Nothing Like Us - (Sequel to...

By kidrauldream

288K 8.1K 3.7K

Sequel to Being A Braun. - Read the continuation of Ri's life, as she and Justin battle with their crazy live... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 2

9.9K 180 112
By kidrauldream

We walked across the parking lot silence. I could feel tension in the air.

I cleared my throat. "So um-, you were saying?" I said.


"About your family. Canada?"

Justin pushed his hands into his jean pockets and relaxed. "Oh right, yeah. They're so excited to meet you. Apparently Jazzy won't stop talking about it."

I cracked a smile. "Bless her, i wish i had a little sister."

"Oh you'll have one." He chuckled. I pushed my arm through his so we were linked. I leaned into him. "She'll love you."

"I hope so."

"She will, i promise." He assured. "They all will."

We walked through the door of the doctors and was immediately met by a number of other patients, staring at us.

Justin ignored them and carried on walking us in the direction of the reception desk. He moved his arm so it was around my back.

"Name please?" The receptionist said without looking up from her computer.

"Ariana Braun."

Her eyes flickered up to us. She first looked at me, then at Justin. Her eyebrows raised. "Oh."

"We have an appointment." Justin informed her. She glanced at him and then at me. Justin raised an eyebrow.

She quickly looked down and clicked something on her computer. "Uh- you can go straight through." She said. "Room 8."

"Thanks." Justin and i stated at the same time. He smiled at me and pecked my lips, then we turned and started walking in the direction she pointed.

It felt like the entire room was watching us, which they most probably were. I guess it's not everyday you see Justin Bieber and Ariana Braun in your local doctors surgery.

"Hey guys, take a seat." The doctor greeted. She warmly shook both of our hands. "How are you?"

We both sat down on the chairs opposite her.

"We're good." Justin smiled.

"Awesome. So you're-, i understand you're here for the contraceptive injection today? That right?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Okay, that's fine. Have you guys been introduced to any other forms of contraception? Or is this the only one you've discussed?"

"We um-, we figured this is the best option for us. Like we have super busy schedules and stuff so remembering to take pills along and you'know.. This just seems the most reliable option for us." I explained. I rested both of my hands in my lap.

She smiled at us. "Yeah, i can totally understand that. Good job. But you're definitely happy with this method of contraception?"

"Yeah." I said. I looked at Justin who nodded in agreement.

"And his is like 100% right?" He asked.

"About 99."

"So theres still a chance Ariana could get pregnant?"

"Yes, but it's extremely small. Especially combined with her irregular periods. I'd say it's near impossible for that to happen Mr Bieber."

Justin swallowed and nodded. He looked at me as i smiled at him. The doctor turned around to start preparing the needle and stuff. I squeezed Justin's hand nervously.

"Babe?" He murmured.


"It's okay, it won't hurt."

"I know." I nodded.

He cracked a smile. "Then why do you look so scared?"

"I don't know. I just have a phobia of injections."

"Aw. Well im right here."

"I kn-"

Justin's phone went off in his pocket, interrupting my sentance. I raised an eyebrow up at him.

He brought my hand up to his mouth and kissed it before unlocking his fingers from mine to check his phone. I turned to watch the doctor as she walked back over to us.

"Could you just take your jacket off for me please sweetie?" She asked me. "And all you'll feel is a sharp scratch, okay? That's all."

I nodded and slowly slid my cardigan off of my shoulders. I looked at Justin, who was engrossed in texting, his fingers quickly stabbing at the screen.

I leaned closer to him and planted a kiss on his cheek, leaving my lips there until he reacted. A smile crept on his lips.

"So are you going to hold my hand then or what?" I murmured against his ear.

His smiled. "Of course i am gorgeous. Sorry."

He moved his right hand and interlocked it with mine again. He leaned in to kiss my lips.

"Got distracted."

"So i see." I smiled. "Who's the lucky person able to capture your attention?"

I almost regretted asking that incase he was going to say Twist. But he didn't.


"Damn, i love that guy." I played. Justin grinned at me. "No, really. Who is he?"

"An artist Za introduced me to. He's designing a new tattoo for me."

I raised my eyebrows, glancing at the doctor who was positioning herself next to me. I eyed her nervously.

"Look at me Ri." Justin instructed. I did as he said. He held my free hand. "Forget about it."

"Okay, okay. I am. What are you getting?"


"Your tattoo."

"Oh, im getting Jesus. On my leg."

I let out a laugh.

Justin cracked a smile. "What?"

"Oh you were serious?" I said in an amused tone.

"Yeah, i was."

"Im kidding. It sounds awesome babe." I grinned. I looked down at our interlocked hands. Justin drew circles on my palm with his forefinger.

"Im getting it done in Canada. My dad knows a guy." He told me.

I felt the injection go in and i winced a little but a few short moments later, it was done.

Justin leaned close to my face again and ran his free hand through my hair. He kissed my head. "All done babe."

I nodded then we turned out attention back to the doctor, who started to talk.

"So we also wanted to run a blood test on you sweetie, if that's okay?" She said. "The hospital were slightly concerned with your irregular menstrual cycle and thought we should run some checks to see whats up."

Justin stared at her. "Could there be something wrong?"

"Probably not. I wouldn't fret yourselves right now, there can be lots of reasons why women get irregular periods. Especially women Ariana's age."

I nodded, not really worrying about it. I quite enjoyed not getting that horrible experience every single 28 days.

"So it's nothing serious?"

"Nope." She assured him. "It's pretty common."


I woke up before Justin, entangled around his warm body. I was so comfy but i knew i should probably get up. I stretched my hand out and checked my phone. The time was 11:34am.

"Damn." I murmured to myself. It was late. We were leaving for Canada the next day so were supposed to be packing and stuff.

I switched my eyes back to Justin and smiled to myself. He looked so cute when he was sleeping.

"Jay." I called softly. I ran a hand through his messy hair. "Wakey, wakey handsome."

He shifted a little causing me to crack a smile. I leaned close to his ear, nibbling on it slightly. His lips twitched slightly but he sleepily pushed me away.

"Go away Ri." He mumbled.

I laughed. "I'm going, i'm going. I'll make us breakfast okay?" I said.


I planted a kiss on his lips. "Get up."

"Mhm." He repeated again. He rolled over onto his other side.

I rolled my eyes playfully and slid out of bed to go downstairs.

I was wearing just one of Justin's long shirts, with nothing else. I loved sleeping in his clothing, it was like all i could smell and feel was Justin.

I padded through the empty house towards the kitchen. Pattie had already left for Canada a few days before, so we had the place to ourselves until we left too.

I opened up the cupboard to see what food Justin had in, humming softly to myself. I was happy. The very next day, i was finally going to meet Justin's family and the people that mean the most to him. I was going to discover his roots and spend my eighteenth birthday there, with Justin. Not to mention i was finally going to get chance to spend time with two of my bestest-friends: Ryan and Chaz. I hadn't seen them for so, so long, so i was definitely excited for that too.

I reached out to get the bag of bagels in the cupoard. I felt two hands wrap themselves around my waist. I squealed a little and and twisted my head around to see a familiar handsome face.

"Hey you." Justin murmured. His voice sent shivers down my spine.

"Hey." I smiled.

He gently turned me around so i was facing him. I watched a smile stretch on his lips.

"You're looking beautiful today Ri."

"Aw thank you." I smiled. I lifted my body onto my tippy-toes and kissed his lips, holding the bagels in my hands. "Bagels?"

"Hmm whatever." He shrugged.

"You're not hungry? We have a busy day of packing to do."

"I'm hungry for your lips." He smirked. He pressed his lips against mine again as i giggled.

"You're a real smooth talker aren't you Bieber?"

He grinned at me.

"Sometimes i wonder why you don't have thousands of screaming girls chasing after you. Oh, wait.." I laughed.

Justin shook his head in amusement. "Shut up and kiss me baby."

I happily obliged, but only for a few seconds.

"Okay, that's enough. I truly am hungry." I laughed. I slid out of his grasp and started walking across the kitchen in the direction of the toaster. I had only gotten a few steps before i felt Justin pull me back again.

"I don't think so lady." He chuckled. I threw the bagels to the side and cupped his face in my hands. I kissed him again.

"Okay." I murmured against his lips. I felt him smile.

He started walking us backwards, his hands gripping the bottom of the shirt i was wearing. I could feel him smiling against my lips the whole time. My back gently hit against wall.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He murmured in-between kisses. "So fucking much."

I giggled, running my hands down his bare chest. I felt one of his hands slide up my shirt and rest on my bum. He squeezed it cheekily, causing me to laugh.

"Paws off the booty, Bieber." I joked. He squeezed it again, laughing against my lips.

"Aww, but i love the booty."

"Of course you do." I grinned, my face centimetres from mine. "You're a bum guy right?"

"A bum guy?"

I watched as a smirk formed on his lips. I laughed. "Bum over boobs? You're a total bum guy Jay. You're always checking my ass out."

"Because it's so bootilicious." He played. He brushed his nose against mine. "Now shut up and kiss me." He demanded.

I giggled and kissed him again, clutching him close to me. Justin's arms slowly slid up my body underneath my shirt, causing shivers to occur. I deepened the kiss, feeling him press me against the wall with more force. A satisfied moan slipped out of Justin's mouth as he explored my mouth. I tugged on the hem of his pyjama bottoms, teasing him.

But then we were interrupted, by a loud banging noise. I tore my lips away from Justin and tilted my head towards the source of the sound. Justin rested a hand on the wall and looked too, a frown forming on his face.

"What is it?"

He twitched his eyebrows. "I think someone's at the door."

His phone started ringing on the counter top. He sighed and released his touch on me to go and answer it, he brought it to his ear.

"Hello?... oh. Right, sorry man... Yeah..yeah sure. One sec, i'll be right there."

I raised an eyebrow, moving my arms so they were across my body. I hugged myself.

"Twist's here."

"Oh." I muttered. I flickered my eyes to the direction of the window and stared outside.

My favourite person in the entire god-damn world. Ugh.

"Go upstairs and dressed or something." Justin told me. "We'll grab breakfast when you're done."

I looked at him, my eyebrows raised slightly. Could he not have blown him off or something? We were kinda busy.

"So you're going to invite him in?"

"Sure, why not?"

I raised an eyebrow at him and watched as he popped a grape in his mouth.

I shrugged i defeat and started heading in the direction of the stairs. "No reason."


"Hey man." I greeted as i opened up the door. I gave Twist a hug. "Sup?"

"Za's cousin's having a party in New York tonight. We're off up there in a bit, it's meant to be a dope party. I came to invite you." He said.

I walked into the living room with him and sat down on the couch. "Nah man, i can't. Ri and i are flying to Canada tomorrow."


"Yeah, i told you this the other day bro. We're going for our birthday." I said.

He pulled a face. "Bro that ain't no way to spend your eighteenth. Normal dudes get pissed and shit."

I laughed. "They do?"

"Yeah. Y'all are getting too serious, too young. Shes just a chick man."

I flattened down my hair. "Well im still throwing us a party over in Cali next week. You guys are invited."

"That's more like it." He clapped. "Booze?"

I licked my lips. "I dunno. We're still underage so i don't know if-"

"Ugh live a little bro." He sighed, rolling his eyes at me. "Y'all are way too damn serious! This is what im talking 'bout."


After i'd finished getting showered, dressed ect, i killed a bit of time by packing some of my stuff into my pull-along case.

I was trying to stall as much time as possible to prevent having to converse with Twist. I didn't like that guy. Spending time with/around him was definitely something i wanted to avoid.

Over an hour after he had arrived, i could still see his car parked on the driveway. I was bored and hungry, so gave up and went downstairs. I was a little annoyed.

I walked into the kitchen to find non other than Twist himself. I stared at him.

"Sup." He greeted lowly. He leaned his back against the worktop, his blacked-out sunglasses covering his eyes.

I looked at him for a moment then said nothing, walking over to the packet of bagels still left on the side. I placed one in the toaster.

"Silent treatment? Wow, real mature."

I rolled my eyes.

"Chicks are good for one thing, and one thing only." He stated.

I folded my arms and turned to look at him. "Where's Justin?" I questioned, ignoring whatever it was he was talking about.

"Went to grab something from the garage." He replied.


"You're a pretty little thing though aren't you." He said. He slowly took some steps towards me.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Can't see why Justin's so hung up on you though. You must be good in bed or something."

I frowned in disgust and turned my back on him again, walking over to the other side if the kitchen to avoid being near him.

He picked up a grape and threw it up in the air, catching it in his mouth. "Or maybe it's just a phase, i don't know. But i know one thing, i don't fucking like you. And it's pretty fucking obvious you don't like me either."

I turned back to look at him. "Good job sherlock."

"Real funny." He mocked.

I rolled my eyes again and leaned my body against the worktop.

Twist let out a satisfied chuckle. "You won't last." He stated.


Oooohhhhh Twist. Hes creepy

I'm always happy in my authors notes because it means i just finished writing a chappy and that is always an awesomeee thing.


And COMMENT something cute/awesome and my favourite comment will get the next chapter dedicated to them.

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