Jelsa || Protecting Her

By jelsa_lover123

49.4K 2K 880

The top number one spy at DreamWorks Spy Agency is Jack Overland Frost. He has always taken on every mission... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41


2.9K 83 39
By jelsa_lover123


A black Mercedes Benz pulled up at an abandoned and rather overgrown factory out in the sticks. I bet you're wondering, what's such an expensive car doing at a factory like this? A Mercedes Benz polished clean, black tinted windows, sports engine and the driver wearing a black sunshades and a fancy black tux? Something's up...right? The mystery man typed the number code of 197564 into the keypad. From the driver's side of the car, a concrete slab sunk into the ground and a keypad emerged. The driver placed his right hand onto the keypad and opened his bright cyan blue eyes wide as a smaller ball with a red light scanned.

'Permission granted. Welcome back, Agent Winter.'

The driver smiled to himself and watched as the abandoned factory's rusty iron shutter door opened slowly and the floor flipped up and the driver drove through the tunnel. Speeding through the tunnel, the driver laughed excitedly and skidded into the nearest parking space. The driver stepped out the car and sighed in relief.

'It's great to be back.' The driver thought.

He removed his sports sunshades and put them in the outside chest pocket of his tux. He dusted his tux and a man approached him, a much beefer man for the matter.

"Jack, my boy! So good to see you! Is this you back from the latest mission?" A tall heavily bearded man asked with a thick Russian accent.

The Russian man has a strong aura about him: positivity, happiness, fearless and immense wonder. He wears a red jumper with a wintery/festive pattern on, black loose pants and big black boots with a gold buckle. He seemed like the perfect persona to fit Santa Claus.

"Good to be back, North. Yes, that's me back and mission success." The driver who's an average height male with white hair.

This man by the name of Jack has a stranger aura: power, fearlessness, cold-hearted, secretive, mysterious and dark. He has the appearance of a cold, yet soft person: pale skin, pure white hair, comforting ocean blue eyes and a warm smile; only this smile appeared rarely and to very limited people.

"It's great to have you back. I think Manny wants a word with you too," The tall man, North reported.

"Thank you, North. I'll speak with him right now," The younger man, Jack nodded.

The younger man by the name of Jack went to the passenger side of his car and bought out a big briefcase. He walked to an elevator and pressed L for lobby. The white haired man entered the lobby. The lobby is very professional business like yet grand. This was only the lobby building, the agency is made of seven blocks. Building A is the main lobby building where the lobby, cafeteria, offices, restrooms, library and lounge areas are located. He glanced at his Armani watch before exiting the elevator. All eyes were on him, his face was stone cold not soft like it was moments ago speaking to a fellow colleague by the name of North.

"Agent Winter is back."

"The agency's biggest asshole is back again."

"I do admire him though. Just look at all the missions he has done and succeeded every one of them!"

"Great, I bet I just lost my new cool mission to him!"

This young white haired man is a spy. He works for DreamWorks Spy Agency, he's the best spy that DreamWorks has! He went to the front desk, the woman behind the desk by the name of Rachel was typing away frantically. She saw him making his way over and she almost immediately got her shocking pink lipstick from her purse and applied more. This made the agent roll his eyes in disgust.

'This is yet another extra reason as to why I don't do relationships at all. I hate lipstick and I'd rather not look like a puddle of pink vomit especially, she's such a slut looking like that.' The agent sighed disapprovingly in thought.

"I need you to get a hold of the head of DWSA, asap." The agent ordered.

"I'll quickly check his schedule," she winked.

Once again, the agent was rolling his eyes in disgust. She slipped a piece of paper onto the desk in front of the young agent, he raised his eye brow as he took hold of the note.

Call me ;)


Rachel xoxo

"Do you really think I'm that desperate?" The agent laughed coldly.

He tore the note up in front of the girl's face causing her cheeks to flush bright red with embarrassment as everyone else watched the whole scene. The agent glared daggers into her glassy dark brown eyes.

"Now, I'll say this again! I'm an impatient person, check Manny's schedule or I'll have you fired within seconds." He growled.

The girl was immediately to scanning the schedule. She was battling her tears from rolling down her cheeks and to her misfortune she didn't succeed. This didn't make the agent feel a drop of guilt for his actions.

"M-Mr. Moon is currently at a meeting, b-but he'll be available within the hour." Rachel whispered.

The agent nodded still glaring his piercing blue eyes at her. He walked away out of building A heading for building E1. Building E1 is a apartment complex for the males of DreamWorks Spy Agency. There are buildings E1-10 which each contains one hundred apartments for the male agents. Then, there's building F1-10 which each have one hundred apartments for the female agents. Agent Winter entered building E1 and went into the elevator. He pressed the fifty button on the button selection, it was the highest apartment complex. There are two apartment complexes on each floor being as there are the fifth floor level option in the elevator. The agent flicked his wrist to check the time on his Armani watch.

"Half four. Manny should call me soon." The agent said to himself.

The elevator finally reached the top floor and he entered the apartment door that said ninety nine. The agent entered his apartment complex and took a deep breath in.

"Home, sweet home." He sighed in relief.

He shut the dark oak door behind him and walked to his left into another room: his office. This office was loaded. In one corner was a huge corner desk with an expensive computer chair and computer, a work tablet just a great office set up in general.

Directly behind the corner desk built into the two walls were cabinet. These cabinets didn't contain family photos, sculptures or prized possessions as you'd think; they were loaded with weapons. Swiss army knife with an eight inch blade, smaller pocketknife, five hand grenades, five smoke bombs and flashbangs, ten sticky bombs, a police baton, knuckle dusters, stun guns, AK-47, sniper rifles, marksman pistols, shotguns, hand pistols and many more deadly weapons.

"I think I'll finish this little file so I can send it off to Phillip in evidence." The agent said to himself.

He took his seat and logged onto his computer. Just as he was unloading a box for the file, he was interrupted.

"Agent Winter, please report to Mr. Moon's office. That's Agent Winter to Mr. Moon's office."

'Looks like this evidence filing will have to wait.' The agent thought.

The young agent was standing outside of very large dark oak doors. He knocked three times and there was a loud voice coming from the other side.

"Come in!"

The agent entered and was greeted to the man that wiped out as much evil as possible to make the world a better place, Manny Moon. The agent admired the head of DWSA, he so desperately wanted to follow in his boss's footsteps!

"Ah, Jack! Welcome back! How was the mission? Not too hard, I hope." Manny joked.

The agent laughed and handed his boss the briefcase. The boss rubbed his hands together and opened the suitcase, he smiled warmly to his fellow agent.

"Jack, you never fail me." He praised.

"Thank you, Manny. Those words coming from you always make me feel great," Jack smiled.

"You have done great things, this mission was hard to tackle I know." Manny sighed, rubbing his temples.

"Hey, think of it positively! I'm back with the evidence and that mafia crime riddled bastard can be put behind bars for good!" Jack reasoned.

Manny cringed a little at the language. Manny Moon was a well-respected person amongst all people within the DWSA, he created it all when he was just a mere orphan himself living on the streets; he trained himself to do these missions all alone until he had enough money and people to build this amazing spy agency!

"Sorry, Manny. I'm just always doing it, it's a bad habit." The agent apologised sincerely.

Manny smiled and nodded to his best agent. Agent Winter handed over a file for the evidence.

"I know that you like to be on your feet and you always request mission after mission, so I have my mission organiser and the board setting up for tomorrow." Manny said.

"Great, I'll be there." Jack smiled.

BANG. BANG. BANG. Shotgun shells went flying as agentees in training were practising how to control their aim with a shotgun. Agent Winter's cold-hearted side was out again and he shuddered at the sound of the shotgun shells hitting the floor.

"Oh, Amelia. You're just begging for the beatings, you wind me up to get me to this point."

He shook his head. No, not now! He screamed at himself internally.

The young agent quickly left the shooting range in building C, he couldn't bare to listen to the sound of those shotguns any longer. Especially how the shells to the bullets hit the floor making that clanging sound until they were no longer able to do anything but roll on the solid cement floor.

"Jack, you're back!" Tooth smiled.

"Tooth." Jack said blankly.

He continued walking. Carelessly, he hurt a girl that liked him a lot. The thing is he's a huge asshole and doesn't care; like he said before he doesn't do relationships. He had a few one night stands with her, but it has been kept between them. They still continue their little one night stands.

He was now heading back to his apartment complex; he needed to send off all the evidence to Phillip and then he needed to change for his training. He loved to train and buff himself up everyday, females were going nuts over him. Jack would never go with a girl, they're pathetic in his opinion and he's not over past events. Could anyone blame him? He had a very harsh past. He arrived back at his apartment and saw the janitor. The janitor smiled to him.

"Hello, Agent Winter. I just finished cleaning your apartment," The janitor smiled.

"Thanks." The agent replied.

The janitor left whistling and smiling. That put a smile on the cold-hearted man's face. He liked it when people smiled, maybe he would speak with the janitor again soon. He entered his apartment and went back to filing off his work, before getting changed and going to train.


Hi guys! 😊 Welcome to Jelsa Protecting Her! 😁🎊🎉 I've been SO excited to publish this book for a while! 😬 I'm very impatient when it comes to publish/creating/writing FanFics, especially new ones 🙄😂 So, this is the prologue and I hope you enjoyed the prologue ☺️



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