The Outsider And His Mate

By hepplef

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Abrielle(a- bree- EHL) a girl from New York. She meets someone who will change her life, a hot and nerdy were... More

A Little Backround
Chapter 1: Elwood, Kansas
Chapter 2: The Transition
Chapter 3: Oroton
Chapter 4: Blast From The Past(jk)
Chapter 5: Make New Friends
Chapter 6: A Big Mistake
Chapter 7: What's Wrong With Me!
Chapter 8: The Plan
Chapter 9: What Am I Doing Here
Chapter 10: Who Are You People?
Chapter 11: The Fun Begins
Chapter 12: Nora
Chapter 13: The Fate of These Two Mates
Chapter 14: Surprise X3
Chapter 15: Are you serious?
Chapter 16: Fuck My Life
Chapter 17:
Untitled Part 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25: The Wedding

Chapter 23

22 3 2
By hepplef

March 25

"Baby, wake up. I have donuts for you." I open my eyes to Brody standing next to our bed with a bag of donuts. He leans down and kisses me before hoisting Charlette up on the bed and sitting down himself. I sit up and the blanket falls to my hips revealing my giant round stomach. I am still only 6 months and this baby is small for how big she should be but she is big. "How's our little fighter doing?"

"She's good," I tighten my smile and try to not show pain as I feel a contraction.

"Good, are you okay though?"

"Yup, just a cramp." I smile at him and grab the donuts giving one to Charlette and then grabbing one for myself. "How is the pack doing?"

"Pretty good, they are all asking the moon goddess to protect their future Luna in this time. You know with the cysts and the baby. They just want you to be okay."

"Well, tell them all thank you for me and that their future Alpha may be coming sooner than planned." I say feeling another contraction. Brody sees this time better and starts rubbing my stomach. Dani kicks his hand and then he smiles.

"She seems like she is doing pretty good, why do you think she will come sooner?"

"Oh, I just have a feeling." They are 6 minutes apart and only a few seconds long. I can wait for the hospital.

"Okay, I have a meeting today for an hour or two and then I am going to try and finish up the baby's room."

"Alright, do you think you can drop Char off at daycare for the day?"

"Of course, are you feeling okay though?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why are you asking?" I smile weakly and feel another contraction.

"Baby, what was that? I know it's not just a cramp. You don't get that many cramps in this short of time. In fact you haven't had any sort of cramps for awhile now."

"Brody I'm fine, just go to your meeting and take Char to daycare. I'll call when I need you, I promise."

"Tell me what is wrong and then I'll leave to go do what I need to do." He stands his ground and won't move. I motion him to me and he leans in. I give him a kiss and he deepens it a little more before pulling back. "Brie tell me." He gritted out starting to get angry.

"Brody, you have nothing to worry about. I won't go into active labor until after your meeting..... probably."

"What?! Active labor Brie we should get you to the hospital."

"Brody calm down, you are going to freak out Charlette and I'm okay. Go to your meeting, I can't even go yet. You are supposed to wait until they are 5 or less minutes apart and 45 to 60 seconds long. Mine are 6 minutes apart and like 15 or 20 seconds long."

"Okay, well I'm going to cancel the meeting so I can stay with you."

"Brody go to the damn meeting, nothing is going to happen without you. I certainly don't need you to just sit here until I get close enough to go to the hospital. That's stupid and there is no reason for it."

"I don't want to leave you here by yourself-"

"Brody it's a fucking Saturday. The whole back is at home and there are plenty of people who can take me to the hospital if need be. I will be okay and I'll text you every 5-10 minutes how I am doing if you really want me to." He kneels down next to the bed and holds my hands in his.

"What if these are my last hours with you and I spend them at a meeting. That would kill me baby, I can't do that."

"This meeting is important and you know it. If these are my last hours then so what they will be my last hours knowing that you love me and that you will take care of my sweet baby girls. That you will be a damn good father to them even if one isn't yours. I know you will make the right decisions because I believe in you and trust you. Please-" I wipe some tears of his cheeks and my own. "stop thinking like this. I am not leaving you for a long time, we will graduate and get married and be parents to our two beautiful daughters and maybe more kids in the future. You're stuck with me for the long run Brody Alexandru Bustamante."

"Daniella Marie Bustamante, after your mother and grandmother. I will love them both and any future kids. I am going to stay with you today Abrielle Victoria Valentine Bustamante. I can always send Zach or Skype the meeting so I can stay here with you."

"Fine, whatever I give up. Stay here at home but sit in your office for the meeting so I can watch tv or something without hearing it. Now, go take Charlette to daycare."


A few hours later

"Brody! Get up here now!" I yell to him and he appears in the doorway in seconds.

"Is it time?"

"Yeah get the car, I'll grab my bag and don't forget the car seat. You don't even have to hook it up yet just have it in the car." He walks out of the room and I grab my bag and water before heading downstairs while texting Mia to let everyone know what is going on. I lock my phone as I get to the bottom of the steps and waddle to the car. I am about ready to get in when I feel the liquid drip down my leg. "Fuck!" I grab a towel and set it in the seat while Brody helps me in.

"Okay, you ready to go?"He says climbing in.

"Babe, I'm the one that's been through this before. Just drive and try not to freak out too much. My contractions are like 3 minutes apart and 50 seconds long. Yes, that means I was having them all the way down the damn stairs. Don't reply back just shut up and drive." I have continuous contractions in the car and they get shorter apart.

We finally get to the hospital and I am taken to a delivery room and Brody follows close behind. Maybe an hour later I am in a recovery room holding my baby and being held by my man. Lexy, Mia, Zach, John, Johnathan, Katherine, and Charlette come in the room. All looking at us with loving eyes.

"Your dad is almost here, the flight took longer than planned and he left when you texted him this morning," Mia informs me and then sits in a chair next to the bed. Zach comes up behind her and puts his hands on her shoulders. Charlette comes next to the bed and Brody lifts her up setting her on his lap. I pass baby Dani over to Brody to help her hold and Lexy takes a picture of them.

Dani gets passed around to everyone and pictures are taken. When my dad shows up with Michelle they take turns holding Dani and I lay back and rest a bit. When I open my eyes again Brody is sleeping in the chair with Charlette and Daniella is in a "crib" sleeping. After a couple moments, she starts crying and a nurse comes in to hand her to me.

"Do you think you can try feeding her? Are you strong enough?"

"Yes, thank you. Is there anyone who could help me figure it out. I never got to with my first daughter she was taken away from me before I could."

"Of course, let me go get the teacher." She walks out of the room and back in with a lady.

"I know this seems a bit odd Luna but you need to take your top off so I can help you." I nod my head and do so. She helps me adjust Daniella and put her mouth on my nipple so she starts sucking. Not much comes out so they also feed her some formula.

"Thank you so much."

"It is really no problem, you are my Luna I will do anything for you."

"I am not your Luna yet but thank you for the thought."

"You're welcome, and don't get it's okay that not a lot of milk came out. That is actually quite normal, you just have to keep trying and eventually your milk supply will come in. Until then try rubbing them in a way that mimics them being sucked by your baby and feed her formula."

"Thank you again, for all the advice and helping with the placement." She smiles and bows before walking out showing respect. I sit there feeding Dani for a bit before Brody sits up and smiles at me.

"I could help with the sucking you know." He smirks and then looks at Dani seeing her finish. He picks her up and sets her in her crib thing. "I think we need to go get you new bras and underwear the second you are let out of this place."

"I think I am going to be too damn tired in 2 hours when we go get settled in the car. You should go hook up the seat while I sign papers." I give him a kiss and then he heads down to the car after laying Charlette's curled up body on the bed with me. I push a button for a nurse and let her know I am ready for the paperwork.

I know same day that I have the kid I'm released that's crazy. Werewolf healing is a blessing though. I have two baby girls, an amazing fiance and an awesome support system behind me. Brody comes back up about 20 minutes later and I have most of the papers signed.

"Baby, they need your signature on the birth certificate and then on all these papers. I will have a nurse help me to the car with the girls while you finish those."

"Okay, I'll be down in a few." He picks me up and sets me in a wheelchair before setting both girls with me. He calls in two of my nurses, one to carry Char down and the other to push me. We get to my equinox that Brody got me for my birthday and the one nurse straps Char in while the other puts Dani in. I slowly stand up and start to get in the car and then feel warm arms around me helping me in.

"Brody, I can get in myself."

"You sure can but I like helping you."

"Okay, thank you guys for helping. I will make sure you guys get a little extra on your upcoming check." I nod to the nurses and they go back inside. "Will you check to make sure the girls are in tight before we drive off?"

"Yes baby, anything for you and our girls." He closes my door and opens Char's checking her first and then reaching over to check Dani's. He closes her door and gets in his seat.

"When did you switch your car for my equinox?" I ask as he starts driving off.

"Oh, I had my mom drive it here and then drive my car back home."

"Okay, I'm so ready for bed. I don't even care about bras right now, all I need is sleep. Whoever thought it was a good idea to have kids was crazy. It is so energy depriving and sucks all the skinny pretty parts away."

"You are still beautiful as ever and you are still skinny. You are perfect in my eyes and shouldn't that be the only opinion that matters?"

"Yes babe, I just wish having our sweet children didn't come with pain and all the other ugly things."

"Like stretch marks and the extra fat?" We arrive at the house and Nora rushes out and get Daniella while Brody gets Charlette.

"You are beautiful and the stretch marks will go away soon enough. Werewolf healing is a very nice thing to have. As for the extra fat you will work it all off in a week I am sure."

"Whatever," I slowly get out of the car and Brody hands Charlette over to his dad before picking me up. "Brody put me down, I can walk."

"I know but I want to, you still need some time to heal."

"Fine, you can't carry me all the time, everywhere though. I have to walk at school and stuff."

"What if I want to carry you around school? Maybe I was planning to be overly romantic."

"Brody, you have to stop being so worried and possessive."

"Brie, I am an Alpha it comes with the title."

"OKay, just take me to bed."

"Don't mind if I do." I roll my eyes and kiss his cheek.

"Is the bassenet in our room?"

"Yes just like you requested."

"Good, now I need to kiss Charlette goodnight before she goes to bed and I go to bed." He walks over to his dad and I kiss Charlette on the head and he kisses her on the head. John walks into the house and carries her to her room. Brody starts walking up the stairs with me in his arms and Nora trailing behind us.

We get to the bedroom and I get set down while Nora starts getting Dani out of her car seat. Nora hands her over to me after a minute of holding her and then leaves. Brody is cleaning up around the room a bit and setting some stuff up.

"Can you make her a bottle, I'm going to feed her and I know I'm not going to give her enough."

"Yeah, I'll be back in a few." He walks out of the room and I start to feed her. Again not much comes out and Brody comes back with the bottle. I try for another minute and then give up and have Brody feed her.

"Thank you for making the bottle and I am going to shower, you can join me when you put her down if you want."

"Will definitely join you. Give me a minute."

"No sex Brody."

"Okay, how long though?"

"Until all my fat and stretch marks are gone."

"Babe that's not until like graduation. Do you really want to wait 2 months?"

"We can have sex the day before."

"Fine, that'll work. 2 months though really? You'll be healed in other areas by then right?"

"Yeah but I don't want to show myself to you looking like this. I want to feel sexy when we have sex again. I want to enjoy it and not worry about if my fat is jiggling or-"

"Abrielle, you are beautiful and sexy and tempting and my mate. I will always love you for you not for what you look like and no matter what size or weight you are I will always think you are gorgeous and sexy and the love of my life."

"Thank you Brody, but it doesn't make me feel much better. I love you though, you are an amazing mate." I get in the shower and later he joins me and just holds me lovingly and kisses me a lot. After our shower, we got in bed and fell asleep.


The next morning

I wake up and see Nora holding Daniella with some tears slipping down her face. She smiles at Dani and then looks over to me.

"Sorry I just heard her moving around a little restlessly. I just, I can't wait and I can't believe this is happening." She puts one hand on her stomach. I look back at her face and I get up to walk over to her. Brody's hand shoots out at me and grabs my wrist.

"Baby I'll be back in a minute." He let's go and I walk over to Nora. I take Dani and put her back in her bassinet. I then hug Nora and she starts to cry into my shoulder. I know how emotional it is at this point so I just guide her to our couch and let her her cry for a few minutes. "You'll be okay Nora, you have this whole family that loves you and will help you. You will have it this summer and no one at school has to know. It will be okay, next school year I will be at home all the time with your mom. We will be taking care of all our kids anyway while doing our Luna duties."

"Thank you Brie. You are the best sister I could ask for."

"Thank you, I just hope Xavier is as good when the baby comes as he is right now. I am so happy his reaction was okay."

"Yeah, I'm sure he will be fine. Brody has done amazing the past day so he hopefully will do good too."

"Thank you for your help and advice."

"You're welcome." We hug and tgen I walk her to the door. I grab Daniella and walk to the bed. I shake Brody awake Nd ask him to go get Charlette ready for the day. He does so and then comes back with her just as I get done feeding Dani.I get in the shower and then get ready for the day.


Sneak Peek of Book 2 Alpha Female or Alpha Male

I am drawing a beautiful flower with a bee on it. The bee seems so happy and carefree, only to be crushed by my brother Fredrick.

"What do you want Fredrick? I am trying to draw."

"Daniella, dad wants you. There was something with another pack coming and he needs your help."

"Screw the other pack I just need some-" I was about to finish my sentence when an amazing smell hit me. It was like a redwood tree and hibiscus had a baby. I know it sounds weird, but it actually smells alluring. I finally bring my head up from my drawing and still only see Fredrick. The scent keeps getting closer, though, "Fredrick please leave me and tell father that I will be there shortly."

Fredrick walks off and a few moments later I feel someone behind me just staring.

"Please make yourself at home just staring," I say not even bothering to look over my shoulder. Today I am wearing a short navy blue and white sundress, my wavy light brown hair is thrown over one shoulder. I stand up taking a second to balance myself in my new Michael Kors wedges. Slowly I walk over to the flower I was just drawing. "usually I would hate the company, but I will make an exception. You should tell me who you are though or I will have my father give the order of torturing you."

"Oh, sweetheart your father wouldn't do that unless he wanted to start a war with a very powerful pack, for torturing their Alpha." I spin on my heel quickly at this, losing my balance. I start to fall and instead of feeling the hard stones under me I feel strong arms holding me. One arm wrapped around my waist and the other on my upper back.

"Thank you," I say a little breathless, not just from the fall but from the tingles running through my body where his arms are touching me. He pulls me up not removing his arm around my waist but moving the other one so he can brush some hair away from my face. "So, you must be from the other pack. The one my brother just told me to come meet."


That is all for this chapter and the sneak peek

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