yawned. His blue hair was messy, and he was still half asleep.

"Shh," Mark whispered. He lowered his hand and revealed Amy, and Ethan's eyes widened in awe.

"Aww!" He gasped softly. "She's so small!"

"She's also asleep," Mark murmured. "So please don't speak very loudly?" Ethan frowned.

"But... who is she? And where did she come from?" Mark brushed past his blue haired friend and walked to the living room. Tyler and Ethan followed close behind.

"I don't know." He sat down on the couch and looked up at his friends. "But when she wakes up, I guess we can ask her then."

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