My Body His Baby Wattpadprize...

By MissyJ31

1M 29.4K 1.5K

Bella goes in the clinic to donate her eggs and comes out knocked up by Hollywoods biggest star, Logan Spade... More

My Body His Baby
Fired (Edited)
Pregnant (Edited)
Logan Spade (Edited)
Proposition (Edited)
The Villa (Edited)
Logan's departure (Edited)
While he's away... (Edited)
Interview (Edited)
Ten weeks later (Edited)
Twenty Three Weeks (Edited)
Christmas Vacation Part 1(of 3) (Edited)
Christmas Vacation Part 2(of3) (Edited)
Christmas Vacation Part 3(of3) (Edited)
Eight Months (Edited)
About time (Edited)
Ready to Go (Edited)
Meet The Parents (Edited)
Mommy duty (Edited)
Kisses (Edited)
Parallels (Edited)
Surprises and Lies (Edited)
Planning a Trip (Edited)
Family Time (Edited)
The Best Day Ever (Edited)
Home (Edited)
Confrontation (Edited)
The Beginning of the End (Edited)
Update on Sequel
The Sequel is HERE
Sequel is now up

Concubine (Edited)

28.5K 873 16
By MissyJ31

I had not been enjoying my day without the twins. Quite frankly my subconscious kept making think they were still in the house. I had several freak out modes.

Plus, I haven't managed to sit still. Every time I try my mind is bombarded with all the information I've learned so far today. First off, Logan Spade is freaking interested in me. The Logan Spade, actor extraordinaire is interested. Second of all, how interested is the man? Does he want to be with me? Does he want sex with a younger woman? Does he want me to be around just so no other man can have me?

I'm truly lost.

A knock came to the door, I arose and went to answer it. I saw Brittany Spade and Michelle, Adam's wife. I let the two of them in. They were both dressed very nicely. Brittany wore skinny jeans and a tight black top while Michelle wore an above the knee and off the shoulder red dress.

"Hey," I said. "The twins are with Logan."

"We know," Brittany grinned.

I nodded. "That's why we're here. It's been over six weeks since you've had the twins. We're going out, all of us."

I looked down at my frame. I still had a very noticeable pudgy stomach . I shook my head. "Uh, no, not in the mood."

"Yes, you are. I bought you dresses." Michelle stated. It was then that I saw the bag in her hand. "Trust me, I've had two children as well. I made sure they don't call attention to areas you don't want anyone to notice."

I looked at both her and Brittany's smiling faces and caved. I'd never really had girl friends before neither have I gone out and had some fun. I'd be a fool to turn this down. It was something a young girl should try at least once.

We headed up to my bedroom. I had three dresses to try on: a pretty white one that shimmered, a boring purple one with ruffles, and a sexy black one. I loved the black one. It hid my pudge and it was strapless. I had been breastfeeding so my breast were huge and swollen. They looked good in this one.

"Hair, up or down," Brittany asked Michelle.

I glanced at her too. She smiled, "Up definitely up."

Brittany laughed. "I knew it." I allowed her to put my hair into some sort of fancy bun. "i can still dye your hair red."

"Yes, we'll do that soon. Let me know when you're free," I told her.

"Oh, honey. I'll see you tomorrow."

I laughed, she is sweet. Brittany finished my hair about fifteen minutes later. I dressed in my outfit and came out. "What do you think?"

"Hot," the girls both stated at the same time.

I blushed.

The three of us headed out. We had a driver so we all sat in the back glammed up. Brittany and Michelle both refreshed their lip gloss. We arrived to some nice upscale club in about thirty minutes.

I suddenly realized my age. I froze when I stepped out of the car. "Are you sure I can get in? I'm only nineteen."

Brittany merely smiled, she did not pay attention to me. She grabbed my hand and pulled me past the line of people and walked straight up to the bouncer. He let us right in without even checking our ID's. Brittany grinned at me like she knew he'd do it all along.

"Smile girl, you're Logan's chick. They know you have money and power at your disposal."

Basically they want to kiss my ass so I'll spend in their establishment. Interesting.

The club is amazing: some techno song vibrates throughout the room, the main floor has the bar, a few tables at the back and the huge dance floor filled with bodies smashing up against one another. The upstairs is where we're headed. They are filled with VIP tables and it is not so crowded up there.

We sit at a table on the far right side. We can see the whole room from up here. "Waiter," Michelle called out.

I let the girls order the alcohol. I'd never drank. I was still surprised when the waiter took the order and came back with the alcohol and still didn't bother checking my ID.

A bunch of little glasses littered our table. "We're doing shots," Brittany told me.

"Okay, " I said, unsure exactly what 'shots' meant.

Michelle knew what I was thinking. "You just take a small glass of hard liquor and chase it with a drink of your coke."

So we did over and over again. At first the drink burned but the coke really helps. Before long i was drunk. This was my first time drinking alcohol so I was a lightweight and I began spilling all of my secrets to the girls.

"Mark practically smothered me with his kiss and Logan saw it."

"What," Brittany asked in shock. "Mark kissed you."

At the same time that Michelle, a bit tipsy, asked "What did Logan do?"

"He told me I can't have Mark, but I don't even like Mark. I want Logan. I really want Logan. I don't think he likes me," I began to pout.

"Maybe he needs to know if you like him first, not all guys are upfront with their feelings."

Michelle chimed in. "Adam is, he took me within the first ten minutes of meeting. We were sixteen at the time."

My mouth dropped. There was something surprising and almost erotic in a guy doing that on a first meeting. "I wish Logan would do that."

Brittany blushed. "You guys are talking about my brothers and sex. I'm going to shake my ass on some hot guy down there."

"That's not a bad idea, wait for me," I called.

I stumbled as I stood up. I followed Brittany giggling for some odd reason as I trailed behind her.

We found some guys and danced through about four songs. During the fifth song, some guy started to be extra grabby with my body. I finally pushed him off of me.

"What, Logan Spade can have some, but not me?"

I went to turn away and he grabbed me and pulled me back to him. "Let go of me," I yelled.

He yanked me even closer making sure our bodies mashed up against one another as he spoke in my ear. "You know what you are, a twenty first century concubine."

I started pushing against him, but he held onto me trying to grind his body onto mine. The music was so loud the crowd so close no one could really tell that I wanted away from the man. Finally, Brittany pushed in between us and the guy she was with knocked the man away.

"Are you okay? I saw and tried to get over here."

I nodded. "I need to go."

"Don't let one guy ruin your night."

I faked a smile. "I'm not. I miss the twins."

"Honey, you're drunk."

I shrugged.

She helped me get out the door and into the car and told him to take me to Logan's place.

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