The Family (Modern Kuroshits...

By for_the_fics

1K 66 51

"Everything we do is for the sake of the family, remember that." ~~ Kuroshitsuji/ black butler Mob AU. ~ ~ V... More

Spider's Den
My Brother's keeper, King
At Night...
First day
The beginnings
An unexpected development.
Thompson's hideout.
The party
When she finds out
The new addition
A request
The mall

No Man's Land

104 5 5
By for_the_fics

~In The Morning~

Morning came, The sun shined through the blinds, the rays were bright enough to wake up Ciel. He woke with his head laying on Doll's back while she slept face down. When he decided to use her as a pillow he had no idea. Probably after he passed out after the episode he had that night. As alway, he felt bad for waking Doll up during her slumber it's not her fault his nightmare were enough to make him scream himself awake. He groaned and rolled onto his back. He turned to the digital clock on the bed side table, 6:20 am . Staring at those green numbers, he contemplated on whether or not it was worth getting up. Nobody in the house was up except maybe Bard or Sieglinde. He stared up at the ceiling and felt himself drift back into sleep.

Not even a minute into his second R.E.M cycle, Ciel was woken up by Sebastian kicking the door open . He burst in and and blowed an air horn into the room. The obnoxiously loud sound filled the room and Ciel jumped when he woke up, falling off of the bed in the process. "UP! You two! You're getting new bed room arrangements. 'Cause this." He pointed both of them on the bed. "I don't fuck with this I don't like this now hurry up and get down stairs." he said then walked away.

Ciel rubbed his face he got back on the bed and found that Doll was still sound asleep. She groaned and she stretched out her arms and legs "What'd he say?" she mumbled.

"Did you not just hear the damn air horn?!"

"Mm after years of waking up to that it stops bothering you." She pulled the cover over her face.

The boy frowned "he said something about changing room arrangem-"

Before he could finish, Doll bolted from the bed and ran out the door so fast Ciel found himself confused for a second before he ran behind his sister. They ran down one of the twin stairs and burst into the dining room and stomped into the kitchen "new room arrangement?, WHAT?! Why!" she shouted.

Sebastian was in the middle of eating a spoonful of cereal when the two came in. As if he completely ignored her he turned his back to her to look at Baldroy. The cook chuckled "told you she wouldn't be happy about it"

Sebastian shrugged "and I told you I wasn't happy about her sharing her bed with a boy"

Ciel figeted and took a step back "we'll when you put it that way" he muttered to himself.

"He's just a little kid what's he going to do?!" doll shouted

"He's thirteen he's not "little" and who knows I might change my mind later on. For now I need to keep an eye on him. You lot might have gotten to know him but I met him yesterday. To put it lightly: I don't trust him"

The teens stayed quiet. Doll groaned she didn't want Ciel to stay on Sebastian's radar too long. It'd be better if she just complied "Okay so what are the new room assignments?"

"Joker told me that you have trouble sleeping alone so I'm moving you in with Sieglinde and since Snake needs more room because of his pets I'm moving him into your room. Finny stays in the room he's in."

"What about Ciel?"

"For the time being he'll bunk with me in my room"

The boy stiffened and pushed past Doll and hovered over the kitchen island. "Wait what!" he shouted when he saw Sebastian stand up straight and raise an eyebrow, Ciel let out a small gasp took a step back when he realised who he was raising his voice at.


The boy gulped "N-no I just... can't I just bunk with Finny or Sn-"

"No. I told you a need to watch you and later if I deem you ok then i'll let you share with one of the others. Now if you'll excuse me I got to go check on Sieglinde and wake up the others. Help Bard set up the table would you?" he moved around the island and left. Silence settled in the kitchen,Ciel let out an exasperated sigh.

~In The Evening~

5:45 pm
Doll jogged down one of the twin stairs, board in hand and turned into the family room to find Ciel drawing on the carpet with Sieglinde and Sebastian watching tv on the sofa with Molly "Hey can I go into town to buy some sweets"

Sebastian looked behind him and nodded. He looked back and brought his wrist up to look as his watch "Be back at eight"

Giving a thumbs up Doll dashed out the door yelling ok when Ciel told her to bring him back a chocolate bar. She rode down the street feeling the wind hit her face it would be about a thirty to forty five minute ride to get into "No Man's Land" which gave her roughly an hour and a half to freeload around maybe she could get something to eat before she headed back. She wished Ciel was there with her it'd be less boring and in all honestly she'd feel safer with someone she knew around, but it seemed he didn't want to go.

"No man's land" that's what everyone called the town because it's a peace treaty. Around "No Man's Land" where territories run by two gangs the south was run by one and the north was run by the family, or Sebastian's gang. "No man's land" served as a place where neither gang could make a name for themselves, it was where all the markets all the stores were at and it was place that everyone should have access to. The treaty was to preserve the beautiful, peaceful town so everyone could enjoy it.

Doll skated down the bike lane careful to not hit any oncoming cars or anything else. As she moved down she watched her surroundings and noticed three hooded figures watching her from a coffee shop nearby. She kept her head forward to seem like she didn't notice anything. She hoped it was nothing.

She turned a corner and stopped in front a the Funtom toy store. These were her favorite treats. She walked inside and looked over the plethora of candy selections the had, all the different flavors or lollipops, chocolate and taffy. If she could carry it all she'd buy it all. After much debate she decided on caramel, and strawberry lollies and milk and almond chocolate for Ciel.

The store also sold a collection of toys, stuffed animals mostly. 'Maybe I should get something for Sieglinde' she thought. She walked down the aisles to see if there was anything that her youngest family member would like. She smiled as picked up the "Bitter Rabbit" stuffed animal and made her way to the cashier.

For a moment she looked up and out the window while her items were swiped. Her heart raced when she saw the same three guys in hoodies standing across the street. Their hood were up and with heads down it was impossible to see their faces. Doll eyed them closely they weren't moving or anything. Her attention was brought back to the counter when the cashier called her to pay. She gave the money, grabbed her change and her bag of sweet and walked out.

She looked at the three guys as she lowered her caster board to mounted it. Again she gave them the benefit of the doubt and let them off, trying to avoid confrontation in "No Man's land" For a few streets she was able to ride peacefully. At the speed she was going it was going to take her another hour to get home. She checked her watch 'if I don't hurry, black will have my head' she thought to herself. She tilted back on the board to curve around a block.

When she turned a corner she froze the board was still moving but she wasn't stirring and so she lost control the wheels of the board twisted. The speed at which the was going at she was thrown forward on the street. Doll rolled of the pavement before coming to a complete stop.

Her skating skills were the least of her problems, for when she raised her head from the ground the same three hooded guys were were in front of her. This time walking towards her. Being on lower eye level she looked up at them and could creaky see their faces. She sucked in a breath and pushed herself off the ground. She started sprinting the opposite direction. She knew them and it wasn't going to be fun if they caught up to her. Quickly grabbing the merchandise and her board she turned a corner.

Pretty soon she was gasping for air as she ran down the streets. She looked back,they were pursuing her and rapidly catching up to her. The hoods had fallen off of their head giving her a view of their purple hair. Doll ran faster, oh how she cursed the people around who were just standing and watching the entire affair. But then again and four of them were wearing hoodies and baggy pants. No one even bats an eye for ruffian looking teenagers. No one even tries to help, and she didn't have the time to call anyone at home. Doll knew she was on her own this time.

They were gaining on her, now she was desperate she turned at random corners left right, right left she didn't even know where she was going anymore but they did not stop chasing after her.



She turned into an alleyway and a dead end. Not Far in front of her was a fence. Right then and the she made the snap decision she need to climb it but the board was dragging her down 'I can buy a new one!' The board left her hand and it hit the wall. Finally it came time for her to jump. She did and successfully Latches onto the fence she started climbing and half her body was on the other side when her leg as pulled down. 'Fuck!'

But she refused to let go of the fence. She kicked but the three were pulling her off. One on each leg while the third was tugging on her hoodies. Doll gritted her teeth, growling as she kept one arm over the fence. Tragedy struck when the one tugging her sweater stopped and let go only to land a swift and clean punch on her stomach. The sudden pain caused her to cough out and let go. There was no time to recover the guys dropped her and her body hit the concrete at full force.

Doll hit her head hard enough for her vision to be temporarily hazy and for her hearing to be temporarily Impaired. She groaned and felt herself being pulled up by her hood followed by the feeling of her collar choking her.

One of them pulled her up and pushed her against the brick wall only to punch her stomach again.


And again. Each punch stronger than its predecessor.

By The fourth doll had coughed up blood. Her attacker stepped back and watched her fall on her knees, her arms covering her belly. She heard one of them say "maybe we should leave her at that I don't she can take anymore" but a second one shut him up then the attack changed. The second one came in and kicked her on her side. She winced and whimpered as he started kicking her again. The other two joined in only kicking her stomach, one her back and the last on her head. She cried in pain while trying to maintain her fetal position her arms covered her face and side of her head and in return her hands got some damage as well. "Ahh STOP IT" she screamed and one foot hit her nose. She shivered and her hand came to cover her nose and eye.

They took a step back. Finally...finally giving her time to breathe. She didn't move from her position for a minute nothing but subtle choked sobs could be heard. Doll rolled on to her back she could feel herself weakening. She panted on the ground she didn't even have the energy to get on her feet.

Just when she thought they were done. The three showed a last bit of their violent and cruel nature. Two of the gripped her arms and pinned her against the wall again. The third began throwing punches as her face, coloring her skin in red and purple. And with one final powerful blow to the side of the head they let her drop. She hit the ground and began shaking her body ached so badly it didn't let her move. Her vision started flashing and going black with what she could see from slightly lifting her head the three were walking away. In the tossing and turning her phone must have fallen out for it was a few feet away from you she only hoped that it was drained of battery. She tried to reach for it but one of the trio looked at her movement and got to the phone first. Only chuck it on the brick wall he picked it up and repeated the process until the Mobile shattered.

Doll didn't even have the energy to whine she just watched. The same guy walked to she and crouched down "tell the crow our boss says 'welcome home " he spoke in a soft calming voice. Then got up and joined the other two.

"It's nothing personal Doll I promise" the second said

Then the last "But order are orders...I'm sorry."

Those were the last words doll managed to hear before her vision was overtaken by darkness.

~At Night~

Upon waking up she found that it was night time. The alleyway was dark except for a few streetlight. The place was colder now with it being night and all. She lifted her head the small movement sent a wave of pain throughout her whole body she wanted to collapse again, maybe wait for someone to help her. But deep down she knew no one would come until she had flatlined. Using sheer will power she raised herself off the ground she hissed at pain that came from her sore muscles. She slowly brought up her watch up in front of her, it was then did she realise that her eye was swollen shut. She could barely make out the time.

9:38. "Crap" she breathed out "black's going to finish me off." she started limping towards her shattered phone, praying that it still had some life left in it to make a call....nope. She pocketed the cell and picked up her caster board that had been tossed to the side along with what she bought at the toy shop. What ever strength she had would have to be used to steer the board, it was going to hurt, but she had no other choice. At this point it would be another hour before she was home.


"I'm going to kick her ass!" Sebastian yelled, his voice echoed through the halls of the mansion. Finny and Ciel along with Bard were in the kitchen sneaking in some sweets when the master of the house stomped in "where's Doll!?"

Finny shrugged and shook his head . He and Ciel took a step back "S-she won't answer the phone!"

"Bash, calm down, she'll be back!" Joker said as she walked in, Molly following behind.

"And when she does i'm going to give her the grounding of a lifetime. She was supposed to be here at 8,Taylor, it's almost 10:30"

That was when the heard the sound of the front door opening and closing. Sebastian pushed himself off of the table he was leaning over and marched down the corridor to the entry way. He ignored Jokers pleads telling him to calm down, but he didn't listen he was furious and prepared to set her straight.

Or at least the was his original plan. For when he set eyes on Doll his face was drained of all color. He completely froze, his jaw dropped and eyes widened when he saw his little sister beaten and battered, bloodied and bruised beyond belief. A swollen eye a cut on her cheekbone, a split lip, a bloody nose. His eyes drifted down to her hands, covered in purple bruises . She looked closely her face was covered in dirt mixed in with dried blood. Except for two clean streaks that ran down her cheeks. Sebastian gulped.

He saw her close the door right as Molly and Joker came up behind him he heard Molly gasped and cried out. Joker frantically was asking what happen. She gave them a weak smile. "sorry i'm late. I would have called but.." she took out her phone in pieces "the battery" she tried to be sarcastic. She tried her hardest to laugh at her own joke but her chuckles quickly turned into sobs. Molly pushed past Sebastian and rushed to hold their precious little sister Molly couldn't help but cry as well while she held the teen..

"Finny get the first aid kit! Joker ran into the kitchen. Sebastian was still in shock he followed the girls into the kitchen.

The two boys got their second scare of the night when they saw Doll. None of them asked question they all just went into action. Finny practically ripped the kit open, Bard pulled up a chair so Doll then opened the freezer to grab a pack of ice and gently pressed it against her eyes. Molly and finny dampened a few cloths and began washing her face. She winced when the fabric touched her cuts. She was still hiccuping against her sobs. She was pretty shaken up.

Ciel tried his best to help by trying to clean her hands but then raised himself and hugged her, she embraced him tightly. Molly and Finny stepped back for a second, letting them have their space for a second.
Bard and joker were standing next to Sebastian. All of them furious yet remained calm. Bard took out a cigaret and lit it up, he stepped back muttering a few curses and ruffling his hair in frustration. Jokers fist was shaking but his facial expression remained blank. Sebastian had his arms crossed over his chest, breathing heavily through his nose all wanted to know was who did he have to kill for this.

When Ciel and Doll released eacher and pulled away Doll had seemed to calm down. But now she looked tired. Finny and Molly continues cleaning and doll stayed still most of the time. Until she looked up and look straight at Sebastian with her voice now sore from crying she said."By the way, Bash...Claude  says welcome back"

'HELL NO' Sebastian felt his world spin into a frenzy. That was it, the culprit was none other than his worst enemy and rival. He could hear Bard punch a wall and Joker swear out loud. He took a deep breath and strode out of the kitchen he continued into his office, pushing the door open with enough force to dent the door. Behind him Bard and Joker ran after him, yelling his name to get his attention but Sebastian was too far gone in his rage to listen. While in his office he picked up his car keys and a gun the rested on his desk. When he turned around Joker was there to push is back. Bard kicked the door closed "What are you two imbeciles doing get out of my way!" He roared.

"What are you doing, calm down Black!" Joker pushed him again.

"Sebastian, put the gun down! If you go into the spider's den you'll get shot Just Listen!" Bard yelled.

"You want me to sit here and do nothing after our girl comes home beaten half to death?!"

"NO! trust us we want Claude to pay for this just as much as you do but we can't just go into his territory to attack with nothing but a forty-five. THINK FOR A SECOND!"

Bard stepped up, slapped the man to stun him-It worked- and cupped the back of Sebastian's neck and brought him down close "you're the leader, Sebastian it's in situations like this where YOU of all people need to have a clear, leveled head. We'll make them pay but not in a suicide mission. You can't get yourself killed. Remember everything we do if for the sake of the family. They can't lose you. Doll can't lose you" he pushed him back.

Sebastian was still furious, he wanted to kill Claude Faustus so badly, but as much as he hated to admit it Bard was right. He need to think things through. He stepped back and put the gun flat on the table. He took a deep breath before nodding "fine. Tomorrow I set up a meeting with the spider. Doll was jumped in no man's land this is monster to be take lightly."

"We'll go with you" Joker said.

"Good, i'll need anchor if I lose control, But I swear to God! Bard the next time you slap me I'll shoot you"

The cook chuckled "will do, boss"

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