Riley and the Boxers | ✔️

By Navycoffee

214K 8.9K 3.2K

Imagine losing your family. You would be devastated, heartbroken and empty, as if you've lost everything in y... More



2.9K 177 68
By Navycoffee

Hey hey hey everybody! I'm so sorry that it's been over a week since I've updated but hey — here's a super long chapter for you guyss! <3

If you care about the reason, it's because I left all my holiday homework to last minute and created complete chaos for myself!

Kids, don't ever do this in senior school. I'm telling you, it won't be pretty.

Anyhoos, enjoooy lovelies xx

T W E N T Y – N I N E

"Riley!" Orio panic-stricken voice sung impatiently from behind the curtains of the changing room. "I don't mean to rush you or anything, but hurry! We only have five minutes until your date picks you up."

"C-coming!" I squeaked, staring at myself in the mirror in awe. Well, not exactly me — more like the one shouldered, lavender-silk gown that hugged my feminine curves perfectly and then flowed lusciously down to lay slightly on the floor. There was a slit in the middle too, however it was only visible when I'd bend my knees.

Wow, Orio had real good taste.

Grabbing hold of as much of the dress as possible to avoid tripping over, I rushed over and opened the curtains wide to reveal my final look to Orio and Brianna the stylist, who were sat on the couch with bored expressions.

However, the moment their eyes swept over me their jaws slung open. I grinned. Do I really look that amazing?

"You look horrible!" Brianna spat with wide eyes.

My grin flipped over and I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?!"

"Yeah, what?!" Orio repeated, turning to her with an outraged look. "She looks beautiful!"

I blushed, a smile slowly creeping up to my lips. Awe.

Brianna flickered her eyes between us, loss for words. Then she looked down, appearing to be confused and embarrassed. "I'm so sorry. My niece told me that my makeup was horrible the other day and when I almost started crying, she told me that 'horrible' is the new 'gorgeous'. But clearly she lied, my makeup is just plain horrible."

"Awww." Orio and I cooed simultaneously, giving her a hug.

"I think your makeup is flawless." I smiled.

"Same, your niece has no idea what she's talking about." Orio nodded sassily.

Brianna smiled back. "Thanks guys, you're both the sweetest!" Her smile slowly faltered when she saw the time. "Alright no more chit-chat, you better get going now!"

Orio gasped. "True, let's go." He grabbed my wrist and started pulling me out of the dressing room.

You must be wondering—what happened to our trip to the boutiques? Well, the trip did happen, and the dresses were mouth-droolingly stunning, but one look at the price tags and we were out of there faster than Bolt. Seriously, you could buy two houses with the price of one of those dresses!

We ran down the empty hallways of the mansion, feeling thankful that no one was home yet due to the Hemmings twin's boxing match. Man, I wish I could stop missing out on their matches.

It took about five minutes to arrive at the front door and on cue, the door opened to reveal a smoking-hot Chance in a white tuxedo.

Sweet Papi, I had now officially witnessed heaven.

I was standing there in a slightly slanted position, puffing my heart out (not because I ran, but because I can't breathe due to my date looking so ethereal in a white tuxedo) in a dreamy trance, drooling.

Funny thing was that Chance was almost mirroring me—except in a much cooler way. His hands were tucked inside his nicely fitted pants and he smiled at me.

I fixed my posture and smiled back. "Wow, you clean up really well."

He chuckled softly, looking down with a blush on his cheeks before meeting my eyes again. "I can say the same to you."

And now we were completely mirroring each other; standing face-to-face nervously, looking down with flushed cheeks.

We jumped slightly when Orio giggled. Forgot he was there for a moment. "You two totally suck at flirting."

"Shut up Orio." Chance barked, daring him to stay here any longer with his deadly glare. Orio, getting the drill, quickly left the room. However, not before I gave him a smile and mouthed a 'thank you.'

As soon as he left, Chance turned to me and smirked playfully. "Ready to go love?"

I nearly fainted. Love! He just called me love!

I smirked back. I'll show Orio flirting after this line! "Ready as you are, princess."

I nearly fainted again and would've slapped myself continuously for the rest of my life. What the hell was that?!

Chance just furrowed his eyebrows, then opened his mouth to say something. But then closed it. Then opened it again. And then closed it.

Somebody hand me a golden medal for being the longest person alive without a brain.

He opened his mouth again, but before he could say anything I smacked my hand over his mouth. "Yeah I don't know either, let's just forget it ever happened and go."

Ignoring the tingly sensation of touching Chance's lips, I grabbed his hand and lead the way out of our home. Well, my soon-to-be ex-home. My heart jolted. I had to tell Chance today.

My thoughts were quickly replaced with the sight ahead of me and my jaw dropped in response. Casually sitting in the middle of the spacious driveway was a bright-yellow limousine, and it was the best vehicle I had ever laid my eyes on.

"I know." Chance confidently grinned, standing right next to me with his hands in his pockets again. "My sister has a pretty funky taste, along with her crazy personality."

"It's beautiful." I whispered, nearly on the brink of tears. It was the most coolest thing I've ever seen!

Chance chuckled, patting my back. "You can go in, you know."

Finally I looked at him and grinned the biggest grin I've ever given anybody before happily exclaiming, "Okay!"

Running towards the limo, I halted when Chance started speaking again.

"Oh and, about how you called me a 'princess'," Chance chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes and a blush of embarrassment on my cheeks. "Yeah, I'm never forgetting that."



Once again, my jaw slacked at the sight ahead of me.

Not because the view was magnificent, grand and screamed 'rich' just as I've expect of Chance's family's wealthy background, but because it screamed small, beautiful and simplistically sweet.

The wedding was taken place at a small, white chapel with rows of white chairs all lined up facing the chapel. Some people were sitting down on them, whilst others were roaming all around and chatting with others. The men were all wearing different styles of white suits whereas the women were wearing pale-coloured gowns, and luckily so was I. There were long, white-clothed tables on each side filled with a diversity of delicious foods, and from the corner of my eyes I could see Chance lick his lips. Typical Chance.

Everything was decorated very simply and in complete white, as if the decorations weren't their top priority, and possibly last. Not that it looks bad or anything! It just seemed that the designers didn't really put in much effort, but the simplicity is what made it look goo—oh you get what I mean.

"Chance, mi corazón!" A petite, elderly women exclaimed brightly as she ran sloppily towards Chance.

"Nana!" Chance beamed, running towards her and embracing her into a bear hug, kissing her forehead a good 100 times. Awww! I tried not to squeal, but it was really hard since that was the most adorable encounter I've ever seen Chance have with someone. And as far as I know of Spanish, Nana means grandma, so that must be his grandma!

Unfortunately, my Spanish knowledge stopped there as they started conversing in complete Spanish, his Nana pinching his cheeks every now and then.

I stood there awkwardly, looking down at my heels fiddling on the ground. I felt envious that Chance and his Nana were so seemingly close and truly loving of each other, whereas I was pretty sure my grandparents hated mine and my parent's existence. I didn't know why they were taking me; they completely disowned my mom and dad and now they thought they could own me?

Oh hell no.

Should I run away? Possibly with Chance if he wants to come with me? I mean, as I watched Chance share laughs and love with his Nana, I realised how much I really liked him. At first when I met him, he was this arrogant, piece-of-trash who judged more quickly than he ate.

And now, well he still is. But this time, I now knew that deep down, he had a soft, yet strong and warm heart which had suffered many wounds, but was only in the process of getting stitched up with techniques that were shaping him to become a better person.

I stared at him in reverie with a great big smile on my face. Oh and, not to mention how incredibly good-looking he is, like damn! Did the heavens create him with a brand new crafting-tool or something—Shut up Riley, you ruined the moment.

Due to my deep reverie and mentally scolding myself, I didn't realise that I had company until Chance cleared his throat and nudged me. "Riley? You in there?"

"Huh—what?" I sputtered, blinking repeatedly to sink back into reality. When I did, I tilted to look into the eyes of Chance's Nana. She smiled back, staring at me with fascination and adoration. Wow that sounded sophisticated. And so did that.

"Riley, this is my grandmother, and Nana this is Riley." Chance introduced us to each other.

I smiled. "Hi. Nice to meet you!"

Her smile turned into a grin as she clapped her hands together. "Oh, the pleasure is all mine!" She turned to Chance, whispering what I just barely caught, "Wow ella es hermosa!"

Chance smiled genuinely, before sneaking a glance at me. "Yo sé."

I wish english subtitles worked in real life.

Seeing the confused look on my face, Nana bursted out with laughter. "Sorry darling! I was just telling Chance how pretty you are."

Immediately my cheeks started sizzling once again, and I laughed nervously before murmuring, "Oh, t-thank you..."

Chance looked over my shoulders and waved at a few people with his charming smile. Then he turned back to us and announced, "I'll be right back."

Nana and I both nodded at him as he walked off, leaving us alone. I just hoped that she wasn't going to give me any more compliments because I honestly had no idea how to reply to them. Oh and not to mention the fact that my cheeks have had enough heat for one day!

"You know, I've seen you before." Nana stated, her grin turning into an interrogating one.

My eyes widened. "You have?"

Please don't say as a boy. Please don't say as a bo—

"Yes. But it was really strange..." She looked down, with a look that showed that she was having trouble trying to make sense of something. "You looked a bit like a... boy."

Oh great.

I laughed hysterically for a good minute, hoping that she didn't realise that it was forced and that I was in fact, guilty. "Oh, no! That must've been my twin bother, um... Ricky!"

She laughed back. "That explains it! How lovely, you should've invited him today!"

I laughed back, trying to swallow the guilt away. "I would've loved to, but er... you see, he just left today to Australia to live there, possibly forever. So um yeah, sorry about that."

Her smile dropped into a frown. "Oh dear, that's such a shame."

Not being able to lie to her any longer, I changed the topic. "Shall we go sit down?"

She nodded, locking her arms through mine. "We shall. Riley I just also want to say, thank you for making my only grandson so happy. He hasn't looked so alive like this in years, and with you he seems like a totally new person."

My heart danced whilst she said that, and even after when I told her in a hushed voice, "I really like him, Nana."

She giggled, placing her other hand on my arm. "Don't worry, he deeply fancies you too."

For the billionth time, I blushed madly, biting my lip nervously. "You really think so?"

"Darling, I really know so. And besides," She winked. "I really like you too. I can tell you're a very elegant, pure-hearted, loyal and honest girl. And you bring him true happiness, which makes you a very special person."

My stomach churned. Honest? I felt so guilty, I had to 'fess up. Taking a deep breath, I announced, "Nana, I have something to tell you."

Helping her down onto one of the front seats, she patted the seat next to her and grinned. "Speak to me, child."

"I..." I sighed, fidgeting with my fingers on my lap. This is so embarrassing. "I lied about my twin brother. I don't have any siblings. I'm so sorry that I—"

"It's okay, I already knew." She chuckled.

"What? How did you—"

"But there's more..." she pursed her lips and furrowed her brows, before gasping. "Are you leaving soon?!"

Woah, is Nana psychic?!

I remained silent, unable to reach for words due to how blown away I was.

However, my actions spoke anyway. She leant towards me and whispered, "Does Chance know?"

I shook my head.

Her lips quivered as she queried again. "Are you coming back?"

I shook my head again, blinking furiously to hold back the tears. She embraced me into a big hug, and I felt a tear roll down my face before my tongue caught it. Is it just me or do tears taste good?

"Don't worry," She whispered. "If two people are meant to be together, eventually they'll find their way back. Just like Marla and Ron."

Ah, the bride and groom.

I smiled. "Thanks, Nana." 

"I'm back!" Chance materialised right next to me. "So what did I mis— what's wrong?"

I shook my head. "Nothing—"

The entire audience grew silent as the Chapel's doors opened and a priest along with a very tall man with stark-white hair and beautiful green eyes.

"That's Ron, my brother-in-law." Chance whispered so close to my ear that it sent chills through my body.

"He's so handsome, isn't he?" Nana giggled next to me and I nodded furiously, but then stopped immediately when I saw the look on Chance's face.

Well to be honest, I don't think anyone can be compared to Chance's handsomeness. But I wasn't going to tell him that. Besides, I was enjoying his jealous face.

Suddenly, wedding bells began to ring and shortly after, the wedding son started playing on the piano. Everybody stood up, awaiting for the bride to arrive. However, it was a surprise to everyone when suddenly bass started playing along with the song, then followed by some more beats. Suddenly, the music was more upbeat and I found myself tapping my feet with it.

The entire audience gasped when the bride arrived, wearing a rainbow wedding dress! Marla walked down the aisle with a bouquet of white roses in her hands, her rainbow gown completely stealing the spotlight of the entire universe. We all watched in awe at not only her statement of a wedding gown, but also at her natural beauty. There was no sign of makeup, nor any piercings that she usually had everywhere on her face. Her face was butt naked, but she managed to pull it off beautifully.

"Told you she's wild." Chance whispered once again very close to my ear, and in return I grinned. I could tell she was a very special and unique person. However, what puzzled me was the fact that Mr Montes was nowhere to be seen. Shouldn't he be walking her down the aisle? I wonder what happened.

Marla's eyes were captured by Ron's, and tears began falling down her face as she was coming close to the alter. I could feel their chemistry from where I was standing, that was how strong their love was.

When she did finally arrive, she and Ron shared a moment before the priest began, well, priesting.

"We are gathered here today..."

And you know the drill.

But whilst that was going on, I couldn't help but shed a tear. Marla and Ron looked so madly in love, it got me all emotional!

I wonder how mine and Chance's wedding would look like...

Woah, too fast Riley, take it slow. And besides, you're leaving in four days, remember?

I took a peak at Chance, who caught my eyes with his and smiled. As I returned the smile half-heartedly, he entwined his hands in mine. My stomach churned in response. Oh man, I wish I wasn't.


"Riley," Chance's muffled voice due to his mouth having been stuffed with food. "Dance with me?" He grinned, showing off not only his teeth but also the chewed donuts behind them.

I scoffed, giving him a disgusted and weirded out glare. "Not a chance, Chance."

He shot me a sarcastic smile, once again speaking with a muffled voice, "Very funny Colema—"

I slapped my hands over his mouth, looking around to see if any poor person was witnessing this. "Can you like, oh I don't know... not speak while you're eating! You're going to traumatise someone."

He narrowed his eyes, chewing slightly as his eyes bored into mine. "Fine, but only if you dance with me."

I rolled my eyes, a smiling scarcely playing on my lips. "Fine."

He smirked, holding out his hand in which I take, ignoring the sparks that I literally felt.

And the next thing we knew, we were twirling each other and waltzing through the dance circle, whilst the Beatles 'Hey Jude' was playing. His hands were on my hips and my arms were clipped over his neck, and our eyes were locked onto each others.

You must be think, aw, how romantic! Well sorry to be a party-pooper but it wasn't like that at all.

We were actually having a staring-contest, and whoever won got to sleep on the bed, since I slept on a sleeping bag and Chance slept on the bed. I had no idea why I never got my own bed, I got so used to sleeping on a sleeping bag that I completely forgot about it, and I think Elva did too.

Well, there's no need to worry about that anymore, I was leaving in four days anyway.

I rose a brow at him, without a single blink as I questioned him softly, "So, why isn't your dad here? If you don't mind me asking."

"Actually I do, so shut up." He snapped, which nearly made me blink with surprise and guilt. But then he smirked, which told me he was joking. Asshole. "Marla ran away from home. My dad didn't approve of Ron and how he apparently 'changed her', and was about to send her to England. So she ran away. Dad doesn't even know that she's getting married today."

I smiled whole-heartedly, a tear rolling down my eyes not because I hadn't blinked for a minute now, but because of how much it sounded like my parent's story. I whispered. "Just like my parents."

He wiped the tear off my cheeks and smiled. "Yeah, I know. At first I was angry at her for not telling me about the fact that she was leaving, but then I slowly started to forgive her, and understand her and stuff."

I gulped. Big time. Boy did I not want to Chance to be mad at me, not ever.

Looking into his eyes, all I saw was that they were dancing (pun not intended), and that he had never been so at peace before.

I think it's time to tell him.

I took a deep breath. Here I go. "Chance, I need to tell you something. I'm lea—"

However, I was cut off in the most oddest way possible.

Out of nowhere, a piece of cake slammed right onto my forehead and slid down my face ever so slowly, leaving a trace of thick white icing as it did so.

Marla's laughter was the last thing I heard before she declared, "FOOD FIGHT!"

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