Mad Love [Kouha x OC]

By PrettyLittleDragon

35.3K 702 218

Nori Arashi is the daughter of a magician. Her life as a doctor was great, but one day a prince enters her li... More

A/N and Info
Saveing his life #1
Awkward moment #2
Playing games #3
New Info #4
He Leaves #5
Dream Of Two #6
Journey Begins #7
The Palace #8
The Royal Family #9
His Dark Side #10
These Feelings #11
Two Stories #12
Power Beyond Expectation #13
New Teacher #14
It's Not A Date #15
Blood And Bonding #16
Things After Us #17
We After Answers #18
A Nighmare Behind Dreams #19
Black Sea #20
Foolish Girl, Twisted Boy #21
Studying And A Visitor #22
Fruits And Wine #23
Maybe I Was Wrong #25
Back To The Palace #26
Our Hiden Love #27
Blood Drips Like Tears #28
EXTRA #1/ Yandare Kouha
Protect The Royalty #29
Lives On The Line #30
I Will Kill Myself #31-33
Jar Of Hope #34
The New Head Doctor #35
Back Home #36
Extra #2: Modern AU
Autumn Festival #37
Battle In The Horizon# 38
War And Death #39
War And Death part 2 #40
A/N And Shit To Know
Goodbye Head Priest #41
Apologies #42
Faithful Picnik #43
Group Meme Shit
Group Meme Shit Part 2
Exrta 9#: Fairy Tale Storm 1#
Group Meme Shit Part 3
Group Meme Shit Part 4

Focused On Work #24

325 6 3
By PrettyLittleDragon

Nori's pov.

I was at the stables prepating Kemuri for the trip. I had my uniform on and my staff next to me.

"Okay boy! Time to go." I said and I walk Kemuri out of the stall. I saw Koumei-chan waiting for me outside. I walk to him and he handed me a paper.

"Show this to the solders outside. They are now under your control." He said and I nod.

"Please return safely." Koumei-chan said and I smiled.

"Okay." I said and got on Kemuris back. I ride him to the gates and some guards open them. I saw a group of men in armors waiting. I ride next to the group of men and they look at me.

"Hey! What is a girl like you doing here?" One of the men shouted.

"Little girl! Shouldn't you be playing dress up somewhere!" Another man shouted and some of them laughed with him.

"We are going on a dangerous trip! So maybe you should go back inside where it's safe!" The first man shouted again. The men laughed and I pulled out the paper Koumei-chan gave me. They looked at the paper and then at me.

"My name is Nori Arashi, but you will call me as 'Miss Arashi'! I am in charge of this mission and you will obay me!" I shouted and some of the men looked at me with more respect and some like I was just trash.

"And what if we don't!?" A man shouted and I looked at him.

"I have been given the orders to punish you or kill you." I said with a gentle, but yet sadistic voice. And the man looked at me with fear.

"Now! Lets get moving!" I shouted and the mission begin.

Kouha's pov.

I walked in to the library along with miss Peiang. She told me this morning that she wanted to see the library. 'Damn it! Nori must be pissed about last night!' I saw Mei reading some plans and walked to him.

"What are you doing?" I asked him and he looked at me.

"Just double checking the road that the solders to the Peiang mine took." Mei said and I was playing with a pen.

"I wonder who was unlucky enought to be sent to lead them. En knows they are just here for the money. So they could just kill the leader and take the goods for themselves." I said and Mei looked at me as I kept on playing with the pen.

"Their commander is Nori." Mei said and I almost broke the pen I was playing with.

"What the hell!!?" I shouted and Mei was looking at me. Miss Peiang also came to us.

"What is going on Kouha? Did something happen?" Miss Peiang asked me and I was about to rush off.

"You can't go after them." Mei said and I turn to look at him.

"Why not!? Nori is leading a group of killers!! I have to go!!" I shouted and Mei stood up.

"I know you care about her, but Kouen knows she can take care of herself. She is a strong woman and can handle this. Besided you have your own duties." Mei said and I turn around and look at the door. Miss Peiang walked to me and took my hand. I looked at her and she looked at me.

"Please don't go Kouha. I need somebody to protect me and I only want you. I'm sure miss Arashi will be just fine." Miss Peiang said and I was supriced how kind she was.

"Miss Peiang?" I said and she pulled me into a hug all of a sudden.

"Please call me Yuki. I know you are scared to lose a friend, but you have me. I will keep you company so please stay with me." She said and I felt so bad. 'This hug is not right. Please stop. Just stop.' I pushed her away and looked at her.

"Mis-...Yuki can I be alone for a while. I will come get you in a moment?" I asked her and she was still holding my hand. It didn't feel right and it made me want to hold Noris hand.

"Ofcourse." She said and let go of my hand. I walk to the door and open it. I start to walk towards the rosegarden. 'Damn it. Damn it! Damn it!! Damn it!!! Why didn't I just go see her last night!!? How can I be so stupid!!? She went trough such a hard time just few days ago and now I'm breaking promices...and her heart!!! Agh!!! I'm an idiot!! Damn this guardian thing!!! Why did I have to stay by Yukis side last night!!? Nori must of been so hurt!!!'

"So you didn't see NoNo off?" A voice asked and I looked up to see Judal floating in the air.

"Who?" I asked and he flew down.

"NoNo....." He said and looked like he was waiting me to say something.

"....Nori." Judal said and I looked at him. 'Does he have a pet name for her!? Sence when!!? And why don't I have something like that for her!!!?

"No I didn't." I said and Judal gave me a disapointed look.

"You know she loves you right?" Judal asked and I looked down.

"And what the hell do you know about love!!?" I shouted in anger. I was angry at Judal, but mostly angry at myself.

"I personally think it's just a waste of time and nothing, but a mere weakness." Judal said and I was even more angry. I took a hold of his shirt and looked at him with a death glare.

"You don't even believe in it!!! So don't say shit like that!!!" I shouted and Judal pushed me away from him.

"Damn it Kouha!! NoNo believes in it!!" Judal shouted and those words hit me harder than a rock.

"She wants to love you, but you are making it hard for her!!! I don't think there is anything like love!!! But NoNo does, it makes her happy and that is something I want her to feel!!!" Judal shouted and was about to fly away.

"You don't even care about others!!! Why are you suddenly so concurned about Noris feeling!!!?" I shouted and he looked at me.

"I don't care about her or her feelings!! I only know you care, but now you are acting like a bitch to her! I just can't stand it!" Judal said and I looked away. 'He is right, I am acting like a bitch to her. Why does he have to be right about this?'

"She was crying for hours last night. Wishing you would save her from herself. Judal said and with that he flew away. 'Sence when did Judal care about others!!? What the hell is going on!!? Everything is just a huge mess!!! Why did I let this happen!!!?' I was a mess, everything was upside down and the world around me didn't work like it should.

Nori's pov.

I was leading the solders and didn't really like the way they were looking at me. 'I know they are just some random people paid to do shit for royals, but still. They don't need to look at me like they were going to rape me. God damn it! Why does my life always fall apart when it starts to build itself up?' I knew it would take 4 days to get to the mines and there I would have to go trough some shit about me really being the leader of those birdbrains. 'God! If all of the shit from last night wasn't enough, then this sure is! I'm still scared about last night. What if he-? NO! No, no, no...NO. He would never! I mean would he?.....You know what! Fuck you too Kouha! Fuck you and your bullshit! I don't give a damn right now!' I was so pissed with him. I didn't notice one of the solders was riding next to me.

"Miss Arashi?" He asked. I looked to my right to see the solder.

"Are you okay?" He asked and and I realised he didn't seem like the others. His looks were better and his voice was kind, unlike the others.

"Yes." I said and he gave me a smile. He slowed down a bit and he was now riding behind me. 'Maybe this trip is not gonna be so bad.'

[Night time]

The solders were already asleep. I sat on a tree and looked at the stars. I was the first one to keep guard. I jumped down from the tree and walked around the area close by. I was scared of the forest and tried to ignore it. It was time to wake up somebody else. I walked to a random solder and kicked him lighty. He woke up and looked at me.

"Get up and guard the camp!" I said and he got up at that exact moment.

"I'll go on a walk, so take care of security for me." I said and he did like I said. I walked away and saw a river close by. I walk to it and sat on the shore. I take off my shoes and slowly dip my legs into the water. It flet warm and so nice. 'Should I go for a swim?' I looked around and saw nobody. I slowly start takeing off my armor and clothes. I was fully naked and walked into the water. The night was cold, but the water was still warm. 'This is heaven!' I took a deep breath and dive under the water. I open my eyes and saw the world under the water. It was a good thing the water was clear, the sand in the bottom was soft and silky. The beautiful world under the water was light up by the moon and everything was so peaceful. I swam back up and looked at the starts and the moon. 'Maybe after this mission I could go home and see dad. After all I have way too many questions about me and other things. I should also have a talk with Kouha? I need to trust him! Maybe he just fell asleep last night? I don't know! I just need to wait and see.' I got out of the water and used heat magic to dry myself. I put my clothes on and armor. I looked at the river for the last time and start walking back to the camp. I felt more relaxed and calm. 'Maybe I should just focus on my work and the positive things.'

[Timeskip by three days]

After three days of traveling we arriwed to the mines. It was huge and I saw way too many people around. Most of them were slaves, but some not. It was already pretty late and I got off of Kemuri. I saw a man that had Kous armor on. I start walking to him and he turns to look at me.

"Sir Jing, I suppose?" I asked and the man smiled.

"Miss Arashi, I'm so glad to know you are safe. How did the trip go?" He asked and I walk next to him.

"Smoothly." I said and he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Wonderful! Now should we go somewhere private to have a talk about tomorrow?" He asked and started to lead me towards a a building.

"Yes. But my men need a place to rest." I said and sir Jing looked at me.

"Yes, yes ofcourse! Assistant Guo!" He said and a young man walked to us.

"Yes master Jing?" He said and looked at me.

"Please lead the solders from the palace to the tents." Sir Jing said and the man infront of us walked to the solders I was leading. They left and a man tried to walk Kemuri away, but he didn't move an inch.

"Come here boy!" I said and Kemuri walked to me.

"You have a beautiful horse Miss Arashi." Sir Jing said and we continue walking. We went inside the building and talked about the plans for tomorrow. I was late and I walked around the mines. The slaves were walking back to the sleeping areas and only few people were still working. They were mostly guards, but there were few other people making notes of the stones mined today. I saw the building I've been looking for. I saw a place where they had horses and took Kemuri there.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I said and Kemuri laid down to sleep. I walk up the stairs into the building and open the door. The building was filled with drunk people. Mosly men, but also few women. They were serving sake, food and other goods for the men. 'Great! I wonder how many times I need to slap somebody.' I walked to an empty table and a girl came to me. She wore a revealing kimono and her white hair was on on ponytail. It was locaded on the right side of her head. I also noticed her dark skin and green eyes. 'She must be from Heliohapt.'

"You must be Miss Arashi?" She said and I nod.

"Good! My name's Ninet, but please call me anything you want." She said and I smiled.

"So Miss Arashi? Is there something I can get for you?" Ninet asked. She was smiling and waiting for me to anwser.

"I'm a bit hungry, so if you could get something for me to eat?" I asked and she walked off. After a while she came back with some rice and curry.

"Thank you." I said and as I was about to eat the door open. I looked up to see a young man in an armor. He had the Peiang family mark on his armor. His black hair was midlenght and styled little like hakuryuus hair. He had a spear with him and his orange eyes shined as he smiled and walked in.

"Who is he?" I asked and looked at Ninet. She was blushing and smiling.

"That is Peiang familys commander of guards." She said and the man looked at me. 'Why is he staring at me that way?' The man was staring at me like he just saw a dog that went missing for few days. 'What is his problem?'

And again a part is done!! Hope you liked it and if you did leave a comment and vote.

Well! See ya in the next one and sorry about the mistakes!!

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