Love is in the Air (Cameron B...

By katykat235

19.3K 313 73

This story is about going camping and meeting the love of your life. But, will you be the only one to fall in... More

Chapter 1-Love at First Sight
Chapter 2-Camping Trip!
Chapter 3-Say Yes & Start Packing
Chapter 4-The Sparks & The Arrival
Chapter 5-Alani & Spencer
Chapter 6-Dinner, Dessert, & Payback
Chapter 7-Romance Blooms & Dreams Come True
Chapter 8-Skyfall
Chapter 9-Kolin & Peyton
Chapter 10-Karan & Ishani
Chapter 11-Kolin & Peyton Get Together
Chapter 12-Scavenger Hunt! Dedicated to emilie0228
Chapter 13-Truth or Dare? Dedicated to emilie0228
Chapter-15 The Plan...Backfires!?
Chapter 17 Um...Your Crazy?
Chapter 18 Let's Do This...
Chapter 19 Save You Tonight
Chapter 20 Undercover
Chapter 21 The Camera
Chapter 22 Lead
Chapter 23 She's Not Afraid
Chapter 24 Conflict in the Camp
Chapter 25 Best Day of My Life

Chapter 16 Why Do They Hate Me?

444 11 3
By katykat235

Chapter 16

"Kolin! What the hell, we thought you died!" My mom yelled at me as I just got back to my campsite.

"Well not that we'd care anyway..."My dad said to me, not looking up from his phone.

"Harold! Well, it's true but just eat your dinner. According to the law, we legally have to feed you..." She trailed off, dropping a plate of a half eaten Hot Dog and two chips.

"Yes, but not all the time Karen." He replied, smirking and still not looking up from his phone.

"Harold please, the only reason we do this is-" She walked over to him and whispered so I could barely hear, "-because we want him to grow up to be a man and to figure out how to take care of himself!"

She what? Wait, she thinks doing this is going to make me man? This is outrageous! I can't take this anymore! I'm going to fight against them, wether they like it or not.

"Mom?! What, I-you-I can't believe this! I can't take this anymore, you are a terrible parent! Why do you think you could just-" I managed to yell at her before she slapped me hard across my cheek, leaving another red mark.

"True, I may be a terrible parent. But your a terrible son. You will not speak of this to anyone, you hear me?" She scolded before slapping me again, across the other cheek.

"I wish you weren't my parents..."

I was very surprised to see a hurt showing in her cold, hard, and lifeless expression. She never cared about me, why would she be bothered by my burning hatred for her? Apparently, her feelings are mutual. So...why? Why was she so hurt that I never loved her?

"Why do you seem so" I asked.

She didn't answer for a while, she just stared at me. Like she was trying to decipher something. It was hard to tell as she was staring blankly into my eyes. She seemed as if she was trying to tell me something...she seemed as if she was under influence. Was she drunk? On drugs? No, her cheeks aren't flushed and her eyes aren't bloodshot. What was causing her to be worse, unusual?

"Kolin, go tell them your sorry. Just get away from me. He's going to hurt you...and me..." She whispered to me, looking like she was scared of something or someone...

"Mom, who?" I whispered back.

"Your father, I'll tell him your running from me...just come back when he's sleeping. I'll be waiting outside...GO!" She finished whispering as I started to run off.

"Karen? Where the hell is he going!?" My father yelled as I saw him smack my mother.

I hid behind a pair of trees to see what else would happen. Was my father controlling my mother to harm me all these years? Why...wait, so my mom just saved me? This is so many things to process right now, it's hurting my head. My headche was starting to come back just as I was processing what was to happen next. I definitely wasn't expecting this...

"He's running away from me, Harold. He was just too much of a he ran." She said, making a failed attempt to smirk.

"Don't lie to me! I heard what you two where whispering!" He yelled as he smacked my mother again, this time harder leaving a red mark on her left cheek.

He charged back inside the trailer, yelling at her to stay there. She turned back to look at me, while she quickly mouthed the words 'You need to get out of here!'. She turned back around and gasped in shock. In my dads' left hand was a chair, and my dads' right hand was some duck tape. My mother begged and pleaded as he taped her to the chair, leaving cuts and bruises on her arms and legs. My dad started to slap her more and yell at her for failing to keep me in my place. What was that supposed to mean?

"Kolin? Where are you son? Your mother and I need to talk with you!" He yelled as if he knew I was there.

Before I knew it, he started to take off his belt and whip my mother with it. I didn't want to stay anymore to see what was going to happen next. That was the most terrible thing I've ever seen in my life. My mother didn't mean to do all this to me my whole life? I need to help her, she's the only one I have left. I need to help her out of that situation, but I can't do it alone...but who will help me? No one cares for me anymore, except my mom...

I ran around the woods calling for help, hoping someone would help me and my mom get away from the sociopath I used to call dad. It was no use though, no one seemed to hear my call. For all I know, I could have been whispering. Everything at that moment seemed to be loud, the owls, the insects, and the trees seemed to be yelling at me, calling my name. Everything was starting to become dark, and I blacked out still hearing the trees call my name...

(Cameron's P.O.V.)

"He's running away from me, Harold. He was just too much of a he ran." Kolin's mother said, making a failed attempt to smirk.

"Don't lie to me! I heard what you two where whispering!" Kolin's father yelled as he smacked his mother again, this time harder leaving a red mark on her left cheek.

He charged back inside their trailer, yelling at her to stay there. She turned back to look at someone to the trees on the right of me, while she quickly mouthed the words 'You need to get out of here!'. She turned back around and gasped. In Kolin's dads' left hand was a chair, and his dads' right hand was some duck tape. His mother begged and pleaded as he taped her to the chair, leaving cuts and bruises on her arms and legs. His dad started to slap her more and yell at her for failing to keep Kolin in place. What?

"Kolin? Where are you son? Your mother and I need to talk with you!" He yelled as if Kolin was there.

I looked to my right and caught a glimpse of something moving in between the trees, was that Kolin? Before I knew it, Kolin's dad started to take off his belt and whip his mother with it. I flinched every time she was whipped. I saw the figure on my right start to run away from the scene and I started to follow him. He was running around the forest randomly, calling for help. It seemed like he was whisper he couldn't tell he was whispering though. I started to call his name, trying to get his attention. He started to look around him, like he couldn't tell it was me calling his name. Before I knew it, Kolin collapsed on the ground.

I kept on calling his name to help wake him up, hoping he would revive and we could tell my friends together. They would believe me if I told them what I witnessed right? Kolin slightly stirred in his slumber, but he didn't wake up. I need to tell someone, who else is going to help him. No one besides his mother and me care about him. I picked up his body and dragged it nearby my campsite, hidden by the trees. The same trees where he kissed Alani...

"Hayley, can I talk with you for a second?" I called to her, pointing in between the bunch of trees.

"Sure?" Hayley said as she walked with me in between the few trees.

Hayley walked in between the bunch of trees and she was about to say something when she saw the passed out Kolin. Hayley was about to scream for help, when I put my hand on her mouth and wrapped my arms around her. She was crying and struggling for me to let her go. It broke my heart into a million pieces to see her struggling to get out of my arms, although in this scenario, I would try to escape too. This did look pretty bad.

"Hayley, please calm down. It's not what it looks like, I promise!" I whispered to her as she stopped struggling, but she was still steadily crying.

I took my hand from her mouth and gently put her down so that she was slightly leaning against my arms for comfort. She was softly weeping as I tried to explain Kolin's situation to her. She seemed as if she was struggling to listen, like she couldn't hear me clearly.

"Kolin's parents abused him for many years, that's why he's longing for a girl that cares about him. But it seems that he moves on too fast for another girl because he's never sure that he can trust them like he did his parent's. Right now, I think he just found out his mother cares for him and his dad was just controlling her. But then I witnessed Kolin's dad taping his mother to a chair and Kolin running away from the scene. I followed him and heard him whisper/calling for help. Then he passed out and I carried, well...dragged him over here. That's why I need your help to ask the others to save Kolin's mother. Can you do that for me?"

Hayley was staring blanky and intently into my eyes for a moment or two. Then she looked to Kolin and stared at him with a blank face. Hayley stayed silent for a few moments, until she finally said something.

"Cameron, I don't believe you..."



Okay, how was my plot twist? I REALLY like it! So, I don't have much to say except to,pretty please with a cherry on top, vote, comment, and follow me on Wattpad! Unless you already are...Woah, this chapter is really dramatic. Well anyway, also, please read "Katie's Vow" and "Memories" if you aren't already! PEACE OUT FOR NOW MY FELLOW FLUFFY UNICORNS!!! ;-)

And if you name this movie quote, then you get a dedication for the next chapter!!

"Dewey Finn: Ok, here's the deal. I have a hangover. Who knows what that means? Freddy: Doesn't that mean you're drunk? Dewey Finn: No. It means I was drunk yesterday. Freddy: It means you're an alcoholic. Dewey Finn: Wrong. Freddy: You wouldn't come to work with a hangover unless you were an alcoholic. Dude, you got a disease! Dewey Finn: Hmmm...hmmm...What's your name? Freddy: Freddy Jones. Dewey Finn: Okay, Freddy Jones, shut up!"

 Twitter: @katykat235

Instagram: @katykat235


Facebook: Hayley Perez

Vine: Hayley Perez

YouTube: Hayley Perez (even though there's no use for my YouTube {or vine account for that matter...} account, I might start posting videos of myself singing and some lyric videos. And don't forget to subscribe to thecomputernerd01 on YouTube!!)

PhenomiNiall, ExtraordiHarry, BrilLiam, AmaZayn, FabLouis, 1D Rocks!!


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