Cameron Monaghan Imagines

By Fufaation

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I'm just gonna write imagines that pop into my head. Randomly lol it can be where I'll write 3 in one day or... More

The Fair
The Interview
The Interview pt. 2
The Accident
The Road Trip!
I so ship you guys!
I so ship you guys! Part 2
"But You Will."
Jerome. Part 2
Comic Con
The Coffee Stain
I hate how much I love you
I got tagged
Miss me?
Say Okay...
Be With Me.
Fucking Hell!
Baby It's Cold Outside
Fucking Hell! Part 2
The Black Canary
Stop You're Makin' Me Blush!
My Soul is Literally Dying!
The Murder Of Your Mother
Miss Me? Pt. 2
She'd See My Love
Chris Wood
How Neat! Her Name's Kara too!
"You Have A Child?"
New Imagine Book
I'm so sorry!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Same Soul Pt. 1
"You worked for the Gazette, yeah?"

You're a Potterhead??

916 23 2
By Fufaation

And all the kids cried out "Please stop. You're scaring me!" I can't help this awful energy. God Damn right! You should be scared of me! Who is in Control?

"If you're watching this... it means I'm either dead or in Arkham Asylum.... Nah I'm just kidding. It will mean that I have made it out safely and that I am okay. Let's hope I'm not dead or worse... in Arkham! But if you're a total stranger and you are watching this then get the fuck out."

I can't help how I was raised. Nor can I help the fact that my entire life I have been trying to run away from my mother. My entire life I have always felt different. For as long as i can remember I have felt like nothing but a disappointment to my mother! Nothing was ever good enough. Nothing I said, did, or even tried to do were good enough. I wasn't smart enough for her. I wasn't brave enough for her. I wasn't anything like my sister. My perfect little sister. The golden child. The one who got the best of grades. The one who said the right things. Everything she did was perfect. EVERYTHING!

So imagine my excitement and pleased expression when I got to watch the life die out in her eyes. The way she struggled and begged me not to kill her. The way she feared for my sister of being alone. The way she didn't give up a single moment of trying to fight me. Not for one second did she think that I would win. Hell even I doubted myself... hey! IT was only for a minute, dick face!

Now that you know my tragic upbringing! I will let you observe if you will, on my new lifestyle. I am currently in the back of a cop car. Hand-cuffed. I couldn't help but think while sitting in the back of this cop car. Like how my childhood shaped me to be who I am today. How everyone who thought it was funny to make fun of me because I was different, will feel when they see my face plastered all over the news. How scared they will be that I will come for them next. Or the way their lives will forever be ruined because of little 'ol me. The way they are forever going to be forced to look over their shoulders to be sure I'm not behind them. Or the way the lives of their future or already alive children will be affected. All because they were assholes and couldn't leave the loner alone.

If you think I'm some psychopath, I'm not. Yes, everyone has issues. I get that... but let me ask you this. If you were to live 18 years of your life, trying to run away from someone who could easily have you brought back in a heartbeat... wouldn't you go insane? Wouldn't you do everything in your power to get away from something or someone like that? I mean I know I did. It was unbearable... having to go day and night going through the same thing. Ugh the constant reminder of me being a disappointment. The constant screaming. The pestering for me to do better. Ugh I can just hear her hideous nagging now! Make it stop!

"Grace Mitchel."

I look up from the table I was sitting at to see Doctor Lee Tompkins. Oh she's a beauty. Wink, Wink. Nudge, Nudge. I smile at her innocently and she smiles back.

"Hello, Dr. Tompkins. What a pleasure to see you."

"Cut the crap, Grace. I know you more than you think." She scolds

"Oh do you now?"

"Yes. Now let's make this nice and easy, shall we?"

"How easy we talkin'? Like as easy as breathing easy? Or as easy as taking a shit easy?" I smirk

"Grace Amelia Mitchel! I am not in the mood for your games today. Alright?! I need you to just tell me what's going on in that mind of yours! I want to go home and lay in bed eating a shit ton of Ben and Jerry!" Lee snaps

"Woooah. Are you sure I'm the one who needs to spill their feelings?"

"Can you just, please."

"Alright, alright."

So I preceded to tell her about my thoughts on my childhood. The horrors I went through and how I overcame them by gutting my mother like a fish. Lee couldn't contain the horror that struck on her face. I couldn't contain my excitement while explaining to her how enthusiastic I felt while watching her life slowly fade. The giggles wouldn't stop pouring out of my mouth.

"You are insane." Lee exasperated

"Am I? I think of myself as just deprived and unloved. I'm completely normal and sane, thank you very much."

"You're almost as bad as Valeska. I can't let you roam the streets of Gotham with this mentality." Lee stammered and got up.

I shot up out of my seat as she did and reached out for her arm. She yelped in surprise and tried yanking her arm from my tight grasp.

"You will not send me to Arkham! I don't belong with those crazy maniacs! Tompkins you put me in there, I will come after you! I swear to God(I apologize to anyone who doesn't like this.) I will fucking kill you!" I shout

I wasn't afraid of going to Arkham, I was just angry that she was considering it honestly. I will not spend either the rest of my life, or years in an insane asylum full of criminal lunatics!

"Grace... Grace I need you to let go." She tried pulling away from me.

I was so focused on getting my point across that I didn't notice her arms starting to bleed from my nails. Or her crying out for me to let go. I was so focused that I didn't know until these men came in and picked me up. I was so angry at Lee for this. I hope she knows I will fulfill my promise to her if she throws me in there. I do NOT belong with those losers!

"I'm so sorry, Grace. But you are not sane in my eyes... you will have to receive psych-evaluation at Arkham Asylum. However long it takes..." Lee said with as much regret and sentiment as a child would loosing there puppy. So imagine my anger fueling even more with the sympathy she was giving me!

"Alright little lady. Either you cooperate with us or we will have to knock you out." One of the officers sighed looking down at me.

"You seem to be laboring under the illusion that I'm, what was the phrase? Come quietly... all I can tell you is. I have no intention on going to Arkham." I smirk

The cop on my left had this tiny smirk flicker on his face before turning to his partner.

"You realize what she did there, didn't she?" He tried holding in his laughter

"Uh... she's sassin' us?"

"Aye..." The better cop rolled his eyes

"No dumbass... she quoted Harry Potter."

"You're a Potterhead?" I ask shocked

"HufflePuff prefect at your service."

"Slytherin head girl." I smirk

"I don't understand are we taking her in or not?"

"Nah she's off the hook for the night."

"How the hell are we gonna explain this then?"

The HufflePuff smirked and stood aside. I looked at him confused when he gave me this look of permission. I smiled wide and round house kicked the muggle straight in the face.

"Knocked out, bitch!" I smile

"Now go before someone comes and I have no choice but to take you to Arkham."

"Not bad HufflePuff." I smirked

"Go!" He laughed and took off.

I took that as my cue to go as far away from this place as possible. But I had to stop off at my house first to grab my emergency bag. I ran all the way there and jumped through my bedroom window, ninja rolled on the carpet and grabbed my bag from under my bed in record time. Looked around and grabbed my sweatshirt before diving out the window onto the grass before taking off. I've done this exact routine since I was 13 years old. I have had this bag with me for years, constantly changing out the clothes and necessities that I needed and fit my body. I always have a duffel bag with me wherever I go. I hauled ass to the nearest Wawa and bought a bunch of snacks and drinks. Stuff to hold me off until I get to Sebastian's house and then I'll be set. Little did I know that I wouldn't make it to Seb's.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" I hear behind me

I cock and eyebrow and turn around to see none other than my best friend Niclaus smirking behind me.

"What are YOU doing, you dipshit?" I laugh and punch his arm

"I heard you were taken in today for killin mama bear. Did you really do it??" Nick smiled proudly

"Can we just pay for this shit and leave before someone comes and takes me back?? Please. I'll explain on the way to Sebastian's."

"Ohhh you did!!!!"

I scuff and roll my eyes while walking to the cash register to pay for my basket full of snacks and shit.

"That'll be $43.76."

I hand over a $50 bill and take my bags and change. I turn around to see Nick flirting with some girl.

"Niclaus! Let's go we are on a tight schedule."

It's not that we are bad kids, trust me. We just have had a terrible and relentless upbringing. We haven't been able to fully be ourselves until about last Thursday. IT's quite annoying having someone inside you that's dying to come out and no one to see it. Like Nick, he's bisexual as am I. But we haven't told a single soul other than each other... why? Because the society we live in damns all of us who dare to be different. The society we live in don't tolerate people who break through the status quo. There are so many things that are not considered normal because of how our government and our leaders shape us. I just want to be able to be me without anyone saying some nasty comment or some repulsive rumor about me. Because the way I'm going is nowhere but up. So I feel for anyone who gets in my way.

"So how'd you do it?"

"How'd I do what?"

"Kill Angela."

"Oh I gutted her like a fish. I just started wailin on her... then I couldn't stop. I think I blacked out because I don't remember much of it. Just that I felt all her blood oozing out on my hands and spraying all over my face. Oh man, the way she was fighting me is still fresh in my mind. It was so beautiful, Nick. I loved the way her life was dimming right in front of my eyes." I smiled

"Damn, kid. You really are crazy." Nick laughed

"Just pay attention to the road, idiot. We don't have much time before they realize that I have "escaped"." I air quote

"What do you mean "escaped"? They didn't let you go??"

"Oh no. Lee Thompkins, that bitch. She was sending me to Arkham for a psych-evaluation. But I had made a Harry Potter reference and one of the cops was a HufflePuff prefect and he let me go free for the night." I smile

"How the hell is he gonna explain that?!"

"Oh he let me roundhouse kick the shit out of the other one. Knocked his ass out!" I laugh

"Good job!"

"Yeah! Hah so let's get goin'."

Niclaus and I were just about to reach the outskirts of Gotham when this loud ass explosion scared the shit out of us. He slammed on the breaks and I went flying into the dash board, lucky for me. I had my seatbelt on. (Always, always wear your seatbelt, folks! Please and thank you. I don't want any of you lovely people getting hurt... or worse! Stuck in the hospital!)

"What the hell was that!?" I shriek

"I have no idea. Let's go check it out!" He smiles

"You moron! We will die! WE don't have time for this!"

"Where do you think it came from??"

"Oh I don't know, maybe Arkham Asylum!"

"How do you know that?" He asked

"You, dope! Look at the gigantic castle prison to the left of us! It's smoking! where else would it be coming from!?" I shriek in annoyance

"Oh you're such a sourwolf! Come on! We should have some adventure before we possibly become fugitives and run for the rest of our lives." Nick smiled wide and held out a hand for me to grab.

I groaned and took his hand. Damn him and his impressive persuasive skills. This is either gonna be the worst mistake of our lives... or this will be the best decision we have ever made.

Care to guess which one?

"Nick! Nick slow down!! I'm not as tall as you!" I shout after this tall mammoth that's dragging me through the woods.

This tall tree knows I hate being picked up so he just slowed his steps.

"Thank you."

"You're so slow!" He puffed out when we got close enough to the asylum to 1. Not be caught, and 2. that we could see everything that was going on.

"What do you think is happening?" I asked

"I don't know- look!! They are carrying inmates into that bus!"

"Why? And who are they?"

"I have a feeling we will know real soon... let's go before someone see's us."

"You're right."

We head back to the car and drive off. Sadly they had locked down the entire city from anyone leaving or anyone entering. So we couldn't make it to Sebastian's. Luckily for us, we have ran away from home many times over the years and have found secret places to sleep. Like this building we found last year that is abandoned. This old woman used to live there but now its empty. So we went there for the night.

"Hurry up! Someone might walk by!"

"Hold your yappin'! Gosh this door is ancient! It's not like I can just push it open and- Oh! Well that was much more convenient that I thought. Come on." I say as I enter the house.

This should be a nice place to stay for a couple of days.

2 Days Later

Little did we know... someone had already been vacating this place. So we fell asleep on the couch and woke up to a blind man yelling at us.

"Get up! Get up!"

"Nick stop!"

"Stop what?"

"Stop screaming!"

"I haven't even-"

"Shut up and get out of my home!"

We shot our eyes open and scrambled to get up.

"Who the hell are you old man?!" Nick shouted shielding me with his body

"Who am I?! Who are YOU?! You are in my house!" The old man argued

"Okay, old man. If this is your house, where have you been the past 2 days?" I ask

"That is none of your business, young lady. Now leave before I call the GCPD." He threatened

"Fine. We were gonna leave today anyway! You're house wreaks, dude. Might wanna clean it or have someone else clean it."

We get up, and grab our stuff.

"Is it too much for us to freshen up?" I ask

"Go ahead. Just make it quick and leave me in peace!"

I smile as I grab Nick's hand and go to the bathroom. I start taking a shower while he brushes his teeth and takes a piss. Then we switch. We took about 30 minutes in total to get all clean and fresh. That includes washing my hair and shaving.

"Ready to leave this God forsaken town?!" (Again I apologize to anyone who doesn't like this.)

"Hell yeah!"

I smile as we start heading to the living room to grab our bags and leave.

"Wait!" I whisper and stop Niclaus from walking any further.


I slap my hand around his mouth and listen. Something doesn't feel right... it's too quiet and still. It would've been fine if the old man hadn't come home but he is home. I'd expect him to make some type of noise.

"So how ya doin'?"

I look up at Nick and his face is distraught. He is scared out his mind. If it weren't such a serious moment I would've laughed.

"Oh the silent treatment, aye? I'll tell you a story. Hmm... ah! You remember Kansas City, dad. the circus went through town, every spring. Right around my birthday."

"Who the hell is this?" I mouth

Nick shrugs his shoulders.

We couldn't do anything but stand there and listen. Practically glued together in fright.

"There was this guy... Him and my mom used to drink, and fornicate! And beat the crap out of me, they'd make a whole night out of it. And I remember one time... it was my ninth birthday. Him and my mom were just finished with round one of booning, boning, beating of Jerome. They decide to take a little break."

Niclaus widens his eyes.


"T-that's Jerome Vasleska!" He whispers


"Anyway! I was outside the trailer and you were there... and you said "Why are you crying Jerome?" "It's my birthday, and my mom and the snake guy are beating me." and then you said "This world doesn't care about you, or anyone else, Jerome. Better to realize that now." and that was it."

I couldn't tell if he was alone or with someone else. It was driving me insane...

"You see! There's this guy dad, he believes in me! He thinks I'm gonna be a star! And tonight! All of Gotham will see that too. Except for you, cause you'll be, you know, dead."


"Oh is this the part where you say how sorry you are?! Hm? How you wish you could've believed in me? How it's not to late to start again? News flash, dad! It's too late!"

"You don't have to do this."

"No... I'm pretty sure I do."

"I was a bad father, but I did love you. To kill me for that?"

Jerome started on this fit of giggles. And gosh let me tell you! I think I just died and came back. That was THE sexiest thing I have ever heard!

"That's not why I'm gonna kill you!" He giggles

"Plans to Arkham Asylum, and look at these. Oh! Letters between you and your troubled son, innocent at first glance. But Detective Gordan, you remember him right? He'll feel little bumps... a secret message written in brail. You and your son discussing My Escape!"

What is this kid playin' at?? Framing the blind old man for shit... that's so smart!

"Finally! The knockout gas. Used to disable the orderlies, cause you see, dad. This guy that I was telling you about... He's the one who broke me out of Arkham. He doesn't want anyone to know about that, obviously. So... the police will find these letters.. mm. They'll think, the blind old fool really loved his son. What a wonderful father, oh. There won't be a dry eye in the house."

"They'll never believe it." The old man croaked

"Ah sure they will. cops are dumb."

"There is nothing to eat in this dumb. Finish up and let's go." A female voice rang out o nowhere

I knew it!

"Sorry you're gonna miss my big night, dad. But, hey! You're a psychic. So tell me... do I kill?"

"You! Will be a curse upon Gotham! Children will wake upon sleep at the thought of you! Your legacy will be death and madness." The old man spoke

"Hah. Hah. Hah."

"Well, say hi to mom for me."

*Knock, knock, knock*


"fuck!" I curse under my breathe and look at Nick. He looks like he's about to either throw up or pass out.

Suddenly there was all this commotion outside. I couldn't contain myself with the fear of being caught.

"Let's go!" I whisper

"Out there!?!"

"SHHH! Shut up!! God they could still be there!"

I peek my head out to see the door wide open and two detectives, one being Gordan, laying out in the hall. That was my cue to make a run for it. I pulled Nick with me as we left the bathroom and grabbed our bags. Then this whistling started and I froze.

"Detective Gordan. Old Pal..."

I tried so hard to move my feet but it was like I was trapped inside my own body. Nick was pulling at me and all I wanted to do was see who the kid was. It was like my soul was pulling me towards the door.

"I'm... sensing... anger..." The kid was choking

I started to make my way to help him when Nick grabbed me and pulled me back.

"Nick! Nick stop let go!"

"Stop, Grace! You are gonna get us both killed! Stop it!"

"No! Stop it! They might be able to help me!" I shriek and fight him off

"Grace! I will NOT stand here and let you do this to yourself! You already have the police looking for you! I will not go down with you!"

"THEN DON'T!" I shout

Nick stops and just stares at me. He has this horrified and hurt expression on his face and his eyes.

"Who are you?" He whispered in disbelief

"I'm the same person I always have been, Niclaus! Why is that so hard to understand?! Why can't ANYONE understand me?! Why is everyone trying to change me?! Why can't you see I can't be controlled! I'm sick and tired of everyone trying to control my life! I'm DONE! So if you're not going to be my best friend and support me... then leave!" I snap

I totally forgot about the current crisis we were in.

"I am being your best friend, Grace! I understand why you killed your mother! I stood by you with that. I didn't turn you in when I found you! I didn't call the GCPD! I was sent to bring you in! I was called in to find you and take you back to Arkham! Did I do it though?! NO! NO I DIDN'T!"

"Y-you were gonna turn me in? You were gonna betray me?! HOW COULD YOU, NICLAUS?! I can't even look at you right now!" I shriek in despair

"Grace... I'm still your best friend. I'm-"

"No. You are not my best friend! I don't even know who you are anymore! Leave." I try not to let my tears fall down

"Grace... just let me-"


"Grace, don't do this." Niclaus tried to reason with me

"No. Get out." The voice from earlier spoke up from behind me

I flinch in fear because I didn't hear him walk in, nor walk up behind me.

"J-Jerome... Y-You uh, don't have any business with this."

"Hmm... It seems like baby doll over here doesn't want anything to do with you anymore, Nick."

I stood as still as possible and was trying to control my breathing. I was starting to get angry at Niclaus for what he's done.

"Grace, can we just go please. Sebastian is expecting both of us. Not just you, or just me."

"Well who's fucking fault is that, Nick? HM?" I snap

"Grace, baby... do you feel angry for what your so-called best friend did?" Jerome asked stroking my arm

"Yes." I gritted my teeth


"Shut up!" I snarl

"How's about we leave him here to get blamed for the death of my father? How's that sound baby girl?" Jerome asked stroking my cheek now

I shuddered under his touch. I nodded.

"Tabby will take care of him. Would you like to come with me?" Jerome whispered in my ear

"Yes, please."

I still have yet to see this kid's ace and I'm already in love. I could spend the rest of my life with him.

Jerome took my hand, while I grabbed my bags off of the floor and let him lead me to wherever we were going.

"Grace! Grace you can't trust him! He doesn't know you!" Nick shouted after me

"Oh like how I can trust you? And how you know me?" I questioned over my shoulder and took off with Jerome.

All I could see was the back of Jerome's head and his back. Seeing as that this man is like 6,3. He's about an inch or so taller than Nick. But he wasn't rushing or anything so I could keep up with him.

"Who's the girl?"

"Grace. She will be joining us for a while. Isn't that right baby girl?" Jerome smirked at me

My eyes widened at how attractive this kid was.. all I did was nod.

"You shouldn't bite those pretty little lips of yours, Grace." Jerome smirked

"I wonder how Theo is gonna react to this."

"Tabby, it's fine. She's one of us."

"She better be."

"Who's Theo?" I asked

"Oh he's the one who made all this happen." Jerome smiled

I nod and continue walking. Until we reach this fancy building and head to the top floor.

"Jerome, Tabitha. You're back.... with a guest." This tall man smiles at us

"Theo, this is Grace. She will be staying with me."

"How wonderful. I hope she enjoys her stay and doesn't ruin everything."

"I won't. I promise."

"Splendid. If there is anything you wish, let Jerome know and I'll get it."

"Oh... uh,thank you. It was nice meeting you."

"Let's go." Jerome takes my hand and leads me through the entire floor and enter a room.

I'm gonna assume it's his. It's actually quite neat for a teenage boy.

"This is your new home. There's always food in the kitchen, there's at least 8 showers, and you'll always have hot water. So, yeah. Just don't get in anyone's way."


"Do you need anything?"

"Uh.. can I take a nap?"

"Sure. I might not be here when you wake up, so if that happens. Don't panic. I'll be home no later than 1. So just hang out here." Jerome instructed


"You don't talk much."

"Well I don't know you... and I don't really speak to people I don't know." I answer

"Well, you should know who I am."

I just gave him this face.

"Seriously? You don't know who I am?"

"Other than you are the son of that old blind man... no?"

"How do you know my father anyway?"

"Oh I didn't.-"

"Don't lie to me!" Jerome barked

"I'm not lying! Jeez! If you would've let me finish! I was gonna say 2 days ago Nick and I broke into his house. We were running from- anyway we found your dad's apartment a year ago and it was empty. We didn't know it was being occupied and he wasn't home for 2 days so we didn't know. Until today when he was screaming at us to leave... Nick and I were freshening up before leaving but as we were getting out of the bathroom, I noticed it was really quiet. So I stopped Nick from walking and listened for a couple seconds until you started talking." I explain

"Oh... how coincidental." Jerome smirked

" I guess."

"Answer me this... who are you running from?"

"Oh uh, hah funny story.."

"I do love some good comedy. Do tell."

"Uh, okay. I, uh, killed my mother a month ago and I was being sent to Arkham a couple of days ago... but one of the cops liked me so he let me go. He told me I have a night start to get away... and I was on my way to my brother's house when Nick found me. We were there the night you got broken out of Arkham... I didn't notice it then but I do now that he was taking me to Arkham. We heard the explosion and went to see what was happening."

"Wow... I was sent to Arkham for killing my mother." Jerome smiled

"Really?" I smile

"Mhm. It was exhilarating."

"Yes! Oh man! Watching the life slowly leaving their pathetic bodies!" I smile

"Yess!" Jerome chuckles

We sat there for a couple of hours just talking about our lives, and how we came out the way we did. If I wasn't completely smitten over this guy earlier, I was now. He understood me, and didn't want to change me. I couldn't keep my smile off my face. I was actually happy! Even if it was only for a couple of hours.

"Jerome let's go." Tabitha came in the room

"Alright." Jerome got off the bed and walked over to me

"I'll be back soon. Don't go anywhere outside this floor. Do you understand me?" He asked holding my face

I nodded. Like I was planning it.

"Good girl. You may do as you please, but stay away from Greenwood. Do you understand me?"

"Who's Greenwood?"

"The fat fuck who has curly hair. He is a nutty old cannibal who loves female flesh."

"Oh! Okay, I probably won't leave the room... You have a bathroom in here, and a mini refrigerator. I already showered and I'm not hungry soo.." I smile to reassure him

"Grace, I'm not kidding. Do not under any circumstances hang around him. If you leave this room, you need to remember your way back."

"Awe! Are you worried about me?"

"Jerome! Let's go! We're gonna miss our window!"

"See ya later baby girl." Jerome smirked

"Bye!! Be careful!" I smile

Jerome smirks before walking two small steps and grabs my face before kissing me.

WHAT IN TARNATION!? I think I'm dreaming. There it is... the light is taking me.

"W-What was that for?" I ask

"In case you miss me too much." He winks and walks out of the room

Well I'll be damned!


Hi guys!!! I'm so sorry I'm super late! I have been super busy with work and everything else. But I made this chapter waaay longer than any other chapter I've written. To be exact this chapter is 4853 words long. So I hope you guys like it!!!

Love you guys sooo much! Please let me know how you guys feel about this chapter...

In all honesty this is very personal for me, and somewhat something I have been going through my entire life. And No I haven't killed my birth mother lol I'm too much of a scardy cat to do it.

But if you have any questions or anything you wanna talk about let me know (:

I love you guys!!!

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