Zombie apocalypse (A 1d fanfi...

By xxsweetheartxx786

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Zombie apocalypse (A 1d fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 25

235 12 3
By xxsweetheartxx786

Chapter 25

Talia's POV

"Right everyone listen up." Said Ray. "Harry has an announcement to make." Everyone quietened down. We were all having breakfast the next morning when all of a sudden, Ray came and said Harry had an announcement to make that was an emergency. We were all waiting impatiently for the news.

"Harry, it's all yours." Yelled Ray. We all then turned to Harry who came out from behind a tree and walked towards me.

"Hello everyone. I know you all must be wondering what's going on? Well the thing is, I have an announcement to make. I'm in love with the most prettiest girl on the whole wide world. I don't know what I would do without her, she's amazing and I have realised I'm the luckiest guy on earth to have her and that I can't let her ever go away from me which is why.." He trailed off and went down on one knee. Everyone gasped and started to whisper. I was in shock to take my eyes away from Harry to see what was going on. I watched as he opened a velvet black box and inside was the most gorgeous ring I had ever seen. It was a diamond ring with our initial imprinted in it. I gasped.

"Talia, will you marry me?" I looked at him with tears of joy in my eyes.

"Yes." I said. Harry placed the ring on my finger and everyone cheered as he swung me around and placed a kiss on my lips.

The whole day everyone just congratulated us and we planned the preparations for the wedding.

Until we heard gunshots.

"EVERYONE, RUN!" Yelled one of the watchers as he ran past us all. Everyone fled in panic. We all looked at each other and quickly got up. Harry held my hand and had Lauren in his other one. We looked back to see zombies had broken in, it was a horde and people were being eaten and bitten. This wasn't the safe zone anymore.

We ran through a pathway in the back which brought us into some woods. We kept running as we heard screams of pain and agony.

"KEEP RUNNING!" Yelled Liam. We all ran as fast as we could through the woods until we came to a lake. We all stopped in our tracks.

"What do we do?" Yelled Daniella.

"Ray, my dad!" Yelled Kara as they approached us.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Kara lost her father." Said Ray. We all gasped.

"Oh my god." I said. "Kara, it's going to be ok. We will make it through this."

"Talia, my dad." She sobbed.

"He's in a better place. He wouldn't want you crying, he would just want you to survive and make it through this." She nodded and I smiled at her.

"So, how do we get past this lake?" Asked Tom.

"Liam?" Asked Harry.

"Yeah, that's awesome all of you ask me." Said Liam.

"Chill man, we just asked." Said Zayn.

"How about we cross with that log over there." I suggested.

"Would we make it?" Asked Siva.

"It's worth it." Said Harry and then made his way there with me trailing along.

"Ok people, one at a time and slowly cause we have a baby here." Said Harry. He then stepped on the log and held Lauren close to him. He walked slowly until he got to the middle and I stepped on behind. Him and Lauren made it to the other side and then I did. Next was Eleanor, Louis, Kara, Ariana, Niall, Ray, Liam, Daniella, Perrie and Zayn. It was just Nathan, Jay, Siva, Tom, Max and Sophia to go.

"Come on guys." I said.

Jay, Siva, Tom and Max all came on the log and made it. It was just Nathan and Sophia.

"WHAT'S WRONG?" I yelled.

"SOPHIA'S SCARED." Nathan yelled.

"SOPHIA, COME ON YOU CAN DO THIS!" She looked at me and nodded.

Nathan stepped on the log and held his hand out to Sophia. Sophia looked at it and then slowly extended out her hand, but it was too late a horde of zombies appeared and one of them grabbed her.

"AARGH!" Yelled Sophia.

"SOPHIA!" We all yelled in unison.

"HELP ME NATHAN! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" She was crying by now.

Nathan grabbed Sophia's hand and pulled on it but it was useless, more zombies appeared and started to eat chunks of her as she wailed.

"NATHAN, COME BACK." Yelled Jay. Nathan ignored him though and pulled Sophia.

"Nathan, please go." Her voice was hoarse.

"Never." Said Nathan.

"You need to survive."

"Without you never. I rather die."

"I love you." Said Sophia with and smile and then she was gone.

"I love you too, baby. Come back." Said Nathan as he cried uncontrollably.

"NATHAN." Yelled Max. "COME ON!" Nathan looked at us all and then saluted us as he fell back into the zombies hands.

"NO!" We all yelled. We watched as the zombies ate him as though there was no tomorrow.

"Come on, we have to leave quickly." Said Zayn and then ran off.

We all looked back one last time and followed Zayn. It was nearing sundown.

"We have to find shelter." I said.

Lauren was crying as it was her feeding time soon.

"And food for the baby." Said Kara.


We all froze as we heard rustling sounds and twigs crunching under someone's feet.

"Shh." Said Liam as we all huddled together and looked around.

A figure popped out and we saw it was a man who looked like a zombie hunter.

"What do we have here?" He said. We all sighed but were scared at the same time.

"Hello, mister." I said as I moved forward. "We need shelter and food, could you please help us?" He looked at me and then the rest of the gang.

"Are any of y'all bitten?" He asked us, raising an eyebrow.

"No." I said. "We have a baby though and we just escaped a horde of zombies. Please sir my baby is really hungry, we need to feed her as soon as possible."

"Very well." He said. "Follow me." He then walked forward and we all followed him.

We had been walking for hours now. It was dark now as well.

"Were here!" He stated. "The names jack, by the way."

"Talia." I said. "This is Harry, my daughter Lauren, Zayn, Perrie, Liam, Daniella, Eleanor, Louis, Niall, Ariana, Kara, Ray, Max, Siva, Tom and Jay. We lost two along the way."

"Nice to meet you all also sorry about to hear that."

"Where are we, if you don't mind me asking?" Said Ariana.

"This is a safe zone we have." Jack said. "We have never been attacked by any zombies here as they have never found this place and even if they did they wouldn't be able to come as they can't cross the lake."

"So we are safe here?" Asked Perrie.

"You could say that." He said. We all smiled and cheered.

"Come on in and I'll introduce y'all."

The gates opened and we all walked in. This place was awesome and even better than the other safe zone. I could tell we would be safer here as there were many weapons and better security.

We all walked in and the gates closed behind us. Everyone saw newcomers and all walked towards us for an introduction. The smile of joy on their faces at knowing there are some out there who are survivors.

We know that our lives will never be normal again but we do know that in this place we will have a closer normal life. This apocalypse has taught us many lessons and helped us to learn skills which is why we have survived. We have had quite a journey, losing some, gaining some new friends and survivors and lastly falling in love. Maybe this apocalypse started so we could meet the people we didn't know even existed, maybe destiny wanted me and Harry to meet which is why this all started by God. I don't know, but all I know is that whatever will happen I don't care as long as I have Lauren and Harry by my side.

The End!!


Finally finished, what did u guys think?




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