Haven't Met You Yet

By nbhoodguinxss

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People walk into our lives for a reason. Eventually we realize why and sometimes, we are never the same. More

Haven't Met You Yet
Chapter 2- Crash
Chapter 3- Buzz! Buzz!
Chapter 4- Opportunities
Chapter 5- Superstition
Chapter 6- Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
Chapter 7- Three Blind Mice
Chapter 8- The Kiss
Chapter 9- Surprise,Surprise
Chapter 10- What If ?
Chapter 11-Wishing On A Star
Chapter 13- Ugh.
Chapter 14 - Idiot
Chapter 15 - Not Again
Chapter 16 - Conceal
Chapter 17- Stormy Weather
Chapter 18 - Just Maybe
Chapter 19- Shit.
Chapter 20- News
Chapter 21- Bam
Chapter 22- Resolution
Chapter 23- Acceptance
Chapter 24- At Last
Chapter 26- Hope
Chapter 27- One Last Time

Chapter 12- Time To Shine

90 4 0
By nbhoodguinxss

It was another boring day at work, just a continuous routine of filing,typing, and answering phones.

Like I said before, I had hoped I'd be working with music a little bit at this point. After all, I did happen to work for one of the biggest music companies in the industry.

The phone rang, it was my boss.

"Hey Sally, can you come in? I wanna talk to you." he said cheerfully.

I made a face. David never asked to talk to me, maybe I was being let go. Great... just what I needed.

"Uh sure I'll be there in a second."

"Great!" he yelled. Wow, he was enthusiastic.

I put away one last file and made my way towards his office. I gave myself a pep talk and prepared for the worst as I opened the door.

He turned his chair to face the door and grinned so hard I thought his face might tear. "Ah! Just the person I wanted to see right now. Come in, sit down !"

I walked towards his desk, which took longer than one may think, his office was huge. I mean, c'mon, the man had multiple fish tanks in there.

"You look lovely today." he smiled.

"Oh, thank you!" I blushed.

"So, you're probably wondering why I'm so excited to speak with you." he responded after placing a mint in his mouth.

I nodded, not wanting to interrupt him or anything.

"When I interviewed you for this job, you mentioned wanting to become a musician, am I correct?" he asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, in fact, I believe it was one of the first things I mentioned." I replied nervously.

"Well, I want to help you. Now, I can't just give you a record deal on the spot. You're gonna have to show me that you deserve it. Which brings me to my next point. I called you in here because there happens to be an open-mic night at the Polka Dot Lounge later tonight. I figure, it could be your chance to show me what you're made of." he smirked.

My jaw dropped and I was in such a state of shock.

"A-a-are you serious?!" I gasped, holding my hand over my mouth.

He chuckled, making his cheeks turn bright red. "Yes, very. You work hard and you're dedicated so I can only assume you have the same work ethics towards your music. I'm willing to take a chance on you."

"Thank you so much, you won't regret it. I promise!" I smiled and shook his hand.

He gave me all the information I needed and sent me back to work.

This was it, my chance to make it all happen for myself.


I rushed home right after work and started getting ready.

Ana and Jasmine were both home and exchanged strange glances as I ran inside the house.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Jasmine yelled.

"You didn't even bother to say hi, fucker." Ana shouted.

I walked out of my room and back into the living room.

"Sorry, I'm just so nervous and excited. My boss is giving me a chance at a possible record deal so I'm freaking out and I can't find anyt-"

Jasmine stopped me by covering my mouth mid-sentence.

"Stop. Breathe. Ana and I will help you, ok." She comforted me.

"Trust me, we'll pick the perfect outfit. Go take a shower and we'll take care of the rest." Ana shoved me towards the bathroom.

I know it might seem like they didn't care, but they were probably happier than I was. They were both just very logical about things and tried to remain calm in stressful situations.

Buzz. It was a text message from Jay.

"So, are we still good for tonight?"

Shit. I had completely forgotten about our plans...

"Fuck!" I shouted.

"What?" Ana and Jasmine asked in perfect unison.

"I had plans with Jay that I completely forgot about. I feel bad if I cancel on him, but I need to go to this open-mic night!" I sighed in frustration.

Ana rolled her eyes. "Dude, chill the fuck out. Just invite him along!"

Idiot. Why didn't I think of that in the first place?

"Oh shit, good idea, thanks!" I rushed, still trying to get ready.

"You'd be lost without me." she winked.

I blew a raspberry in her direction and proceeded on my way to the bathroom to take my shower.

I was done about fifteen minutes later and I texted Jay to meet me at the Polka Dot Lounge.

I tossed my phone on my bed as I walked into my room to get dressed.

Ana and Jasmine had laid out some cut-off denim shorts and a flowy white tank top to go with it. Of course they placed accessories and shoes alongside the outfit.

I decided it would have to do and hurried to get dressed.

I had already done my makeup earlier so I didn't have to worry about that, and my hair was in a French braid all day so I just took it out and let my hair do whatever it wanted.

I grabbed my purse and guitar, practically running out of the house.

I had to make sure I did well, this was my moment. And nobody was gonna stand in my way.


When I got to the venue, there was a check in station for performers. Which I didn't really understand the point of, seeing as it was open-mic night, but I checked in anyway.There were a few bands and the rest were all solo artists.

Honestly, I was shitting bricks.

These people all looked professional and then you had me, an awkward amateur, it was pretty discouraging to be honest.

I was starting to feel pretty shitty, but just then, Jay showed up.

He had perfect timing, seriously, I think he had some kind of timer or something.

He ran up to me and hugged me.

"Hey you! How you feeling?" He asked, showing that beautiful little smile of his.

"Nervous as hell. All these people look amazing and I can hardly breathe." I rushed. even though Jay was with me, I felt extremely anxious. My heart was beating at an alarming rate and I started hyperventilating.

His mood changed drastically.

"Hey, it's ok. I'm here. Listen to me, you're gonna do fantastic. Don't pay attention to the other people here. Just worry about yourself." He spoke slowly, as you would to a child. His hands cupping my face towards his own, staring into my eyes.

"Just take a breath. In through your nose and out through your mouth. Slowly." he moved my hair out of my face and demonstrated the breathing technique he had just told me.

I closed my eyes and did as he told me.

After about five slow breaths, I was calm. I opened my eyes to see his beautiful crystal blue ones staring back at me.

"Thank you so much. I feel loads better now." I said as I hugged him tightly.

Of course, he hugged me back even tighter. God, his hugs were amazing. He could make you feel how much he cared about you, through one simple hug.

As usual, he nuzzled himself into my neck and stayed there for a bit. I couldn't help but feel guilty, because I'd never seen him treat Kelsey like this.

I pulled away and ruffled his curls, trying to make it less, well, like we were in a relationship.

Because as much as I wanted that to be the case, it wasn't.

"So what song are you performing?" he asked awkwardly.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I teased.

"Obviously, which is why I asked." he sassily replied.

I laughed and before I knew it, it was my turn to perform.

I gave him one last hug before I went up on stage. Taking slow breaths to keep myself calm.

I introduced myself and took a moment to fully calm down and perform.

I began strumming my guitar and took one last glance at Jay before beginning.

Turn it inside out so I can see

The part of you that's drifting over me

And when I wake you're, you're never there

But when I sleep you're, you're everywhere

You're everywhere.

As the song went on, my confidence went soaring through the roof.

'Cause you're everywhere to me

And when I close my eyes it's you I see

You're everything I know

That makes me believe

I'm not alone

I started to realize that this song was actually quite relatable. I tried my hardest not to stare at Jay.

And when I touch your hand

It's then I understand

The beauty that's within

It's now that we begin

You always light my way

I hope there never comes a day

No matter where I go

I always feel you so

The crowd was suddenly about two times larger than I had realized and they were going crazy.

You're in everyone I see

So tell me

Do you see me?

As I finished the song, I looked directly at him.


I took a bow and thanked the crowd. As I walked off the stage, I started coming up with a story to tell Jay in case he asked about why I stared at him.

I didn't have much time though because almost immediately after I got off the stage, he gave me a huge hug and twirled me around. You know, all adorable like how they do it in the movies.

"You were amazing! Holy shit! Why don't you sing everything you say?" he shouted at me.

I just laughed and told him he was an idiot. Even though I was glad he loved it, I had no idea how my boss was going to feel about it.

"Oh wow, that's amazing." Jay said sarcastically, trying to get my attention.

"Huh- Sorry. I was just thinking about something." I trailed off.

But I was distracted by someone shouting his name. He turned around and looked like he had just seen a ghost. I was scared he was gonna vomit everywhere to be honest.

"You should probably get home. I'll try to message you later. Bye." he mumbled, kissing my cheek.

"Erm, ok then." I had no idea what had just happened. This wasn't the first time he'd done it either. Maybe he really didn't like me and just pitied me. I tried not to let it bother me but... it was a truly odd situation.

*Jay's POV*

Shit, why did they have to come here? Everything was going well with Sally and of course they had to come and ruin it.

I felt bad just leaving her there but I couldn't be seen with her. Not because I was embarrassed to be associated with her, but it would cause too much drama.

Those pricks would have a field day with it...

Maybe I should tell her, she does deserve to know. After all, how could I consider her my best friend and not tell her about one of the biggest parts of my life.

I needed to tell her. Soon.

Before it was too late...


Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter (:

It took forever to write !

The song Sally performs is

Everywhere by Michelle Branch

Ummmm... yeah. I'll try to update more frequently!

Thanks for reading and voting babes


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