Shevine (Adam Levine & Blake...

By lickitongue

155K 5.1K 558

Pop singer Adam Levine and country singer Blake Shelton are both judges on the show, "The Voice." They become... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three

Chapter Twenty Eight

2.5K 96 13
By lickitongue

After washing Adam's car and the bed sheets, Adam, Bones, and I went back inside the house. 

"How do feel about Tim and Miranda?" Adam asked me. "I just hope that their relationship will last long and I'm happy that they're going to have a child," I said honestly. "Do you think their child is going to be a boy or a girl?" Adam questioned. "I don't know. I'm not a fortune teller but I wish I was," I said. 

Adam turned on the television and Scooby Doo appeared on the screen. "Jinkies, I lost my glasses," Velma (a character from Scooby Doo) said. "Velma always loses her glasses. Like damn, get contacts!" Adam commented and I laughed. 

Adam changed the channel to MTV Video Music Awards and both of our eyes widened. A girl with blonde hair was singing and twerking. 'Twerking' is a type of dancing in a sexually provocative manner involving thrusting hip movements and a low squatting stance. She looks familiar and she was singing a song that I've heard before. 

"Oh my goodness, is that Miley Cyrus?" I questioned. "Yep, that's her," Adam said. "Oh wow. I remember watching Hannah Motanna with my niece. Miley used to be an innocent and adorable actress. I remember meeting Miley's dad, Billy Ray Cyrus, at the Country Music Awards." "Watch tomorrow the news will be like, 'Miley Cyrus is releasing a new fragrance called 'Twerk,' and the fragrance is just Billy Ray's tears in a bottle," Adam joked. I couldn't control my laughter. "Oh my gosh, that would be so hilarious and awesome." 

"I don't even know why she's twerking when she has no ass," Adam commented. "You should be up there on stage twerking then. Your ass is huge," I joked. "I'll take that as a complement. You know you love big butts and you cannot lie." 

After watching television, I went to the bathroom. After I used the bathroom, I walked back to the living room. "NO!!!!!" Adam yelled and then he threw his phone on the black sofa. "What happened Adam?" "A lot of people have been talking about this game called 'Flappy Bird' so I installed on my phone and it's so addicting and hard," Adam said. "Can I try playing the game on your phone?" "Yeah, go for it. Just don't break my phone."

In less than 10 seconds, I already died. "Wow, I hate this game." 

I checked my phone. I got a text message from Christina. 

"Hey Blake, I'm having a party tonight at my house! Come if you want and ask Adam if he wants to go."

"Adam, Christina just texted me and she's throwing a party tonight at her place. Do you want to go?" I asked Adam. "Sure, let's go."

I texted Christina back. "We're coming." 

"A fun party game would be 'Take a shot every time you die on Flappy Bird.' Don't you agree, Blake?" "Yeah, but we'll all die." Adam laughed. "True that." After 30 minutes of driving, we made it to Christina's house. We entered the house and we immediately saw Christina. She was wearing a yellow dress that showed off her massive cleavage. "Hey guys!" Christina said excitedly. "Hey Christina," Adam and I said simultaneously. 

There were so many celebrities at the party. The music was so loud and there was so much food and alcohol. "I'm going to use the bathroom," Adam said. "Alright, I'm going to the kitchen," I said.

I was pouring myself a glass of wine when suddenly, someone bumped into me, causing the glass to shatter. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," the person said. I turned around and I saw Taylor, the girl who tried to have sex with Adam. "It's okay," I said. I got myself another glass and after drinking the wine, I left the kitchen. 

"Hey Blake!" I turned around and I saw Luke walking towards me. "Hey Luke." 

I took out of my phone to check the time. Wow, I've been talking to Luke for 20 minutes. Adam still hasn't returned from the bathroom. I decided to go to the bathroom. "Luke, I'm going to use the bathroom." "Okay."

Adam's P.O.V

After leaving the bathroom, I bumped into Christina. "Oh, hello again Christina." "Hi Adam. Adam can you follow me to my room? I need to tell you something alone." "Okay." I followed Christina to her room. When we entered the room, she locked the door. "So, what do you need to tell me?" I asked Christina. "I love you," Christina said. "Um, I love you too?" "No. I mean I really love you. More than a friend." I felt surprised. 

"So how long have you liked me more than a friend?" I questioned. "Ever since I met you on The Voice, I fell in love with you," Christina responded. "Wow, I never knew that." "Well, now you know. And now since you know, I say we get a little naughty. Or a lot of naughty," Christina winked.  

Christina began to take off her yellow dress. "What are you-" Christina interrupted me by placing a finger on my mouth. "Shhhhhhh. Your legs are like an Oreo Cookie, I want to split them and suck all the good stuff in the middle." I couldn't help but to laugh at what Christina just said. "You're drunk Christina." "I'm drunk in love!" Christina began to sing "Drunk In Love" by Beyonce. Despite her drunken state, she could still sing very well. "I've been drinking, waterrrrrrrmelon!" Christina sang, extending the 'r' in the word 'watermelon.' "Let me drink your watermelon Adam!" 

Christina is completely naked now and she tried to take off my clothes, but I didn't allow her. I ran towards the door since it was locked; breaking it. I quickly went downstairs, trying to find Blake. After two minutes, I found Blake drinking a glass of wine. Blake loves to drink. "Adam, where have you been? I've been looking for you," Blake said. "I know, I'm so sorry. After I used the bathroom-" 

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